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Posts posted by Jacobsrw

  1. 49 minutes ago, DivineSoda said:

    @Leo Gura They are a better ideology. Mainstream media is pure trash, idk why you defend them (and even seem to respect them). Have you studied the way they manipulate the truth? The way they study human psyche and how to appeal to the base senses? They way they're connected to government and don't actually have the people's best interests at heart? It's pure devilry. We excuse them thinking "oh yeah they're just after the ratings". But it goes way deeper than than. 

    Remember the lead up to the Iraq war? The media made that possible. They were just a mouthpiece for the government. And we all believed them.. only to find out later that it was all lies. That's how it works, on every level of story. 

    We'll keep creating the same mess for ourselves as long as we keep taking MSM seriously. When it comes to understanding what's going on in our state/nation/world, the quality of our information sources is everything. We have to be able to trust them and their intentions, otherwise we're fucked. MSM has proven over and over and over that we can't trust them. 

    You may not like Krystal and Sagaar or agree with them or say they're stuck in their ideological bubble (we all are), but you can't say they are actively creating disinformation like we can say about the MSM. 

    You seem to be not accounting for the fact that anyone whom contends with the mainstream media equally falls into the same trap. One who creates a world view which instils utopian idealism and avoidance of mainstream capitulation does not render them self free of delusion. In fact, many of those who propagate ideas opposing the media sprout almost no sufficient systematic solutions in which to replace the very systems they criticise.

    Its easy to criticise, but much harder to construct adequate systems that reflect meaningful change.

    This is YouTube populism at its finest for you. Throwing around critique and judgement, holding next to no competency regarding the pragmatism required to remedy the matter at hand.

    I agree with you MSM is a delusion fest, doesn’t take a scientist to figure that. However, I do not agree these new ideologies in opposition to them are any better. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, JayG84 said:

    I'm currently rewatching a lot of Leo's video's after a major shift in awareness and perspective. I feel like I'm grasping the things he's talking about on a much deeper level now than when I watched them the first time. It's really interesting to see how becoming more conscious recontextualizes a lot of his material. Before I was like "this is interesting" now it's like "Yeeeesssss, exaaaactly!" lol

    I urge people to rewatch some episodes when they feel like they've moved up in consciousness and see if your understanding is deeper than before. 

    Have you guys noticed this with Leo's work or other peoples lectures?

    100% man. I’ve been doing this with not only Leo’s content but a fair majority of previous information I consumed. You will also notice changes in how you convey these topics equally.

    Insight is not binary. It relies upon a sufficient recipient through which to receive it. Unfortunately, the conventional is linear and unable to operate beyond bias. So many details and nuances are missed purely by the fact the mind is harshly contorted prior to any development. 

    This will be let go of the more you open up. Your appreciation for this work will then come to fruition.

  3. 41 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Hello everyone, i am taking 8 gr dried shrooms now. I still have got some ego to kill, thats why as god i have to decrease some part of my ego. 

    Mindset is, i am nothing, thats why i am everything, i am all here, thats why i am nowhere and everywhere. I have never born and have never lived. I have no family, friends, i am just one. I am all here as nothing. 

    Peace and Love :) 

    Good luck man! Let us know how you go. I’m interested in possibly doing a trip of this size at some point in the future :)

  4. 5 hours ago, Someone here said:

    So now the relative truths contradict the absolute truth??  Is the absolute truth a theory or a philosophy to begin with? 

    You are trying contend the paradox of something and nothing existing at the same time.

    The “something” you believe in is the mirage of the relative human experience. The “nothing” you are struggling to contend with is consciousness - the space in which that “something” occurs.

    You are trying to use the relativity of mind to understand the non-duality of existence, not going to happen. Hence, why you are straining to reconcile a past the mind believes in and how it integrates into the illusiveness of consciousness, in which ultimately no past or future exist.



  5. 2 hours ago, JayG84 said:

    I just read this, and it really made me question death and reincarnation and multiple realities.

