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Everything posted by Omni

  1. what? edit: oh.. youre referring to the spirals hahahaha
  2. After reading a bit from the previous thread that @Key Elements posted as well as here - This may be my own opinion and I don't think even that much info will allow me to determine anything as fact, but I may have concluded the problem(s). You may be trying too hard, potentially to the extent that your expression/interaction is very predicated upon the idea of casual sex - to the extent that it is very evident to them when you do these 'dates' - even when you're being too restrictive on yourself it may show itself more than you realize. Now don't get me wrong; there are many women out there wanting the same thing, but are usually harder to find, and aren't out there doing what you're doing. More rather having this casual sex with people they're already somewhat close to, or have known for a while and have agreed to keep it casual prior. OR they're on tinder or some other platform for that very intention - granted I don't believe this is 100% of the case, but it's seemingly frowned upon in society for women to actively go out and search for it - therefore keeping it more suppressed and conforming to these notions. Going to the 'hotspots' of casual sex. Tinder and what ever else. (Don't know any others cause I don't use any) May be your best option, but that could also lead to disappointment as well. Now, that said and how you've gotten criticism from girls about "I'm looking for someone stable" or "we didn't have much in common" - Which even if you're actively finding social circles in all those areas - doesn't mean you'll find someone with common interests as those are small fractions of the rest of people's lives, and yours as well - granted of course you're looking for casual sex, so this will inherently cause a problem as you're not looking for a relationship - but you have to not only show interest in that person, making them feel like you're enthused of the time spent, but this can also be over-done as well. It's about finding a balance. But then, what types of conversations come up when you talk about yourself? Do you have interesting hobbies or job? Do you not go too much about that? do you spend too much complaining about a topic or what have you? Do you obsessively talk about your life and your desires? Remember that the person you're dating has expectations to the night, as do you. Therefore should be a goal to try and compromise and meet both expectations, even if you don't get some. I know you've obviously dealt with that already - but remember that these 'relationships' and 'stable career and marriage' aren't locking you into any contracts. That is simply what they want. Just as they don't have to automatically have casual sex since that's YOUR goal. Try meeting them half way, try a short term relationship. Give them what they want, and in turn you may get what you want - but that's if you learn to read people and know where to go next with it without it seeming like you're after only what you want and fuck the rest, that simply won't work 99% of the time. Other than that, all I can recommend is taking a step back and working on yourself, like REALLY working on yourself and letting the girls come to you, albeit won't be often. It's about proving that you don't need anyone else, proving that you're not desperate, showing that you can be something without someone else. It's a weird notion but that's where I'm at - I don't go out and actively find people because it's not worth it, I'll be dissatisfied at every turn because It's not enough to sit and 'talk about cool stuff'. And not to mention I've learned to not only restrict my standards to personal appearance. - Maybe back in my teen years, but now it's time for me to focus on bigger things. Why waste my time on someone I can't have deep, personal and very thought provoking questions with? For sex? Not enough for me. Why waste time distracting myself with a relationship when that doesn't help me do the things I truly love? Why put energy into going out into society and trying to adapt to their status quo? (i.e. dating, marriage, social standards, etc.) It's about doing you and letting that person come if it ever does. Don't focus on that too much otherwise you'll tear yourself apart with your own mind. Focus on the bigger picture (where you will be in 5, 10, 20 or 50 years) and make that your goal, with doing so you will meet many people along the way, and you may stumble on to the perfect match - while also having a clear focus and determination for bigger things than just sex, trust me that quality alone will be attractive to many women in itself. Whichever decision you make, know that each one will probably lead to disappointment somewhere down the line as it is inherent, but how you react and build yourself up at that point determines who you are
  3. Alright, so basically my question is - what is the point of attaining it? And this is a naive question I'm very aware, but let me elaborate a bit before I get the holier than thou flood. As I'm not opposing Enlightenment, rather inquiring about the end-game. And I don't mean this as 'I am now enlightened, therefore the work is done' I simply mean the ultimate end-game. Sure, I can get behind the idea of extensive free will, the understanding of truth/mysticism/reality with clarity, and then some(Sure I'm giving shallow examples to relay my point). However, is it then simply the goal to spread Enlightenment as far as possible after that point? To help others come closer with the truth as well? and I fully understand I'm essentially asking to explain this to me in a 'materialist' paradigm, but bear with me here. Sure, let's say 200+ years down the line we don't eradicate ourselves, the planet doesn't meet a catastrophic end and we even advance quite a bit in our technological advances by then. But suddenly - everyone has attained Enlightenment! What then? - And granted this may be very naive to assume that will happen within that