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Everything posted by Sine

  1. Haha YES! I have an ayahuasca retreat this weekend, hopefully this will help me get to the point Thank you for sharing this info! I know about these excercices and that they work for alot of women, but when you have vulvodynia the problem is actually that your muscles are to tense, and therefore I practise more to relax and open up, than contracting. The actual orgasm was a maybe for about a minute but it kindda flowed together with the dance and I was dancing for maybe five-ten minutes afterwards where I still had a strong orgasmic feeling. But Im not sure because I lost track of time completely. I like the glass one because it's pretty but also somewhat heavy. which is usefull because I use it to apply pressure to sore/hurtfull spots (It was recomended in connection to vulvodynia so that is why I bought it to begin with). There is also something about the heavyness that gives me a sense of sequrity and grounding. Personally I don't really like a dildo to look a lot like a penis, because I want the experience to feel a bit like a ceramony instead of a porn movie. I guess you could have a spiritual experience with very porn-like tools - but for me it's just easier to get in the mood when I find the surrroundings beautiful... Not that penises aren't beautiful haha omg they are, I love them! But.. only the ones attatched to persons.. in my oppinion. Another reason for me not to use a penis-like dildo is that they are often very large, and the glass-wand is not so wide, which is easier of me. The vibrator I use is also very pretty, not very wide and it has a heating function which I find really nice YES WE NEED MORE WOMEN IN HERE! <3 I would love to read that!! It is a great idea to write about sexual experiences, you inspire me to begin doing that <3 I think we should have a sexual revolution!
  2. I am a vegan and my diet is mostly based on fruits. I eat some vegetables and try to avoid grain as much as I can (I eat rice sometimes and gluten-free oatmeal but not often) I am very convinced that a grainfree vegan-diet that is mostly fruit based is the optimal diet for humans. I have seen it very strongly in my own body, for example I have so much more energy now than I used to and I don't have any cravings anymore because the sweet fruits are so satisfying and I can eat all I want. I do not work out but I do yoga and run almost everyday, also I live a furniture free/low furniture lifestyle which helps me to move around a lot and not sit still for long. On a ideal day I would eat Morning: 0,5 L of water with lemon juice Juice made from a whole green celery (Then I use around an hour for exercise) 0,5 L smoothie made from bananas, spinach, frozen wild blueberries (around 250g) and powder, like Atlantic dulce and spirulina - I also add a couple of dates, this is important for a good taste! and water of cause. (This could also be swapped for Nicecream made from frozen bananas only, sometimes I also swap it for half a watermelon if I have one) Late morning: 0,5L smoothie (I made 1L in my blender so here I just eat the other half) Noon My biggest meal, this could be Indian Dahl, coconut curry, or just salal with 1kg of potatoes and dressing made from tahini. In these meals, I try to be grain-free, low fat, and use various vegetables ables. Evening Just fruit or leftovers from noon. If I'm not hungry I just drink tea, if I'm very hungry and don't have more fruit or leftovers I eat gluten-free oatmeal with marble syrup and sometimes a bit of tahini. But the ideal here would be just fruits. In between the meals, if I feel hunger I snack on a banana, a pear, an apple, or some dates. I try never to go around hungry because I don't think it is good for the body. I believe fasting or mono-eating can be beneficial but only if your body is already very strong and you have had a long diet like this. And only for shorter durations. Not being scared of fruits has totally changed my life, it doesn't suck to eat healthier because fruits are so delicious and I'm not ashamed to eat a lot - and I have even lost weight and just keep gaining energy. I am a woman, 176cm tall and slim build, so of course, a larger person should maybe add larger portions, but I hope my meal schedule will inspire you <3
  3. Thank you <3 I guess the rule of acing life is simply a starting point that you can work with, but in the end, the most emotional uncomfortable choice merges with the most emotional comfortable choice, because you love yourself so much that you always find comfort in doing what is truly the wisest thing to do. This was good to think about for me, and I will contemplate self-love even more. Thanks for the help. I love you
  4. I have just seen Leos video "One Rule for Acing Life" and found it very inspirational. Since I am already a very conscientious person and have been like that for my whole life, the thought of always doing what is the most emotionally uncomfortable as a way to success is not new to me. However, it was nice to be reminded of the concept and since I watched the video I have practiced asking myself the question "What is most emotionally uncomfortable right now" which has raised my awareness in daily life. The thing is that I (maybe because I sometimes can be too conscientious) have difficulties relaxing. I try to meditate for at least 1 hour every day and I also have a running practice - both things that in some ways relax my mind and body. But the feeling when I do these things is not at all the same kind of relaxation I get when I, for example, watch a stupid sitcom on Netflix or read a fantasy novel for that sake. I live alone and