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Posts posted by Zega

  1. On 12/25/2023 at 3:23 PM, Lila9 said:


    A picture our soliders found in Khan Yunis - this is exactly how Palestinians educate their children in Gaza from the moment they are born to grow up to be terrorists.

    So are we just pulling pictures off reddit now?

    I reverse searched this and it came from a jewish subreddit with no source. Besides that there's plenty of pic like this from gun loving families in the US. So your point is they're all conditioned to be terrorists? 

    Is anyone even moderating this thread anymore? I'm just checking this after a month and the last 5 pages looks like a YouTube comment section.

  2. We would have to start with people being allowed to buy property and charge rent. There's a politician in my county who thrives on doing exactly that and there is 0 incentive for him and people like him to stop. Easy passive income while investing little to nothing into the property they own and raising rent annually as if wages were also going up. 

  3. On 10/14/2023 at 1:01 AM, SurfingBird said:

    Expecting Israel to just outright lift checkpoints, security checks and surveillance while Hamas still exists is telling Israel to forfeit the lives of their citizens, and that is simply not going to happen, especially after we've seen what Hamas would do with increased freedom.

    I don't believe I suggested any of that. You can allow people to leave Gaza and still have checkpoints, what are you talking about?

  4. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @lina Well, you have to ask yourself, How else can Hamas be eliminated? Because it certainly cannot be allowed to stay in power.

    The unfortunate reality is that eliminating Hamas will involve a lot of collateral damage. Hamas is a cancer within the Palestinian population. Eliminating a cancer is very difficult and comes with serious side-effects.

    I wish that wasn't the case, but that's the situation. Peace negotiations can resume once Hamas is eliminated and Palestinians have sane leadership.

    Isn't Hamas the result of people who have been oppressed, humiliated, and segregated for seven decades? It's not shocking that people become radicalized from decades of oppression.

    I don't see Hamas being eliminated while Gaza remains the world's largest open-air prison. There's no justice for Palestinians when they are abused by Israel citizens in the West Bank or anywhere else. There's a ton of video examples of the oppressed life of average Palestinians like this one 


    I'm sure you're well aware of this already. 

    The longer they live like this the more people will be radicalized and join Hamas. What other options do they have when your apartment building could just be bombed indiscriminately one day with little to no warning? It's not like there's any other groups to turn to.

    Back to the cancer analogy, aren't Israel's actions like trying to treat cancer by smoking it out with tobacco? 

    Counter intuitively wouldn't the Israel government be better off pushing for equal rights of Palestinians? Maybe policy change that allows them to leave Gaza....Probably wishful thinking on my part, but Hamas wouldn't have support of radicalized Palestinians if they weren't being treated as subhuman and given rights.

    Maybe then they could have a sane leadership. 

    Idk what the "correct" response is to Hamas's acts of terror but the violence is incredibly asymmetrical and Israel has the power to do this differently, but their right-wing government is a whole other topic.

    quick edit*

    I also want to add that from scrolling through various social media comments I've noticed people seem to think Hamas is some kind of power house that both controls Israel and Gaza. That's more a point about propaganda but I felt it worth mentioning. 

  5. Maybe it's the socialist side of me talking but this "inflation" we are experiencing is mostly lack of redistribution of wealth. 

    To my understanding, big companies and banks received massive gains and debt forgiveness over the pandemic. My understanding of economics is pretty basic but there's a lot of factors that play into inflation. It is definitely a good thing for the wealthy who can drive their prices up without raising workers' wages.

    Your minimalist take on being happy with all that you are blessed with is a noble one, but it doesn't apply to the elite responsible for squeezing the average citizen. It's also difficult to tell that to an American struggling with mental health problems they can't afford to treat, hospital bills, raising rent, and general worker mistreatment in a wage slave job.

    Yes, we can be happy with what we have and there's lessons to be learned from that. That doesn't mean, however, that we have to be okay with the reasons behind the inflation and the lack of responsibility our representatives have for it.

  6. I've noticed that the voter turnout for the last major election had record participation for numerous reasons. Great!

    However, in a somewhat recent post, a girl was grazed by a bullet and Ann Brenoff replied with the classic "vote harder" take the DNC pushes. This response is disheartening for people who voted blue and has become a sort of, "Thoughts and prayers" for the left. Despite record turnouts we still can't get momentum in the right direction from the politicians we vote for.