    The message was on youtube, and it read:

    I've got a similar message the time I was coming off mushrooms and thought it was a good idea to hit the dmt pipe the next morning and I was immediately nowhere without a body or anything just simply awareness with a crazy color wall infront of me and a voice coming from everywhere saying I have no idea what I'm fucking with and I was like yup you're right then plopped back into my body and for maybe a minute my awareness was above my head I could see 360 and there was a central me with a bunch of floating boxes that showed almost infinite realities and one movement in any of them would ripple across. I remember noticing that each reality I was sitting or even standing in a different spot all in the same room. I was like ohh shit I might have screwed up this is way to much and then I closed my eyes and opened them to be back inside my head in a single reality. That confirmed my suspicion, now belief that death isn't what we think and I can't really die in the normal sense that I would just wake up in a reality where things were a little different. I actually remember dieing in a car accident but ending up in a reality where I perfectly avoided the crash but vividly remember looking up and accepting that I was going to crash and there was no way to swerve around, didn't even go for the brake but then I was on the other side of the car controlling the swerve and remember jerking the wheel once to basically juke the car somehow without hitting the guardrail that in the last reality was closer then this one, I managed to not put a scratch on my mom's car, but I could remember giving up and accepting that I was going to smash right into this car that was at a dead stop a car length at most infront of me while doing 60mph. Another interesting part is that feeling you get when coming back from dmt is the same feeling I had on the other side of the car. Backtracking to the day on mushrooms before the dmt hit I had not planned anything I just did it kinda out of curiosity and boredom, ended up having so many thoughts coming feeling like anxious and then I layed back to try meditating to look in the sky and see a huge godlike version of myself that told me everything I feel and experience is my fault resulting from choices etc. I immediately was like yeah makes sense you're right, then a vortex opened up in the sky connected to my head and pulled all of the racing thoughts out leaving me feeling totally at peace.

    Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Like a realization that no matter what we do we can't really "die", and we'll just keep living the infinite realities until we find one where we narrowly escaped death, and then forget the rest? This is quite a mindfuck...I've had a few near-death experiences where I wondered how I got out of it alive. Maybe this is the answer...we are just all immortal, and when we see other people die, they are living a different reality where they're alive?

    Cannot say I’ve experienced this exactly. It seems that the mind struggles back and forth when experiencing infinity.

    Just a bit commentary in response to the passage. Immortality is not what the ego-mind thinks it is. It is not some endless repetition in which one is stuck. It is an infinite transmutation from one thing to another. Infinitely potentiated, moving and morphing between innumerable possibilities.

    The ego fears immortality at the core as it undermines living a life. Life does not exist through the lens of mortality since nothing began and nothing will end - life relies on time. So in other words, immortality is incomprehensible from the perspective of the ego and will be deemed negative. Beyond ego, it holds no preference.

    One must transcend the ego to appreciate the possibility of immortality.

  6. 13 hours ago, Preety_India said:


    That guy Sam gives me a brain aneurysm. 

    He is a massive deception in the garb of spiritual development. 

    I absolutely hate that guy and his views. So myopic and lacking in absolute empathy. 

    He is pure symbolism of western supremacy and Stage Orange garbage and constantly using rationality and reason and all bullshit facts to come up with his weird thought experiments and scenarios that are perfect for his selfish goals. 

    He shouldn't have visited India. He gives Indian spirituality a bad name and is banking on it by marketing his meditation brand to people. 

    Someone should tell him that meditation is not a business. 

    He is not living in the richest neighborhoods for nothing. He has reduced to selling Sam Harris t shirts and mugs at conferences to generate money. 

    I feel pity for those who follow Sam Harris in the name of rationality. 

    Sam Harris is dangerous to humanity, his ideas are. He is a motherload of bad ideas and it's just a fact and it will corrupt the youth.. He is worse than Trump in my opinion, at least Trump signed the police reform executive order and Trump shows some empathy when police brutality happens. 


    Humanity can do way better than all that logic nonsense. He doesn't even know what morality means. For him morality is so cutthroat and he has this horrible mentality of painting an entire race or culture with one brush. 

    He will go down in history as the most myopic person in a modern century. 100 years later people will laugh at whatever he wrote. 

    He is the sanitized version of George Zimmerman with a nice suit and a neuroscientist hat. 

    Ben Affleck was very very right when he said to Sam Harris on the show "dude, you made a career out of Islam." 

    People need to open their eyes to all this YouTube propaganda against race and religion . It's misinformation propaganda machine that he is a part of. 


    Last time he was suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome TDS on Twitter. After that I never followed his Twitter feed again. It wasn't worth following in the first place. 

    If you really want to follow someone on YouTube, first of all you have Leo Gura who is an excellent example of a very balanced person. 

    And I'll suggest Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad, he is pretty balanced and not very extremist in his opinions. 

    There is a difference between Sam Harris and Leo. Leo is awake. Sam Harris is not awake. 