is often very tired in the evening. This time a day is often where I get the gift of very intensified gross emotions and the possibility of working through them to maybe heal some kind of childhood/previous life/energy or what-do-I-know trauma. Unfortunately, my routine up until now has been to label the emotions as negative (loneliness, sorrow, sickness) and escaping them through Netflix while I eat dinner. Since I watched Leos video I have changed this routine and now sit in silence in my window eating my food. I have also during the day tried to find ways to relax without choosing the most emotionally comfortable path. So for example I have just been lying on the floor with my dog when I needed relaxation and going really really early to bed. But I don’t have the energy do deal with the emotions all the time, and especially not in the evening. (I am very much a morning person) And the only way I can “escape” and “really relax” seems to be from doing "things that are emotionally comfortable" Is it possible to live life without ever doing what is emotionally comfortable? I am interested in your thoughts about this and maybe hearing how you guys relax? – And if some of you live fully by “always do what is most emotionally uncomfortable” I know a friend of mine, who I consider to be very awakened, plays computer games occasionally and watches Netflix - which, I suppose, for him would be emotionally comfortably choices, so I guess it is possible to be actualized/enlightened and still take the emotionally easy way sometimes? All the love, Sine
  5. Just one short answer YES VERY MUCH - I speak from experience. Almost everyone I've dated I've dated them because of their personality/status/ energy and the physical/sexual attraction to just their body came later. In almost all of my relationships, I have had the experience of them getting more handsome (and I have even thought that their dicks were growing) when I started to really love them and feel safe/secure in the relationship <3 So no worries. This will happen.
  6. Do you still feel done /fully awakened now the next day? since you are fully awakened I suppose you would be able to sit down and be alone with “yourself “ / meditate for 10 hours straight? Or at least 3-5 hours ? Am I mistaken to believe that is something an enlightened person could easily do? i also suppose you would be able to maintain a healthy relationship to a romantic partner if that it is what you wanted to - completely free of suffering because you wouldn’t have to deal with the ego stuff and also be able to take the other person in completely as yourself.. would you be able to do that now or am I mistaken for taking that as enlightenment? also.. would you be able to stay at your parents house for a weekend or maybe a week - and stay in this mindset or would you be tricked back into old patterns? And if you would, could you still “claim that you are done “ is the “done-enlightened-state” final/enduring/stable? your post pisses be off incredibly much. It is very fun to experience. I don’t know why, guess it’s just my ego.. look forward to the experience of done-ness if I ever will be as hard working in my enlightenment work as you must have been and ever reach it. Can imagine it feels really good.. but well.. shouldn’t care about too feel good or not.. sorry ego again..
  7. I'm woman and got introduced to Leo from my male friend. For a long time I really hated Leos videos, his voice, I thought he seemed really egocentric, cold-hearted and rude and so on. In his meditation video when he says "stop carring about anything" I got so pissed I couldn't continue.. But I don't know why but it started to change, I love his guided meditation now and have it on my phone.. I just signed up for Vipassana retreat and I don't think I would have done that without all the stuff Leo has thought me. Today I see he really was a gift at that point in my life, and excactly what I needed to move past my green-hippie state
  8. @iTommy Thank you, I will give the book at try! @improvementedward I have suffered from social anxiety when I was a child and young teenager, but not anymore. But it is a good question, I haven't really asked myself why. I will think about it. Maybe it has something to do with my childhood, where I saw my mother with no friends but social relations only to do with sex or/and partnership. Now I'm ending up the same way..I really need to change that!
  9. I am looking for books that can help me build a stronger social circle. I find it very difficult getting close to people, when the thing is not about sex. Therefore my only truly close friends are people I have been dating, and even though it can sometimes be fine, I would like to be able to make friend with people just for the friendship. I am going through a breakup right now, while also getting declined at every education I have applied for.. It feels like I have lost my whole life and I'm am struggeling alot not falling into depression and suicidal thoughts. I have been meditating for years and I'm planning to go on a vipassana retreat in the summer. I have used alot of this week contemplating. I see that it's me who is struggeling more with the breakup than my ex-partner, and I think the reason for it is that I came into his home and life, where there is friends and love, but now when the relationship is gone, I am the one standing with nothing. I really much want to build a strong, good life of my own. But it is so difficult when everything seems to fall apart. If anyone have read any good books on making friends or social skills I would like to know - or if anyone have some other advice, maybe have been in the same life situation.