time, or even at all - or more so to even ask this next: But then what? Where do our goals shift at that point? It almost appears as if we need that division, just as non-duality needs duality in a twisted sense. And don't take this the wrong way either, when I look around and see nature - it certainly is magical, and seeing such systems even as minuscule as ant-hills, schools of fish and other large-systems work in unison to the point of all reality working in unison- it's absolutely astounding and inspiring and even leaves me in awe wondering where we would be with that type of unification. But.. Do we simply disappear into the nothingness from whence we came? Do we set then our sights even higher with less destructive standards? Do we just simply exist at that point? I feel that maybe Enlightenment may not be the goal here, and sure I've got money on this being the ego really twisting my perception around on this one. But won't we reach the absolute truth after we're dead anyways - therefore to put everything else aside for the absolute truth seems redundant, no? Or is reality SO cyclic that the only path is a form of 'reincarnation' - meaning that we are simply attempting to hand down these methods of teachings to the next 'us' to reach some form of higher evolutionary state of consciousness and potentially transcend this 'dimension' altogether? I really don't expect a correct answer, nor do I think 99% if not 100% of respondents will even get close - as this is simply just inquiry on the topic, I'm curious as to some of you might perceive it as.
  4. Fourth - Monuments is a much heavier band I hold dear as they have brought such a diversity to a genre that has been slightly lacking for quite some time. With the addition of Chris Baretto on vocals introduced for their second album "The Amanuensis", he added such a dynamic to them that is rarely seen in metal. Not only does this entire concept album circulate and the beginning stemming from the ending(I, the Creator - I, the Destroyer), each song will take you through a journey taken from the 'Samsara' concept. In which the main protagonist starts in a place known as Saga City in the bottom of a well with a book of prophecy that shows the cycle of reality. With the Land corrupted by a tyrannical government who ends up killing all of his friends sets out on a quest to dethrone the king and attain vengeance - in turn he goes through mystical trials, learning more about himself and the depths of his mind. He later confronts this king with all the wisdom and experience he had acquired and ends up turning into the God of Destruction - obliterating reality completely from his rage. - granted this is a vague overview the story itself is great. Why do I suggest Monuments? Simply put, despite their 'heaviness' and most people's ability to listen to metal, I'd say this band can't be simply categorized as such, for the musicality stretches far beyond that, and given the opportunity - I'm sure people would agree by one full listen, this band breaks through the typicality with sheer passion through each musician almost like 'weaving' their roles together for one immense, profound piece of art. P.S. Give Jinn more than a 15 second chance, you will be surprised the direction it goes.
  5. Honestly I didn't know what to name this thread - and I don't believe there would be a better section for this. Keep in mind this is NOT suggesting that you spend all your time meditating/self inquiry listening to music, this is simply to expand your experiences and try out new things that may stimulate new reactions. So why am I making this post? Honestly I believe these select Albums are worth trying with self inquiry/contemplation, and (SOMETIMES) for psychedelic experiences, though I only listen to music for a fraction of my trips - these ones seem to stand out as thought-provoking and stimulating for consciousness, though this is vastly subjective, even while sober. I will give a brief description of the albums as a whole, and select songs that I feel really stand out - and WHY. Note: FULL ALBUMS linked will be in a 'spoiler box' under the songs I post relative to the album. Feel free to post some of your guys' here as well as I'm interested in what others listen to. Firstly I'd like to introduce you to the instrumental band Pomegranate Tiger; Don't let the initial sound fool you, this band has an overall sound that is like no other. The complexity orchestrated into the masterpiece of 'Boundless' should not go unrecognized. The outstanding melodies mixed with heavier rhythm gives a new kind of life to this style of music. Why do I think Pomegranate Tiger is worth listening to? While meditating or contemplating, the Atmosphere behind the music takes you through a journey through your own emotions, as if it were it's own guide. Granted this could be said for a lot of music, it's very evident that there is a very particular methodology here that is hard to match. Example: Going from the song 'Ovation' to ''The Masked Ball' There is a transition of completely different sounds to the music
  6. Third - Karnivool is blatantly on the right track with consciousness & potentially even enlightenment. I'm actually very disappointed I didn't find these guys sooner than late last year - they are absolutely incredible musicians, and the lyrics absolutely top it off wonderfully. Their Third Release - Sound Awake It will take you through a wonderful ride of it's own accord, laying track for track some absolutely astounding rhythms and melodies to mesh such a masterpiece together. And by the name of the album, you can certainly bet that it they focus on consciousness and critical thought through a very abstract angle. Why do I suggest Karnivool? The distinct tone and vibe that you will get from their music will send you into a trance-like state, carrying you along through such a marvelous conceptualization of what they believe 'waking up' is. The lyricism and vocal patterns are not lacking by any means, and will certainly leave you in flux with your mood, in a good sense.
