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  1. Something-nothing Equivalence Consider this: - … (-2+2) + (-16+16) + (-22+22) + (-133+133) + (0) + (-54+54) …, etc. = 0 Key: - ... + (-2+2) + (-54+54) + ... = this arising, that arises, ... + (0) + ... = this ceasing, that ceases, ( .... ) = the law of kamma/balancing, -2+2 or -133+133 = the law of attraction.
  2. Perhaps we’ve all heard the question, “Is it half empty or half full?” If you focus on the more visible part, you’ll see it’s half full. Similarly, if you notice the invisible part first, you have a better chance to see what is lacking. Either way, you only see half the image.
  3. The fact is that both life and death are human constructs, that is, they are just different concepts from mental consciousness. By convention, we live and die simultaneously and every moment. It means that there is no particular period of life or time for the dead after a period of life per se. All existences would rise and fall at the same time and infinitely under the influences of cause and condition. The principle of yin-yang dictates: when a quality reaches its zenith, it naturally begins to transform into an opposing quality. Uniting the two brings something. In other words, the elements of yin and yang are shifting, as a current in the ocean, a retreat completes each progression, and each ascension is transformed into a fall. Ultimately, it is all about balancing the dichotomy between yin (decay) and yang (flourish) – the competing and complementary forces, that is, the victor claims the throne. In the dependent nature, everything is a matrix of everything. All things or matters are interdependently co-arising ad infinitum. Once again, all classifications relating to life and death are human constructs, that is, notions of mental consciousness per se. Without it, all things would appear according to the deepest facts per se, namely no label, limit, name, activity, form, description, etc.
  4. According to Chinese philosophy, everything is a combination of yin and yang. When a quality reaches its peak, it naturally starts to turn into the opposite quality. The union of the two brings forth things. Yin and yang transform each other, like a current in the ocean, every advance is completed by a retreat, and every rise is transformed into a fall. The conventional principle is: “Yin creates yang and yang activates yin”. Yin is like a single playing card and Yang is like a deck of playing cards. With a deck of playing cards, one might perform a myriad of games like poker, solitaire, gin rummy, etc. However, with just one card, those games would be considered impossible. This scenario showed that yin and yang aspects depend on each other in order to produce a dynamic and harmonious system. Also, everything that exists is the result of multiple causes and conditions. Each of the causes would need other causes to be present together with their respective conditions. In general, the dependent appearance is only the ultimate result of a variety of aggregation activities observed by the mental consciousness. And just with balanced circumstances, there could be opportunities for process integration, that is, under balanced phenomena, we could see the prevalence of appearances and vice versa. The doctrine of Dependent Origination is depicted below: - Equanimity (E0) leads to stability. Stability leads to aggregation. Aggregation leads to agitation. Agitation leads to information. Information leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to representation. Representation leads to memory. Memory leads to compulsion. Compulsion leads to ignorance. Ignorance leads to blindness. Blindness leads to disorientation. Disorientation leads to confusion. Confusion leads to irrationality. Irrationality leads to impulse. Impulse leads to sparkling. Sparkling leads to inkling. Inkling leads to volition. Volition leads to awareness. Awareness leads to consciousness. Consciousness leads to manas. Manas leads to mind and body. Mind and body lead to sensation. Sensation leads to six sense bases. Six sense bases lead to conductivity. Conductivity leads to contact. Contact leads to stimulation. Stimulation leads to feeling. Feeling leads to experience. Experience leads to craving. Craving leads to grasping. Grasping leads to clinging. Clinging leads to unsettling. Unsettling leads to becoming. Becoming leads to creation. Creation leads to birth. Birth leads to energising. Energising leads to mobility. Mobility leads to hauling. Hauling leads to aging. Aging leads to draining. Draining leads to death. Death leads to fragility. Fragility leads to segregation. Segregation leads to diffusion. Diffusion leads to discomposure. Discomposure leads to adjustment. Adjustment leads to alignment. Alignment leads to equanimity (E1). The bottom line is that life has no real purpose. If things are made to be, they shall be, and vice versa. The applicable principle: This arising, that arises; this ceasing, that ceases. Ultimately, we are nothing more than manipulations of our own mental consciousness.
  5. Firstly, there is always something there in the field of something and there is nothing there in the field of nothing. Perhaps we’ve all heard the question, “Is it half empty or half full?” If you focus on the more visible part, you’ll see it’s half full. Similarly, if you notice the invisible part first, you have a better chance to see what is lacking. Either way, you only see half the image. The interesting dichotomy between something and nothing looks pretty much like the dualism between yin and yang. In the end, it is a simplistic understanding of the complex relationship between thoughts, perceptions, and realities. Fundamentally, the field of something refers to the orienting energy in the sphere of time and the principle of absence, balance, and constant (ABC). The Energy Conservation Law stipulates that energy cannot be created or destroyed and the sum of all energies in a system is constant. If a scene is provoked, the natural law that governs the balance would take effect through time and the planes of existence, just as the rock hit the water and caused a ring of waves to spread and reverberate around. Furthermore, energy is an element that implies the motion of translation, rotation, and vibration that become the key components of universal laws. In the field of something, the mind is the precursor of every state. That is, the object or matter must appear within the range of the mental frequency horizon; if not, observation is impossible. The relevant principle: awareness elements would discern some simple and variable frequencies based on information and memory. This would give birth to consciousness (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.), commonly called soul. Consciousness would then progress in a manipulative mind (e.g. 1+2, 8-6, 5x7, 3/4, etc.) that can distinguish and understand the features of objects or matters like the dichotomy between something and nothing. At the end of the day, the field of something comes in when you have the mental energy. This is because the mind is the architect for discriminating all existences by manipulative distinction. Like the famous quote from Brian G. Dyson (former CEO of Coca-Cola), “Value has value only when its value is valued”. Without mental consciousness, everything would appear as the deepest facts in itself, namely no label, no boundary, no name, no activity, no description, etc. (as the field of nothing).