  10. Hit me with your best books about coucsious relationships - or just books you think could be good to read before starting a relationship with someone. Thanks!
  11. Just tell her that you would like to take her out for a green smoothie og maybe a beer or something. And tell her How you feel about asking her - like “Hey.. okay I feel so wierd right now but I have thought about this some time and I decided it would be best if I just ask you.. Sooo would you like to go out some time? Maybe this friday? “ And she would say “omg you are so awesome for being honest I will birth your children” or she would say “no, I like to play games and only dates guys that act like they dont want me” if its the last one you should go with someone else I think.. good luck!
  12. 28-04-18 DAY 28! Woooooooow day 28!!! So cool - I know I actually first really started at day 2, so the 28-days cleanse will only be fully complete tomorrow evening, but still its so crazy to see the date is the 28th! I remember day one, where this day felt so far away but I actually did it! The rest of my family also made it more or less. My brother who is 16 has definitely been eating more fruit and veggies, for example he now eats a smoothie on most mornings instead of his oatmeal, and in the evenings he has eaten the same as me and my mother, at least what I have seen when I have been here, where my mother has made special/"normal" food for my youngest brother and sometimes some cooked vegetables for her husband, who has followed the cleanse in the day but eaten cooked meals at dinner-time for most days. When I look back I think I have overall felt happier and stronger this month, compared to before. My emotional state tend to be a rollercoaster ride, and it is common for me to have periods of really heavy sadness after periods where I have been more positive, but this month, even though I have some lows at week two, and things have happened that have been challenging, I don't see that same pattern and "black holes" - So for my inner state, I can definitely see a difference, and that alone makes me want to stick with this way of eating for longer than just this month, and make it a choice of lifestyle. I really think it's important for your ability to develop, do self-injury and awaken to awareness, that you take care of your body, so you can be in your best possible state to handle whatever you need to handle in your life. My meals of today: Early morning: My mother made some juice of celery and apple - actually the cleanse suggest that you start everyday of the 28 days with celery juice, since it should have very cleansing abilities, but I don't have a juicer, and live on a boat so it would be a bit difficult to install one, so I have got my celeries in the smoothies, and then as juice when I have been visiting my family. After the juice I did some yoga and went to take a shower. Then this strange things happened! All my back started hurting, from my shoulders, down my arms. It didn't last for long, but it really hurt and then my nose started bleeding. My mother said she had some similar symptoms. She told me that when she was a child her father had broken her arm, and throughout the cleanse she had occasionally felt pain in that arm, even though she hadn't felt that for years. So maybe what I felt was some symptoms of cleansing? I know some people would say that it could have been my yoga, but it was a veeeery easy program, and I have never felt that kind of pain before, not even from more difficult yoga sessions or running. Morning: Bananas and apples Early Lunch: Smoothie Lunch: A pear Afternoon: More smoothie and a salad Dinner: Even more smoothie! I think my mother is tired of cooking, she only makes smoothie! But it tasted good! Actually I also had a bit of baked sweet potato since I don't want to give my body a shock when I start eating cooked food again, so I will start slowly now to take it more in my diet. Through the day I know I ate a lot of bananas, apples and dades, but I can't remember exactly how many. Before bed: A banana and more juice of apple and celery Hugs, Sine
  13. 01-04-2018 DAY ONE! I have been vegetarian since the age of 13. At that time, it was more a matter of developing my personality, and defining my individual-self as a teenager. But through the years I have got a lot more interested in health, nutrition, animal rights, the environment and so on. It is so clear to me, that a plant-based diet is the best way we can take care of our planet, and on the same time develop a more compassionate consciousness. At the age of 17 I got my meat-eating, milk-loving brother on the plant-vaggon by showing him an article about how milk is really bad for you, expectably f you have acne and problem with your lungs (witch he had at that moment) My brother was 15 at the time, and very determent. He turned around 100% and became even more plant-based than me - he became a full-shitass vegan! So for a while it was just me and my brother. He inspired me a lot to quit even more animal based product, and as I started to get more into self development work, I started noticing all these things that I was addicted to. Stuff like cheese, and ice-cream. Normal addiction that is accepted in society, but addictions they are, and for me (growing up in a family full of people with alcohol, drug, sex, and gambling addictions) it became very important to get rid of all the kinds of addictions I may had ( I have also worked a lot on mental issues, and relationships addiction. Everything got a lot better with hard work, meditation and Leo, but this journal will be more about health/nutrition) And now to the important stuff! For about two years ago, my father started to eat nothing but fruit. He is a but weird, so I never thought much about it, but he was always bringing a large bottle of homemade smoothie with him, and one day he told me he ate a whole bag of apples through one work day. I started to worry about him, because at that time I thought that fruit equals sugar, and that he might get a stroke or something. I started to talk with him about it, and he lended me this book by Anthony Williams called 'The medical medium. Anthony Williams claims in this book, that fruit and veggies can heal almost every disease, and that he knows all of that because of a spirit that has talked to him since he was a child. At the time my father lended me the book, wasn't as open-minded as I am now, and I wasn't even meditating every day, and overall not as serious about self development as I am now. So I didn't read the book, but told my mother briefly about it, when I visited her, and I think I left the book at her place or something. Next thing I know - My mother is all about fruits as well! By this time I heard that my grandfather read the book too, and said the died had changed his life. When I visited him he looked 20 years younger, and both him and my mother has a bit more of 'saneness' about them than my father, so I started to get a little bit more interested in the book. Soon my mother was suddenly able to go up the stairs without pain, and she also lost a lot of weight - but even more important, she was happy in a way she hadn't been for years. Shortly after Leos video about open-mindedness came out. I was convinced, I had to read it. So I brought it with me on a vacation with my boyfriend at that time, and read the whole thing In two weeks. Through the chapters that talks about the spirit, I thought about Leos video, and kept my mind open. When I came to chapters that explain the healing powers of fruit and vegetables, it wasn't hard to be convinced. As soon as I had read and understood that the sugar in fruit is very different than the sugar you put on your cereal, and how this is a big misunderstanding in society, it all made more sense. Since I stopped eating meat at 13, I had struggled a lot with what other thing I should eat. I thought that eating a banana was just as bad as eating a bag of candy. So I ate very little, and a lot of corn, bread and pasta. Today, I feel like - how couldn't I know better! Vegetables and fruits are so beautiful, fresh and tasty. It is so natural that this is the food for us. Today I can't imagine that the base of my diet should be anything else. I would really recomment for everyone to read the book. It changed my life and the life of my whole family. Through my life (I am now 23) have struggled with shingles, vulvodynia, candida and Hashimoto's (like Leo, omg fan-girl screaming* just kidding'...But seriously) mental issues - like bordeline, anorexia, depression, cronic-loneliness. Things that I can now see are getting better. In the book Anthony Williams explanes the specific fruits and vegetables, and also vitamins, that are good for different diseases, so I won't go more into that here. This journal will be more focused on the part of the book that directs a 28-days cleanse, witch I have finally decided to try. Starting today at April the 1st! Today I am visiting my family, and starting the cleanse together with my mom, and one of my brothers who is 16. My youngest brother who is 11, will also go a long, but only as much as he wants to/enjoy. The plan is that we will have one last easter dinner with these new vegan eggs we all have been exited to try (a last easter supper like Jesus, my mother just joked about) And then we will start. If you had already read the book I will encourage you to go along with me! But if you hadn't read the book and are just interested in following along, on how this will affect my mind and body you can do so here on this journal. I will write down what I eat, how I feel, my thoughts and so on - of course through these 28 days I will keep meditating for 20-30 minutes everyday as always, and keeping my run-training. So I will also write about things related to my all-around personal-development. I want to state from the beginning that I have followed Leo for a long time, and is very serious about mediation and enlightenment work. I have also done LSD for this purpose and plan to do a mushroom trip some time after the cleanse. It will may sound in my writing, like I don't know about non duality and that everything just is, but I really do. I just want to tell you all about this cleanse, and have to write about it, and use the terms that I am used to in my everyday language, to describe it to you. Therefore I will use for example the term "My body" and "my mind" though I know that it Is a very simple way to look at things. - just wanted to let you know, so we are all on the same page here. The bottom line for the cleanse is: Eat only raw fruits and vegetables for four weeks. Aim for 100% organic if possible, limit salt intake,drink plenty of water, non-caffeinated herb teas, or coconut water. If you are taking necessary supplements or medication, take them as well. This is the example from the book for