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Posts posted by Hardkill

  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland made a mistake of waiting way too long with appointing special counsel investigator Jack Smith probably because he wanted to avoid coming off as being too partisan. Yet, that was a political mistake because now it's possible that none of the criminal trials for Trump will began before the 2024 general election day and if Trump becomes president again, then he can easily nullify all of these federal level criminal charges made against. 




    I think that Fani Willis took too long with her case too.


    I see how Democrats don't know how to play hardball as well as the Republicans can.

  2. 1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


       Guinness world record?

       Would've been nice if votes were more neck and neck. What are your thoughts on why those two lost so bad, and Biden somehow won by huge margin???

    Well, Idk if it's necessary to have been in the Guinness book of world records. lol. However, I think that it's quite an amazing feat for Biden. 

    Biden and the Democratic party as a whole want don't want him to lose any primary. They don't even want him to just win by a narrow margin. Otherwise, that would cause the party to be significantly weakened and divided, which would hurt Biden's re-election chances. It's okay for the party holding the White House to have a heated and competitive primary of candidates for the nomination of their party for president, but not a good idea for the party in power to do so. In fact, 

    One big reason the Dems lost the presidency in 1952, 1968, 1980, and 2016 was because during each of those presidential election years the Democrats were the party that had the presidency, but then were divided and weakened by the election day.

    Phillips and Williamson lost to Biden terribly because they fortunately were not serious Democratic challengers. They don't have the kind of big name recognition like that of a Democratic governor like Gavin Newsom, a Democratic Senator like Bernie Sanders, some kind of celebrity congressperson like as AOC, or maybe some kind of very famous, popular celebrity who's not politician but is a Democrat such as George Clooney. 

    Furthermore, even if they had the name recognition they needed to command enough widespread attention throughout the nation both Williamson and Phillips haven't run campaigns that are appealing to most Democratic voters, let alone the majority of the general electorate throughout the whole country. Williamson is perceived by the public as being a fringe left-wing Democrat. Dean Phillips, is more moderate than Williamson and has been part of the Democratic establishment for about 6 years, but he's neither been doing a great job with managing his campaign nor has been an inspirational individual that has able to stand out in any appealing way.



  3. Biden defeated Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson in the 2024 New Hampshire primary by an immense margin despite him being a relatively weak incumbent candidate and the fact that since 2022 many polls kept showing that most Americans, including some majority of Democrats, don't want Biden to run for re-election. Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips campaigned as hard as they could in the state and in many other parts of the country saying that Biden is too weak of a candidate, too unpopular even within the Democratic party, many politicians and pundits have already been calling for him to step aside to let a younger generation of new Dem candidates run for president, he is definitely going to lose to Trump in 2024, and so on and so forth. 

    Yet, the vast majority of Democrats in many of those polls said that if Biden were the nominee that they would still vote for and support him in 2024. Moreover, Biden just won the New Hampshire primary even though his name wasn't on the ballot. In fact, he probably won the largest margin of victory for any write-in presidential candidate in US History.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Devin said:

    I actually never paid much attention to Trump, but from what I remember he got wilder as time went on, especially by time the second election came around.

    I think Hilary lost because she's a Woman, 20 years too soon, even Liberal Boomers said they won't vote for a Woman.

    She still won the popular vote by about 3 million votes. The electoral college is also too archaic and undemocratic.

  5. 13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Of course it's harder.


    12 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    Too much stereotyping. Some religious ones are actually more freaky because they suppressed their sexual nature or have misunderstood sexual transmutation.

    Are religious women who are closeted sex freaks not as common as many pickup artists say?

    Also, why do they say that the sexual revolution actually made it harder for most men in the 1st world countries to compete for any women, because most women in the modern world have much more sexual attention and options than women from older times and/or from traditional societies in 2nd and 3rd world countries?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill And Netanyahu is firm in doing what he thinks is right for Israel.

    You guys just disagree with him on what is right for Israel.

    But you've been saying that he's been making a big mistake for Israel. John Mearsheimer already has talked about how this is going to backfire greatly on Israel in the long-run. Plus, most Israeli citizens don't like this.

    So, wouldn't this mean that Netanyahu is not only going against the will of his own people, but also making a foolish decision for the country? 

