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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Here's some education on 2 major mental health disorders from the National Institute of Mental Health. Bipolar- Schizophrenia-
  2. @Someone here I quit my job and I refuse to work unless it's a remote job from home. Very tired of dealing with co-workers and patients. I have an interview for a remote job Monday.?
  3. I've had both 1 &2 moderna vaccines. I got very ill with the second dose, but it lasted just a day.
  4. Sorry, I'm a nurse, I don't "hide" negative "potential" side effects of medications or vaccines. I educate people. Is the vaccine worth taking although it "may" make you sick for a day? Of course. We need at least 70% of ppl to get the vaccine to start getting this pandemic under control. I'm an advocate of the vaccine.
  5. From what Dr Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group had to say about the second dose. "The second dose of the two COVID-19 vaccines has gained a reputation -- initially from clinical trial data and now from the personal experience of millions -- that it tends to cause harsher side effects than the first dose." .................................. Ppl should know to have Tylenol on hand and make the day after 2nd injection a sick day...just in case. Anyways, after your vaccines this site (below) texts you daily after you register to get "clinical data" about any side effects or lack of side effects that goes to the CDC. This says already complete because I completed mine today already.
  6. I'm sure. It's not just me (just clarifying), multiple ppl just now getting the second vaccine are reporting the same on FB and all my coworkers with me all got very ill...but it only lasts 24-36 hours. I think it's worth it, but that's me.
  7. I've had the Covid vaccine 1 and 2 simply to prevent the spread. I work with sick ppl every day now that I'm back doing patient care and it was the responsible thing to do. I'm gowning up for about every 3rd pt d/t patient being Covid positive or signs/ symptoms of Covid. Ain't gonna lie though Moderna vaccine #2 will kick your ass for a full 24-36 hours, but then you'll be fine. They say the side effects are the immune system showing the vaccine worked.
  8. @Preety_India I don't know why there is confusion about this? He got your info from a dating site. He wants to date you, not be friends. You have a boyfriend. Case close. Block him.
  9. No matter how bad things seem to be you can always make changes to improve your situation. They may come slowly and painfully, but watch this man's story and remember it next time you feel defeated. ❤
  10. @Bando @Preety_India ❤ He has given me strength recently as I face some challenges and frustrations. I have nothing to complain about in comparison.
  11. Awe, thanks ?. Yes I'm better now, just my arm still hurts. Of course, I was on-call all weekend and almost puked in one of my patients homes and then almost passed out in another. Lol.
  12. Just a warning....I had the 2nd dose Friday and it made me very ill. Fever, chills, sweats, body aches, nausea, etc for approx a day and 1/2. I had to take Tylenol every 4 hours. Several other coworkers that got it with me reported that they were having the same symptoms yesterday. Supposedly, the side effects let you know the vaccine did its job, but it wasn't pleasant.
  13. @Striving for more If you mentally and physically rest, then you'll recover fine. Take Tylenol also if not allergic. If severe headache, then you may need a brain scan, but usually this is not the case. Good luck
  14. @Striving for more Sounds like you may have given yourself a bit of a concussion. If symptoms worsen in the next 24-72 hours, then seek a medical professional in person to check you out.
  15. Damnnnn, I found this new version and it's fabulous!
  16. @Preety_India Well, aren't you a sweetie! Thank you for the kind words. You are amazing as well. ?❤
  17. Today was my last day as clinical manager. I thought maybe it would be peaceful, even though I was still training my replacement. Nope. People will just squeeze every bit of life out of you that they can get (not talking about the trainee), down to the last minute and they are unapologetic while doing it. It's unbelievable. It completely convinced me you need to do what's right for you to have peace and if that's leaving a situation, then do that and don't feel bad about it.
  18. Phlebotomy certificate program is 4-6 months, usually. If you don't mind blood.