  7. Wouldn't authority in itself be a form of illusion too?
  8. Well stated. ( no +1 rep )
  9. Body deformities, yeah? He still managed to overcome your own cynical beliefs. This mindset is simply you, not the other way around.
  10. Your idea of suffering is your own subjective opinion - no? People live lives 100x worse than you or I and some can still find the beauty in life. You're speaking to someone with a body deformation, what about it? You're speaking to someone with a father who killed himself when he(I) was 9, what about it? You're speaking to someone who grew up only knowing poverty and never meeting all of these basic needs. What. About. It? And needless to say I don't think I'm by any means the worst case - but I cover most of your prerequisites, so what next? Like I said before, you're in a narrow frame. Call me naive, call the notion of the beauty of life naive. But you speak from a point of view that is simply your own, you want to escape it and yet you're afraid to escape it, therefore you are trapped in the stagnant delusion that you cannot escape. Continue going on about how life isn't worth it, but what i've learned that actions overcome words in any scenario, this one included. You do you, but I'm telling you for certain, you know not in which you speak of.
  11. Like I said; arguing does nothing for your position. You're stuck in a narrow frame of mind and I'm not going to attempt talk you out of it - I'm simply giving you the idea that you're not thinking big enough, you think you are with these shallow concepts, the rest remains up to you. But if you're really not going to think larger here, and if there's no logical reason to carry on, then off with you - that's your own choice
  12. No, we cannot stop streams from flowing, as it simply diverts it's path. Metaphor or not, you're incorrect.
  13. Assuming you're already aware of this, being your name thanatos and all that. Pretty sure many of us on these forums have been there, at least I have. Want a rational answer? The stagnant position you're stuck in is because you haven't grasped the beauty of life, that's simply it. Go out there and put energy into enjoying life, because debating with people why there is no point doesn't further your own expedition at all, it makes it worse. Don't ball up and ask other people for reasons to live because of the position you're stuck in, cause you might as well just do it at that point as you're not going to find an answer for you, rather only the answer someone else has found for themselves.
  14. Hey man, pass it this way if you don't want it! Kidding. Theories are necessary, you gotta think, that's the point. You won't know what your values are unless you truly think. You may hate it now, but just take it slow, chew what you can and go back when you need to. Take certain questions you have and write them down, go back to them throughout your day and contemplate. They will help, don't overwhelm yourself. Sometimes it takes me 3-5 listens of certain episodes to really mentally chew through the stuff that Leo talks about. I know he says there's no point and it's a waste of time, but it's like a sponge, for me I can keep squeezing more out of it, you can isolate certain ideas and really think about them individually. Which is sometimes necessary, Don't let it discourage you.
  15. You've done much more than I, though I've chosen to not actively go out there and find it, as I know it will ultimately lead to more distraction as I've got too many goals to allow it currently, though not to say I don't desire to. And sure - may sound silly 'oh how can he give me any advice? Is he just talking out of his ass for post count?' But think about it for a second - each one of those girls you approached had different interests, different personalities, possibly already taken and then some. You have to find a way to read her before she reads you - you will then be leading the interaction, find out the steps that got you closer to a smooth small-talk style conversation with most of them, and work with that, experiment a bit and hell, even try things you didn't think would possibly work, you never know. This obviously does NOT mean pushing boundaries and acting like a desperate dude looking for a quick fuck. - Though you don't sound shallow enough to do it anyhow. Keep at it, but don't do it 'for the chick'. Each one of those approaches gives you a new shard of information to be used the next time if that one falls through. Hell maybe have a wing-man watch you from the background without her aware of it. They, not being directly involved may be able to see the point of your error and she shut you out. Whatever it is, know that 1,000 women is nothing compared to all of them out there, granted i'm aware your standards are higher, as are mine - so I can relate. But keep your options open and your methods fresh and well thought-out. You will 'score', just have patience
  16. That type of questionable mentality in the moment takes over, people notice it - they may not be able to pinpoint it, but you show it via body language and through interaction. 'Sucking' with women is simply your concept on the matter. You've not gone out and tried enough to know what that really means, though I don't know you. I can get a fair assumption you're just inexperienced rather than bad with women. with all things, it gets better with practice.
