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Everything posted by Privet

  1. No. You may not even quit your addictions. Although some of them may fall apart.
  2. It's remarkable how much you can suffer in the luxurious palace that you are even willing to starve yourself almost to death to know how to get rid of this suffering. The ones who suffer the most and the ones who touched the Truth and see exactly why. It doesn't require as much as it was required in Buddha's days to achieve enlightenment these days, because it is explained very well. Typical historical Zen way of achieving enlightenment is that you get to the temple and they make you sit for 12 hours a day in lotus until you're sick of it enough to wake up. And if your back is not straight or you moved a little they hit you with the stick so that you shit your pants. And you sleep for 4 hours a day.
  3. Highly recommend to watch Leo's videos on pickup and this one. They reveal EXACTLY what you are talking about.
  4. @zunnyman You've got sex, narcissism and power addictions to such a degree that you even rationalized how worthy that is. When I was trying to quit smoking I was romanticizing it in the most weird ways possible to just relapse and smoke again and realize that it was another stupid illusion. Until I felt in my bones how terrible it makes me feel.
  5. @Shiva probably he mistakengly thought that this kind of lifestyle will make him enlightened.
  6. Seeing your ignorance doesn't make it easier to stop it. It just makes you work towards deareasing it. Buddha lived in a luxurious palace with everything he ever needed until 29 as I remember and still got interested in enlightenment. Osho once said that he moved to USA because it's rich country, they have everything so they finally know this is not the answer.
  7. @Ilya Ignorance is not only lack of knowledge. When you disregard the knowledge it's ignorance too. Whole point of enlightenment is to stop your ignorance. This process doesn't stop by couple of enligtenment experiences, you will be ignorant untill you will embody enlightenment.
  8. My excuse is ignorance. I am unaware how important that is. And I forget how amazing my glimpse of conciousness was. It was so powerful that I sometimes meditated 6-10 hours a day trying to recreate that. Also addictions really hold me back. Look at this guy for some inspiration. Look closer at his behaviour, do you want that?
  9. Why do you think people laugh when they become enlightened? They get the joke!
  10. Try not to contact them at all and see who will notice that and contact you back. If someone doesn't want to talk to you you can't make them want to. When you try to talk to people that don't like to talk to you they will be annoyed by this. You want to call people so badly because you are addicted to it. You can't stand being alone. You want attention. You want approval. You want to feel important to someone. You want to be "friends" with people. In order to stop the addiction you need to stop doing addictive behaviour until your cravings stop. If someone doesn't want to talk to you it doesn't mean you are bad and they don't give a shit. They just can't satisfy your addiction, they sense that you can't stop. Do mindful meditation regularly, it helps a lot. I was needy too for a long time. And now it changed because of regular daily meditation. You are not bad, it's just a bad habit, and you can quit it. Good luck!
  12. No, if it's possible he will try to save himself, if not then he still gonna smile because his death doesn't frighten him. Fearless doesn't mean actionless, actually without fear you become more effective and intelligent, not mechanically reactive. Animals have only 3 options: fight, flight and freeze. Humans are intelligent, we can throw our jacket on his face, scream for help, spray some pepper spray, shoot him etc. If you are frightened you are less likely to come up with some idea how to oversmart that lion, you will just freeze and shit your pants. When you become enlightened you can rise above that animal mechanical behaviour and not shit your pants but do something more productive, for example you might enjoy the last moments of your life with laughter because there's nothing to do. It's body-mind reaction, a reflex. What is boundlessness? Awareness/emptiness? Ego arises from emptiness either, every experience arises from emptiness and returns to emptiness. Fear is just fear, a biological reaction like erection or puking or pain. In animals fear is triggered by danger, in humans by possibility of danger. Possibility of danger is just a thought. This is the difference between humans and animals. They can see danger, humans can imagine danger.
  13. @Maxx Good point, what you are talking about is basically a fight-flight-freeze response, but fight-flight-freeze response in animals can't be triggered by thoughts. You can be frightened to death by some stupid thought, which makes human fear personal. When good zen master sees a lion he smiles.
  14. Resistance to possible unwanted change of things that you care about. You play unwanted scenario in your mind and risist to it. Or maybe clarity of mind that is given to prevent this scenario to happen. Usually it feels like excitement and clarity if you don't resist to fear. Your concentration and energy are rising. Anger is like post-fear, you resist to change that have already happen and which was important to you too. Anxiety is mild form of fear, when possible scenario is less damaging or further in time. Depression is accumulated or suppressed anger, when you resist to something for a long time and neither do something about it or accept it (if it's not the clinical/biochemical one). All negative emotions are basically dissonance with reality, when something goes not the way that you desire.
  15. Why not? If they do some stupid shit isn't it enough to draw a conclusion? I used to think that way too, but no matter what people present to public they can't always hide their intentions. Behaviour again is the key, you can't judge by public image, public image is made to hide their intentions.
  16. Also what's interesting, power can easily reveal your REAL level of conciousness. First you look blue and kinda good citizen, but then you get elected and here it is, you are a corrupt purple who provides for his tribe. I now really question that Russia is blue-orange, probably it's overestimated and actually red.
  17. If someone looks okay from the first look it doesn't mean he is not a barbarian.
  18. Behaviour. I suppose I'm green. Stop taking everything as absolute truth, it's only assumptions. Russia is very corrupt country. Most of our executives hang out between purple and red, feeding themselves and their families with public money, and Putin is the head of all this shit, he doesn't fight corruption effectively although he rules Russia for almost 18 years. Guess why he doesn't fight it? Behaviour is the key, see?
  19. No political wars pls. If someone is smart and cunning it doesn't mean they are highly concious. Stages are about conciousness levels. Politics is about getting elected, not being concious. You get elected by being cunning, not concious.
  20. @Clint Eastwood That explains you opinion about Putin. He fooled you
  21. Meditation with closed eyes makes you cross-eyed. Be carefull, meditate with eyes open!
  22. Stop keyboard-jokeying, go meditate!
  23. @Ilya if it goes in a loop you are just mechanically thinking, it is not self inquiry. Try to practice minfulness to not get lost in thinking. Then you will be able to really wonder who you are instead of trying to get conceptual answer. It may take couple of years to only understand how to do it right.
  24. @Ilya good! Continue! Who is aware of the voice that is reading this text in your head? Who declines answers? After couple 100s of hours of this brutal grueling confusion you just start to warm up.