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Posts posted by Hardkill

  1. 2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Do you think women view sexual liberation as just going around sleeping with some random dude touching their ass. No that's not it. You went from one extreme to the next. Why don't you try a different tactic if you're seeing you're having the same problem. 

    Maybe if she happens to be horny because she's ovulating or for whatever other reason and she thinks I look hot and liked how ballsy I came off, then maybe she'd be down to fuck.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Sexually liberated for a female doesn't mean I'll sleep with the 1st horny guy that touches me. 

    Then what's the difference between a sexually liberated girl and conservative sexually repressed girl? Is the former easy or harder to pull than the latter?

    9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    You're even asking the same questions like you did last time cause I remember the fifty shades of Grey phrase came up then too. 

    That was a long time ago and I don't think I ever mentioned Sex and the City before. lol


  3. 5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    How about just go be a porn star. Problem solved. IT takes a little more than to be horny for most women to just sleep with random guys. It happens but it's not common. You already had a thread about this before so why are you back with the same Ole topic. It ain't go work now, if it didn't work then. Why don't you just go get a horny gf

    And I know you don't judge women like that so my comment wasn't for you personally. Stop thinking men and women are the same because there are differences and when it comes to sexuality it is like night and day. 

    but why won't that work even on most sexually liberated DTF girls?

    I don't want to be a pornstar and I don't think I would even be successful at it if I tried it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Israfil said:

    Yeah, but you shouldn't touch her like that as the first thing you do with her. You're going to be arrested or punched in the face, with reason, mind you.

    You do this kind of advance when sexual interest is very clearly shown. You don't go around groping random women. 


    33 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Stop this. Talking to someone is fucking different than touching them not to mention in a sexual way. 

    How old are you. Do we really have to be on here telling a grown man not to go around sexually touching women you don't know or just met. 

    This isn't the first time you've brought this topic up either. Do we really need to be schooling men on how not to go around with your horny selves groping unsuspecting women who you think might be as horny as you are and testing them out this way. It doesn't even matter if it's in a nightclub. I'm so sick and tired of you entitled men that just prey upon women to satisfy your horniness then go around bashing hookers and calling women sluts and whores.

    Okay, fine then, how about I screen quickly for horny girls by just talking about sex explicitly right away on approach? If she doesn't want to talk about sex then she's out and it's her lost. I would keep doing until I find a cool sexually liberated girl I am attracted to who likes to talk about sex and then sleep with me.

    Also, I don't judge women who sleep around a lot.

  5. Instead of trying to play games with a girl to try to get into her pants, why can't I just screen for girls who are down to have sex with me by getting sexual right at the beginning of my approach?

    Here's the mindset: "Talk to the girl and touch the girl in a sexually explicitly manner as soon as you first meet her. Is she in or is she out? If she's out then move on to the next girl and try it with her. If not her either then keep it moving and try it on the next girl and see if she wants to sleep with me. I keep trying it on however many girls I am attracted to until one of them wants to fuck me."

    Sounds good?


  6. On 1/12/2024 at 10:40 PM, Devin said:

    It won't cause an identifiable shift, what it does do is subtle but very impactful, to varying degrees it imparts the anti imperialism sentiment unto all listeners, hopefully most significantly being political leaders of superpowers. Pair this with the Global support for Ukraine, and the exposure of American wrong doing in recent wars, it can push the Zeitgeist.

    But what kind of shift could or would happen over time from this condemnation?

  7. On 1/11/2024 at 2:56 PM, martins name said:

    The correct answer is:

    • The government is bought off by big corporations. Politicians and institutions are corrupted. Ex: Military Industrial Complex & healthcare insurance.
    • Lack of democracy. ranked choice voting to get away from the toxic 2 party duopoly and campaign finance reform.  Most politicians are bought and paid for by big money. This ties into the first point.
    • Insane levels of inequality and wealth inequity. Universal college and healthcare as a remedy. 

