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Everything posted by UDT

  1. Quote:" You are not a survival failure. You are maintaining WHO YOU ARE perfectly." And there lies the opportunity of dreaming big and putting in the practice. You can become what you set yourself to be. Full circle bitches!
  2. man exactly.. The more conscious you become the more you realize it, which in turns makes it more weird. Wish I could get a full consciousness experience so that back in the meat vehicle reality I could take it with more chill more easily. Still stuff gets to me.. ... And at some point youll be like "ahhh i can finally chill and relax, I made it" aaaand then you get fucked again. Or youre getting machinzed by the system of capitalism to further the survival of some people somewhere or that people can buy stuff which they got programmed will help their survival in some way I mean God what the fuck did you think lmao
  3. Well the Princess is hormonal controlled egoist who preaches marriage but is wired for hypergamy, so you can try but shell fuck the hotter guy who provides more stimultion in the end, or, once the babies are out, shes up up and away in no sex for you, do the dishes, aahh just kidding heres your backpack thats my house btw. Geeezuuuss what is this place
  4. You will. IYou underestimate yourself. Just go stop excusing
  5. This counts for every person in every age as a premise to their live striving to be truth
  6. Yes self improvement addiction can be damaging and leading you off the path. Because you might not be able to let life pass, face your decay, let go off things, accept that you have limits, that someone I better at something than you, no chance of catching up. As for porn, I think porn is bad consumed a lot. However, releasing tension is natural, those no fap people get unhealthy. It's balance, it's that simple. Balance your life. I remember even my old car mechanic telling me that no extreme point of view can be true, truth is found in the middle, while you balance your soul in peace with reality (he framed it differently but same concept)
  7. So once you start seeing, once you understand the core you stop to think so much of what you should do, and what youre missing out on while doing what you do, and what it is all for anyways, and you start to enjoy being human, enjoy being the human you are, enjoy evolution. And dont get this wrong here, enjoyment is not necessarily pleasure seeking. It is meaning seeking. Seek meaning and do what is meaningful to you, even if you don´t think it makes so much sense for your financial future, or your marriage, and what else of programming you have inside. See the limitations of a human, the inherit suffering etc. is all part of human! Here we are, we dirty pigs, dont deny, be what you are. How can you live when you deny your nature? You cant, or you live in your fantasy and try very hard to not let it get popped. Wrong way. This is it: Say what you think, let god articulate himself through you with your actions. There you go into the sun or into flames, but well thats it!
  8. Could be, could not be. Once you awaken more you'll realize that it is not a 0-1 switch then you'll see what you write doesn't hold. Remember you still have to destroy to create and be destroyed go enable creation. Meditation hours is a cheap way of people trying to power up their useless arguments. Meditation is hugely misunderstood. Sitting on a cushion is just the start. It's better than nothing. Once you see You know the beauty Life is the meditation
  9. Ok Seems weed on the weekend is fine for you. Don't do it daily, get the discipline to leave it at the weekends, no exceptions. That's important, it's easy to fall into he every evening trap. Use it to contemplate or relax or to see the beauty in music and nature and get inspired. CBD has anti inflammatory properties, that can help your soreness from practicing a lot. Also, listen: Weed has been shown to inhibit testosterone production, so keep that in mind. Don't do it daily. Stay sharp. By the way playing drums makes a not so solid "life purpose", what's your gift to the world?
  10. How old are you and what are you doing right now ?
  11. this is such a great picture, thank you!
  12. Dont know your age or where your live but 40 hours is pretty average hours. Talk to the people working corporate auditing or consulting, haha they go around 55-60hrs, + always available + weekend research Thats the world today
  13. Tell the guy in the alley way at night whos about to kickbox your joints into pieces that "this is my sandbox". You can still do evil to you. You know? in both ways, from yourself to yourself or from the "other" person self (which is you) to you. That doesnt mean everything is perfect, some versions of God, because of free will(y), landed in a life of hell and want to destroy, or are corrupt and live for coke and blood of young kids to stay alive longer. I mean look at a picture of Geroge Soros and tell em you dont see the devil eating him up from inside
  14. Yes no problem. Striving for spirituality is you evolving yourself. Realizing god, "awakening" is the evolution of your psyche! Understanding, or seeing the "truth" or becoming more and more aware of the truth is the result of being a diligent spiritual seeker which means you evolve yourself, you evolve your psyche. In my vision (of course I dont know what actually would happen), A group of evolved leaders can bring peace because they have values and knowledge which supersede material existential things e.g sex, money, power, fame, cars, drugs... Not saying these are bad in any way but the questions is: At which cost do I want to aquire them! And with your value system changing (comparable to going towards Spiral Dynamics Yellow and above), you will have proper value structures. Look man its because social dynamics are in the stone ages now and where even worse before. See the tribal leader of 100 men women and children HAD TO BE a real sacrifical dilligent thoughtful leader to be the best leader he could be and to ensure survival! All his flaws did cost resources or the death of his tribe. Todays paid politicians can basically do whatever is "legal" within the system while stuffing their bank accounts, exiting the masses and living the riches. There is no connection anymore to what actions they perform. Please explain to me the difference between being consciously at peace with the current state of evolution and your personal puzzle piece in it, vs seeing the flawed organisms of reality and putting forth actions and ideas for its betterment. Because I see the latter not as diverting back into victim mentality, but as playing my piece in the puzzle. Living your nature as Emerson put it
  15. Its a mixture, it depends on the hierarchy. society is a hierarchy upon purchasing power purchasing power is aquired through sub-hierarchies which are either power or competence based. The more we as a world move towards competency hierarchies, the better we will be able to live in peace
  16. Treadmills suck balls, invest in a gym membership
  17. I was quite addicted to sex, while being in a long term relationship. Looking back it was a lot of trauma from my weird mother and how I grew up that I unloaded. Well best sex ever, but it didnt end well also. Lesson: You cant have a working relationship with a women, until you didnt come to terms and reflecte upon and understand the relationship to your mother. thats veeery important!
  18. Let go of what you think you have to become and become that which you are, no fiters
  19. This. I know Leo earns a lot with selling you "Life Purpose" but he also says (to his benefit) and this is the gem: THERE IS NOTHING TO ATTAIN! SPIRITUALITY IS ABOUT FOLLOWING YOUR SOULD/HEARTS/SPIRIT GUIDES/ GUT FEELING/ and you can only do that fully, or lets say better and ebtter if you are contemplating death, you let go of yourself etc. I will give you your life purpose and you will be unhappy. You will find out you will be unhappy, because no novelty! Balance yourself
  20. That´s important. I wonder if heaven is when you elevate consciousness of the universe so when you leave here you go to a time and place in which enlightenment is omniscient, its a world in which we got it, fixed it and live in harmony. I think thats the only possible end-game