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Posts posted by andyjohnsonman

  1. So I was just reading the daily news where I am looking at Piers Morgan who looks to be clearly stage blue having a go at Will Young who seems to be stage green due to Will Young having a go at The Grand Tour hosts for homophobic behaviour branding gay people with certain stereotypes who i would also put at stage blue. It appears that wanting equality and not being branded as gay for doing certain actions would be a green move right. 



    If so would you see Piers Morgan as sticking up for Jeremery Clarskon et al because the are in the same stage of spiral dynamics? 

    Here are the links to the article



  2. 11 hours ago, hundreth said:

    Color me unimpressed.

    Russel Brand always gives off the vibe that the most important part of anything he does is to show off how woke or conscious he is. I give him a lot of credit for inviting those with opposing viewpoints to come speak with him on his show. He also deserves praise for highlighting their courage and preparing the audience to hear them out.

    On the other hand, it was an opportunity squandered to connect there because his ego got in the way. He condescendingly mocked their words, patronized them, invaded their personal space, and really spent little time actually trying to create a bridge. Humor is a way to connect, but Russel made his guests the butt of the joke and it was all at their expense. Of course these bigots are wildly disillusioned, but in many ways their love is more sincere than Russel's here because they actually believe what they are saying will save someone. On the other hand, Russel brings out these guys like some kind of circus freaks he can mock in front of his audience for magical wokeness points. 

    very good points 


    So after watching Leo's what is actuality video, It became clear that grounding yourself in what you are experiencing in this moment is what is actual. So as thoughts are a sense just like sight or touch, if I am having a thought in this very moment and experiencing it then why is this not actuality? Just in the same way that dreaming is actuality as I am thinking of experiences, or taking magic mushrooms is also actuality as I am going into my mind and experiencing new states. 

  4. Lately I have been lazy with meditation. My mind tells me I can do it lying down so I have been doing it just before sleeping which has always led to just falling asleep and usually don't know how much meditation I have done but tell myself it's a full meditation mechanism. Is this a self deception?

    This is just a recent trend. I'm concerned that as your mind is like a muscle that needs to be trained whether or not it has the same principles of training a muscle - the reversibility principle.  In weight training once you stop training your muscles after 2 weeks the muscle strength goes down dramatically and will take longer to get back to what you once had. I would like to compare this analogy of muscle strength with the awareness gained in meditation and wonder if this reversibility principle would still apply?

  5. Yes I do Vipassana and Kriya already but from my understanding that's for training the subconscious mind.


    These games would be more about training the conscious mind?


    Or do the other practices do this too and it's better just to focus on these as they have more overall positive benefits? 

  6. Yea thanks. I got the feeling that I was going to die if pursued further. I didn't have the courage to continue the pursuit as my ego hit me hard with raising my heart. It gave me the sense that I would lose everything and dying is not something you want and therefore gained control back. I don't think i could ever gain enlightenment because if this is the final hurdle which i'm not sure it is it could just be a layer to further understanding the ego cracks down on my truth seeking in a massive way. It could just be the weed tho cos i don't seem to have this problem with mushrooms.

  7. Tonight i smoked weed for the first time in a year. After taking magic mushrooms i felt smoking would be fine. Today also coincided with me refreshing my kriya yoga practice which i feel gave me more mindfulness throughout the day. I know I am more present when i can feel my breathing in every day to day activities. I got very stoned and became aware of my thoughts and began to ask what I am. It became completely clear to me that I am not my thoughts and that I am the awareness. I became aware of that thought too which led to my ego panicking and my heart pounding extremely fast like it was under existential threat. My ego told me to get a grip on reality and that this investigation is too dangerous. It felt like there were deeper levels to self enquiry and every layer has an ego trap which can be transcended and the deeper you go the more dangerous it becomes for survival. Is this just more fairytale? Has this ever happened to anyone before and what exactly does it mean? Was I close to transcending the self, was i deluded?, did i just freak out from smoking too much? Was it ego backlash from restarting kriya yoga?

  8. I am not enlightened and am at a stage where I am questioning both realism and idealism. I meditate daily and can have spells of no thought but the sense of a self behind the head remains. At my current stage how important is it to have "faith in "absolute truth"? I think this can easily be taken as a religion/dogma and I include enlightenment with this where you are looking for a solution to make all your problems go away and that maybe there is no transcendent reality. I am however open to it but still think it's important not to take it on as a dogma until it is experienced (if it can be). I am however aware that faith can be important but at the same time isn't it possible that faith and belief can be mutually exclusive and therefore when you do something like psychedelics the belief in absolute truth shapes your trip to believing in this? 

  9. I am not enlightened and am at a stage where I am questioning both realism and idealism. I meditate daily and can have spells of no thought but the sense of a self behind the head remains. At my current stage how important is it to have "faith in "absolute truth"? I think this can easily be taken as a religion/dogma and I include enlightenment with this where you are looking for a solution to make all your problems go away and that maybe there is no transcendent reality. I am however open to it but still think it's important not to take it on as a dogma until it is experienced (if it can be). I am however aware that faith can be important but at the same time isn't it possible that faith and belief can be mutually exclusive and therefore when you do something like psychedelics the belief in absolute truth shapes your trip to believing in this?