    Leo has even opened this politics segment on Actualized.org that didn't exist before because Leo understands the needs of the youth. Lots of young men and women like me and others who have political curiosities which is very healthy. The whole world talks about politics now, not just a group of men with beards. Leo understands the pulse of the youth. He doesn't want the young guys to be brainwashed leaning into mainstream political hogwash. He wants the youth to learn the right way of looking at politics, a holistic approach. 

    This is helpful because if political curiosities of young people like 18 year olds is not addressed here, then they will go to places like Reddit or 4chan or lean into extremist opinions on YouTube. Thus they will get brainwashed by people with agenda and propaganda. Leo doesn't want that 

    In a sense, Leo is doing God's work here. 


    That's why Leo even allows trivial questions on politics from teenagers because he doesn't want to discourage them from thinking or questioning 

    Sam Harris teaches you the lower truths. Leo teaches you the higher truths. 

    It's important to learn the higher truths because we all serve a higher purpose. We are not simply surviving but also living and thriving 

    And thriving needs true love and empathy for all in this world. 


    Sam Harris is not as sadistically insidious as you have stipulated here.

    I do agree, however, that he is extremely naive and myopic and really suffocates spirituality. Though, you have to consider his position. He is a stage orange scientist not a mystic. He cannot he expected to exemplify high levels of consciousness since the paradigm from which he functions is inherently limited and deluded in itself.

    He is doing okay for a stage orange dogmatic scientist. He just requires more radical insights so he can ascend more openly.

    Personally, I’m not really a fan of Sam Harris as he is too mainstream and mechanical. Almost like the CNN of rationality. However, for those who need an introduction to basic mediation and mindfulness he may be helpful. One should then dispose of him quickly once they realise the limitability of his material.

  7. 4 hours ago, Travelion said:

    Hello this,

    Last summer, Leo uploaded a video on his blog called Why Are My Videos So Long?  , and he said that he might have the best understanding in the world about politics, society and reality, probably better and deeper than any professor who spent like 40 years learning about his specific topic. And Leo has such a deep knowledge not only within politics, he has really a lot covered in his YouTube channel. I mean, I don't say he is lying, since I really want to take this all seriously and really want to dive into it (I'm having trouble with it), but how did Leo achieve all of that massive knowledge? Through awakenings? Through 10 to 15 year long work? Why is he better in certain topics than most professors? And the point of the critical mass of knowledge (this is so strange to me), does this mean Leo is maybe the first person alive that reached it?

    Maybe one or two months ago I started to take his teachings seriously, I make summaries of the in my opinion most important videos like Actuality, Self Inquiry, etc.. But I feel like I can't get enough knowledge out of it. After I watched "The Ultimate Structure of Reality Explained", I didn't really know what I got out of it. I don't know whether it's because I'm native German, even if I understand everything syntactic, or it's because I'm not paying enough attention to it (I really try, but 2 to 3 hours can be long, though). But I always get this feelings that I don't really know a lot more about the topics. Anyone had similar experiences? Or any advice for me? :/

    Leo is not the first to exude such wisdom. Many others have as well, the problem is you won’t find them in a conventional society. Fir example, Greek philosophers, mystics, sages and even some early scientists.

    Leo has an abnormal level of desire for discovering insight, far beyond that of an ordinary human in a conventional society. The average human lives an average life by the mere fact they consume whatever is readily available.

    To be extraordinary you must do extraordinary things. Go places others have not, ask questions people are not, learn things people are not.

    Ask: “Where and what is it that everyone continues to overlook?” This is possibly one of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself.

    Simply by the fact you will likely discover areas to explore many fail to consider.

    You do not require some magical rare skill. You simply require a real inquisitiveness and curiosity for life.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Globalcollective said:

    Yeah the longer the sit normally the more likely of a breakthrough. I find if I do it strong determination (not moving) things start to get really funky 1.5 to 2 hours in. Also retreats are great and give you a huge boost. Incorporating yoga also helps a lot. Also have you read the mind illuminated? Thats. a great book on meditation? 

    Agreed. I really want to do a vipassana retreat myself, it’s trying to find the time. Ideally, mediation I feel is best done alone however.

    I haven’t actually, I might actually do that. I haven’t read many books on mediation itself. I’ve read more nondual and consciousness books that cover it intermittently.

  9. 3 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @Jacobsrw  What is the difference between longer sessions and shorter ones? I've done multi hour sits but I've yet to have any kind of major breakthrough with just sitting.

    I've used psychs before but i'm going to take a break for a while, and recently every time I take LSD I vomit and the trips aren't that great.

