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Posts posted by Hardkill

  1. 9 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

    Biden and Trump are both flawed options. This is the best the USA can do? That in itself speaks volumes. 


    There is no alternative besides Biden.

    In any case, Biden has arguably become the most progressive president since the 1960s.

    If he defeats Trump, then he might go down in History as a heroic president.

    That's it!

  2. 5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


    I agree, Joe Biden needs to step down and get replaced. If that's how he's answering it's time he steps down. I don't care if he'll get replaced by a new democrat or Even Donald Trump taking the W, how he answers is EXTREMELY CONCERNING! They really have lost the plot with this one...


    I actually think Trump needs to step aside and make room for a new GOP candidate that's a lot like Mitt Romney. He's the one that has real signs of dementia and psychosis, not Biden:


  3. 14 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


    Oh, well then I guess that's okay for you to abstain because Maryland is supposed to be a safe state for Biden. Unless a crazy amount of people in Maryland decided to stay home and not vote.

    However, I very much hope that you vote for Alsobrooks for US Senate. Even though Larry Hogan may seem like a reasonable good Republican if he wins that seat then that could very well mean Mitch McConnell's return to being Senate Majority leader. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Law and Order! Lock him up!


    No, you're wrong! I mean, why would someone like Trump ever dare or even think about breaking the law and order of our country?

    Ever since Nixon first ran on the idea of Republicans being the party of Law and Order, they've all kept saying that they are Standard-bearer of those values, including Trump himself!

    So, I believe them when Republicans, especially Nixon and Trump, have said that they are the prime examples of Law and Order. 




  5. 10 minutes ago, Davino said:

    I thought presidents in the usa had full inmunity but it doesn't seem so. I just overlooked it and thought that he would be inmune just by the fact of being president like in other countries.


    No, he doesn't. That's a very misleading statement that Trump and his MAGA goons have been making. 

    Even the US Supreme Court already implied that during their hearing of Trump's case for "Absolute immunity" as a sitting president or even former president. 

    Otherwise, that would essentially mean that POTUS is a king who is above the law, which actually mean that Biden would a king that is above the law.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    My thread was started first.


    Lol. Not according to the time stamped on mine. Look on the first list of threads made on the Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events Forum and the top of each of our threads to check the time that states when you started your thread and then check the time that states when I made this thread of mine. 

  7. On 5/26/2024 at 5:58 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    To be fair, I don't like either option. Biden has done some decent things, most notably banning non-compete agreements. But his advanced age and bizarre slow movements continue to bother me. I'm probably going to abstain from voting, or vote third party.

    Are you serious?

    Why are you making that a main concern over Biden’s major historic policy change and great character compared Trump who was the worst president ever?

    Besides, he has his VP Harris to take the edge off the age problem.

    which state do you live in?

  8. 16 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    @Hardkill The US laws are so corrupt. A judge picked by a party is most likely to be a biased judge which ironically is against the most important elements of any justice system.

    It is mindblowing how much ignorance there is in US politics. Lobbying (aka legal bribes), electoral college and the supreme court judges picked by the president.


    Yeah, while America still isn't as corrupt as any underdeveloped or any developing countries are, it is arguably the most corrupt first world/developed country in the world besides perhaps Israel now.

  9. 4 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Why didn't Biden do the same? Why didn't he manipulate laws to make the supreme court left leaning?

    He couldn't with SCOTUS because there have been no openings for Biden replace any conservative justices with liberal justices. None of the conservative justices plan on retiring or stepping down anytime soon. None of them seem to be dying anytime soon. Furthermore, Biden and most Democrats in Congress don't want to pack the court with extra judges because they believe it would be perceived as being too divisive and too political and set a precedent for the Republican party to do the same if they gain back control of the White House and both chambers of Congress.

    However, Biden and his party have appointed 200 federal judges, which is the highest amount for any president since like JFK.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I am starting to regret my words. Trump is more unhinged than ever and he has better odds of winning now.

    Trump's 1st term might have given us a false sense of complacency, since term 2 will be much worse in ways we can't yet imagine.

    Well, we'll have to see. 

    A lot would have to go wrong in terms of governance by Biden and his party.

    Besides, there is already a growing number of people who are getting very scared about Trump not leaving office.

  11. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill If Trump wins reelection he will stuff the court with right-wing lunatics for the next 40 years and there will be no progressive legistation chances at all. All of it will be blocked and undone by the court.

    You guys don't fully appreciate how bad it will be.

    Oh, I do know how bad it will be. 

    So, I am not sure why you said before that if Trump wins the election then:

    On 10/21/2023 at 3:38 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Meh..... Business as usual.


    But yeah, that's why we have to re-elect Biden.

    Even though the polls are not looking great right now, but they are also all over the place and most of the pundits out there really have no idea who will win.

    Besides, a lot would have to go wrong for Biden to lose according to the fundamentals.


  12. 27 minutes ago, OmniNaut said:

    Just to clarify, cockblocking works not the best for Orange by totally blocking a piece of legislation. Because then there is fuel still for Blue/Orange to try again at some point. No the best way for Orange is to sneakily alter the legislation (by "lobbying") that the impact on Orange is minimal, but still on the front it looks like accomplishes something. Then when legislation is through, attention will be diverted to another area, leaving this legislation alone for the next 10 to 20 years.

