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Everything posted by actualizing25

  1. Did Martin Ball have any other spiritual practice or did he reach enlightenment only through 5meo?
  2. @Nak Khid Leo did an interview with him, watch that video.
  3. For fucks sake, just let the people enjoy TikTok! If you dont like it, then dont download it. Theres no reason to judge the people on this app and people who watch it. TikTok can actually be quite entertaining.
  4. Wow, nice trip report. What are your daily spiritual practices,bro?
  5. Does it mean that the people who experienced "normal" enlightenment are not conscious of what god is? And what psychedelics can give someone the experience of "classic" enlightenment. I mean the enlightenment, which all the spiritual gurus are talking about. What are the exact differneces between this type of enlightenment and the god-consciousness, Leo is talking about? Thanks guys, appreciate your answers.
  6. @Leo Gura Then what do you mean when you talk about "pursuing awakening"? It sounds that one is pursuing one thing. Or is it pursuing one awakened state out of many others?
  7. @Leo Gura So 5Meo doesnt work for everybody?
  8. So I have many reasons why I am pursuing awakening. I want to experience god and truth. Then I want to experience Love. I want to know if theres a life beyond this materialistic world. I want to know what is death and what comes after death. What lies on the other side? I want to understand reality. I want to know why Im here, whats the purpose of all of this and the purpose of my life (existential purpose). Then I also want to escape suffering and experience bliss and joy, so I have motivations,which are more ego-driven, aswell like uncondiotonal and true happiness. As you see I am pursuing awakening because of understanding, Love, god etc. and because of escaping suffering. Is it okay to have these kind of motivations? thanks for your answers
  9. @Leo Gura What do you mean with "tired of all the spiritual games"?
  10. Hi guys, so lets say you take a psychedelic and you get a glimpse of awakening and then come back to your "unawakened" life. How do these temporary awakenings stick permanently and how do you achieve permanent full awakening? thanks guys
  11. @James123 you got permanent awakening from psychedelics?
  12. Hey guys, what good and effective concentration methods, which will really improve your concentration skills, do you guys know? My concentration practice is just focusing on objects for a period of time. Can I use a neurofeedback machine? Are there any games, one can play, that improve your concentration? My second question would be, how many hours at a time do I need to concentrate to reach enlightenment? thanks for your answers
  13. So I haven't ever taken psychedelics, but I really want to experiment with them in the future. That means that I have zero experiences with them, but I try to understand it from a conceptual and theoretical point of view. This thing called life is all imaginary, illusory and dreamlike. Basically, "real life" is just a hallucination. We are hallucinating people, objects, noises, smells, touching things. Now if we take psychedelics we experience another level of hallucinations. We are hearing voices, seeing things, smelling things, just like in the hallucination called life. Maybe its like a second order hallucination. Second order because the psychedelic hallucinations are still under the same rules of the life hallucinations. For example the same laws of physics or biology. You can't hallucinate to fly or to walk through walls( or can you?) My question now would be, can you hallucinate a being on a psychedelic that can hurt you, which would have consequences for the hallucination called life? So could someone hit me in the second order hallucinaton and could that then have an effect on the first order hallucination? Could I then have bruises from that hit for example? thanks guys
  14. Hey guys I have a question about an older video of Leo called "Why brains do not exist": Leo is saying that neurons are not in your brain? But if they are not there, where are they located then? What does it even mean "Brains do not exist". Does it mean that until we are not experiencing a brain, it does not exist? So if we cut open our skull and we see our brain in the mirror, then the brain exist, otherwise if we dont see it, then it doesnt exist? Sorry for that basic question, but I really want to understand these metaphysical topics. Thanks for your answers:)
  15. @Inliytened1 this metaphysical understanding can be quite confusing sometimes.
  16. @Jacobsrw when you cut open your skull and look into the mirror then the brain exists.
  17. @Osaid and does it mean that when you close your eyes, the whole world, which was in front of you, doesnt exist anymore until you open your eyes?
  18. @Osaid But when you say you experience the effects of neurons, you are already saying that neurons are existing because they are the thing which are creating the effect.
  19. @Meta-Man Leo also said in the video that for example a psychedelic(an apperance) can affect an other appearance(Neurons), which would affect other appearances(perception). But we don't see Neurons, so that would mean that they dont exist and so other appearances couldnt affect it because they dont exist.
  20. @Leo Gura so how can someone stop dreaming once and for all? I mean stop dreaming forever, after this physical body dies. by raising ones consciousness? by reaching enlightenment? thanks Leo:)
  21. @Leo Gura how can one get out of the materialistic paradigm? can you think and contemplate your way out of it or do you have to take psychedelics?
  22. @Leo Gura So it is not possible to prove that the hallucinations on the psychedelic happened to you? in the hallucination called life, it is possible to show people what I hallucinate, I can take a picture of a tree and show it to them(I know that Im hallucinating other people aswell), but I cant take a picture of a DMT-entity and show it to other people once I am sober.
  23. @Someone here So in their hallucination they do all kinds of crazy stuff, but on the film they just do nothing? just sitting there?