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Everything posted by JohnnyRocket

  1. Leo, my dear friend. Wisdom is accumulated through difficult life experience. May I humbly advice my respected mentor, that your life experience, from my understanding, is quite limited, in contrast to one who has faced death in combat situations, found love in the most difficult of circumstances One that has lived on snow caves deep above artic circle and consumed reindeer blood as sustanstance.. This is only a fraction of the survivalist circumstances that round out my wisdom experience. I contend that you have experienced much fewer survival situations that qualify as wisdom for much more life experienced personnel. My point is that you are not equipped with the experiencial wisdoms of those much more qualified.
  2. Excellently said! Thank you.
  3. Beautiful said! Although, my point, or question rather, is what wisdom does Leo have to bequeath upon us selfish fools? I know! In his next biggest awakening ever!!! He will let us know that he has transcended his God/Self and is now an ALIEN/Self from another universe. Holy Shit! Leo is the 5-meo -Dmt- machine elf , God/Alien/Self Master of The Universes!!! or just some dude trippin’ on his couch.
  4. I am incredibly profounded by my own Profundity!
  5. I haven’t seen any wise responses yet. If wisdom were purely personal, then why would others seek wisdom from wise people. Wisdom does not equate with sainthood. The highest thing one can give is wisdom, definitely NOT knowledge. Knowledge is useless at best and dangerous at worse… without wisdom.
  6. DMT

    So Dmt is the solution to life. It made Leo GOD. Leo has lost his rational mind. In my opinion. too many psychedelics have perverted his think. Leo is no longer a voice to help you. Stick with his older material, you know. Before he claimed to be GOD!
  7. DMT

    The Machine Elves tell me to drop Leo, ASAP! Johnny
  8. Hi all. Is Leo ok? We haven’t had a video or blog post in some time now. I’m getting concerned and missing my YouTube friend. Does anyone know what’s going on? Is he alright? Sorry if I missed something. I cannot follow the forum very closely Johnny
  9. Ahh. Thanks. I missed that. I’m happy he is ok.
  10. South Carolina, USA
  11. Thank you, Leo. Topic “hidden”. My apologies. johnny
  12. My son is considering the Air Force Academy. any thoughts on that, Leo!
  13. American politics is no more critical to your survival than the WWF. Forget about it.
  14. As a pharmacist, I entertain, guide and recommend many over the counter remedies for patients in a very low income, mostly immigrant community. Many of the remedies requested, are presented to me , as if I were a Shaman or that their Shaman had recommended a very specific item. In many ways, pharmacists are local shamans. Many, if not most, people have no idea what the differences between ibuprofen, Tylenol, Benadryl, Lomotil and many othe OTC medications. Thanks for the interesting perspective you gave me, Leo. Now to continue watching this, sure to be great, series. ——- kudos Leo. This is not your usual spoon fed wisdom. This is a very challenging topic. You are a brave soul. Many of us have a deep appreciation for your folly as a being existing before it’s time. ———- Can we redefine axioms as ass-I-ams?
  15. I just want to thank Leo for what he has done and continues to do. I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much by following Leos journey. I look forward to watching his journey continue to unfold. Thank You, Leo!
  16. Leo’s newest video was posted on his blog yesterday. I don’t know why but there it is. cheers
  17. Did you have any insights into kamma and samskaras during your most recent awakening? Or were those just the words of the day! You don’t often use those words in context with your deeper insights.
  18. @Leo Gura so you had no further insight into these topics. You just used them in as a convenient method to communicate your experience.? I know what they mean. I am asking if you had any further insight
  19. @Leo Gura , please respond to my question. Did you achieve some insight into kamma and samskaras in your most recent enlightenment experience or was it just coincidental that you mentioned them several times?
  20. Well, I’m 50 now. What I can tell you is that that book and others sparked an insatiable curiosity to discover the mysteries underneath my experienced, conditioned and very controlled reality. I was a very bright boy who got in a lot of trouble questioning my science, history and social sciences teachers, as well as my own parents and other authorities. To this day I am person of wider perspective, above the petty politics of our social reality, but have conceded or pretended enough to get along and be successful. Now at 50, I’m ready to fuck off and be a real human being.
  21. I read this book in 5th Grade. I understood enough of it to change the trajectory of my life.
  22. @Leo Gura you mentioned kamma and samskaras a couple of times. Did you have any new insights into these concepts during your latest awakening experience? john
  23. Actually, Leo did post a video yesterday. It was posted on his blog.
  24. Congratulations on your most recent awakening, Leo! I noted that you mentioned kamma and samskaras a couple of times. Did you have any new insights into these topics? Thank you.
  25. Leo, Leo, Leo... I love you man! And thank you for everything you do. But, I must call you out on your biased, misconception or just plain wrongness in regards to your implication that liberals are generally more advanced than conservatives in the American political system. Absolutely incorrect judgement. When considering structure and content there is absolutely no difference between them and religious factions. American politics are no more real Than the WWF Wresting Federation or The NFL Structure. It’s purely tribal content. That’s why it’s split 50/50 in the entire Western world. It’s just what team you identify with. It’s all content, not a meta view of the structure. Your meta view has failed you in this one area. Tell me how wrong I am and how Spiral Dynamics clarifies it all. Bullshit! Leo. Bullshit. I still love you, though. Thanks for your awesome and enlightening work. Johnny Trump could just have easily been the Democratic Nominee. He just chose the side he could win on , at the time. This is quickly becoming Leo’s personal Structure and content episode. Going South fast.