The Don

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Everything posted by The Don

  1. How do you know I've been reading those "fake news"? I actually didn't. Stop putting words in my mouth, Mikael. If you're actually open to having a fair debate here, where we put clarity over the agreement, I'll take you seriously. I've been trying to understand the Communist Party of China for a long time now. That's why I talk about it a lot. I have nothing against the Chinese people. Now, being honest about it, it bothers me to see you guys talking about Trump and Russia. Russia is not the problem here. It never was. I believe Russia should open up to the West and someday join NATO. You're always blaming Russia for everything that happens in the United States. That's the real conspiracy theory here. And now, that Joe Biden appears to be winning, you're no longer talking about Russia. All of a sudden Russia is no longer a problem. But understand this. China is a bigger danger than Russia. If you don't believe me, do some research. Open up your mind to new possibilities and if they don't make sense to you, it's in your power to reject them. That's it.
  2. I don't deny your experience. Not all people are hardworking. Only some of them are. See? That's my issue here. Not all of you realize the dangers of the CCP. The Communist Party of China is not on your side. They aren't on the side of the Chinese people. They are in power and do what they want. I don't want to persuade you to be against the Chinese people. I want you, including @Leo Gura to study the Communist Party of China and see if they're willing to give people their human rights. A little reseach on this will open up your mind to the possiblitiy that the CCP might be dangerous. That's all I'm saying. Be fair and don't let you mind of the hook. Be open.
  3. That was the media, taking him out of context. You have no idea how unfair Trump was treated before he became President. It started when he announced that he's running for President. Look. Trump has an awful character. He's a narcissist. He's extremely unlikable as a person. That's 100% percent true. Having said that, I don't have to expel him just because he's not the way I would like him to be. I vote on policy. Not on the character. That's my answer.
  4. You're right here, @Leo Gura. They shouldn't listen to me. They have the right to choose their own system of governance. With that being said, it's just my opinion that the Chinese people are not free and that they're oppresed by the CCP, a communist party that rules them. I would like them to have freedom, of course. It would be in their own interest.
  5. @Leo Gura, I want China to grow. I want them to do well from the bottom of my heart. The Chinese are hardworking people. I wish them the best. And I like ordering cheap stuff that comes from China. I do that on eBay. It's convenient. What I don't want is a tyrannical China, where a corrupt party like the CCP wants to expand its communist values all over the world. That's the real danger we have to be aware of. I want a democratic China, Leo. Please understand that. It's not about selfishness here.
  6. If you start with such a phrase, you directly dismiss a Trump supporter. We have to engage in dialog and stop with the labeling. I respected President Obama. I didn't resist his policies. I never went on CNN or MSNBC to denounce him. Since Trump took office, the left started to squeal and attribute him all sorts of ignorant lables. Trump is this, Trump is that: a racist, a xenophone, a bigot, etc.! That's not the greatest way of coming together. Why don't we engage in dialog and stop with the labeling? We're all in this together.
  7. What are you guys thinking about the fraud that comes out? Just asking. Not taking sides.
  8. I didn't say who's going to win this election. I can't know fore sure. It's a close one. Trump wants to be assured that it's a transparent election. That's all. Why do you think he demanded nonpartisan monitoring of the counting itself? And by the way, it's really not cool to call Trump a dictator because you know he's not. Republicans didn't call Obama a dictator and didn't present themselves as part of the resistance. They let Obama do his job. I would like you to respect the will of the American people, those who voted for Trump.
  9. Trump has the best lawyers in the whole world. He might win this election. What the state of Pennsylvania did was preposterous. They allowed votes to come in after the election day. That's illegal in the state of Pennsylvania. They also blocked neutral poll watchers to monitor what was going on with the counting. That's not transparency. But anyway, the truth will come out. Transparency is key here. If it's gonna be Joe, good for him. If not, we're gonna have four more years of President Trump. In the meantime, China is growing fast as a country. Let me know if that's a good thing? The answer to this question will determine if you understand the dangers of the Chinese Communist Party. And I hope Joe Biden is aware of those dangers just in case he wins.
  10. So what? In a free society people take risks. Bad people will always exist, no matter what you do. It's utopian to think that people are basically good and that someday everything will be perfect. It's just not possible. Let's be realistic here. Freedom of speech must be preserved. And by the way, life is seriously not safe. No matter what you do or think, there will always be a chance to get hit by a car. You're never safe from anything. Life is about survival and shouldn't be taken for granted. Generally speaking, you'd be better off living life fully than being afraid all the time and not be able to enjoy the moment.
  11. Don't worry, my fellow actualizer! The truth will always come out. In the meantime, we have to fight for liberty; it's a principle that must be preserved.
  12. I hope so. If not, we're going to find out. In the meantime, I don't care that much who wins this election. If it's gonna be Joe, good for him. But I expect a fair and square process.
  13. Nonpartisan election observers must be allowed uniform and nondiscriminatory access to all stages of the election process. This includes citizens and members of civic organizations who are interested in the integrity of the election for its own sake. In some cases, they are able to report election administration issues as soon as they arise, thereby helping administrators to respond immediately. Only legal votes should be counted and therefore, taken into consideration. The United States government must ensure transparency in the election process, especially when the votes are being counted. That's all I care about.
