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Everything posted by Visitor

  1. @Preetom Since you asked. The best deed of kindness was the most difficult. To not interfere.
  2. Use your meditation and reading towards self-inquiry.
  3. Rem Koolhass is following his full potential. Follow Rem Koolhass in the same way by following your full potential.
  4. You say you use reasoning to avoid negative emotions. Would you not also use reasoning to avoid positive emotions? You say you don't use reasoning to create positive emotions. Would you not also not use reasoning to create negative emotions?
  5. Unconditional means there is no condition which influences, not even a new car. This is because the happiness (or love) solely comes from within you.
  6. The why? Is found in your ego-fear of being judged as invalid (wrong); and your ego-fear of not being able to convince others to see it your way (to be validated). The how? Remind yourself that you are okay with your decisions at the moment, regardless if they may change later on. For change is how we grow. Then remember a simple cliche: Live and let live. It is none of our business how others live their life, unless they ask us for help. Otherwise, let it be, regardless if its family, friends or whoever. Another why? If this is too hard to do, then there is still an ego-fear of losing, interest for your investment into, those that support you (an invested validity from family and friends). Another how? It's difficult to be aware of one's own truth, and others, and respond in a way that is not expected from the self-deceived. They may judge you as cold and unloving. But you know differently. This is usually what tough-love is about. Most tough-love responses are short and sweet, such as "No". As soon as it goes into a lengthy dialog it can easily become a need to be validated again. So, keep it simple.
  7. Honest answer. However you can do it for yourself when you find and realize that you are loved. For 18 years you have been loved from within. You have been guided and supported by your conscience, the voice of Truth, within you. Next time you meditate, or go deeply introspective, get in contact with the love that loves you. Become sweetly aware of it in your heart. Then love it back. Love the love that loves you. Then you will know that you have never been, or will be, alone.
  8. Psychology is still very shallow stuff. They still have not looked at the real causes of these emotions. As a result, they can only come up with band-aid solutions to overcoming them, such as releasing negative emotions to let it out. Gee, long time ago there was, and still is, such a thing as Primal (Scream) Therapy. Yet they will not talk about dealing with the common cause for all negative emotion. Fear. Fear causes a person to tense up. In that tension they are burning up, and waste, a lot of life giving energy. Their cardiovascular and immune systems are steadily being over stressed. It's not healthy, or conducive to longevity. If a tense person suffering from negative emotions could be truly honest with themselves, they will see what fear is governing their tension. Then, hopefully they will, act in faith that they will survive, confront their fears so as to overcome and dis-empower them. Most of the time, at first confrontation, fear dissipates. As I've mentioned in other posts, a good example of a misunderstanding in dealing with a negative emotion, is anger. Anger is caused by the fear that something is not going the way we want it. To deal with it is to confront the fear of things not going our way. And realize that it is okay if things don't go our way. That it is okay to feel embarrassed / humiliated / exposed / vulnerable. We will still be okay. Of course the ego will have us think differently to save its face. But that too can be faced and tamed. IMHO
  9. I've done palliative care counselling for a few years. It's okay to be sad, its is a feeling we have for the other person who may be suffering, and we wish that they were not. It is, in this case, a loving expression of empathy. How to be with somebody who is dying? Love them with all your heart. Grief and loss is a natural process needed to be allowed to happen. It is also a loss for the grieved, it is losing a part of our own identity from the family member. Being with somebody who is dying scares a lot of people, for it reminds them of their own mortality. It makes them realize that life is indeed precious. Also, for those that actually do home palliative care, with the daily aid of palliative care nurses, are in a unique position. For it is more than likely they will be with the person when they die. This is a precious gift, given by the dying, on facing death. I understand about loneliness in regards to having no more family around you. I have been in that situation for the last 30 years. However, I've had a few close calls in my life where I was not sure if I will live to see the next day. It was quite confronting, especially being alone and nobody to get you to the hospital, or even making that phone call. Also, if I am to die, with another person present, I hope to give that person the gift of dying peacefully. Thanks for sharing this thread for it has given me a reminder of my past vocation and how I feel blessed to have done so.
