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Posts posted by Himanshu

  1. Integration 

    This word has been at the top of my list since the first day I did my values assessment (about 2 years back).

    In the previous months, I replaced the word Integration with Love, so my highest value became Wholeness / Love / Responsibility. This 

    While Love has a very close meaning to Integration.. Love leads to the dissolution of all boundaries and its effects are immediate. Integration means breaking down a lower-level holon into parts, and those parts reassemble to form a higher-level holon. In this way, I seek my life to be a continuous retooling of the sense of 'me' - breaking down and reassembling in a higher-order - until it's infinite. 

    Two days back, I found Daniel Ingram's (Author of the book The Core Teachings of the Buddha) website with the title Integrated Daniel.

    I intuit that there is more to the word Integration that I can't quite crack. 


    From a previous post:


    Why do Inner Integration? What is the outcome?

    Balance. Wholeness. Alignment of thought, emotion, speech, and action. Personal effectiveness. Alignment with the natural flow of life itself. 

    Integration means everything works as a well-coordinated whole. A well-integrated individual has access to all his capabilities equally, is centered, spontaneous, and effortless in day-to-day living. He doesn't fight the natural forces, yet align himself with them. The result is minimum resistance and maximum flow. 

    List of psychological dualities to integrate. Words are fuzzy, there may be repetition:

    • Conscious - (subconscious) - Unconscious
    • Love - Fear
    • Good-Evil
    • Dreams - Reality
    • Masculine - Feminine
    • Body - mind
    • Persona - Shadow
    • Intuition - Sensing
    • Feeling - Thinking
    • me - other
    • Body coordination 
    • Physical grace and ambidexterity
    • Emotions - Logic
    • Divine nature - Animal nature
    • Rationality - Impulses
    • Intuition - Instincts
    • Strategic action - Spontaneity
    • Systematic - Random
    • Inductive reasoning - Deductive reasoning
    • Natural - Artificial
    • Lack - Abundance

    What is the difference between Integration and Integrity?

    Is this what Jung referred to as Individuation? 

    Is Integration going to be a lifelong journey of deaths and revival? Is it worth the pursuit? How do I even pursue it?


    When All is Integrated, all dualities collapse into the Here-now. No past, no future. Just an intense NOW

  2. Update:

    While Personality Psychology remains a crucial tool in my toolkit as a coach, I have started seriously studying Creativity as a subject onto itself, and the works and lives of artists. I have also started working specifically with Artists and Creatives.

    I find that Artists have the psychological and spiritual depth that I can and want to explore. 

    I am attracted to artists who are finding effective ways to point towards the Divine. If the purpose of a piece of art is to communicate the state of mind/consciousness of the artist to the attentive viewer, the best artists are those who have both the spiritual insight and the technical skills to take the viewer on a journey. 

    For the sake of understanding, one way of broadly categorizing different art and artists is (by no means exhaustive):

    • Medium
      • Visual (Eyes)
        • 2D 
          • Painting - digital / canvas
          • Photography
        • 3D
          • Sculpture
          • Exhibition Design
          • Architecture
          • VR
          • ...
      • Auditory (Ears)
        • Music
        • Sound effects
        • Singing
        • ...
      • Words
        • Speaking
          • Ex: Leo
        • Writing
          • Writing lyrics
      • Movement
        • Dance
        • ...
    • Level of Consciousness / Spiral Dynamics / Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs / Chakra
      • "What chakra is this work an expression of?"
      • What needs does this piece of art symbolize?

    Most creatives work across multiple mediums and evolve up Level of Consciousness as their work progresses. 


