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Everything posted by UDT

  1. @paprika I dont wanna rock your Boat too much but Im pretty sure the main reason you are holding back is because you are A) Clinging to your Money B) Afraid of failure Both you can let go! Youre using the "marketing and sales" thing as an escape to not start. Here I give you a blueprint for your client based business: A: Set up a website with squarespace or wix or wordpress (takes a week) B: Get a Name and a Logo and some Branding stuff if you need it (If youre unable to do the logo, go to fiverr.com) C: Research potential customers in your area and literally COLD CALL them and say: "Hey Im Bob, with whom can I speak about the opportunity of my service xyz Business taking over 20% of your backend to increase your revenue?" (Im making stuff up now). And thats it. You dont need a fucking course for that. Im happy to be your unpaid consultant if you really need help I got a biz degree and startup experience. But seriously, just go! Youre just thinking, that wont bring you further, you have to learn by doing it
  2. Not to plug my stuff here to much BUUUT I think I improved bcs I implemented the generous feedback I got here. AND thus would like another quick slaps of feedback if you have some time! Peace!
  3. @Spiral How much saturated fat & Polyunsaturated fat do you consume?
  4. Realize you have more time than you know and you need to learn way more skills than just one. If you need a website I can show you how to do it, its not that hard
  5. @universe Appreciate it ! Next video will be more expression and graphics and some cinematic drama
  6. This! IF you can do it. If you have to pay more than lets say 8k per year, really think about it, at least study something which has some value, e.g. informatics, engineering, business, architecture. College is worth it for the network and the time. I loved my time in college, but It was too much holidays, even though I studied quite a lot. If you can work on your projects, go to the gym, fuck girls, and pass your classes, without going into much debt, then do it!
  7. Yea I dig it! He has tremendous videography skills to make his videos cinematic and capturing. However, If you look behind the videography towards the actual information, Im not so hooked. But its a good point, I could switch between me and footage, zoom in and zoom out to increase drama, and use music: Buuuut My original idea was more to create a consistent talking head format, where the information is why you listen, not because it is "entertaining" per se. But I get your point. I should be entertaining and provide great value information while being a talking head.
  8. Cheers! Yea Ive noticed that myself, Im working on that (tried it with the video on fast food to be more engaging) Thanks!
  9. How is that Hedonism? My friend I´ve met people who had years and years of sex club party drug excesses and one man particularly, he said nothing excites him anymore. And thats exactly the trap in hedonism
  10. @Dima @Tom T Thanks for the input! I worked on my style, it would be great to get some feedback on that. Unfortunately Its not really successful still, I dont get good audience retention so either Im a shitty speaker or the information is not relevant. To me, the information is quite good, so it must be me? Peace!
  11. How old are you?
  12. Thank you Dima for your feedback! I am thinking a lot about your 2 Point. I originally planned deep actualized.org like videos about holistic health which would go 45min to 2hours. But then I find people like to consume videos not longer than 10 to 15 minutes. What do you say makes more sense? Long format deep videos, or more frequent shorter surface videos ? Next to the exercise videos (which you can learn how I set up workouts from) I now have The Art of Medicine Show -> which is a Podcast interviewing Holistic Health Educators, and Outstanding Athletes to learn from their experiences and practices. Thanks again!
  13. Chris Heria is great! It really depends on your level of understanding of the human body really. The only thing people are doing wrong when it comes to exercise, is that they are hurting themselves. And they do it because they repeat faulty movement patterns over and over again, or they break weak structures, such as the ankles, wrists, because they overload or not warm them up /stretch. Soooo that would be the basics. Hit me up if you need help !
  14. because you spend time complaining, go learn!