  10. Instead of trying to let go, first find out what you are hanging onto. Then let THAT go. Another more meaningful word for letting go is acceptance. Perhaps the serenity prayer will help. It sure helped me, once I learnt what it means. That is, the only thing I can change is me.
  11. This reminds me of fearing what may surface into consciousness. If so, don't worry about it, it is only stuff you already know about. Or perhaps your body (and/or your ego) is not used to you being still for so long and is trying to get you stop. See what happens tomorrow, or whenever you meditate after today. It may not re-occur.
  12. @Max_V Congratulations for your graduation. Ah, it's all over. What a relief that is. But wait, there is more! What am I going to do now? Perhaps your finale got washed over with uncertainty about the next long term commitment. That is how it was for me. All of a sudden, school was finished. My friends who I saw daily were about to be dispersed. New responsibilities were awaiting for me. A part of me wished I was back in school.
  13. Completed first half of the wiring harness on the wiring jig. It looks like a map of arteries and veins of a human body (but with three legs) .
  14. @Andrey It is very rare to have ... But what can make a difference is how you utilize them. Explore the variations of using your strengths. Sometimes a combination of strengths can produce an uncommon strength which may seem separate from the rest. A simple example is being loving and being tough (tough-love). Another is being honest and ethical (integrity). Then again, a strength can be broken down, such as integrity into honesty and ethical. A new strength can be harvested by using a strength(s) in a new direction. For instance, many people have a weakness towards conformity just to save face. Yet to apply one's strengths of individuality and imagination one could start becoming a maverick (nonconformist to the norm). Many a maverick is found behind new ideas and approaches to doing things.
  15. @Will With the ego censoring what is going to be a best seller story of validation, it will undoubtedly pick a world audience. Fixing the world to its ideals. As long as that option is on your possibilities for personal drive, you will always feel that your drive is ... However, you still may become personally fulfilled by utilizing your talents and abilities to their full potential; and unknowingly provide an impact on the world like many artists, such as Vincent van Gogh. In regards to overcoming confusion (struggling with indecision), just make a decision and go with it and see how it turns out. If it doesn't, then make another decision. Life is a series of experiments, some will blow-up in your face, and that is okay.
  16. Acceptance is the key to serenity. However, one can still be serious without tension. That is, being mindful of what is true, without fear: of being responsible, of failure, of judgement, etc. In this way the word 'serious' is about upholding integrity as opposed to upholding one's ego. To be able to accept responsibility (able to respond), accept failure (nobody is perfect), accept judgement (truth of self revealed), etc., is to be free of ego-fear and tension, which is the source of most peoples seriousness.
  17. Installed the control panel instruments. Top left: Original panel. Top Right: Revamped panel. Bottom: Detail.
  18. The other is heart-consciousness, for lack of a better description. Conscious of Being.
  19. I have not seen any of Leo's videos, so I may be speaking out of place. IMHO, there are various definitions for what an addiction is. One is characterized by compulsive engagement in gaining something regardless of adverse consequences, and suffering withdrawal symptoms during disengagement. I do not think this definition can be related to the engagement of mindfulness. However, if it does, then I'd rather be addicted to mindfulness of the truth and love, regardless of how it hurts my ego (adverse consequences) and longing (withdrawal symptoms) for serenity during disengagement; than living a life of fear and self-deception.
  20. Sounds like you desperately want to be anybody else but yourself. But you know you are not anybody else but yourself. So learn how to accept yourself, warts and all. When you do, you won't want to be anybody else but yourself.
  21. @TJ Reeves As I said, they are quite good photos. However the centre one would be better positioned with more space to the left, in the direction of where she is facing. And smaller space behind her. That is, the head is mostly on the right side of the frame. In this way, where she is facing leads your eyes to go there. Usually this is aesthetically arranged when cropping the photo. Keep up the good work.
  22. @TJ Reeves quite good. Would you welcome a constructive critique?