    Those points need to sold to the public in a very emotionally compelling way:

    • "Big corporations and the rich have been slowly taking over the entire country and if we don't stop them, then not only will they have bought off the entire government they will be able to buy every American citizen as their wage slaves through commercial slave trades." 
    • "The wealthy elites and corporate tyrants have already rigged all of our elections and have been gradually destroying our democracy. Also, Donald Trump, the MAGA Republicans, the right-wing megadonors, the corrupt Republicans in Congress, the authoritarian GOP governors, the Republican state legislators who have implement racist gerrymandering, the very corrupt conservatives federal-level justices (especially those on the US Supreme Court), the radical right-wing racists such as KKK, Neo-Nazis, human sex trafficking rings, Proud Boys, and QAnon have all rigged the elections in favor of the white christian people in this country."
    • "The Billionaire crime lords and mega corporations like Amazon are the real culprits who have been truly responsible for having caused such historic levels of economic inequality and wealth inequity in our country that are now comparable to what they were on the eve of the Great Depression. They've been able to get away with lobbying the politicians in Washington to pass laws that allow these corrupt private enterprises and rich robber barons to steal even much more money from the middle class, working class, and the poor. Moreover teachers, military soldiers, policemen, firefighters, and other people in the public sector are all getting skinned alive by the rich and the corporations. Big pharma and private health insurance companies have running one of the biggest scams ever in the history of the world as a massive cartel that have let millions upon millions of innocent sick people needlessly suffer and die. Corporate greed has also been the main reason as to why our national debt is the highest it has ever been in US history and still keeps getting worse. We need to lock these corporate criminals and predatory rich elites in prison."

  8. Again, this is why we desperately need a powerful liberal/progressive media ecosystem that can drown out the right-wing media ecosystem and can promote left-wing policies in a much more entertaining and provocative manner, widespread progressive grassroots activism that overwhelms the right-wing movement on the ground throughout the whole country, Democrats need to continue to be more aggressive with their attacks towards the Republicans and bad-faith conservatives without backing down, and another once in a generation charismatic liberal/progressive leader like TR, FDR, JFK, or Obama. Once we have all those factors in place, then liberalism/progressivism will rise again as the dominant political force for decades just like it was during the progressive era in the early 1900s progressive era and the political dominance of the liberal consensus during the mid-1900s.

  9. I've tried dating some religious girls and I wasn't able to seduce them into bed. Maybe I just had bad luck with those girls. I get that the more religious a girl is the more sexually repressed she is. However, we all know that that could mean that she can't wait to get really freaky with a guy or guys. That's why we've all heard of these stories about these girls who claimed to be devout Christian but then have an orgy, cheat on their bf/husband, have an open relationship, do porn, watch porn, etc. Even many muslim women have apparently cheated on their partners. 

    Yet, Leo said before that doing pickup and seduction won't work in fundamentalist religious communities because it can be difficult to overcome the kind of cultural programming those girls had growing up.

    Is it that it's possible to seduce a girl from a traditional/religious culture, but it's harder to do so than a girl from a more modern/secular culture?

  10. A lot of left-wingers and Pro-Palestine people have been saying that even if we won't be able to convince Israel to agree to a permanent ceasefire, we should still inspire the whole world to condemn the Israeli government for all of the mass killings and destruction they have caused. Already, most of the world wants Israel to stop and the amount of people all around the world who are condemning Israel is still growing. Will this mean that Israel will pay a heavy price for this in some major way?

  11. On 12/31/2023 at 2:51 AM, BlueOak said:

    There is a good chance of larger regional wars in the coming years.

    Russia - Europe
    China - America
    Iran - Israel / America

    There are a lot of minor regional ones as flashpoints. Turkey - Greece. Saudi Arabia - Iran. China - Everyone it's trying to steal land/sea territory from. South Korea - North Korea. North Korea - Japan. Belarus - Poland, Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan. Argentina going into meltdown. Africa is heating up with a new colonial push from BRICS. There are so many flashpoints now.

    Depending on how much larger but neutral countries like Turkey, India, Nigeria, and Brazil are involved. There is a good chance of WW3.