  6. Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form (Something is Nothing, Nothing is Something) Let’s see the illustrations below: - Microscopic Analysis Of The Object (Solid Ball) By zooming in, you could see what was in the core of the solid ball, the atoms. But there was nothing to discover apart from the vibrant space. In the end, this observation would give way to the emptiness of the substance. Macroscopic Analysis Of The Object (Solid Ball) As you zoom out, the solid ball seems to shrink to the smallest possible size. In the end, such a finding would also give way to the emptiness of the substance. Given this, it is legitimate to conclude that the form is empty since no substance is stationary. This means that it exists only in relation to each other as appearances which, in turn, vary according to viewers’ perceptions. Ultimately, appearance has a deceptive nature that is lacking in intrinsic presence and varies with conditional phenomena. The above analysis has also revealed that the emptiness of phenomena is the cause and consequence of the dependent nature of phenomena. After all, emptiness is the primary source of perceptible realities. This is the inherent nature of existence and is seen as the ultimate reality because it exists inherently right as it is perceived directly by the enlightened mind.
  7. Both Sides To Mother Nature The two sides will exist simultaneously and can be illustrated in a mathematical equation, as described below: - Facet 1 (The realm of something) => … (-2+2) + (-16+16) + (-133+133) + (0) + (-54+54) …, etc. = 0 <= Facet 2 (The realm of nothing) Facet 1 = Dependent arising = the prevalence of the mind that evokes perceptions, designs, labelling, etc. = the fluctuating phenomena = the start and end processes = all subjects and objects are created. Facet 2 = Inherent existence = no mind at all = no start and end process = no conditional phenomena at all. Zero (0) = Intermediation, absence, or emptiness = a mathematical value intermediate between positive and negative values. ... (-2+2) + ... + (-54+54) ... = Flow values which are dependent = this arising, that arises. ... + (0) + ... = This ceasing, that ceases. ( .... ) = The law of kamma = a universal law of balance. -2+2 or -133+133 = The law of attraction. Based on the above mathematical equation, the conclusions could be summarised as follows: - 1. Mother Nature is a constant system with an intermediary or absent factor. This means that it will constantly move towards a balanced state. 2. If a scene is made in Mother Nature, the natural law which governs the balance would come into effect through time and the planes of existence. 3. All that exists inherently does not imply change and the created objects cannot exist inherently because it implies change. 4. Dependent nature resembles intrinsic nature.
  8. Consciousness is a label. Energy is a label. Space is a label. The ultimate truth arises beyond labels and concepts. In the end, there is only the deepest fact of all things, namely emptiness. To put it bluntly, it means nothing...
  9. Time is a human construct because it is a dimension created to measure the process of becoming a.k.a. change. It is inappropriate to characterise the process of becoming either like this or like that because it does not have a beginning or an end in nature. Therefore, from an ultimate perspective, change does not imply time.
  10. Everything is simply made of the same ingredient, that is, energy. It cannot be created or destroyed, as set out in the Energy Conservation Law. Instead, it would transform and change endlessly. To transform is to change, to change is to become, and to become is to reborn. So, energy is ever reborn all the time in the dependent nature. In fact, phenomena, objects, matters, consciousnesses, mental activities, spirits, souls, ghosts, memories, dreams, illusions, emotions, affections, etc. are categorised as energy items. In the end, all is one & one is whole. Those distinctions between all matters or phenomena are merely two sides of the same..
  11. Put simply, the observed truth would appear within the context of absolute truth, without exception.
  12. Awareness is a ground state that sustains consciousness. The nature of awareness is effulgence and it is in an unconscious condition before the objects appear. When it touches objects, consciousness springs up. It is in turn the appearance of objects in the mind, naturally looking outwards for objects, and flitting all the time. Moreover, consciousness is known by the name of synergy which implies geometric expansion with the birth of its dominant and subtle expressions. On the other hand, the mind is a pattern of consciousness that comes out of awareness and is known as consciousness in individuality. In other words, the origin of individuality is identical to the origin of the mind, which is something more objective and entails clear discrimination. This means that the mind differentiates and understands the characteristics of objects and is used to understand things, since it understands the manipulation of consciousness. Awareness (e.g. pre-1,2,3) => Consciousness (e.g. 1,2,3) => Mind (e.g. 1-2, 3/2, 2x2, 3+1)
  13. @no_name This takes place when your higher mind has a glimpse of your ordinary mind.