  15. I was laying on the grass with my girl and suddenly it hit me For males (cant speak for women), life is sacrifice. Work / Suffering / Sacrifice is the juice of life we are after. Let me explain. Prerequisite for this Insight: You first have to understand that there is nothing to sacrifice, in the ultimate way. And that the world is exactly perfect in its ways. Have you gotten it ? Why is the world perfect? The world is an educating simulation to ultimate love for being. AND EVEN IF EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, so devilish acts are wiped out, there still will be sacrifice required, let´s say as the "Currency of love". The Labor is still required, but its exactly this labor which is so precious! "The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed." FINITY IS THE GIFT. Ok and when you understand this, then also understand; Your love can only be un-selfish when you sacrifice to an extent for it. Of course you can also receive love and this can be without any sacrifice in the moment, but not for ever. Because you would in turn sacrifice in thankfulness for the received love. Do you get this? And the ultimate beauty is that you cant look behind the curtain (maybe drug induced for a little while or conceptually) but you cant really! Thus the sacrifice element cant be circumvented! But this is the gift my friends. Thats the twisted gift, because only through sacrifice you can experience higher love. The only UNNESSECARY Sacrifice has to be done when a selfish, a ego, a devilish person, an arrogant (from latin not knowing) person does his sins. Of course there is no black and white, no angle and devil, there are also people on the spectrum in between and noone is perfect but thats also not the goal. An angel is striving for it as best as he can with all his might, thats all which is required and possible. Angel and devil are no mythological things, it refers to stages of consciousness. This is Jesus teaching. You have to understand that he would not have died otherwise. For him to die means he was convinced that him being him, him sacrificing unselfishly, is the truth. Maybe he thought someone is gonna safe him at last or the tables will turn last minute, could be. But the fact that he went that way and didn't scoop out, ran away, means he understood something. What is the difference between an enlightened Yogi who meditates in a cave and Jesus? Well to me Jesus did the greater sacrifice because he could also have said fuck this underdeveloped shit, Im the hell out of here. And tbh I understand everyone who says fuck It im out, let them be devils, let me make a small circle or live on a boat fishing. Because this is the more peaceful way. Even though fully enlightened you will love everyone, you will even more be hurt by their egotism! We just dont get it, or worse, society conditions you to be a scared slouchy mouchy consumer. The only antidote to live is fear. Fear will make you twisted, and no one can help you but you. Live fearlessly and sacrifice for the most meaningful things for you, and you are closer to god than you realize. Thats it! Peace Brothers and Sisters, wish you all the best.
  16. Im serious guys, the #1 Resource for Holistic Health and Performance. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuRjEAERr0iSorCidZ66N8g https://open.spotify.com/show/2pPVzSnvylUMyTNpbXhpbq
  17. @Shiva Thanks Shiva much appreciated! Regarding the message: Yes man its time to heal people subclinical and stop the craziness! The goal of the Art of Medicine is really holistic health and performance optimization for athletes and creatives. Imagine if anyone can tap into their athletic capacity and every creative can get so much more creativity out of him or her because these people know how to be foundationally happy and charged, healthy mitochondria, healthy guts, healthy breathing patterns, body-mind-soul alignment! Btw I also do 1n1 Coachings and write nutrition and workout/workIN plans.
  18. @TrynaBeTurquoise Thanks man! Appreciate it a lot. Regarding the Handstand, I´m releasing 2-3 more Episodes on Handstand Progression Workouts so you have a clean overview about the exercises to build the foundational musculature for the core stability, balance, wrist strength etc. Peace!
  19. @Aquarius Try the workouts on my channel (link in the bio), you can to them without much stuff and I explain everything from posture to breathing. !
  20. Invest! needs to go to something guys, otherwise youll get eaten by the inflation
  21. Quick question, what kind of skills do you think are key to escape wage slavery?
  22. Of course, Enlightenment is not the way out. It just takes away the negative downside a little
  23. As GaryVee said, Social is exposing us, not harmful.
  24. Saving money is all good but it is really about time. You gonna trade time for money and that time you cant spend on mastery. Thats the fuckup. Idk man I feel you, I´d rather die too... The only thing that can help you is to work every second of your goddamn life That´s at least my strategy. I cant enjoy nothing no more because I see it as distraction. Dont know if that is good but it is what it is
  25. Maaan I love this channel. Its one of the greatest content on youtube I feel like. And maybe Im a little biased bcs I lived in Brooklyn for a while..