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Everything posted by Florian

  1. @Buba She would say Allahu Akbar and then blow herself up (just kidding, I hope I don't get banned)
  2. I just had this thought about values and I think this might be valueble but I'm not sure. So I had this thought, that some values on the master values list of the Life purpose course are more fundamental then others like for example the value leadership might actually just be a mix of growth and impact or something like that. So that would mean growth and impact are more basic then leadership. But I know Leo mentioned that values are different for everyone and one value can have a totally different meaning for 2 different people and that might be the answer for this thought, but what do you think is there something about this?
  3. Is the human experience basically a path in infinity that is walked by loving the details of it and is over when every detail of this path has been loved by the human?
  4. Yeah but I thought I could give you all something with this post
  5. But this is propably nothing new I discovered and maybe it's exactly what Leo talks about in his video on Self-Love or his video on the point life. I watched parts of that video too and I think he said something similar there.
  6. @Ero I didn't say a path to infinity but a path in infinity. That example is propably not good to understand, I don't just mean the things you feel but everything you experience. Maybe you understand what I mean if I told you that I asked me the question "Why would I as god want to experience a human life" and this was my answer I think but not sure anymore because it's a bit ago.
  7. I believe I posted some gold with this but I am scared that a) I actually didn't and I am just deluding myself because I want get some recognition and/or b) This is actually true and very valueble but you won't see the value and it will get lost
  8. I really want @Leo Gura's opinion on this.
  9. @Highest I don't mean loving all of reality but just what you experience. What I mean by "you walk the path by loving the details of it" is for example: I become aware of one aspect of me, like I notice that I hate this or that person or I feel threatened by a situation or something "positiv" like I really feel like I can nail this one test in school and also do it. Whatever. And by loving this aspect of yourself you "walk" this path that this human experience is and go to the next and maybe in the end after you loved all of this you remember that you are god and go back to that state. I watched the beginning of Leo's video about Self-Love yesterday and that made me believe that what I wrote in this post actually is true or at least kinda.
  10. I don't know I actually wrote this text for something else but then posted it here so I'm not sure if I even keep this going.
  11. I think this is more of my lifes definition I'm currently doing the life purpose course and one of my Top 10 values is excellence so maybe excellence is even my top value and it's definition is to do the important things in my life with love for the details and understand it very deeply.
  12. For example: 90% Freedom + 10% Love = Growth (This is just relatively random but I think Growth might be a mix of freedom and love didnt think much about it though), so maybe there is one fundational value (maybe Oneness or nondualaty?) which then splits into more (I think maybe freedom and love) which then mixes into all different kinds of values.
  13. Reading this question again, this questions seems like the last question of a game of "Who am I" to me lol.
  14. @Leo Gura But do you literally live in a cabin in the woods right now? Just curious
  15. If you don't know Mr. Beast, he is a popular YouTuber (not very high consciousness resource, but anyways) and he is planning to plant 20.000.000 trees via charity. Do these trees actually have an impact? I googled how many trees there are on the whole planet and it said around 3 trillion, so 20.000.000 does not seem very impactfull to me.
  16. That seems like a good way to look at it.
  17. I think, -This is real love/fearlessness -That is very inspirational -He is a fucking legend
  18. Thank you all, now I have to go get a date.
  19. I have almost no experience with girls whatsoever and also have social problems in general. Now let's say I had the possibility to go on a date, is it even a good idea? I am SO unsure about that. I guess if I want to move forward in my dating life I have to face that fear but I dont even have any idea how to initiate a date if a girl would be attracted to me because I have no idea where to go or what to do. Any advice?
  20. Hm okay, thank you. Well I guess it is, but I am so fucking scared I think im gonna die if I go on a date haha
  21. Any tips on where to go on a date?
  22. @Sahil Pandit Who is that player? Just curious
  23. Do you think it is possible to increase your lifespan to insane amounts of time, like 200 years? I think it would be so cool to live 200 years from now or even longer and still function good enough to observe whats going on around you and experience all the changes in these years.
  24. Man it would be so cool to live thousands of years (given that humanity in general still lives so long), and experience all of it. You would be like an ancient artifact.
  25. So I lately did alot of emotional work. A few months ago I read the book the Sedona Method. I didnt read the whole book, but only until the direct method was explained, after that I got too lazy but I had that. Now I started using this method A LOT. It wasnt even very intentionally, I dont really know why I did it, it was basically like a game for me just like Leo said it his latest video about letting stuff go, but I basically was at the point where I used it very very often, basically every time I felt something and was aware of it and over time I got more and more aware of my emotions and I really used the method basically every single time. I would say it felt very natural to me to do it so maybe that is why I did it. But anyway I did get I think very great results and sometimes I even felt like this could be used as a method for enlightement, since I had these moments where I felt like I let a layer of "myself" go and then got a better view on my "real self". But the point of all of this is that today I woke up and actually directly noticed that I am more free internally than yesterday. Then I got in the shower and I remembered a moment where I felt a lot of shame and I noticed that I could really feel what this emotion really was better than ever before. I used the method and I let a little bit of it go and got kinda closer to the root of this emotion. Then I went on with my day. Now the really freaky shit slowly starts. I hear someone ring the doorbell. I go downstairs open the door and receive a package. Then I turn around and see a big fucking black spider on the wall hiding in the half shadow of a picture that hangs next to it. I think I rarely saw such a big spider in my country (Germany). Now I am scared and dont know what to do. I want to get the spider out and actually feel like I'm capable of doing that. I am not as scared as I was all the times before I had to deal with spiders, but I also still have a deep fear inside me. I go closer to the spider and look at it. Now I go to get a glas and a broomstick to somehow get the problem solved but I havent figured out how to get the job done and whether I should take the spider out alive or kill it. I go to the kitchen to get the stuff but I get stuck internally and dont get it done after I put the broomstick and the glas next to the spider. Then I go to the kitchen again open the door to the garden and sit down in the sun. NOW the freaky shit really starts. I don't know if this was an enlightment experience or a breakthrough or whatever and I am also not sure if this is true (maybe my mind is not open enough but I also kinda tell myself I'm going insane). So... I think about the spider and remember that I had 2 times where I encountered such a spider lately (but a lot smaller). Before both these times I actually had a moment where I felt shame and tried to let it go. I remember this because at these times I felt like I was literally looking at my shame when I was looking at the spider but I did not go any further with that thought. But now something inside me makes click and I realise it is true. I don't realise it on a thinking level but on a being level I think (haha now I THINK that this happened because it is over now). I go to the spider and see a deep emotion inside myself which was I think shame or hate or pain (a deep wound I think). I realise that I am everything that is accured right now and that I am creating this spider and then I get fucking scared and regret that I went so far and go to my room (Ego backlash?) and now I sit here writing this shit down because I was scared that I would go insane if I keep this to myself. Right now where I am writing this sentence I am not in this state anymore but I still feel a deep fear inside me just not as direct as before and I feel a bit safer and the spider is still down there I think. (maybe if what I wrote above is true, the spider actually went into the basement because it is my direct fear or hate or something as I wrote above that I now successfully supressed a bit hahaha I dont know if this is true but I really remember it being literally an emotion of myself) Maybe this is bullshit I can't say anymore because I'm not in that 'state' anymore and I also am scared that you say that this is bullshit and I am insane or something. But if this is true, which I think it is, this might give you people in this forum some value. I dont know if the title is still fitting but I am just gonna leave it that way.