    What big win in the bigger picture will there be for Bibi and Israel other than his extreme right-wing government officials letting him hold on to power as long as he continues this war for them?

    I am not trying to disagree with you and I am still somewhat open to the idea that Netanyahu's decisions may have some merit. I just don't understand.

  7. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's more nuanced than that. The religious right is a powerful constituency in Israel, just like in the US. That's part of democracy. He can't just ignore them.

    You also said recently that:

    On 1/17/2024 at 1:47 PM, Leo Gura said:

    A good leader does what is right even if the whole world is agianst him.

    So, does being a good and successful leader require having some kind of balance between delivering what the majority of people want and doing what the leader himself/herself knows is the right decision by ignoring what most people in his/her country are against?

  8. 2 hours ago, abundance said:

    The Republican party is firmly in the hands of Trump unfortunately. Trump is going to destroy Nikki Haley in New Hampshire. And once she loses in South Carolina I suspect she'll drop her campaign. Hopefully traditional conservatives who supported Haley will vote Biden and enough people will look at all of Trump's court cases and realize he isn't fit be president again.

    Funny enough, about half of Haley's supporters did say that they would vote for Biden over Trump according to a poll: 


  9. 2 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    I hope the Republicans aren't THAT retarded, and prove it by AT LEAST choosing Nikki Hayley. I don't understand why Donald Trump continues to have all of this support despite his criminality (January 6, the indictments and lawsuits, election denial, etc...).

    Most Republican voters don't believe that he's a criminal. Also, most of them still totally believe that Trump won the election in 2020 because "Biden and the Democrats cheated." That's how incredibly brain damaged most of the Republican/conservative base throughout the entire country has become. Look at how far ahead Trump has been in the polls. Yes, the polls are fluid and shouldn't always been taken at face value, but Trump's lead in the polling averages has been way too monstrous for way too long now, even compared to Haley and the polls that occur a few days out from a primary or an election are the most accurate compared to the polls done several weeks, several months, or a year out from an primary or election.

  10. Many of us starting about a couple of years ago were very worried about DeSantis running for President in 2024. However, he turned out to be such an extremely unlikeable GOP candidate and even so terrible at managing his campaign that he ultimately dropped out of the GOP primary race today!


  11. No, it is in many respects because doesn’t have much charisma or energy. However, it’s also because the mainstream media and the Nazi right-wing media haven’t given Biden fair coverage. The silent majority in this country has really not been receiving all of the correct news info. and high quality political analysis that it deserves.

    This is again why we absolutely need a liberal/progressive ecosystem that can defeat the right-wing media ecosystem and cut through the mainstream media’s “both sides” bullshit analysis. 

  12. 43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    A good leader does what is right even if the whole world is agianst him.

    I wonder if Obama would've called for a ceasefire or would've done a better job of keeping Bibi and the Israeli government in check. They say that Biden has been more pro-Israeli than Obama was when he was president. Also, during Obama's presidency, there was much greater peace in the middle east. Not even presidents Bush 2, Bill Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, or Carter were as pro-Israeli as Biden has been. 

    I hope Biden is making the right call on this. Although, he apparently has lately been getting more and more impatient and upset with Netanyahu.


  13. 4 minutes ago, Raze said:

    It isn’t a minority, the majority want a ceasefire.

    That is according to the polls and according to the vast majority of countries around the world.

    Here's an article on it from the Data for Progress website: Voters Want the U.S. to Call for a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and to Prioritize Diplomacy


    "When asked how knowledgeable they are about the Israel-Palestine conflict, 25% of voters say they have either an 'extensive' or 'proficient' level of knowledge, while 35% say they have a 'moderate' knowledge level. Voters who get their news from social media are especially likely to consider themselves knowledgeable: 36% of voters who get news from Instagram, 33% of voters who get news from TikTok, and 30% of voters who get news from Facebook say they have extensive or proficient knowledge about the conflict.

    Sixty-one percent of likely voters, including a majority of Democrats (76%) and Independents (57%) and a plurality of Republicans (49%), support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza."



  14. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill Biden should do what he feels is right, not what will please voters.

    Even if it costs him his re-election? Even at the possible lost of our country's democracy being lost because Biden lost too much of the support he needed to beat Trump again in 2024?