    What would I get out of let's say an hour of mantra meditation that I'm not getting out of my current 30 minute guided sits?

    What are your meditation sessions like?

    Longer sessions provide you more time to get familiar with awareness and the activity of mind. You see the minds relentless fascination with thoughts and the difficulty in establishing a non-thinking mind. This is extremely powerful.

    A 6 hour sit could radically change your life if done under the right conditions. You must apply yourself consciously. Watch the mind observe your experience, listen, feel and be. It’s important to not just passively sit but to really place your attention on awareness. The longer the better usually.

    I do 20 in the morning and 20 at night. However, to me this isn’t enough it’s just that I usually have a busy schedule.

    Throughout the week I will do a 1 hour session as extra and this is where I find the most benefit. 20-30 minutes can be good but anything longer than an hour is best for me. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    How do i expand my meditation practice?

    I've done various guided meditations and different practices at this point but i'm not getting much out of the practice these days.

    My goal for the practice is to find an elevated state of being in the practice, learning to embody feelings of joy, bliss etc. Just focusing on my breathing, or doing letting go gets me more relaxed and calm but it doesn't come with elevated feelings or any lasting change that sticks throughout my day.

    In my recent meditation session i decided to play some inspiring movie trailers, and i noticed that at certain points in the trailer, or with certain music, i get this wave of good feeling or inspired feeling that comes over me. That wave of good feeling that comes from the inspiring trailer is amazing and it's what i want out of my practice, but my meditation sessions never get me there. 

    Any thoughts on my situation? Should i seek out more trailers or music that makes me feel good? But if i'm just listening to these videos is that even meditation anymore?

    Has anyone been able to cultivate a beautiful state of being in their meditation sessions that they managed to carry over in their everyday life?


    Increase your sits.

    Try and sit for 1-3 hours or 3-6 hours and attempt different mediation styles. Eg. Mantra mediation, observatory mediation, breathing mediation, listening mediation etc.

    Experimentation is key but also throwing yourself in the deep now and again, so as to you avoid simply stalling. Have long sessions here and there and try integrating psychedelics.

  11. On 21/06/2020 at 2:55 AM, Shmurda said:

    Hi guys

    I've been on the path for about two years now. I'm well versed in no-dual teachings, practice meditation daily and have had some breakthrough psychedelic experiences where I experienced myself as God. 

    Right now I'm practicing self inquiry, and I'm realising just how unwilling my seperate self identity is willing to surrender itself to awareness. I get deep into the present moment and identify the illusory identity within it, but no matter how much I let go of all identification, the seperate self hangs on and is ready to jump back into action the moment I get distracted. 

    I've read about dying to your seperate self and"dissolving the self into love". Any tips on how to get the self to actually die? 

    There is no “self” in which exists and can die. It’s an adamantly believed illusion. 

    I recommend that you explore your experience beyond your thoughts about it.

    Inquire into your belief of a seperate self - critique it, explore it and examine it.

    Spend long periods contemplating your experience without thinking yourself into it. Freely observe your experience and let go of any thoughts that inform you otherwise. 

    It is much like you have observed a mirage in a dessert and believe it to be water. What you must do is go up to it and see that is was an mirage all along so the belief can then dissolve. The illusion of self cannot be seen as one until you have dissolved all attachments to it.

  12. 46 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    Which ego? :-) Where is it. Can you show me please.

    The one spending 5000 words a comment egoistically reacting to opposing views. Humble yourself dude.

    As for the remainder of Conners committed subscribers pledging their subdued allegiance I’ll leave you to continue romanticising over him instead of doing the work. Enjoy.

  13. 41 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    You are very, very confused.

    Let me try to break it down for you, even though you will resist what I'm saying with all the ego you can confjure up (makes me question why I do this, but what the fuck, why do anything at all, one might say).

    1. You say you don't look down on him, then proceed to obviously look down on him. Hilarious :D 

    2. Where am I defending him in my post exactly? Quote me :D 

    3. I could not give a bigger fuck whether or not he is awakened. Really. All I'm doing here is pointing out how fucking amazingly funny it is that you - on the other hand - is not giving a fuck about it, hehe. What I give a fuck about, though, is the wisdom of the words he is spitting out in his youtube-vidoes lately.

    Focus on the words, instead of the person.

