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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. When I was younger, I used to be a fearful person….probably like most people. As I got older I started developing my will to overcome my fear until I had an experience that freed me from fear forever. It doesn’t mean I never feel fear – it means fear has no power over me. Fear became irrelevant. Many people believe (including me) that the universe is alive and teeming with spirits, some connected to physical bodies and some that are not. Just like different animals have different ways of feeding and surviving, some spirits have different ways of surviving. Some spirits are parasitic in nature and will cause situations that create fear in someone because it puts out a lot of psychic energy that they can absorb. It doesn’t mean they are “evil” just like the lion isn’t evil for eating the gazelle – its just the way it is. Sometimes I would have nightmares that I was being chased and/or attacked. Like many people, I would run or hide in my dreams. One night I had a nightmare but instead of running and hiding, I turned around and faced my attackers that were going to kill me. I summoned energies of rage and aggression. I then attacked the nearest attacker and stuck a long knife into his stomach. I kept pushing it in and up until the tip of the blade started coming out of his face. When that happened, all the attackers were filled with fear of me and ran away. I remember waking up and feeling a bit disturbed over how violent, gruesome and ruthless I had been in the dream. I have never had a nightmare since (25 years ago). Also, from that night on, my relationship with fear was radically changed. It had no power over me. This was a critical turning point in my life. If you suffer from fear in your life, or have nightmares that torment you, here is how to conquer that forever: 1. Give yourself permission to summon energies of rage, ruthlessness and violence when there are “righteous” reasons to do so. People that resist those energies in all circumstances will continue to be an easy meal to negative energies and stronger peoples’ will. 2. Make a decision that the next time you have a nightmare, you will aggressively and viciously attack your attackers and kill them without holding back in any way. The more aggressive, vicious and ruthless you are, the more likely you will be free from fear forever. Over the years, I have told a couple other people about my experience with this and they did it also. Their experience was the same as mine in which they were permanently freed from the power of fear and no longer had any dreams where entities dared to fuck with them. Someone that lives a life from the perspective that all fear is irrelevant, and has the power to ignore fear is going to live a very different life than someone that doesn’t cultivate the power to overcome fears and needs their fears coddled and affirmed. Try it and see what happens
  2. @Flowerfaeiry People say that because they havent thought it through. People say they value "human life" but really what they mean to say is human consciousness. That is why we throw out the placenta. Even though the placenta is human life, it is not conscious. Terminating a fetus before the mechanisms in the brain that enable consciousness is formed is morally equivalent to removing a mole. People get confused because their biologically driven sentimentalism regarding taking care of the young hijacks their reasoning abilities. It is only an ethical issue AFTER consciousness is present.
  3. @tenta Thats definitely not my experience. I was raised by a single mother that was a waitress half the time and on welfare the other half. I was a millionaire by the time I was 33. For me, it was totally hard work, intelligence, good instinct and strength of will. I got to the "top" because I believed it was up to me. Many times, others stay at the "bottom" because they believe they dont have a choice in the matter, although that certainly isnt always the case. Whatever you believe will tend to be true. I believed I could accomplish whatever I wanted to accomplish so I did. I never paid attention to people that would say I didnt have a chance because I started out severely disadvantaged. Maybe that applies to other people but not to me....because I believed that to be so.
  4. @Stakres Maybe you were referring to the poster but consciousness is the ONLY thing "I" am
  5. @danilofaria Studies have shown that having children detracts greatly from life happiness. If there is any doubt, that should settle it!
  6. @TheEnigma If a 5 year old told you that you wont get any presents because you dont believe in Santa, would you feel the need to debate the issue? Treat others through the filter of love and kindness. No words will dislodge their delusion. Sometimes love is the absence of words. Everything else is over-thinking.
  7. @Concetta Its whatever is important to you. If you dont want to eat animals, dont. If you do, do. There are some health benefits and detriments of veganism depending on body types. I love animals. I also eat meat and I dont have any ethical issue with it whatsoever. I do have an issue with the way animals are raised these days however. If we are going to eat them, we should make sure they live with the least amount of suffering and kill them painlessly. People that say its "unconscious" dont know what being "conscious" means. Being awake means your awareness is locked into the flowing present moment. You know exactly what you do and why you do it (or dont do it). If you fit that definition, you are "concious"; or awake. Your subjectively chosen values guide your actions in the present moment, whatever that is. A wise person will choose love and beauty as primary values. Regardless, I dont believe ending the life of an animal, without any suffering, disagrees with those values unless someone JUDGES death as being inherently and objectively "bad". That is a projection of their own egoic fears and aversions.
  8. @Husseinisdoingfine In my opinion, getting rich off telling gullible people that they need to give you money is pretty shady. Personally, I would never have the stomach to do that to people. I would rather be poor than do that. To each, their own
  9. @perlita to stop a physical addiction, taper over a period of time. Measure the amount of alcohol you alot yourself in an evening. Every week, lower it a bit until you get to nothing. The longer you allow yourself to do it, the easier it will be. I would suggest giving yourself 2-4 months.
  10. @Revolutionary Think Sure, why not? If money determines someone's consciousness, then they werent conscious to begin with.
  11. @Paul-from-France Shapiro believes in objective morality and shoulds/shouldnts based on his religious programming and believes everyone should follow HIS programming. His religion programs peoples beliefs on culture, abortion, drugs, sexuality, etc and he follows his programming dutifully. People at the same stage will obviously agree with him. Green believes everyone's morality, culture, shoulds and shouldnts are equally "good" with equal outcomes (except the ones that disagree with theirs). Yellow believes that they should develop their own subjective morality based on their own subjective values, treat others with kindness and accept that others will follow their own path, even if it is destructive. Yellow doesnt project subjective shoulds and shouldnts onto others. Yellow does not believe in objective morality but acknowledges that different beliefs lead to different outcomes (everyone's beliefs are NOT equal in value).