    Currently on my reading list are:

    • The Mission of Art (Alex Grey)
    • The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron)
    • Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (Mason Currey)
    • Lateral Thinking (Edward De Bono)
    • Creative Schools (Sir Ken Robinson)
    • Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert)


    I am also digging into everything by these two fascinating people who are Creativity Coaches themselves:

    • Mark McGuinness
      • (Founder of Lateral Action) <-- Probably inspired by Edward De Bono's "Lateral Thinking"
      • Books:
        • 21 Insights for the 21st Century Creative
        • Productivity for Creative People
        • Motivation for Creative People
        • Resilience: Facing Down Rejection and Criticism on the Road to Success
      • Podcast:
    • Eric Maisel
      • (Founder of Creativity Coaching Association)
      • Selected Books:
        • The Power of Daily Practice: How Creative and Performing Artists (and Everyone Else) Can Finally Meet Their Goals
        • The Creativity Workbook for Coaches and Creatives: 50+ Inspiring Exercises from Creativity Coaches Worldwide
        • Unleashing the Artist Within: Breaking through Blocks and Restoring Creative Purpose 
        • Inside Creativity Coaching: 40 Inspiring Case Studies from Around the World 
        • The Magic of Sleep Thinking: How to Solve Problems, Reduce Stress, and Increase Creativity While You Sleep
        • 60 Innovative Cognitive Strategies for the Bright, the Sensitive, and the Creative: New Investigations into the Home of the Mind
        • Become a Creativity Coach Now!
        • Secrets of a Creativity Coach
        • Mastering Creative Anxiety
        • Affirmations for Artists

    It's interesting that both of them started as Psychotherapists. :D

    These two are the proof of concept for me, that people are seeking this kind of advice. 

    I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Fashion and am considering a Ph.D. in Creativity. I don't even know if that's a thing, but yeah. I want to become a catalyst of creativity and self-expression for this culture and generation. 

    My understanding is becoming more nuanced as I learn more about this, and I reserve the right to intelligently correct my course as I go along - without feeling like a hypocrite or a fool. 

  3. Quote


    A man’s value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellows. We call him good or bad according to how he stands in this matter. It looks at first sight as if our estimate of a man depended entirely on his social qualities.

    And yet such an attitude would be wrong. It is clear that all the valuable things, material, spiritual, and moral, which we receive from society can be traced back through countless generations to certain creative individuals. The use of fire, the cultivation of edible plants, the steam engine — each was discovered by one man.

    Only the individual can think, and thereby create new values for society — nay, even set up new moral standards to which the life of the community conforms. Without creative, independently thinking and judging personalities the upward development of society is as unthinkable as the development of the individual personality without the nourishing soil of the community.

    The health of society thus depends quite as much on the independence of the individuals composing it as on their close social cohesion.

    - Albert Einstein

  4. 1 hour ago, SoothedByRain said:

    Stage Yellow start to finish, top to bottom with some Healthy Human Stage Orange Shadow thrown in between the lines.

    I agree. His material can help you fully integrate Blue (discipline, action), Orange (results, independence), and Green (relationships, interdependence).

    I highly recommend Wake Up Productive, Self-Made Wealth, Advanced Learning and Teaching, and Connected - and if you are into personality typology - he has a program called Patterns of Personality with NLP Modeler Wyatt Woodsmall. All great stuff. 

  5. I have gotten a lot of value from his courses. They are usually very in-depth and directly applicable. He is an INTP and very theory-heavy, but since you are following Leo's work, I imagine you are already into that. Eben brings in a lot of different perspectives and explains nuanced concepts very well if you stick to them.

    In many ways, I find him a better explainer/teacher than Leo - because he is always prepared in his courses and very nuanced in his choice of words (while Leo often riffs on a topic). 

    He is leading by example, and so far I haven't found any contradictions between what he teaches in his courses and what he does in his own life - which is something I deeply admire. I also like that he is active in the real world and engaging with the world directly - He has a family, is friends with scientists, businesspeople, artists, monks, has a business that is earning him millions that has a positive impact on the world. 

    However, I find that his work can be boiled down to a dozen or so mental models which he has fully embodied. If you want to get an overall sense of his work, check out his book Opportunity. He lays out his core stuff in there. The PDF is probably available for free online.

  6. You were on your way home, when you died.

    It was a car accident.

    Nothing particularly remarkable.

    But fatal, nonetheless.

    It was a painless death.