what you could eat through one day: Early AM: A cleansing beverage consisting of: celery juice, cucumber juice, lemon water, coconut water with Hawaiian spirulina, herbal tea, or barley grass juice powder with water. If time is limited, skip this and drink a 12oz glass of water. Breakfast: Make a fruit smoothie. Consider 3 bananas, 2 dates, and 1 cup of berries with enough water to desired consistency. Papayas and mangoes may also be used. If you’re still not full, have more fruit. Stay fed! Other smoothie ingredients can include a handful of spinach or cilantro, a couple stalks of celery, or barley grass juice powder. Fruit still needs to be the main ingredient. Any high-speed blender will work, such as a Vitamix, Nutribullet, Ninja, or anything similar. Standard blenders can be OK for bananas and berries, but are typically not sufficient to liquefy foods like vegetables or dates. Mid-morning: Make another fruit smoothie, as described above. If you are short on time, make enough for 2 large servings earlier in the morning, and have the second serving now. Lunch: A salad with spinach, lettuce, and cucumbers, plus add fruits of your choice. Options include berries, grapes, orange or grapefruit wedges, or sliced mangoes. Make this a LARGE salad, so eat enough to be full. Other additions might include sprouts, chopped cabbage, celery, and scallions. Dressing: blend ½ avocado, a handful of cilantro, and juice from 2 oranges (you may add fresh garlic or ginger for extra taste if desired). Optional dressing: mash up 1 avocado and sprinkle the whole thing with lime juice. Mid-afternoon: If you get hungry during the afternoon, snack on fruits. Examples include dates, apple or pear slices, grapes, and oranges. You may also add in celery sticks with the fruit if you want. Dinner: Spinach soup. Use 2 bunches of spinach, 3 medium-to-large tomatoes (or same amount of cherry tomatoes), the juice from 1 orange, 1 stalk of celery, a handful of cilantro, and 1 clove of garlic (optional) in a high-speed blender. Add other fresh herbs if desired. Try blending tomatoes and orange juice first, then add other ingredients. Garnish with sprouts, herbs, chopped dulse, or scallions. Consider serving the soup over fresh cucumber noodles, which you can make with a julienne slicer or similar kitchen slicer unit. It’s fun to make raw veggies into these type ‘noodles’. During the cleanse, only use cucumber for this type of noodle. Late Evening: If you get hungry after dinner, snack on an apple and a date. You’re not limited to this specific menu. Options include changing lunch for dinner, or eat 2 salads each day instead of one, or even a smoothie for dinner. Change up the types of salad and soup greens if you want. And don’t worry about the so-called concern with lots of raw greens, this is just misinformation (unless you’re taking a prescription blood thinning drug, in which case this cleanse is not suited for you). It’s also OK to eat one meal entirely from one fruit if you choose. If you experience blood sugar problems, it means you’re not snacking enough. Aim for every 1-2 hours if this is an issue for you. So, I will keep you guys updated! Now I will go and enjoy my final "real" supper, haha, and the it will be all about fruit and veggies!! Lots of hugs, Sine
  14. 27-04-18 DAY 27! I forgot to write about yesterday omg! (Wouldn't it be funny if instead of oh my God we would start pronouncing it as oh my Gura?) - To be honest, I am so tired right now I can't remember what I exactly ate yesterday, but probably a lot of fruit and veggies, maybe a smoothie with blueberries and stuff. I went to the theater with a friend in the evening, it was a bit hard to drink tea instead of beer. Not because I really like beer that much, but it's just .. Yea you know. I am maybe a bit tired of telling people that I am on a cleanse. I look forward to keep my healthy habits, but once in a while among friends eat a piece of cake or drink a beer or take some coke. Just occasionally. It's so cool that day 28 is almost here! One of my friends pointed out to me that he noticed some kind of new 'glow' on me, and I took that as a compliment - actually I feel kind of 'glowy'. It's nice. To the meals of today! Early morning: Woke up too late! Had a lot of weird dreams. Ate a banana, went to a cleaning job I have. Cleaned the house, ate another banana, went home to my boat. Morning: Made a DELICIOUS smoothie of frozen raspberry, banana, celery and hand protein powder. (Also took all my pills) Lunch: I was in a hurry, because I had an appointment with someone who can help me with my theater-projects, so I didn't get to eat anything Afternoon: After the meeting I bought some pears and a organic bottle of juice, then off to the train to visit my family Dinner: My mom made a salad, mostly with leafs, but also onions and tomato - then she also made a smoothie with mango. Actually I also had a smoothie in the late afternoon with blueberries and bananas. Food taste some much better when other people make it for you! I guess I will eat a banana now before I sleep. I am aware that I have been eating too little for the last couple of days. My body has been more cold, and just before I had an extreme shift from feeling soooo cold to felling really hot. My mother said that the onions have a strong cleansing effect, but I don't know. I'm so tired! GOODNIGHT! Hugs, Sine
