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Everything posted by youngshinzen

  1. Day37: 6/10 same as yesterday
  2. @Leonid Nice?? And how many days do you want to achieve?
  3. Day36: 7/10 strong pain body, distracted myself with watching porn
  4. @Shin ? @Leonid Hey, energy is pretty constant. Pretty much feels like after 4 days when everything has recovered. I don‘t know if I can attribute it to nofap, but muscle fatigue is almost gone. Could also be because of cutting sugar and meat though. What are you aiming for?
  5. Day35: 5/10 wim hof made me a bit horny...i mean the method
  6. Day34: 2/10
  7. Day33: 2/10
  8. Day32: 4/10
  9. Day31: 1/10
  10. Hi, I started working out again and I feel more vulnerable to stress, even small triggers cause a burning sensation in the chest and I‘m very tense. The only thing that gives me a short relief is to breath in deeply. Even after switching to a light workout and an off day these symptoms are very noticeable. The last period of constantly working out was 3 months ago and during that time I felt the most stress in years. @Leo Gura I read somewhere that you‘re not working out to save energy. Did you have these symptoms too?
  11. Day30: 1/10
  12. @Leonid Yeah but since a week it feels like it has stabilized. Thanks, same to you!
  13. Day29: 1/10 increased anxiety
  14. Day9: 9/10, 142 words getting deeper into mathematical areas and blockage kicked in spent many hours today just reading, re-reading and arranging, but not really progressing managed to get the page done by using a necessary picture, but did not fully understand the topic yet
  15. Hey, I'm currently writing my master thesis in logistics. This topic is not something I'm passionate about, but I'm close to finishing it and want to use the opportunity to build a habit of finishing unpleasant work. I want to use this thesis as a meditation object, as my mind wanders off a lot. I have also experienced a lot of success in the past with keeping myself accountable by posting the process. If I do one page daily, I'll be ready one month early, which I have never done before. Inspired by "Eat that frog", I will do it first thing in the morning and post the page (blurred) here. Some days I'll add a few notes to it and explain what has changed and what I've learned. Any piece of advice is welcome!
  16. Day28: 2/10
  17. @Vitamine Water That‘s why I used past tense?
  18. Day8: 6/10, 287 words woke up with a good mood, but out of fear to start I continued to sleep and felt depressed afterwards. new rule: I have to start at 10am. Morning routine and breakfast have to happen before that.
  19. @Leonid He was just joking :-) @Vitamine Water You did it! Congrats <3 I'm grateful I was able to see your progress and be influenced by it.
  20. Day27: 2/10
  21. Day7: 8/10, 290 words as always, I went to the library on an empty stomach but I had to start a new chapter and that took lengthy preparation, so I went home to eat something and finished my page there
  22. Day26: 3/10
  23. What are additional ways to increase dopamine?
  24. Day6: 4/10, 282 words
  25. Day25: 6/10