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Everything posted by MsNobody

  1. @noselfnofun @Barna Thank you for your beautiful words and for having the capability of grasping my essence, like Matt Kahn says, you can only meet someone as deep as you ha've met yourself. Namaste ?? @kieranperez Wow first of all congratulations for getting off of meds, it's so hard! I'm so glad you like the way I see ADHD, I trained myself to see it in a different way, we are the way we are, it's the universe expressing itself in different forms, we can call it flawed but if it's there, it's not a mistake, I feel like the ADHD came along with my awakening, the less domesticated by society I became the more the symptoms increased, our brains work differently, and it takes more time for us to get "trained" again, if that's a disease I'm fine with it, also I can't pay attention to things that do not interest me, but something I'm passionate about I will spend a night awake just to know more about the subject. Try to see it this way too, I always see you here in the forum, you are always posting interesting stuff and is working hard to build yourself up, by your posts it seems like you have a lot of energy, I'm also a little hyperactive, but if I focus that energy in my passions and life purpose I get in a really nice flow state, and many things interest me, it's a matter of how to use this energy, don't get trapped in labels, in the last 5 months I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety (real doctors diagnosed me) and I know I have ADHD, but whatever, they've put all those labels, Im not taking any medication, just meditation and my life had never been better, I just did the Vipassana, am figuring out my life purpose, love the friends I have around me, if I had listened to those doctors I would be on antidepressants and my life would have taken a tooootal left turn, I had to recreate myself, It's been a process of three years since I left Brazil, the religion, dogmas, ideologies, of cleaning up, letting go of things, I didn't know who I was, I had to create my space, and let go of all the labels given to me, like Baldwin sad "The place which I will fit will not exist until I make it" or Anis Nin "I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me — the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That, I believe, is the reason for every work of art.” Build and rebuild yourself over and over again, or like Leo/ Rumi says be melting snow, wash yourself of yourself. We are not sick, we are the "normal" ones, the ones adapted and content with our currently reality are the mediocre ones, they are not up, not down, right in the middle where nothing exciting happens, doing what society wants them to do, following what others around them are doing, so don't listen to what people say, just go within you, and see that we are all different, and the labels are created to separate and put us into boxes, it's like a bunch of colored pencils spread around and they want you to be in the same color as others so they will put you in the right box. I love the quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Don't forget that, you are on your way to be healthier (mind and body), so you will be considered crazier, weirder and sicker by normal people, another quote I love "When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind" from Lewis, insanity is the new sanity , your body and mind and yours and only you know how they function, that's why we do meditation to go within. Aldous Huxley also knew this: “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” In other words fuck ADHD and all the other labels given to us to make us feel smaller. Here are some stuff you might like:
  2. @Vinnie Oh I've never met a Maori! Where do you live? I'm fascinated with the Maori's art and culture. I got it 3 years ago in a trip to Brazil.
  3. @Salvijus It seems like your vision of women is very limited because you probably have your image about how a woman should behave, it's like Leo always says, God is not only beautiful things, its also war, suffering and all the bad stuff, you can consider my way of expressing myself as weird, and 4 years ago when I was repressed by my culture and by abusive men's figures I would pretty much agree with you, with time I learned how to not be ashamed of my body and my curves, to be proud of being a woman in a society where the patriarchy has been in power for thousands of years, now I see my body as a temple and sacred, you talk a lot about the feminine energy being very inclusive and receptive, about it embracing all things around them, are you embracing your feminine side? Are you using of that inclusiveness you talk about to embrace all things and all forms o expression of the universe around you? To have love and compassion to all forms of expressions besides the ones you consider as right? I let go of the thought that women should behave in a certain way 3 years ago, it's been a process of cleaning myself from ideologies and social conditioning, I have a lot of masculine energy within me and this masculine energy gave me "balls" to face many men and even better gave me the freedom to express myself in an authentic way, this is key, I'm a very romantic person, I haven't had sex for a while, I believe in love, am very delicate, I cry a lot am very empathetic person, I'm very loving with all people around me, in my daily life I don't walk around naked, people respect me, I love reading and meditation, that's why I just wrote a report about my second Vipassana, if I was merely showing off I would get money out of it, trust me, I would be a stripper or