  15. 26-04-18 It’s already day 26 but I’ll write about yesterday - DAY 25! - first! Morning: I had a great morning with First a glass of lemon-wather, then a morning- interval run with 2 minutes jog, 2 minutes tempo run and 2 minutes sprints for about 26 minutes. Imo running is one og the greatest tool if you struggle with feelings like sadness, loneliness ect. That and of course also meditation. I have thought about How running and meditation actually fits really good together, and I think that my progress in one of them makes it easier to progress in another. Both things is about the practess of being in the now, and sticking to it, even though some part of you wants to stop and go eat Ice cream.. Hmm.. maybe it’s comparrable to the cleance also! Second breakfast: Smoothie with bluberries, my last banana and some celery and spinach (also all of the freaking pills) Lunch: This day I meditated in silence for 20 min. Then ate avocado with tomatos and orange and kiwi, also som salad leafs Afternoon: Bought some bananas and a melon! Ate three bananas Dinner: the lemon, and a fourth banana Before bed: some dades It’s so Strange to think about the cleance will be over soon. In some way I think the time has gone by fast. But I remember week two where I really found it difficult. It’s easier now, and I don’t think I will even be able to go completely back to ‘normal’ - I guess I will keep having meals with the only content of fruits and vegetables. I think a lot of the times I have felt pain in my stomach had something to do with the mixing of fruit and for example corn in one meal. I think it will be better to seperate them in the future and overall eat more meals like the ones I have eaten for the past weeks, and less corn, and hopefully never again milk products, it’s hurtfull for the cows anyway and hurtfull to me in another sense.. So what would be the point. They have great vegan icecream and I know an awesome place with vegan pizza... I’ll be fine - Also I can teach myself to make brie cheese (which I love) from nuts - its true you can do that! I saw it on youtube ;-) Hugs, Sine
  16. 24-04-18 DAY 24! Wow, only 4 day left! It's so stange tot hink about that I actually haven't eaten a single piece of bread or candy for 24 days. *highfive to myself yay* - But still, I will definitely use this as a beginning for a more healthy lifestyle, but I look forward to the taste of for example roasted vegetables and also chocolate to be honest. Early morning: Banana Morning: Smoothie with bananas, blueberries, spinach, celery and cucumber Lunch: Salad with tomatoes, cucumber, an avocado and a bit of mango and apples Afternoon: Some dates and figs, also an apple and a smoothie with mango and carrot bought from a store Dinner: Salad with tomatoes, cucumber, onion, cabbage, an avocado and a very small artichoke (steamed) Before bed I might eat a banana and an apple The cleanse has been very expensive, and I try to get by with the vegetables I have left, since I kind of ran out of money.. I really look forward to tomorrow where I will get some money for a cleaning job, then I will buy some bananas. I could take money from my savings, but I have done that to many times for the last couple of months, so I really wants to try not to. Also it is good for me to see how little I actually need to survive, and maybe I will be better at managing my budget in the future. Also there isn't so much time until the 1st of May, so I think I can make it. As promised, here is a picture of all my vitamins and supplements - It's not all of them that I will have to take always, but it's a lot.. I'm not sure if I have noticed any effect yet, but it's only been since friday afterall. It makes me a bit nauseous to eat so many pills, and if it continues I'll have to stop taking some of them. But I really trust my friend and Anthony Williams, so I will give it a month I think. Other than these I take Iron-suplement once a month and omega-3 every morning. This is actually against AW but my friend has convinced me that I must continue to take them, so I will hold on to them also, at least for a while. Hugs, Sine
  17. 23-04-18 DAY 23! (And the weekend day 20-22) My computer has returned from the dead, so for that I am very happy! Also the weekend was amazing. I love my friend so much, and his school was surrounded by all this beautiful nature. We had some great walks, a meditation in the woods, and a run Saturday morning, where I ran faster than ever before. We did 6km in 35 minutes. It was slow for him of course, but for me it was amazing, and I felt so proud of myself. Food-wise, everything went well, actually better than expected. I ate completely raw Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Also most of Sunday, expect from dinner where I ran out of my own food, and the school didn't serve a salad that day, so I had some of the baked potatoes, a piece of baked eggplant and some cooked cauliflower-salad. But still only vegetables. I had brought with me two bags of vegetables and fruit (only one bag of clothes haha) In the mornings I ate mostly my own fruit, one of the days they served som berries that I ate, and friday morning I had a smoothie I brought from home. My friend had bought some smoothies from the store and the school served salad to most of the meals, so it was easier to get by than I expected. Saturday my friend went to the store and bought some bananas, apples and berries for me, since my bags was almost empty, but overall I think it went great. It