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Everything posted by Moreira

  1. When you have a regular meditative habit you relate to others from the true self. That means no EGO driven purposes like: validation, "cover contracts", zero neediness, no fake. So you will not fall into the convention/norms of chit-chat, meaningless relationships... you'll be making genuine relations only with the people that you resonate the most at a spiritual level.
  2. I'm actually reading the book "Out of the trap" by Alan watts, and basically he describes the occidental point of viewing life as a victim, ruled by God, like a trap. What he suggest is a paradigm shift of accepting the flow of life, understanding that we are eveything (samathi), that lead to the conclusion there's no trap, the trap is part of me, acceptance... the danger I see in all the hippie woo-woo way of living cutting resistance and practicing acceptance is that we can become lazy. Why work? Why self actualize? What do you think? I've also read rumours that A.watts was a CIA agent, so maybe he was spreading this passive attitude of acceptance non-resistance to the people become more submissive and so easily governable.
  3. The 2014 was a fantastic year for me, I made great relationships, friends, a girlfriend. Also visited nice places , my job was ok, money, every aspect of my lifewas great. Now my life is mediocre, I'm unemployed, no girlfriend. A lot of times I try to RE-live my golden year doing the same I did, I find myself listening music of that year, trying to recover old relations of that year, same habits, watching same movies, recreate my old lifestyle. I think this is bad because now the circumstances are different and we are meant to evolve in the path of life. what should I do to not get tempted to have this melancholic behavior?
  4. I had similar symptoms and found that it was adrenal fatigue. Do you take cofe, tea, or other stimulants? Maybe a break would help you.