    I am in my 40's. There is more tension in the world than there ever was.  Everyone is further right than they ever were. There is more indifference to life. Competing global power blocks. People fighting wars over land. More suppression, more fear and more uncertainty. Along with ongoing wars happening right now. Unifying Globalism is vilified and nationalism/fascism ascendant. Everyone has forgotten why things like human rights were created and all the horrors of WW2.

    It is the exact conditions that led to WW1/WW2. It's the same cycle. I can see Fascism and Anarcho-Capitalism starting to compete.

    Is WW3 Guaranteed? No. The patterns are there. So far nobody is making different choices.


    I wish I had Leo's confidence and optimism for the future. 


    On 10/21/2023 at 3:38 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Meh..... Business as usual.


  12. On 11/11/2023 at 1:36 AM, Alex M said:

    @Hardkill Having grown up through the 80s / 90s, Things happening now are nothing new. I remember in the 80s; there was the Iran–Iraq War, Lebanese Civil War (Beirut was like Gaza is now), Soviet–Afghan War (almost a decade long), Troubles between UK and Ireland (bombs going off in the UK). There were serious labor disputes and strikes, Health, Education, and Cities in Crisis, AIDS Crisis, mass unemployment (in the UK). Then, in the 90s, there was the Croatian War of Independence, the Somali Civil War, and more fighting in the Middle East. I could go on and on.

    There is not much difference. As Leo pointed out, it's just business as usual. Someone else also pointed out that consuming all this content is much easier. Try to become aware of how much of these things are happening in your direct experience (I suspect very little). It is easy to go online or switch on the TV and immerse yourself in the suffering of others. Try focusing this energy into your own life purpose.

    I don't see how you can compare those wars in the Middle East back then, compared to the 20-year War on Terror in the middle east we had from 2001 to 2021, the War in Ukraine, and the Israel-Hamas war which has a good chance of spreading into a wider regional conflict in the Middle East. Not to mention China likely to invade to Taiwan within the next few years, which will cause an historic global economic crisis comparable to the Great Depression.

    Things are much more dangerous in the world than in the 80s and 90s. There much less peace around the world than there was in the late 1900s. Also, 1st and 2nd world countries now have much more dangerous weapons than they did 20 to 30 years ago. 


  13. 3 hours ago, Israfil said:

    It doesn't matter. You're not entitled to someone else's attention. If they're unavailable, you should leave them alone. 

    It can be, as long as you put serious thought and consideration into it, instead of simply being an idiot spilling untasteful jokes, as most of "shock value" comedians tends to be.

    You won't get far into your dating life if all you have is a dating life. People don't like people without anything going on in their lives.

    Cold approach sounds appealing to you because you think you're entitled to sex. That's why you like prostitution too. Sex is an important component of life, but if you only focus on getting it you seriously damage your mental health and overall development. You sound like a teenager. That's why I'm saying you would be better off if you develop your life. 

    Sexual success was never easy, especially for men. About half of the men in the entire history of humanity managed to procreate. That's by design. You don't want your daughter to have a kid with some horndog that does nothing in life but complain about their situation and annoy people on the streets. So we created environments and social norms to ensure that properly developed and socially apt people have more chances of having sex. If you want to have a fulfilling sexual life, that will come when you develop the rest of it. You can keep doing what you are doing or actually listen to someone that has no interest in selling you a shitty pickup course or keeping you in the bubble of comfortable self-loathing that 4chan or whatever incel forum you go to provides. Strive for greatness. Pick a high-consciousness goal and work towards it. You'll find plenty of sex along the way.

    He believes that he has done everything he can to become successful with women, but to no avail. That's why he feels pessimistic about his chances of ever succeeding. I can definitely relate to that, because I've been there before and most people don't understand how much a person like him is suffering.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    @Hardkill Bernie Sanders is against ceasefire with Hamas. 

    I know, but should he change his mind about it to help the Democratic party win back the young voters and racial minority voters they've already lost? 

    Besides, he, Warren, and a number of other establishment Dems in Congress agree that Congress should put certain conditions in aid to Israel instead of just giving it a "blank check". After all, why does Israel really need it?