    Or will those voters probably come home by the election day, regardless of what his decision is with handling Israel?

    Or will those disgruntled voters not really have a real significant effect on the electoral outcome?

  15. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Build better defenses around Gaza and do more surgical intelligence operations.

    But if you ask the mother to leave, the murderer will also leave. So what is the point of bombing the building?

    Also, don't forget, that building is someone's property and home. Are you okay if I bomb your mother's house when she is out shopping?

    People invest their entire lives into building their homes. To just destroy it is a serious crime. Especially in areas where people are poor.

    Many intelligent people also criticized the US invasion of Iraq and drone strikes, because it is an obvious misuse of force and leads to counter-productive results.

    The military has to be used with a lot of restraint, otherwise it causes more harm than good.

    I get that a ceasefire is realistically not gonna happen anytime soon, but Arab Americans and young voters in very key battleground states that Biden last time won, only by razor thin margins in 2020, are threatening to not vote for Biden and the Democrats again in the 2024 general election, if he and many other Dems in Washington don't call for a ceasefire. So, would it still be better politically for a lot more Democrats, including Biden himself, to call for a ceasefire? 

  16. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    A girl will only ever have sex if she is in the right mood. A guy's job is to put her in the right mood. By being sexually explicit you spoil the mood in all cases except the few cases where a girl is already in a horny mood.

    There are many degrees of DTF. Girls in a club are open to being seduced but you have to put in the work to seduce them. That's where good game comes in.

    Oh I see. That makes sense more sense to me now.

    So, even in any nightclub/bar/house party setting in any city or town with lots of fun music and alcohol around, it's still best to slowly escalate properly if I want to best results for sleeping with the hottest and coolest girls in the club, bar, or house party on the same night I met them, right?

  17. 16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's basically what experts PUAs do. They screen for girls who are DTF in many subtle ways. You don't need to grope her to screen for DTF.

    This strategy is effective in certain contexts, like if you're in a huge nightclub with more girls than you will ever approach. But this strategy will have you missing out on many of the best girls because most of them will not be DTF.

    It depends on your aims. If you just want a ONS vs if you're looking for gf material girls for something more serious. The higher quality girls will not be open to your sexually explicit approach. Drunk club sluts will be.

    The most solid game is not sexually explicit because that turns off many of the best girls and comes off creepy.

    It's important to learn the skill of being charming and subtle.

    "Hey, wanna fuck?" is not good game.

    Is that because most girls who are sober, even in a big nightclub, are still afraid of being slut-shamed or because it usually takes them longer than guys do to get horny or both?

    Also, how come you said before that all girls at bar/club are fair game because all of them are DTF?

    On 1/30/2020 at 9:10 PM, Leo Gura said:

    When you go to a bar/club the whole point is that the girls there are DTF. Anyone in a bar/club is fair game. They aren't there for intellectual stimulation.

    The best thing you can do for your game is move to a large city with lots of girls and good nightlife. You're not gonna get good with girls living in the countryside.


  18. 1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

    So you're not getting me. The way I see it, the first issue here is the underlying reasoning that you have for your ideas about approaching. It's your understanding that needs correction or else your actions can only ever be misinformed. More than that, your understanding itself is informed by nothing but your own agenda, although maybe that can't be helped. But in any case you need to get real about how things work or nothing is going to.

    But I thought that as a man and a leader it is my duty to orchestrate the agenda and the woman is supposed to follow it right? Either she complies with it or I charge her to the game and keep on moving to another who's with me. I also shouldn't be apologizing for whom I am and what I want as a man.

  19. 6 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

    Yeah I don't even mean his approach to approach...

    Just the logic alone that governs his thinking about this. Like if she's sexually liberated then she must want to instantly jump on my raging boner when I grope her out of the blue, or else what's the difference between that and a mormon lol. Or whatever he's thinking, I can't really tell at this point.

    Alright, how about as a more reasonable compromise for my approach, I screen for DTF girls by asking if them what kind of porn or erotica they like. If they refuse to answer that then it's her lost, she's not comfortable with her sexuality, a prude, and time for me to move on to the next girl. Keep doing that process until I find one cool attractive girl who's not so uptight about sex. Fair enough?