  17. Nonsense! Plenty of nerdy girls out there! Albeit available is another story @Hardkill - Spiral is right though, don't do it for the girls if you're attempting a social circle - because that's setting yourself up for disappointment. And if you're trying to find an opportunity based on a hobby/interest that you are both into - don't do cold approach style, play it as if you are more interested in the hobby than you are the girl you're after. Sure, be friendly and even outgoing, but I've noticed it in myself - I've tried too hard to get attention in the past, it ends up backfiring in terms of chances, So focus on the collective interest, be yourself but notice when your primal 'mating call' kicks in, cause it's a bit more than that usually, at least in my experience.
  18. Probably could just be my ego; but I agree with this notion - it makes sense. People try to dissolve it as if it's something that can be 'slain' when realistically we're not trying to create another enemy, rather accept it as we should with everything else we find 'discomforting' in our lives and be conscious enough to see beyond it. [Note that when i say should I do not imply that my statement means to exert my belief, rather convey my own perception of the matter.]
  19. I'll try to keep my words very direct to help articulate for you so there is less lost in the partial translation. Life is random, overwhelming at times and just weird. But it's also many many other things as well. All these issues you have come from the same place that makes you feel like you're a 'piece of shit'. These are simply thoughts that are created in your mind, and is another form of like you say: 'escaping reality' - Are you positive your meditation technique is keeping you grounded and is increasing your awareness/alertness? What if you were to practice staying in reality instead when these issues arise, rather than running away? Learning how to overcoming these things that you dislike directly, or head on will help you become better at dealing with them in the future. You will be able to say "Oh I've dealt with this before, not a problem." But what do you do when you get angry? be angry, but observe it fully. What do you do when you are sad? be sad, but observe it fully. Though, maybe this is a good time to realize that going out to social areas like this aren't productive for you, or your health. - I'm not saying avoid them out of fear, but think about why you feel the way you do in these situations and understand it. keep practicing self love and keep meditating - just observe everything you are doing very carefully.
  20. But simply by entering and antagonizing the argument - you yourself fell victim to the same trap you're trying to point out. Echo, echo, echo... Notice how you're acting as a collective ego? You don't have to talk about 'i' or 'me/you', you can outwardly direct your opinions and point out things in other's conversation without speaking of yourself, but by doing so you are perpetuating it and are implying your own position. Only difference is I'm the only one here who's openly admitted it - notice that? Shit's a bitch ain't it?
  21. Lmao the magnitude of clique-trolling in this forums is impeccable, like honestly I can't help but laugh. "He's enlightened, you're not" "I'm more conscious than you, you're a low conscious motherfucker because I assume you can't use criticism against my criticism!" Oh man I think I might just be done with these forums - certainly not a place for proper self improvement or actualization, egos seem to run rampant more heavily here with the misconception of being ego-less. Oh how we fall into these traps and yet the 'low-conscious motherfucker' can still be aware of them.
  22. There is no one 'Standing in your way' metaphorically or physically. You don't own anything, you're not entitled to anything at all, there is no your way - and there are no barriers, only the ones that you create within your mind. You got to the point of understanding there is no right or wrong, but not far enough to see that's the beauty of it all? It almost goes hand in hand. Existence, being able to have choices and maneuver through what we call space and time in such a complex yet simplistic way, having the ability to perceive and enjoy the ups and downs of life is all there is. If you cannot find beauty and profundity within that, then you will not find it anywhere.
  23. Do you hear that? It's an echo.
  24. Trash talking? Oh man... Yeah I'll leave this one alone, not worth the can of worms.
  25. Oh I'm highly underdeveloped consciously, I would never not admit that. I'd say I'm probably in between stage blue/orange. I have no issue admitting that. But when you're on the forums basically screaming at people, demanding them do something a certain way in the name of "SELF ACTUALIZING!"... Well sure I'm definitely low conscious enough that I'll call you out on in, and it wasn't even in a hostile manner either. You're simply dealing with some sort of stress in the real world, and taking it out via the forums. Been there, done that. Now what's your plan of action? Keep on at it while knowing your ego is flaring up because of a systemic response to something else you're not dealing with? Sure, go for it if ya think it's therapeutic. Doesn't really affect me. But know it's doing a substantial amount more damage to yourself than I or anyone else you're directing your comments to.