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Everything posted by Zega

  1. @Village "cocktail of disease" shows lack of understanding on what a vaccine actually is... Can you explain what specific things in a vaccine concern you? If you're worried about things like mercury you should know there is more in a can of tuna than a vaccine.
  2. I think part of the fear of the vaccines comes from the way the media framed it. They made it seem like the vaccine was completely untested and the first person who got it was a test, at least that's the impression I got from a quick skim of the comments. Here's the problem though: I've been seeing that it would be a two part vaccine 3 weeks apart. That's going to require a commitment from people getting the vaccine, otherwise the virus could mutate and become resistant to it. Add that to the people who are actively refusing to take it and there is a lot of potential for this to go poorly. If people getting the vaccine make a commitment to following up and take it seriously then this could go quite well. However, since we like to politicize everything from masks to vaccines, I can see a new vaccine coming after this one for the follow up, or maybe an improved version that doesn't require such low temperature storage. For that reason I can see both sides on the waiting argument. All that said though, I massage for a living and haven't been able/comfortable doing my practice since March. I want to get past this and go back to my work, so I will take whatever vaccine they have ready.
  3. JP is one of those people you have to take with a grain of salt. He has very helpful and pragmatic things to say but a lot of ideology too that people can get lost in.
  4. You can start with analyzing where Germany was after WWI on the spiral dynamics scale, where Hitler was, and where he brought Germany on the scale.
  5. People have their own reasons, but he's stage red/orange which is dangerous to have as the leader of the US... Plus he's a compulsive liar that brings out the worst in people.
  6. @Opo We lost seats in the house and senate from what I understand
  7. @Akemrelax It's less about Trump and more about not letting the libs win I just plugged the leaning states into the prediction, unless Biden takes Michigan AND Pennsylvania I don't see him winning this one.
  8. @Leo Gura I don't doubt that, everything is relative I guess.
  9. While I don't agree with how antifa groups handle their movement, I don't recall them running any political opponents off the road. Antifa is mostly a danger to fascists and store windows.
  10. His speaking pattern is the same way
  11. Saw the movie yesterday, didn't hear the controversy till after. When I first saw the scene I thought it was funny, especially his line "She's too old for you" when he burst into the room. As far as how Rudy acted, the parts that weren't edited out he seemed cordial and understandably flirty, especially after the interviewer put her hand on his leg. What I find the funniest is the overreaction to this scene in particular. If there was no music or editing then it would have been much more mundane, but it's a movie so the dramatic music, the editing, and where it fit in with the movie made his intentions seem different. Artistically it made a great climax for the third act. I didn't think he was reaching for his dong, but in the context of the movie Borat totally saved his daughter from fucking Rudy. The whole point was to get that scene for the movie but it got treated as a giant "Exposed!" narrative. It's a satire and people take themselves too seriously to appreciate that. There's a point to be made about the morality of all this but I'd rather just enjoy it for what it is rather than getting lost in the controversy.
  12. I think the most disturbing part of this for me is the attacks on independent journalists going to the rally. Once a group shouts the right word ("ANTIFA press!") they are surrounded by dangerous people who will..."defend" themselves. The mob mentality is so ugly, and they have justified their own bullshit to the point of it being their identity. Side note: Did anyone else raise an eyebrow over the Russian (I think?) lady talking about Putin?
  13. I can see him getting better from this and saying, "See? It isn't that bad." I wonder how it's going to affect him.
  14. @Husseinisdoingfine I've been to Idaho and other solid red states. Trump winning is more likely than you may think.
  15. everythings pretty much been said here, but texting is a big trap or a useful tool.
  16. I think pickup would be a great thing for someone like you that is new to a lot of this. Just don't make it your life, use it as a tool to help you with dating, otherwise you're going to end up in a relationship like this girl you dated and she's going to leave you for someone more experienced. I speak from experience. Once you start getting good you'll be able to pick and choose the girl you want, but you have to get good first. That should be your top priority: gettin' gud. Top priority in this context, there's better things to focus your attention on. If you aren't already look up some Real Social Dynamics videos on the core basics of flirting, attraction, value, all that good stuff. Best way to get over a fuck up with a girl like this? Try again with a different girl. You're going to fail...many many times. Forgive yourself and compare only to the person you were yesterday. I wouldn't even worry about long term relationships for now because you really have no frame of reference. You had a great learning experience from this. Move on and try again with someone else. Let go of any self limiting beliefs: Incel, introvert, shy, needy, weak, unattractive- throw that shit out and go be what you want; have vision. Don't be an autistic guy trying to figure everything out logically, learn to flow and be flexible with what comes your way. In time this will be fun, hopefully sooner than later. Save the serious shit for a serious relationship. You wanna be deep with her? Talk about aliens, alternate dimensions, psychedelics, fun things you can use to show your views on life without bringing down the good vibes. Good luck dude, hope you get laid soon you deserve it <3
  17. At the very least nobody should be in prison for drug use
  18. @Consept people still like to bring that up as a point though. Rioters and anti-Americans they say, that's how they justify murder like this.
  19. I have to disagree. Bringing an assault rifle to a serious protest is, by itself, aggressive. It's one thing if the military or police do it, but these bullshit militia groups? What did he think was going to happen when he was toting a gun around in that situation? He knew
  20. Check liveleak for many different angles. The people chasing him that got him to the ground were doing so after he shot the first guy in the head. Bottom line is "self defense" is trying to justify a minor living out his police/call of duty day dreams at a protest caused by gun violence. Bad ideas.