    The medics tried their best to save you... but to no avail.

    Your body was so utterly shattered, you were better off. Trust me.

    And that's when you met me.

    What happened?

    Where am I?

    You died.

    I said, matter of factly.

    No point in mincing words.

    There was... there was a truck.

    And it was skidding.


    I... I died?


    But don't feel bad about it.

    Everyone dies.

    You looked around.

    There was.. nothingness.

    Just you, and me.

    What is this place?

    Is this, the afterlife?

    More or less.

    Are you.. God?


    I'm God.

    My kids..

    My wife...

    What about them?

    Will they be alright?

    That's what I like to see,&quot; I said.

    You just died, and your main concern is for your family.

    That's good stuff right there.

    You looked at me with fascination.

    To you, I didn't look like God.

    I just looked like some man, or possibly a woman.

    Some vague authority figure maybe.

    Don't worry,&quot; I said.

    They'll be fine.

    Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way.

    They didn't have time to grow contemptuous of you.

    Your wife will cry on the outside.

    But will be secretly relieved.

    To be fair, your marriage was falling apart.

    If it's any consolation, she'll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.


    So what happens now?

    Do I go to Heaven? Or Hell or something?


    You'll be reincarnated.


    So the Hindus were right!

    All religions are right in their own way.

    Walk with me.

    You followed along as we strolled through the void.

    Where are we going?

    No where in particular.

    It's just nice to talk while we walk.

    So, what's the point then?

    When I get reborn, I'll just be a blank slate right?

    A baby?

    So, all my experiences and everything... everything I did in this life...

    Won't matter...

    Not so.

    You have within you, all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives.

    You just don't remember them right now.

    I stopped walking, and took you by the shoulders.

    Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine.

    A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are.

    It's like sticking your finger in a glass of water.

    To see if it's hot or cold.

    You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you've gained all the experiences it had.

    You've been in a human for the last 48 years.

    So you haven't stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness.

    If we hung out here for long enough, you'd start remembering everything.

    But there's not point to doing that between each life.

    How many times have I been reincarnated then?

    Oh, lots! Lots and lots!

    And into lots of different lives.

    This time around, you'll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 A.D

    Wait... What?!

    You're sending me back in time?

    Well I guess technically.

    Time as you know it, only exists in your universe.

    Things are different where I come from.

    Where... where you come from?

    Oh sure, I come from somewhere. Somewhere else.

    And there are others like me.

    I know you'll want to know what it's like there but honestly you wouldn't understand.


    You said, a little let down.

    But wait..

    If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.

    Sure, happens all the time.

    And with both lives only aware of their own lifespans, you don't even know it's happening.

    or who will ever live,  yes

    I'm Abraham Lincoln?

    and your john wilks booth too? (i didn't get what he said)

    I'm Hitler!!!

    You said uphold (again i din't get or catch what he said)

    And you're the millions he killed.

    I'm Jesus!

    and you're everyone who followed Him.

    You fell silent*

    Every time you victimizing someone you're victimizing myself

    every act of kindness you've done you've done to yourself

    every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was or will be experienced by YOU

    you thought for a long time

    why?  why do all this?

    because someday you will become like me

    because that's what you are!

    you're one of my kind

    You're my child!

    Wow!! you said incredulous..

    you mean i'm a God?

    No, not yet, you're a fetus

    you're still growing.

    once you've lived every human life throughout all time

    you will have grown enough to be born

    so the whole universe... it's just... an egg

    I answered..

    now it's time for you to move on to your next life and I sent you on your way 


  7. 56 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    Every time that you make a claim with this air of certainty, I can go right down on the thread and find multiple guys parroting what you say... simply because of the way you say it.

    And this turns the forum into an echo chamber.

    This is something I have noticed as well. 

    Unintended consequences of his style of teaching. 

    In the future, it'd be wise of Leo to find a way to communicate his teachings in a less corruptible and less misinterpretable format. A book could be that, but perhaps less impactful than he delivering truth bombs straight in your face.