    His latest video is basically 21 minutes of pure truth-dropping. I love what he's saying. I don't give a fuck about whether or not he is awakened, although to me, he is one of the most awakened dudes I've come across lately. It's fine that you disagree, but I'm just blown away of the wisdom in this video:

     4. " I was in it for the development of health, weight gain and euphoria of exercise" . Oh right, you were, I forgot that :D So why did you want to develop better health and gain weight? For what purpose, exactly? If you say "to have a healthier body", then I ask again: Why do you want to have a healthier body? If you say "It feels nice", I may ask: "Why do you want it to feel nice?" Who wants to have a healthier body, who wants it to feel nice?

    Also why the fuck gain some muscle, anyway? Not to impress the girls, that's for sure, right?

    5. I haven't watched his earlier videoes except of just skimming through his old channel, and by looking at the video thumbnails I can clearly see that only people who were still very much stuck in orange would watch these kind of videos.

    6. "Hierarchies in this work are delusional." Oh, they are? In which "work", you say?
    So Trump was as equally awakened/liberated/enlightened/selfless as Jesus? Is that what you are saying? :D 

    7. Anyway, let's for a moment pretend that all humans on Earth are on the same level of consciousness -- no hierachies as you say -- and then look at what you wrote: "He completely adorned the superficiality of the gym lifestyle, which I found to be demonstrably depreciate it. "  

    If there are no hierarchies, how come you call something as innocent as "gym lifestyle" superficial? Is it really any more superficial than you and me sitting on an internet forum discussing whether or not a random dude could be awakened or not? :D Is it more superficial than a man sitting in a cave meditating 24-7-365 ??? If yes, why? :D If no, then why call it superficial? Superficial according to who's standards? Superficial in regards to what, exactly? 

    8.  "My estimation is that he is stuck in the territory of self-concept and ego, through which his rants are taking place and subduing others. Hence, his dualistic rants and pontificating."

    Why do you even spend time conjuring up an estimation of him? If he's just talking random dualistic ego-shit out of his mouth, why do you even care to attack him at all? If it's so obvious that he's talking nonsense, why do you take so much of your sweet time to attack the obvious? 

    "territory of self-concept and ego" .. which territory exactly? There is no ego, ultimately speaking. You can't find it, cos it doesn't exist.

    Of course, relatively speaking there is ego. ((( Ego is all that in our personalities/mind which keep on insisting that We (We = Love = God = Consciousness) are not Love/Oneness but instead an isolated human being, a separate person, a 'poor little me', lacking something, and fearing the brutal cold, outside world, which will us no good. ))) ...

    ...Which also means that, relatively speaking, it makes perfect sense to talk about different levels of consciousness. Yes, ultimately speaking, we are all One, and Trump = Buddha = Love = Me = You.  ... But it doesn't really make any sense at all to try to speak of the ultimate truth, really, because words can only point to it, nothing more. We can't state the truth with words, only talk about it.

    To get the truth, one must directly experience it, become it.

    So let's get some relative truths on the board now, shall we,:
    This dude has awakened to Oneness. I am awakened, too, and therefore my opinion on the matter is infinitly more valuable than your egoic, selfish, victim-mindset-beyond-obvious-shadow-projection critique of him. That you call his recent talks in his videos for "dualistic rants" makes me question if you have ever read a spiritual book or watched a spiritual video. 

    Maybe you have. And maybe, instead, you are just insanely mad at yourself and him. For obvious reasons. And mad alone can't do it. You probably feel justified to feel that you should always be more "spiritual mature" than a guy who has made a living of posting "empty" Stage-Orange-content on a Youtube-channel.
    So not only are you mad, you are jealous, deeply sad (deep inside) and full of resentment. You feel like a 'poor little me', which is now imposing his beliefs to the this meaningless forum, about whether or not some random dude is awakened. Like it fucking matters.

    So therefore, if you want me to brutally honest, you are deluded and confused beyond what I thought was possible for someone on this forum to be. (Ultimately speaking, this means that I am that, and it saddens me, but it's also hilarious). 

    Really, what is happening here, is that Connor is just expressing himself freely. He couldn't give a bigger fuck what you and I think of him.
    And what are you doing here? All you do is talking him down and criticizing him. For what fucking purpose? Stop masturbating around in your own egoic circle-jerk-victim-mind and start expressing yourself freely, like he does. Write/do something that means someting to you and the world, really, instead of just talking other people down. Yes, I'm also talking you down now, but I have to talk low-conscious-ego-stupidity down when I see it.

    Sure, get mad at me, that's the best thing you can do. The fucking least you can do. The most honest thing. Express yourself as freely and authentically as you can. Don't resist it. Be fucking mad. Be mad at Connor for having gotten ahead of you on "the spiritual journey". Be mad at me for being an arrogant prick towards you right now. Be fucking honest with yourself.