    That's partially true. However, when there is way too much of a mandate for such policies or for a major liberal/progressive vision, then even the stage Orange lobbyists will be forced to compromise a lot. Otherwise, if they don't, then they jeopardize the public order and tranquility of our country. 

    Even these slimy lobbyists know that they don't want to have another Gilded Age era rife with extremely violent widespread labor strikes and rioting around the country.

    In fact, look at what Biden and his party got done so far, even they made compromises with their corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors. They already achieved what seemed impossible in many ways, especially when you consider how much gridlock there has been in our government for so many. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Even if a leftist happens to win a General Election by some miracle, they won't accomplish much since they will be cockblocked by the House, Senate, Supreme Court, and the deep state -- all of which are Orange and Blue.

    We don't have a firm left-winger for president. A center-leftist will do.

    But we also need to elect a supermajority of Dems in both chambers of Congress. Also, the Supreme Court won't be controlled by the conservatives forever. 

    As for the deep state, like I said before liberals and progressives will have to inevitably make some pragmatic compromises with the government elites and the business community in order to get a lot of the big changes we want done. 

    The deep state also can't just block every major reform, especially when there is an overwhelming mandate for such reforms by the public. Otherwise, they risk destabilizing our society.

    They know that and that's why the deep state will have to make compromises with the people if the liberals/progressives have a supermajority of Dems in both chambers of Congress and we have another FDR-like president.

    This will much more likely happen if all of these factors coincide with another major crisis pertaining to the economy happens under the watch of the GOP and/or have a groundswell of support from some kind of movement that can't be ignored by the public.



  14. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    But that's exactly what leftists suck at. So I won't be holding my breath.

    Most leftists are not good at that, but a new youngish center-left politician who has such exceptional talent like the Roosevelt presidents can pull it off in a way that can frame progressivism or liberalism as the mainstream dominant ideology in America like in the first two decades of 1900s or in the mid-1900s. 

    That can very well happen again if the left-wing and the center-left in this country can get it together by building an overwhelming groundswell of support and awareness for all of these liberal/progressive ideas with grassroots organizers and activists mobilizing communities and pushing for bold policy changes all over the country. In fact, it already seems to be happening and has continued to grow to such a level that America hasn't seen since like the early to mid 70s.

    It's probably just going to take decades of very hard and commitment for all of this to succeed in our country. 

    Even you said before that the chances of having a once in a generation broadly charismatic person like Obama, but is a real fighter seems more likely to happen within the next 20 years. 

    Besides, I am aware of the fact that liberals and progressives will have to inevitably make some pragmatic compromises with the government elites and the business community in order to get a lot of the big changes we want done. That's always been the case according to history. So, I do concede that we probably still won't achieve all of the forward thinking changes we want within our lifetimes. However, transforming our society to one that is much more progressive than it is now within our lifetimes should be doable.

  15. 17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's how immature people live.

    Just by looking at our business culture.

    Nah, what runs the world is money and power, not progressive ideals.

    It is deceptive because many of these giant companies virtue signal with Green values, but in fact they are run by pure profit motive. Look at Facebook, these AI companies, Big Tech, all of crypto, all of medicine, all the top universities -- it's all Orange on steroids with some lip-service to Green.

    You realize how bad it is when you realize that even universities are not Green but Orange.

    Okay, I get it.

    but maybe we will be in the midst of another kind of Progressive Era (1896–1917) or another New Deal era  involving a big war on business and the implementation of new major social programs like many of the ones you've already mentioned before:

    • Raising the minimum wage
    • Regulating banks and Wall Street speculators
    • Raising capital gains taxes
    • Taxing the rich. Higher income taxes on top earners, and a wealth tax on millionaires & billionaires.
    • Taxing corporations
    • Removing all private money from political campaigns
    • Placing more regulations on large corporations
    • Breaking up monopolies with strong anti-trust enforcement
    • Increasing consumer protections
    • Cracking down on fraud and white-collar crime
    • Protecting worker's rights to unionize
    • Better legal protections for minorities and LGBTQ people
    • Limiting aggressive foreign policy and wars
    • A well-funded education system
    • A public healthcare system that cuts out the parasitic insurance middlemen
    • Better paid time off, maternity and paternity leave, and free access to childcare
    • More investment in scientific research
    • More investment in pandemic prevention (Trump cut the pandemic prevention budget)
    • More investment FEMA and disaster relief
    • Housing for the homeless
    • Food for children in poverty
    • Addressing pollution and climate change. More investment in green energy
    • A government job guarantee, like during the Depression era
    • Huge investments in improving national infrastructure

    In fact, Biden and the Democrats have been doing a lot of these things.

    I've lately become more and more convinced that ever since Obama first became elected president in 2008, re-elected in 2012, followed by part of the progressive movement that began with Bernie Sanders, this country has been starving for a liberal/progressive revolution like the way that TR lead it right after the Gilded Age or the way that FDR led it during the Great Depression. Obama just didn't know how to do it.

    Moreover, ever since 2008, the demographics have been increasingly favoring liberals and Democrats over conservatives and Republicans. The Democratic party and the left-wing during most of the 2010s didn't have the resources and infrastructure like they do now to mobilize the silent majority who truly want liberal/progressive reforms.

    It also has to be done in a way that some might call "progressive-centrism" whereby a liberal/progressive vision for the country is presented in a way that broadly appeals to the public's emotions and their beliefs in traditional American culture values.