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About WikiRando

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  1. The first BotW game was the best video game I played in possibly a decade. I was never a Zelda or Nintendo fan boy. But the first BotW game made me realize that they still make great games and that they still "make 'em like they used to." I won't be picking this one up because story wise Ganon shoulda been dead forever last game so it makes no sense and I want to just close that perfect chapter. And plus this game just feels too similar with the same map even. But graphics is not everything. I bought a beefy monster pc thinking it was the answer, but nowadays I just play 2D games with, by your standards, complete jank graphics that a 15 year old PC can run, like Monster Train and Slay The Spire.
  2. Anybody who's worldview is different enough from yours, you will label crazy. It's not a useful label at all because it says little about the person you're labelling, and more about the limits of your own capacity to be multi-perspectival. To a materialist atheist, both Leo and the Scientology guy are just equally crazy cult leaders with little distinction between them. Hardly a meaningful label
  3. I have trusted friends overseas who will 100% take me in. I would reach out to them and flee asap. That requires that I be early enough that the airport is functional though. Otherwise depending on the situation would just buy a boat and sail to a neighbouring country if there's a chance of survival there and no chance of return as I will be a deserter in my country due to conscription laws. If there is no hope of escape I will be mobilized and serve in the civil defence and that's what I will be doing, rescue work and the like. If that disintegrates or the govt is overthrown I will take up arms and fight to the death. My country was occupied by the Japanese in WW2. The stories from back then are truly horrific and there is no way I would allow anyone to round me up and shoot me, or torture me, or lock me in an enclosed room overnight with no water and then bayonet me the next morning or send me on a death march without me fighting
  4. My Attachment style is Dismissive/Avoidant. Which is good to know because I've always thought myself as a secure and independent person, and all the more especially after years of this work. Reading about it though, it all makes perfect sense. Emotional intimacy? That's the last thing I know. Lol.
  5. A devil might abuse this based Buddha knowledge to disastrous consequences. Haha
  6. Remember that Sadhguru is trying to appeal very broadly to a rational, scientific mass audience and so frames his public talks in a certain way. What you hear in private and in the ashram is completely different. Context is everything.
  7. Singapore is a small country. Vaccination rates there are extremely high. Around 80% are FULLY vaccinated. As I write this, they literally have the highest vaccination rate on the planet. If you knew that, you would know why most of the Covid cases are of vaccinated people, because literally there are so few people left unvaccinated. The very article you shared clearly explain this. If 100% of people are vaccinated then 100% of the Covid cases would be from vaccinated people. That's hardly an argument against getting vaccinated. 44% of the Covid cases there are fully vaccinated people, versus a population that is 80% fully vaccinated. Do the math. And the main point of getting the vaccine is to reduce the severity of the illness not so that you don't contract Covid entirely. Again, if you actually knew what you were talking about you would know Singapore has one of the lowest case fatality rates on the entire planet. You are just textbook misinformed on this particular issue and are clearly not familiar with the situation there.
  8. I was in Bali. Sitting in a taxi. Not a random taxi either but the official Blue Bird Taxi which was supposed to be the most reputable. Taxi driver was pretty chill, we start talking about mushrooms which are kinda tolerated there, which then goes into Weed. The driver says he can get weed. We're like damn, a really nice chill dude, and how could we pass up on this opportunity to score some on our vacation? He drops us off at our stay. He says wait here, I'll go get the weed, come back, and then you can pay me. True enough he comes back with a brick of green. It's dark at night, we take a look, looks good, we give him the money ($100 at least). Back at our room, we try to smoke it, it was a dud. Bought fake weed from a Balinese taxi driver. In retrospect it coulda been way worse. Don't mess with illegal substances in random countries. Last thing you want is thrown in their jail or get extorted by the cops.
  9. Happy Birthday Leo. I've commented on your videos a few times but, I just wanted to repeat that if not for you videos breaking me out of the materialist paradigm, teach me about God and the Devil, get me to meditate, and to seek out a mystical experience through psychedelics, there's a 50% chance I'd have committed suicide by now or I'd just be spinning my wheels inside the scientific paradigm as a depressed, cynical loser perpetuating horrible cycles, So seriously, thank you man. Your work has utterly transformed my life. Hell, even your video on addiction was the the key that helped me quit alcohol and tobacco. Good lord man. I always think about how if I hadn't clicked on your Youtube video in the thumbnail and stuck around, I might be dead or worse still torturing myself to this day. It's that thought that makes me just wanna enjoy whatever I have and not give too many fucks because it kinda feels like a fluke that I found you to be honest. And this joy and wholeness, that I found, I could very well never have found it.
  10. Om. Beyond logic or constructs. An endless sentence There is One. Stillness. Peace. Eternal. Transcendending transcendence.
  11. Today begins the personal blog. For a few months i have begun meditating and recently have begun to have some insights on life. But the potential is infinite, and the journey will be endless. But here it starts. For the first time, today I have cut down on my video gaming and meditated more, tried to find peace in solitude, doing nothing. Today I make a serious commitment to really grow as a person, no matter where that takes me, no matter what I have to lose. I need to read more as i have a meditation habit in place already. In the coming week i shall start reading more, doing more exercises to change bad habits, and try to physically exercise more, in the coming months i will try to change my diet, stay off weed and cigarettes, wean off video games and up my contemplation techniques and meditation. Sounds lofty but there's so much to do. I will be posting soon.
  12. As we all know Leo you are somewhat of a teacher or bringer of knowledge to us, in order for us to all grow together on our long journey to self-actualization, it would be a great, convenient and casual thing for you to post some regular vlogs about random daily life, of a person that is serious and dedicated to self-actualization, so as to not only give us greater motivation to achieve the same, but to have a sample (albeit tiny, and with different circumstances) of what a person who is living on the path to self-actualization looks like. It would be greatly helpful to us, as just like this forum, it builds a sense of connection when we feel isolated, surrounded by people and circumstances in our daily lives that do not support, and in fact go against us on our self-actualization journey. Also, watching your videos can make us skip years back and forth which is a little jarring, something a regular vlog to keep us temporally connected as we journey together. It wouldn't take much planning or labour, just whatever you're up to, random casual reports of your random insights of your meditations and just small, regular words of encouragement to continue on this journey together, as just a very informal thing to keep us connected as we grow together, and only if you are willing to share with us your life of course. In fact this could be on a different channel if the break in tone / format feels a little too jarring, but overall i feel regular casual vlogs on random daily life could really help keep us motivated and keep us engaged and connected.