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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Yeah I liked the Ninth Gate, representation better.
  2. Alcohol, Heroin, Violence. Could try raising conscientiousness as an alternative.
  3. Was listening to his book "12 rules for life." Last night, was partially asleep, but was surprised, to hear him talking about "enlightenment". (Though maybe was imagining it). Mentioned, a quote by Jung, about a strong/enlightened "person's roots reaching to hell". Also surprised, there are no books by Jung in Leo's booklist.
  4. You can live/subsist fairly cheaply. 20 Euro tent from Decathlon + 4 Euro groundpad. (Pretty essential, heat loss to ground can be massive). 5 Euro budget per day for food, how much is a loaf of bread or a bag of fruit, tub of pate. If you were really particular moving according to when food is in season. Could try hitchikng, never really tried it though. Talk to people in hostels to build contacts, learn about different experiences. After seeing the movie Easyrider(in Basel), I guess there is always the possibility of taking a Baseball bat to the face. I guess if you have the cheek or balls, approach random people and ask for stuff, information, indirectly or directly. Wind up like Tom Hanks in Castaway?
  5. Reputation: Vote up as well as down, but give a reason, 6 words(or whatever short like eBay) or less. Filtration & Specialization: Have some form of caste or class system with tags to better find what you might be interested in.
  6. BRRAAAIiNNNNNS!!!!!!!!! Francine Parker: They're still here. Stephen: They're after us. They know we're still in here. Peter: They're after the place. They don't know why; they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here. Francine Parker: What the hell are they? Peter: They're us, that's all, when there's no more room in hell. Stephen: What? Peter: Something my granddad used to tell us. You know Macumba? Vodou. My granddad was a priest in Trinidad. He used to tell us, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth When there is no more room in Hell the Dead will walk the Earth. Dawn of the Dead. Mind Body Dichtonmy: Am I the Mind(Often associated with the "Brain") or Body? Plenty of nerves in your gut, pumped full of or deprived of sertonin(Mostly produced in the gut) are you the same person, who knows?
  7. Is this some kind of buddhist/Jedi Selfless type of stuff. The abrogation of the self leading to "Jedi reflexes". A CPU being the "brain" of a computer.
  8. I know the tap water is very bad in Barcelona, like some kind of gas chamber when taking a shower (aghhhh it BURNS!!!). Don't know how true it is, but heard some of it was to do with pig farming in Spain.
  9. @egoless A jump from like to love there. I like the answers that money sometimes provides. There is a distinction in my mind between money(something tangible that can be used for real world use) and currency something more intangible that is based on credibility. You can have currency(credibility) with someone, but not money. Besides if someone was a monk, maybe they could provide various medical and psychological healing, build relationships based on something other than vanity. Be something more than capital in a system. Economics is an Art not a Science, in Austrian Economics.
  10. @egoless So you don't like money scro??? Totally man, I could see someone starving to death in their home city without money, especially a North American one, like Miami. The fat people must eat all the food. Without money how can you have a Home(relationship)? Power and the money, money and the power Minute after minute, hour after hour.....
  11. @BobbyLowell Yeah don't worry about it, just bullshitting, the name Bobby makes me think of the movie. The Boys from Brazil. Dr. Josef Mengele: You are born of the noblest blood in the world. You have it within you to fulfill ambitions one thousand times greater than those at which you presently dream, and you shall fulfill them, Bobby. You shall. You are the living duplicate of the greatest man in history. [raising his hand in a heil motion] Dr. Josef Mengele: Adolf Hitler. Bobby Wheelock: Oh man, you're weird.
  12. @BobbyLowell Couldn't resist. "The Boys from Brazil" 1978 Dr. Josef Mengele: You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah? Bobby Wheelock: My teachers are nowhere. Dr. Josef Mengele: You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants? Bobby Wheelock: I feel different from everyone sometimes. Dr. Josef Mengele: You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world.
  13. Deal with any neediness issues.
  14. Liberalism: I would have thought the historic equivalent were the Whigs(Disciplined, Puritanical, Church & Middle Class) in England, as opposed to the "Cavaliers"/Torys (Cavalier, Libertine, Landed Gentry). Liberalism a few laws that are enforced, leave society to establish rules. Libertines: How can I get as much sex and booze as possible? Liberals: Anywhere the wind blows, doesn't really matter. To me......... Conservative: I'm feeling good...... Progressive: Come together right now over me..............
  15. Anyone ever see the movie "Easy Rider"? watched it recently in a cinema in Basel. Basically 2 guys hit the road looking for spirtual enlightenment, but end up dead spiritually, and physically at the end of the movie. “You know Billy. We blew it.”