was fun to see peoples reactions to my food. The morning I had the watermelon it was a bit weird to sit and eat it in front of his class, because I got the feeling that people thought I was a freak.. But actually most people said it made them happy to see, and I thought about that. Fruit really makes people happy. it's hard to be angry while pealing an orange. Just the smell, the color, and the sweet taste... It lifts your mood. Also I have thought about that this way of eating makes me a bit judgemental. It's not something I'm proud of, but I guess it's better to speak the truth to yourself. While staying at the school, and so clearly eating a lot different than the 'normal'. Just seeing people sit beside me and eating for example cheese, drinking milk, or .. I won't even mention meat. It makes me sad because I know how it hurts them, and how they hurt their bodies. I just want's to shout everything I know out, or throw apples and blueberries at them.. but I also don't wanna be that type of person to put my believes out on everyone else. It's difficult. It's like the time I started meditating, and really began to understand. I couldn't force everyone around me to start meditating, just because I had figured it out. No matter how sure I was that it was the ' right thing to do' - people had to walk their own road. I just wish that society would stop brainwashing people to think it's necessary to eat meat and drink brestmilk from cows. At least.. I talked with one of the students at dinner about living on a raw-food diet, I think it was Friday or Saturday.. I remember he said "Yea but what kind of life would that be" (If you couldn't have macdonalds, , cakes, pizza and so on.. And it's not like - I mean... I will definitely have some vegan pizza and vegan ice cream after the cleance, but it just got me thinking - what kind of life would that be? A life with a body at ease? A life with less physical and maybe even less mental pain? a longer life? a happier life? or would it really be miserable, having to miss out on macdonalds and pizza? Would it be worth it? This day went by okay. I miss my friend a lot, and some shit happened to my project. Actually I just had a steamed artichoke. It was steamed so a bit out side of the ' rules' but It's the last week, and I know a lot of people eat a baked potato in the evenings of the last week to get the stomach used to regular food again, so maybe my potatoes can be artichokes. I don't think its such big of a deal, there isn't much fat in artichokes anyway, and it was only steamed. In the morning I had a smoothie - the regular one with blueberries, celery and so on (Really missed these in the weekend!) for lunch I had some fruit. A pear and an apple I think, later some mango, avocado and tomato. In the evening I made the dish with blended garlic-tomato-dressing on the top of a whole sliced up cucumber with some cabbage. Just now (after the artichoke) I ate a banana and drank some juice my friend bought for me (it's 100% pure fruit) It's cool that I only have a week left. In june I will do it again for only two weeks - I saw a raw-food challenge at facebook, and thought it would be easy after this! Also I got my friend to sign up with me, so it will be cool I have to tell you about my period also! Even though it hurt thursday evening, it didn't get worse, and I didn't really felt anymore pain throughout the weekend. Maybe the cleanse has something to do with it! Or maybe it just helped that I had sex with my friend or that we went out running or that I just relaxed so much and didn't feel stress... I will never know, but it's nice to be painfree, and soon I will also be blood free. Hopefully tomorrow or the day after. Also I got all my vitamins and nutrition-pills. My friend is a huge nerd in that field, and he helped me put together a list of all the things I need to help cure my Hashimoto and the shingles. Hopefully I will help, but it is weird to take so many pills everyday. I will post a picture tomorrow! Hugs, and goodnight Sine
  18. 19-04-18 DAY 19! Can’t believe its already day 19! Early morning: Summer has arrived so I had my cup of boiled wather with lemon on the deck (you know I live on a boat) It was a great way to start the day. I wished I had time to meditate in the morning sun, but because Im still a bit sick I have let myself sleep for longer, and meditated at my work instead. Also I have taken a break from running, but maybe this weekend I will feel good enough to start again. Morning: A bowl of smoothie made from frozen blueberries and strawberries, also celery, bananas and hamp-protein powder. I think I also put an avocado in it but Im not sure. Lunch: Mixed salad with cucumber, radishes, leaf-salad, orange, kiwi and avocado Afternoon: banana, an orange and some Apples Dinner: Im in the train now on my way to visit my friend (I have packed one bag with clothes and two bags with fruit omg haha) so I just drank a green smoothie and some coconut wather I bought at the station and ate som figs I brought from home. Also actually I ate an avocado I brought from home also... I just now realize how many avocados I have actually eaten today, but I think I have thought about that I should eat a bit more fat from avocados and coconut these days because I might have to eat cooked vegetables in the weekend. Hopefully I will still be able to eat nothing but fruit and vegetables even though it won’t be completely raw. Mind. I feel happy and strong. It’s like I am becoming better and treating myself with kindness and respect. Body. Today my period came. I had really hope that the cleance would do some kind of magic and free me from my pain, but it hurts like hell, and if everything is like usual I know that the pain tomorrow will be even worse. At least I won’t have any tasks to do, other than relaxing and being with my friend. If the pain really gets worse, I might have to take painkillers to get through it. I know that isn’t exactly a cleansing thing to do.. But I have really looked forward to this weekend and it will suck so much to just lay on the bathroom floor screaming in pain and soaked in my own blood. (Okay maybe that was over the top but you get it) Hugs, Sine