    Honesty is the least you can practice. I honestly haven't read a more dishonest post -- than this one of yours -- on this forum since I joined. At least be fucking honest with yourself, brother. Much Love <3 

    Judging from the assumptuous incoherency in all that you just propagated I’m not even going waste my energy fuelling the delusion you appear to be already stuck within.

    You have proved my point just based on your entire rant. What have you done but simply defend someone you merely researched then criticise those with contentious opposing viewpoints? You’re a walking conundrum my friend.

    Please humble yourself by carefully compartmentalising what I previously wrote opposed to making ad hominem attacks predicated offcherry picking what substantiates your ludicrous arguments.

    You appear far from the level of consciousness you claim. I recommend retiring your fascination with Conner and focusing on yourself, clearly much work to be done there.

    I wish you the best.

  14. 4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Actually quite on the contrary, a peak stage orange/green person is the perfect candidate for entering spirituality, seeing how they've exhausted that stage and truly seen it for its limitations. He has been successful for many years, which means he has had that potential for a long time. Purely based on that alone, I don't think it's unreasonable that he has been on the path for 3 years like he is claiming. Also, why would he lie about that?

    I strongly disagree about the claim about hedonism. I was ultra-hedonistic when I discovered spirituality, and I still kept that up for a couple of years. They go hand-in-hand. It's only after maturing in your spirituality that you truly out-grow the pathologies of the past stages (even so, you never quite leave any stage behind).

    You’ve taken my comment out of context. I was speaking to another gentleman regarding how neither materialism nor hedonism can be vehemently maintained while on the spiritual path. Using them to their epitome before hand can be helpful, however, being consumed while in practice only a produces an insatiable ego which distorts ones lens. It’s like being a sex addict and presupposing one can continue such activity while attempting to use methods to dissolve it, not going to happen.

    That is true. However, that assumes one has excelled them self to such a point they are receptive for transcending one stage and entering the next. There is no prior proof he was practicing spirituality to facilitate such a move.

    Why would he lie? Well think about it, if he were to fudge spiritual experience it may bolster the validity of his present antics. 

    The main problem here is assuming one develops out of a stage over the course of a short period, that being several weeks. Although possible, extremely doubtful considering a history full of delusion. This typically takes years. You just cannot simply conclude such a thing on the basis such scarce information, that goes for any media personality. One must be understood according to the context of their entire situation not merely the  scarcity of what they are willing to present. 


  15. 1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

     "Simply because, one does not awaken, awakening awakens to itself. " I like that, thank you. I agree very much. Good answer.

    So you were a gym/stage-orange/PUA-junkie (like Connor). But now you have moved pass that and are now spiritual (stage green/yellow/turquoise w/e). 

    And now you "look down" on Connor -- your former "teacher", who you then saw to ultimately be a noob (spiritually talking).

    Seems like classical psychological unconscious projection to me =D 

    "Awakening is not an instant bypass, it requires meticulous and arduous embodiment. Far more than that of a single mystical experience."

    I agree.
    But could it be that Connor -- like you have -- have actually been interested in awakening/spirituality for +3 years and that he just recently (1-2 months ago) got a "breakthrough" ? ...
    ...And that you for some unconcious reasons simply cannot be open to that possiblity? :-D 

    Be open at least. As you say, what does "awakening" even me. There is no-one to awaken. Connor has not awakened obviously. Awakening has awakened to it self. This is how it always is <3

    Haha how did I know you would assume such a thing in defence of him ?

    Firstly, I never insinuated that I am above him or look down upon him. No one is above nor below anyone. Hierarchies in this work are delusional. You have superimposed this as an opinion.

    No that is not an accurate assessment. You’ve made an extremely naive assumption in stating that.

    I’ve never really been fond of Conners work. He always embellished egocentricity and pig headedness when it came to the fitness lifestyle. It was more about the “looks” and it’s perks than the investment factors that underlined it. I was in it for the development of health, weight gain and euphoria of exercise. He completely adorned the superficiality of the gym lifestyle, which I found to be demonstrably depreciate it. 

    And now he assumes he is single handedly “awakened” having been deluded for a copious number of years. His fooling himself. 

    I doubt your assertions on the matter. My estimation is that he is stuck in the territory of self-concept and ego, through which his rants are taking place and subduing others. Hence, his dualistic rants and pontificating.

    Be open to such a possibility that he may not be what you’ve so recently assumed he is, which from the mounting evidence seems highly probable.