    The problem with voting for the Democratic party is that young people see this inaction and it increases voter apathy; they either don't vote anymore or they vote 3rd party. Either is like giving a vote to the republicans since they vote religiously. 

    It's Important to vote but we need collective movement to make things happen. Republicans are great at this, I mean they were ready to storm the capitol on Jan 6th. If the left had that same energy but for organizing for something like healthcare, unions, or student loan forgiveness then we could make meaningful change in this country.

    This is disconcerting because I feel like we have great potential to go in either direction right now and I don't feel like there's enough enthusiasm for organization. 

  7. When I was first waking up around 2014 a friend of mine showed me this channel, Spirit Science.

    If you aren't familiar, its ran by a guy named Jordan who used to be an animator on Newgrounds. He moved on to making youtube videos in a style similar to Extra Credits about spirituality. Some of the things he talks about are on point like sacred geometry and what he has to say about levels of consciousness. 

    The controversy comes (mostly) from his video on human history: 


    In particular, he loses people once he talks about Hebrews being an alien race and Martians coming to earth after destroying their own atmosphere. Despite that, he makes some interesting points and regardless if this is true or not it sparked my interest in human history and our evolution. This video also led me to contemplate my own consciousness which eventually led me to Leo.

    Chris O'Neil from Oney Plays knew him on Newgrounds and just says, "This man is now the leader of an actual cult" and most the skeptics and criticisms I see tend to come back to that. People say Leo is a cult leader too but I know that's false and dismissive. 

    Jordan is a lot less direct than Leo though and it's hard to read his true intentions. If nothing else he's a clever storyteller and good at animation, and he helped lead to my first awakening so there's that.

    What's his deal though? Is he a cult leader, full of shit, or is he misunderstood and we all are a product of falling from a much higher level of consciousness many many years ago?


    I've thought about posting this on here years ago I just never felt like bringing it up. I guess I was avoiding wanting to know the truth, but now I really want to know what other people think of Spirit Science.

  8. I don't think there's any doubt that the first guy he shot was deeply troubled, but if Kyle didn't bring a rifle to wave around he may not have lunged for his gun at all. I know this is speculation, but he was clearly upset at the mere presence of people there with rifles.

    After he was shot, Kyle was then seen as an active shooter in the heat of the moment. If the one guy he shot that lived had shot Kyle first and killed him, then he may have also gotten off on self-defense for stopping a perceived threat. 

    People like to hone in on the specifics, but this was a domino effect.

    Can we at least agree open carrying in a protest/riot/unrest is stupid? Guns only escalate, and we can see that in the video where Rosenbaum is shouting at the mock militia before it all went down.

    Our gun laws are questionable at best.

  9. On 10/17/2021 at 3:28 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Actually it feels pretty fair to me for a murderer to die. What's unfair is paying to house them for 40 years and putting up with their bullshit.

    The problem tho is that some people are wrongfully convicted of murder.

    We should probably try to rehabilitate the ones we can. And then maybe the ones who can't can die.

    I would issue an ultimatum like: you got 10 years to repent and get your shit together and rehabilitate yourself into a useful and loving member of society. Here are the resources you need to do that. And if you don't, you're getting lethal injection. It's up to you.

    Some people are beyond any kind of rehabilitation, but I believe this to me a small minority. 

    If you have someone like the killer form No Country for Old Men, then yeah, maybe ethnicization is the only answer. Aside from giving them a lobotomy (Which may not even work) I don't see what else can work.

    Everyone else in the penal system should be (attempt to be) rehabilitated and reintegrated. This will save money long term when you aren't housing convicts for 40+ years. There's still the matter of what to do with the rest...

    Do we euthanize them, hold them, or put them on treadmills that help power the cityxD

    I think murder by the state is generally bad practice but could be used in extreme cases.

  10. Literally proud of being obstinate.

    You see this in flat earthers and anti-vaxxers as well. The truth will literally kill them and so they hang on to their ignorance for dear life.

    I actually met a flat earther at an ayahuasca retreat of all places. Very cool guy and completely understanding of how most of us feel about flat earth theory, but could not be convinced otherwise.