  19. 18-04-18 DAY 18! early morning: hot wather with lemon Morning: An apple and a whole watermelon lunch: salad with rucola, tomatos, onion pepperfruit and oranges. Afternoon: smoothie with mango, banana and selery. Some bananas and apples, also a kiwi Dinner: Smoothie with blueberries, bananas and selery And a few strawberries. before bed: bananas, some coco-nut. And some aspargus. Tomorrow I will visit my friend at his School. I will try to bring a lot of fruit with me, but I expect that I will fall a bit out of the cleance until sunday. Depending on How it goes, I might ad a few extra days on the other side of the 28 days. Hugs, Sine
  20. 17-04-18 DAY 17! wow, time goes by fast. Its amazing! Today I’ve mostly had smoothies. My mother made three bottles that I had at work. Also I ate some bananas and Apples. Actually I had two avocados, also some salad made from cabage and pomefranate, with tomatos and garlic. Just now I ate a couple of dades, but I haven’t had so much appetite today. Its been a long day, and Im still not feeling completely well. I did my meditation in the train this morning, and I will try to do it more regular again - starting today. now I will get ready for bed hugs, Sine
  21. 16-04-18 DAY 16! I had a lot of smoothies today, some just with bananas and frozen berries, others with more greens. I had to call in sick at work and stay with my family for one more day. My mother made a lot of boiled wather with lemonjuice which should help me get better. Even though I have been sick I haven’t lost my appetite - maybe that says something about fruit and vegetables being our most natural food and really what our bodies need. I have also eaten halfs of watermelons and carrots. For lunch we had a regualar salad. I still feel sick, but will go to work tomorrow, I really need the money.. And overall I feel better than yesterday. To be honest I have found it difficult to meditate while being sick, and I still feel a bit feverish. Tomorrow I will meditate in the train. There is something I want to write about, but I’m still without my computer and really tired.. but. Its my family. My mother has been eating like this for months now, more or less. I thing the food makes her develop in other places too. For example, its like she has new interests and lives for other reasons than just family alone. She isnt so intrested in cooking anymore, and wants to save money for an education in hypnotherapy, that she wants to take. Its really great to see her like this I think, but for my brothers and her husband it had been difficult, because she is like the glue that keeps the family together... Just now my brother cried and was really sad because we didnt sat down to eat dinner as a family but some just ate bananas, some had smoothies and my youngest brother who isnt on the cleanse gets sad because he dont like to eat “normal” food alone. I understand him, and his only 12. And super vegan anyway.. but this “only fruit-thing” had been very hard on him. But I also understand my mother.. She has been a bit old school and never thought my brothers to help in the house, so when I moved out she was only herself to serve her husband, my teenage-brother and my youngest brother. So I think its awesome to see her perception change.. but also wierd. Im too tired now. Will write more about it another day. goodnight, Sine
  22. 15-04-18 DAY 15! Morning: banana and a smoothie with blueberries, bananas and celery and spinach Lunch: a lot of blended bananas with strawberries, also I had half a wathermelon and honney melon during the afternoon. I also ate some dates. Dinner: we had salad and my eldest younger brother was here, so we also had some normal food but the only thing I had that was slightly against the cleanse was a tiny baked potato, but some people eat potatos during the cleanse if they have too many symptoms and want to slow down, so I guess it was altigh. Also next weekend I will have to eat a bit outside of the cleanse ruels, because I’ll visit my friend at his school and won’t have acces to special food (still I will bring a back of fruit) before bed I had a banana. ..... today I had some cleansing symptoms. This is maybe a bit disgusting but lets say during these 14 days I have been going a lot to the bathroom, like maybe 4-5 times at day. This has come down to a more normal number. Most of the days it has been easy to go - but today it was hard and my stomach hurt a lot. I thought it was wierd because I didn’t eat anything that was difficult to digest, so I thought maybe it was my body cleansing all the old bad things out.... maybe sorry to tell you too much... but its very intresting to see the changes! hugs, Sine