  16. 14 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    @Jacobsrw sorry I have not read the whole thread, but may I ask, how come you have watched so many of Connors earlier stage-orange videos?  (personally i have never heard of him until last month).

    also what does "awakening" mean to you? when are you truly awakened? are you awakened? <3

    Because previously I was a gym junkie and found him via Jeff Seid years ago. That’s okay. However, many here are making gross assumption having only watched 2-3 of his recent videos without contextualising his past. Awakening is not an instant bypass, it requires meticulous and arduous embodiment. Far more than that of a single mystical experience.

    Politely, I feel no need to engage in that question. Simply because, one does not awaken, awakening awakens to itself. 

    To me awakening is the illumination of the ever-presence of experience. A complete alignment to existence beyond any form of fragmentation.


  17. 41 minutes ago, OBEler said:


    So if i unterstood you right, materialism and hedonism cannot go hand in hand with spiritual growth because it reinforces the self. So here is something to think about young boy:

     Connor had this spiritual growth preciesly because he had this materialism and hedonism too much. He even said in his last videos that this was the main reason he went into depression because this hedonism did not make him happy. So he was in a desperate situation, he had everything materialistic thing possible and he realized this will not make him happy at all, which gave him the spiritual growth he has right now.

    You see, hedonism and materalism can make you a very spiritual person in the end. The more he was invested in hedonism, the more it was clear how hollow this is and parallel his pursuing in spirituality awakened more and more 


    Again, you have made a gross assumption. The only reason he claims to have “awoken” beyond the self is because of a single ayahuasca experience. Not a gradual spiritual development. You’ve under assessed his situation.

    Sure, one can see the delusions of self through having it suffer, however, this does not ensure spiritual growth. One either needs ungodly amounts of receptivity or a psychedelic. He had the psychedelic. Don’t grant him a vip because he attained some intermittent insight through no development of his own.

    Also, you’ve made a false equivalency. Spiritual growth is not inherent in materialism and hedonism. It is in the realisation than no dualistic path that imposes the self will grant it - which transcends both of these delusional paradigms. Most who purse hedonism and materialism are extremely deluded not spiritually inclined.

    This is stage orange on the spiral. I fail to see the strength in your point yet again.

    Anywho, this discussion has met its inflection point. You seem far too consumed by the functions of behaviour in others than your own. Your ego reactions are extremely volatile and reject anything in opposition to them. I will invite you to explore this.

    I wish you the best on your journey :)

  18. 8 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

    Yes, for sure. I was just noting that it IS a possibility. Never say never, ya know?

    But you're right, spiritual dabblers will show their colors sooner or later. Everyone (myself included) believes themselves to be serious, amazing to watch :D

    True and fair point. But ultimately the attachment to every dualistic notion must collapse. That was my point I was attempting to Spain to the other gentleman who seemed to not understand. One cannot be consumed by duality and pursue non duality it’s incongruous. This just becomes another deception of the ego-mind.

    Good point. Self deception is the king deception ;)

  19. 20 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    @Jacobsrw so what do you have to say for the arguments I gave you? 

    I would be fine if this lost guy connor fakes the video, it just doesnt sound plausible at all to do this and I gave reasons for this. If you would stop projecting your ego delusions on me and instead respond to my arguments this woud maybe turn in a valuable discussion

    I did respond. Refer to my last comment. Your simplistic assessment assumes one can operate under materialism and hedonism while equally pursuing spirituality. It’s not doable. They tangentially conflict.

    Both maintain and superimpose the self from which one becomes puppeteered and deluded. It’s basic human psychology which you seem to lack the foresight to see, in all due respect.

    If you can’t see this then you will one day experience it, that’s for certain.

    18 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    @Jacobsrw What ego? 

    There ain't no such thing. 

    Ego=beleif that's what it is. 

    What's actual=God/Love

    "enlightened master" also beleif not actual. 

    Exatly. What do you think 95% humans are presently doing? Believing in such a delusional belief. The have veiled the essence of themes elves with the essence of mind and believe the self to be the operator of their existence. This is delusion.

  20. 9 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

    Actually it's definitely possible, some mainstream enlightened masters are notorious for their material wealth (think Osho)

    At a certain level of mastery, the difference between hedonism vs asceticism dissolves.

    The "problem," as I see it (and I think you'll agree) is that total newbies or intermediates will pretend that they have overcome this duality and that they are already masters.

