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Everything posted by dude

  1. Yhea ego is a fucked up thing, it creates all this fakeness, all these masks. Farewell, good luck.
  2. Look into this, sounds like a limiting belief to me. I recommend getting a basic understanding of programming and other things internet you will definitely come into contact with that in the future and then you will know what you're talking about. Build a skill, start as early as possible with building a skill. This is so valuable for later.
  3. Change your life change your thoughts goes into the Toa Te Ching. Explains it very carefully it is nice. I really like neti neti meditation. It is small but packs a big punch.
  4. @Robert In 5 years your old content won't matter anymore. (Unless you make it really crazy)
  5. @Max_V I was gonna say how do you know that. but the picture hahahaha.
  6. Same problem for me here, just read a book it said. What I learned from this quote is that it is not really important what you choose because with enough time you will reach expertise. But in your mind you like the fantasy of being both at the same time. You like the vision of both but you can't really be both at the same time or one path will suffer because of the other. I solved my split by looking at the reasons for which I wanted to do the one or the other. Film or Entrepreneurship In IT. Came to the conclusion that the only reason I had the other option was because I knew it was possible. I'm already in IT and Film required me to give that up. But film is the thing I really believe in so that is why I chose that one. Journaling is a great way to uproot beliefs I did it a lot even after the course until I finally came to a decision. I don't know your position but maybe you're stuck because of fear of failure or some other reason. Remember that after 15 years in a field you will reach mastery. a lot of people switch from field at around age 40/45 because of that. 15 years of fulltime deliberate practice is world class. I hope this helps somehow, success.
  7. You could begin with doing some courses on Udemy.com they give you a quick but good view into social media skills. And this video:
  8. @Soulbass nothing really, I just do it so I don't waste all my money online
  9. I renamed my do nothing to do nothing and notice. Because you still have to stay conscious while doing it other wise you will do it mechanically and that is bad.
  10. @General 2 @Natura Sonoris @Hengame @Goliath Hey guy's I bought the LP course and book list both via Paypal and I do not have a creditcard either. So what I did was: Made a paypal account without linking any of my creditcards or bankcards. Confirmed my email Login and go to the main account screen. On the left side you will see your balance in a little box like this = It's in my language (Dutch) for you it probably will have different text. You click on add money via IDEAL or another method that your bank supports. Then you can just via mobile banking put the amount of cash you want on your account. Now go to actualized.org and try to buy the thing you want to buy (MAKE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH CASH ON YOUR CARD OR IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY SAY YOU HAVE TO LINK YOUR CREDIT CARD) And it should be done. Any problems hit me up via PM/DM or just ask the question here hope it works for you guys!
  11. I would recommend the book radical honesty by Brad Blanton. If you want your mom to stop, tell her the truth. Expose your true self to your mom not the facade your now trying to present. Get mad, express your thoughts towards her and get independent. Then work on this part of the dating part of your life.
  12. I think he meant a grill as in what rappers wear so they get gold teeth it's like a new hype in that movement. I used to have braces too they suck. Sorry if the statement was badly interpreted.
  13. Nice! you're quite good at bouldering. I also go once a week
  14. Best post of 2018 so far
  15. @Marinus thanks! Much appreciated
  16. @Pernani Thanks for the support! Yhea, I'm still developing my style. I don't really know where I want to take it yet. What type of content I want to dive into, also thinking of mixing camera shots with animation. But that means a lot of extra deliberate practice in those areas too. Camera stuff. Thanks for the tip tho! Will be experimenting in the future
  17. This is exactly what the book says too, nice! thanks for the answer.
  18. @Saumaya Hey I got a question for ya, first of all have you read Neti-Neti Meditation by Andre Doshim Halaw? would you describe your practice as described in that book? And have you read the book of not knowing by peter ralston, did you find it helpfull on your own journey? Thanks for being an inspiration for me brother!
  19. I tried this too, although would fall off every time after about 4 days.
  20. Okay, JK this is me:
  21. @billiesimon You still need to do something. In the video blow Leo goes into "responsible marketing" the fact that you could also use your "animal core" to push things to people that actually raises their consciousness.
  22. Video, currently animation in the future will also do camera stuff. For deliberate practice I try different animation techniques and make animation on my yt channel to practice storytelling.
  23. ChooseFI (on financial independance), The art of storytelling, tiny leaps big changes
  24. Got problems with motivation, I currently don't like the place I'm in because fuck collage. I'm trying to see the infinity around me and be happy with living witch helps to some extent + I'm Questioning why I'm doing personal development a lot.