  16. @egoless Reminds me of a scene from a movie "My Cousin Vinny". Vinny: My clients were caught completely by surprise. They thought they were getting arrested for shoplifting a can of tuna. Judge Haller: What are you telling me? That they plead not guilty? Vinny: No. I'm just trying to explain. Judge Haller: I don't want to hear explanations. The state of Alabama has a procedure. And that procedure is to have an arraignment. Are we clear on this? Vinny: Yes, but there seems to be a great deal of confusion here. You see, my clients... Judge Haller: Uh, Mr. Gambini? [Motions for him to approach the bench] Judge Haller: All I ask from you is a very simple answer to a very simple question. There are only two ways to answer it: guilty or not guilty. Vinny: But your honor, my clients didn't do anything. Judge Haller: Once again, the communication process broken down. It appears to me that you want to skip the arraignment process, go directly to trial, skip that, and get a dismissal. Well, I'm not about to revamp the entire judicial process just because you find yourself in the unique position of defending clients who say they didn't do it. ... Judge Haller: The next words out of your mouth better be "guilty" or "not guilty." I don't want to hear commentary, argument, or opinion. If I hear anything other than "guilty" or "not guilty", you'll be in contempt. I don't even want to hear you clear your throat. Now, how do your clients plead? Vinny: I think I get the point. Judge Haller: No, I don't think you do. You're now in contempt of court. Judge Haller:Would you like to go for two counts. Vinny: Not guilty. Judge Haller: Thank you. "Wondering in all directions". Exactly, has Leo broken into your place to install OneNote yet . Not that I'm necessarily any better.
  17. @egoless As you said and I generally agree "they lack focus" drawing human nervous & muscular systems must require immense focus (Resolution), what could possibly require more focus than drawing a human nervous system at the time? Which INTP's generally lack. So make up for the lower resolution, with "increased screen size", the ultimate consumer of information. As Jung said "Ideas have people". I think he also mentioned somewhere that a lot of his ideas came from reading various religious texts. There is a phenomena called Cryptoamnesia (By Jung) where people forget where they learned something and think it was their own original idea. Einstein being a theoretical science integrated various ideas into a general theory of relativity, I guess you could call that creativity in an abstract sense. Machiavelli: INTJ (Scientist/Mastermind), if he was, wouldn't he have chosen another career than politics? Haven't read "The Prince" but isn't one of the themes it is better to be feared than loved if one must choose, or something? How can one put a formula to that?
  18. @egoless Maybe, though I go with ENTP as "Inventor/Visionary", INTP would be more Machiavellian to me. Tend to think of Da Vinci's powers of observation, anatomy drawings, "flying machines" etc. Where as INTP "Thinker/Architect" would be more abstract, than visual. Beside if he's thinking about drawing, he's not drawing. Observation over Abstraction.
  19. @egoless ENTP: Ext Intuition (Pattern Matching) Introverted Thinking (Unconscious Thinking) Ext Feeling (What is the Group doing) Introverted Sensing (What old information do I have) INTP: Introverted Thinking Extroverted Intuition Int Sensing Ext Feeling I think that the ENTP is going to be more caught up in observing. Where as the INTP is attempting to integrate existing information in their own minds. Why is Meditation(Integration, perhaps) more prevalent with INTPs, and Self Knowledge(Empirical) with ENTJs? So an ENTP is perhaps more of a tinkerer like Da Vinci, where as an INTP is more stuck in their heads (in general). You can make toys or you can play with toys which is more fun?
  20. @egoless Maybe not so much as work on their proactive skills, but rather narrow their focus. Thinking of a military general from history "Hannibal"(INTP perhaps) he successfully managed to encircle and destroy an entire roman army, much bigger then his at Cannae. Though he ultimately lost the war by not sacking Rome(basically slaying the population). Where as someone like Julius Caesar (ENTJ) knew what he wanted and went for it, using whatever means at his disposal, but doing what he said he was going to do, very strong willpower. ENTP: Extroverted Intuition, too caught up looking at different things to really form a strategy, more of an artist or inventor.
  21. INTP(As potential best): although ENTJ imho have the most follow through of any personal strategy and are proactive(ENTJ) rather than reactive(INTP). So I would say ENTJ's have the best internalised strategic operations, where as the INTP externalises to their immediate environment. INTJ: Int Intuition as their primary function deals with known causal formulaic methods, when perhaps the ability to react to the unknown maybe required. So in situations with a limited range of parameters they are probably the most adept. ISTP: "Mechanics" are probably the most adaptive, to a general situation on the fly. ESTJ: Are probably the best at maintaining their own personal Integrity, as situations develop.