  12. @Girzo Its not about whether I accept them as they are ....its about them indulging in their needy ego. Im fine but they are free to make their journey as long as painful as they like. I wont judge them but I will not enable or validate a victim mentality or their insistence that the world cater to their entitlements. I will treat them with kindness but they might not see tough love and Truth as kindness. For some people, the only thing they would recognize as kindness is indulging and validating their victim-hood. There is nothing in what I said above that would indicate that I dont accept them. As far as being perfect as they are, I suppose their stagnation and self-inflicted pain is perfect for them at that particular time in their path. I accept them as they are, including accepting their stagnation and self inflicted pain. If they are ever ready to transcend their egoic indulgences, I would be the first to offer to give patient advice.
  13. @Farnaby Drugs and chemicals create the feeling of love. Real love is a choice....intentional action and projection of love.
  14. @Bratcat Accept your partner as they are now or move on. Its that simple.
  15. @Chumbimba $15k so that someone can tell you to detach, let go and flow with the present moment? It is not nearly as complicated as people make it out to be. There is no "secret".
  16. @AlphaAbundance There is no objective meaning so everything is objectively meaningless but that does not take away from the profundity of subjective meaning. Altruism has subjective meaning because of how it affects one's spiritual evolution. Raising one's "vibration" has lasting subjective meaning. Financial and sexual abundance is subjectively meaningful because I say it it is
  17. @cn03 Agreed. That is why Trump represents America so well. He will represent America for another 5 years because of that.
  18. @Sizeable Oof Can you name one great man or woman that has impacted the world that whined that their feelings need to be validated and they need a "safe space"? Can you imagine Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, MLK or Rosa Parks whining about how they need a safe space to express their inner feelings? They would be embarrassed to say such things and nobody would respect them or follow them. No, not all feelings are legitimate, nor do they all need to be validated. If you look at people that agree with me, you will notice they are much stronger and emotionally resilient than people that demand every feeling they have is validated by others. Neediness for constant validation is a weakness that needs to be transcended if real growth is going to happen. Rather than trying to get the world to cater to your weakness, wouldnt it be better to learn to be stronger? The kind of compassion and understanding you describe is just enabling people to be self absorbed. Sometimes tough love is what is going to save them from their impotent victimhood.
  19. @ardacigin I agree with this. When I am mentoring someone, I first teach them concentration meditation before insight or noting. If they cant concentrate or hold their mind in a certain state, their insight meditation will not be focused enough to really penetrate the depths of the ego mechanism. With that said, Ingram's book was huge in guiding me through the dark night and into equanimity/stream entry. I always recommend his book to people still struggling with the dark night. The one thing I might comment on regarding the post is that negative states dont always need to be avoided. They can provide opportunities to learn acceptance and how to raise internal vibration through self-creation irrespective of external conditions. When people feel unstable, that is just the ego's shenanigans. If they lock themselves in the present moment (via their newly concentrated mind), they will find there is nothing chaotic or unstable about the present moment.
  20. @John Iverson Its possible you saw my post on the Occult as being one dimensional due to the fact that I dont think the Occult is a complete spiritual practice on its own. With that said, I dont think any spiritual tradition is complete on their own, whether its Buddhism, Yoga, etc so that is not a complaint towards the occult. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. What I get out of Buddhism, Yoga and Taoism is very different. Even enlightenment in each tradition can be a very different experience and a different life. I studied and practiced Buddhism very intensely for a couple years. After that, I switched to Advaita Vedanta (Yoga) for a couple years. After that, I started studying the Occult but I see all the traditions as single pieces of a larger puzzle. Buddhism and Vedanta are still a very critical part of my spiritual makeup. Now I spend half my time with my occult practice and half my time studying Taoism, which is also a completely different, but critical, piece of the puzzle. I dont study Buddhism and Yoga much any more simply because I understand them so well at this point but their influence still affects my path very much. Each tradition is dear to me for different reasons. You also might have felt that my approach to the Occult was one dimensional because I have narrowed down my focus to some specific areas in the Occult. Its such a vast mystical tradition with so many approaches from Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Jewish, Nordic practices, Tantra, shamanism, etc, etc from all around the world. My approach may not resonate with you but if you tell me why exactly or what exactly you are looking for from the Occult, I can probably steer you to it. What do you think you want out of the Occult that cannot be found in Buddhism or Yoga? Maybe you're looking for something that does not exist?
  21. @LordFall What exactly is an "authority figure" to you? Who decides they are an appropriate authority figure and by what "authority" do they decide? Things to think about. You need to eventually learn to be your own authority figure. Nobody is going to be 100% correct so you need to learn to be your own filter.
  22. @Derek White The only real time Ive spent in cemeteries is when there is a funeral. I never went in other times for the concerns you mention above but I always felt a surreal beauty there when I did go.
  23. @mandyjw Im pretty sure that How to See Fairies by Ramsey Dukes explains how to develop communication with animals...great book for anyone developing clairvoyant abilities. We all get psychic sensory input - we are just not always aware of it. For example, if I told you to become hyper-aware of the feeling in your right big toe, you would suddenly feel the sensation of your big toe. The sensation was always there but you were just not aware of it.
  24. @Beginner Mind Taoism says that any description of the Tao is not the Tao. Any insights into the Tao can only be partial insights - despite what people claim. Taoism has the most accurate conception (or non-conception) of "God" of any tradition imo.