  14. Okay. I'm sorry. No more political talks from me. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows... But I'll keep my mouth shut. Only self-actualization advice and suggestions.
  15. The truth will eventually come out and it's not going to favor the Democrats. Thoughts?
  16. No. With all due respect, that's a foolish argument. People don't decide the color of their skin. They can't change the color of their skin. A person who insults someone based on the color of his skin has serious mental issues and can't be taken seriously. He's delusional. Why would you allow a delusional, racist person to have power over you by taking personal a moronic insult? Take my example. I've been called a white supremacist, racists, and many other names just for the fact that I promote conservative values. And that's okay. People can label me according to their understanding of reality. It's their right to paint me according to their beliefs. With that being said, I don't have to feel hurt just because some people decided to slander me. And I don't have to restrict your rights to freedom of speech just because nincompoops exist in our societies. We just have to not take them seriously and expose them all the time. That's my answer to your question.
  17. It's called freedom of speech because what you call "hate speech" must be allowed at any cost. Otherwise, it's no longer freedom of speech. When somebody insults you and you feel marginalized, recognize that not the insult is the problem. See that your mind is falling into the trap of the provocation. Take this ancient (wise) advice: "Remember, it is not enough to be hit or insulted to be harmed, you must believe that you are being harmed. If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation." - Epictetus I'm actually grateful for those who demonize and insult me. I have the chance to practice my resilience. I just don't have to feel insulted. It's up to me to decide how I respond to the way I feel. Freedom of speech includes the so-called "hate speech". On a side note, if someone just insulted you and you simply can't get over it, something's wrong with you. You're very sensible and not prepared for life, meaning that life can be harsh sometimes.
  18. That's why it's important to vote for those who stand up to Big Tech. If you really want to understand what's happening in America, recognize who is aligning with Big Tech. The Democrats or the Republicans? I always tell people that it's not about who wins this election. It doesn't matter if it's Trump or Joe. It's all about your constitutional rights. Period. In addition to this, republicans are against Big Tech because they're violating your constitutional rights and silencing conservatives all the time. YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter as an example, how many times did those monopolies apologize for censoring conservatives? You can find that out. To be more specific, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. You don't have to believe what I'm saying and blindly trust Project Veritas. Just take a look at their work and then decide for yourself if they're doing great work. Although I believe in the right of every individual to have their own perspective, my heart breaks when I see my fellow Actualizers here believe in what Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC tells them. What you see on TV has nothing to do with the real world. Why is that? Because those on TV have their own agenda. It's crystal-clear. Fight for those who want you to be free and we're all gonna be fine. Liberty is a great value and we must preserve it. When people wander off the path of liberty, something else takes its place: communism, nazism, or fascism. History proves that. Humans are not basically good and have authoritarian impulses, meaning that many of them want to be dictators.
  19. Let me tell you what happened during Trump's presidency, so you won't have to be worried again. But before I start, I recommend to stop watching the constant catastrophizing of the Trump bashing news corporations. America is better than that. 1. Trump signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. A great thing for small businissses and the American worker. As a result of Trump's tax bill, small businesses are having the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. 2. In countering the threat of China and Russia, NATO allies are now spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016. 3. He kept his promises to Israel and moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. A bold move in my opinion, as the other president did nothing regarding this topic. 4. The Trump administration concluded a historic U.S.-Canada-Mexico trade deal to replace NAFTA. This trade agreement with Mexico and Canada revises Mexico's labor laws and encourages more auto production in North America, meaning more jobs for the American people. Should I stop here or do you want me to point out the facts? America have been doing just fine with Trump in power. Don't let those on the left discourage you. Trump loves America and everybody knows that. Actions and facts matter most than character. That's why so many people voted Trump.
  20. The Democrats did nothing to counter the threat of China under the Obama administration. Only the Trump administration did something about it. Fact.
  21. I don't know how to start. It's not about Joe Biden or Donald Trump. It's about the future of humanity. Freedom was only possible with Trump in power. His administration stood up to the Chinese Communist Party, an evil empire that continues to grow while expanding its dominance all over Asia. China is an extremely powerful country that wants to surpass the Western world. They are now building a new generation of fighter jets and military equipment to counter the United States. In China, you have no human rights. Communism in itself is evil, and I know that because my parents lived under it. You talk about Trump as being an evil individual, but you have no idea what Stalin did. Anyway, history will repeat itself and there will be tremendous suffering. On the other hand, evil must be fought. There's a real danger lurking behind the West. That's the CCP but the democrats don't seem to notice it. And I know why. They never lived in a communist country.
  22. Yes. Trump won. I just saw the LIVE Google electoral college analysis. It will take a while until the winner is announced. Take a look at this video: - it debunks those who call Donald Trump an evil, racist pig. Labeing is never a good strategy for debate. You can't debate people by using labes like Trump is a xenophobe, racist, bigoted idiot. It never works. People vote on policy. They deeply care about policies.
  23. Okay. You're against Trump. I understand that. I'm not a hardcore Trump supporter but I vote on policy, not on character. Actions matter more than character or words.
  24. February 2007: Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean". - Joe Biden
  25. It might appear ironic, but I'm dead serious. Equality of opportunity, fairness and liberty; all those values are the byproduct of freedom. And that's all I care about. No matter who wins today, America is no longer on the path of socialism and that's a great thing. We have a conservative Supreme Court for decades to come.