    That’s still arguable. Osho is a case of real rarity. An ordinary being does not simply discard the functions they have been indoctrinated with their entire life.

    People grant them self way too much pride. Ego attaches to anything it can. That just happens to be anything that maintains a dualistic notion. Materialism and hedonism are central deceptions to such attachments.

  21. 8 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    @JacobsrwAt least I can it more than you. 

    You can do everything with consciousness, so even eating meat and enjoy life can therefore very spiritual. Think about it

    Another fact is, that not all your acting must be spiritual, lol

    Man, why so much hostility? 

    What you do is your business. If you unable to see the delusions of the ego then this discussion will not help. You will continue to attack, project, defend and blame. Look inward rather than outward in this matter.

    Anything you do to glorify the self is a illusion. Being must take precedence in spirituality, otherwise all you are pursuing is the delusions of mind. Hence, why spiritual ego is such a relentless deception nowadays.

  22. 1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    Haha wauw lol, im just amazed by how attached your are to your own ideas about him (and the world for that matter)

    Let go

    The dude has woken up. Sure, he lacks groundedness - itll come

    This is your view, you’re entitled to it. Stop pontificating and demanding those who think differently to agree with you. He has received insight, not woken up. These are two very different things.

  23. 17 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    @Jacobsrw sorry but that doesnt cout. I am also a materialist hedonistic meat eater guy and still follow spirituality seriously but only some friends knows ( they also are dong spiritual practices in secret but go party, love soccer games and enjoy life).

    You must learn that personality of a human is very complex and can have contradicting lifestyles. If you run a youtube business where you sell your created lifestyle as a good looking guy who gets the attention of girls with wearing off shirts, you CANNOT show any sings of depression in front of the camera, otherwise this would be bizarr. Think about it.

    I know more about this guy in a single video than you stalking him for years. Accept it

    I don’t think you see the problem here. One who is consumed by materialism and hedonism is not pursuing spirituality. That’s the point. They are non-conducive to it.

    Using them with responsibility may be a different matter. But Being totally subdued by them is not spirituality. His past reflects no such responsible use of any type.

    If you assume the dualistic notions of materialism and hedonism are immune to problems on the spiritual path you my friend are in for a rude awakening. Both are delusional functions of ego. They require transcending which he clearly did not.

    If you think you can discern a person from a single video than I pity your level of observation.

  24. On 19/06/2020 at 0:42 AM, Winny said:

    Hey there, 

    Before I continue, I would like to point out that I have NOT experienced awakening yet. This information comes from watching many videos from Leo. Also, my state of confusion that lead to no drive/purpose/motivation is NOT blamed on Leo, but myself. I am actually very grateful for having stumbled upon this topic.

    However, to get to the point, Leo has stated many times that there is no self and that we are EVERYTHING (non-duality), the absolute you. I know I haven't experienced it yet, but if there's only one thing, who's controlling me right now? Who's typing right now...well, yes, Winny, but apparently I'm just a fiction, imaginary and that confuses me. This leads me to think "why bother?" What's the point of doing anything if there's no Winny? (Winny is my name btw :D) I script for my youtube videos every single day and I have a dream, but now I just ask myself "why bother?", I practice law of attraction, but now I say "why bother?". I'm having a more negative attitude towards life. I mean seriously, if there's no self, then who's doing everything? If there's no free will then I can just be lazy. There's also another video where Leo says that yes, even though there's no free will, you can still be productive...I'm just so confused by everything. There's no meaning to anything and if I want to pursue my dream or purpose, isn't that doing it for the ego? which apparently is imaginary because the ego is a part of Winny. 

    I need your HELP! I really would like to have motivation again to pursue my dream or to do anything productive in general. It would be nice if I got an answer from someone who is awakened, to clarify this for me. 

    You may be misunderstanding the profundity of this work. Just because one has no purpose in which to serve does not mean they cannot create one.

    Onness is the central motivation. You see, to operate on behalf of oneness as a finite self is the greatest service you can provide. Serve all the fragments of existence, the self’s and objects, and by doing this you are serving consciousness. Consciousness becomes more translucent of itself through the realisation of its own nature via the finite beings whom are within it. Serving other finite beings serves consciousness which serves oneness, which turns out to be the greatest deed you could ever fulfil.

    Whats more, is that you will be gratified for doing this but not criticised if you do not. You are accepted regardless of what you do. You have a choice to use the unique skills of your finite self in service of the consciousness from which you stem or you can live an existence denying it.

    The power of choice is at your disposal.

    Life is a dance, it just simply requires you move with it.