become an instagram influencer, not judging who does that (some women do a great job) but I consider myself to be a smart person so if at some point I decide to use my body in the way you see it I would at least make money out of it Also I'm glad you disagree with my POV part of doing what I do is exactly to fuck the mind of people who think my art is promiscuous, ugly, weird, wrong. There are people who see the beauty and artistic value of it, and there are people who see whatever they have within them, which most of the time is repressed feelings and emotions. I feel lucky to have strong men around me who lift me up instead of judging and criticizing, like someone said in one of the posts above, this is a forum with high consciousness people, who do not see the expression os a woman's body as idiocy, who don't see sex as "animal compulsive behavior", don't see a naked body as just a piece of meat and bones or as dirty. They mastered their mind and don't just get a boner seeing my pictures, they see my art not just as nakedness or sexual arousal. On the contrary, I've seen many beautiful posts of men describing their women or their relationship, of using sex for connection and even for enlightenment (that's he case of tantra) Anyways, all those words in bold I copied from your previous posts, and I will just live one of my favorite quotes here for you. “ People do not seem to realize their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character “ And also Osho quote on sex: If I Say Anything About Sex, Immediately They Jump Upon It “Sex is raw energy. It has to be transformed, and through transformation there is transcendence. Rather than transforming it, religions have been repressing it. And if you repress it the natural outcome is a perverted human being. He becomes obsessed with sex. “The people who call me ‘sex guru’ are obsessed with sex. I have not talked about sex more than I have talked about meditation, love, God, prayer, but nobody seems to be interested in God, love, meditation, prayer. If I say anything about sex, immediately they jump upon it. “Out of my three hundred books only one book concerns sex, and that, too, not in its totality. The name of the book is From Sex to Superconsciousness. Just the beginning of it is concerned with sex; as you go deeper in understanding it moves towards superconsciousness, towards samadhi. Now that is the book which has reached to millions of people. It is a strange phenomenon: my other books have not reached to so many people. There is not a single Hindu, Jaina saint, mahatma in India who has not read it. It has been discussed criticized, analyzed, commented upon in every possible way. Many books have been written against it – as if that is the only book I have written! “Why so much emphasis? People are obsessed particularly the religious people are obsessed. This label of ‘sex guru’ comes from religious people.”
  4. @Salvijus Yes I see your point, very interesting.. IMO there are many ways of expressing the feminine energy, my way is more sensual, some women express it through nurturing, taking care of their husbands and partners, taking care of their homes, some other woman through dancing or singing, some through painting or drawing, some through cooking, and of course when I say feminine energy I'm not excluding men, for me the most attractive men are the ones with their feminine side resolved and embodied, because they tend to see me for who I really am, when they look at me or my art or even my body they are able to see beyond it, not only get sexual aroused because that would be a shallow way of seeing the natural beauty of the human body, Oscar Wilde describes it better than me: "If a work of art is rich and vital and complete, those who have artistic instincts will see its beauty, and those to whom ethics appeal more strongly than aesthetics will see its moral lesson. It will fill the cowardly with terror, and the unclean will see in it their own shame." so I invite you so analyze why my way of expressing the feminine energy seems weird. I hear that a lot, from my muslims coworkers, my repressed friends from Brazil, they say it's wrong, it's weird, it's ugly, but the way I see my body is as if I'm looking at a beautiful landscape, I also see the beauty in the male's body and have a lot of masculine energy within me, I think it's all about learning how to balance both energies because one compliments the other. Like Jung said, "You can hardly say your soul what sex is, but if you pay close attention the most masculine man has a feminine soul and the most Feminine woman has a masculine soul." or Khalil Gibran when asked about clothes: Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful. And though you seek in garments the freedom of privacy you may find in them a harness and a chain. Would that you could meet the sun and the wind with more of your skin and less of your raiment, For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind. Some of you say,"It is the north wind who has woven the clothes we wear." And I say, Ay, it was the north wind, But shame was his loom, and the softening of the sinews was his thread. And when his work was done he laughed in the forest. Forget not that modesty is for a shield against the eye of the unclean. And when the unclean shall be no more, what were modesty but a fetter and a fouling of the mind? And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
  5. @Esoteric @Mirror of Confusion @Serotoninluv Thaaank you! ?? @noselfnofun uh that’s exciting, it’s hoing to be an interesting experience! I do the do nothing technique @Salvijus ohhh this is so beautiful, thanks for sharing! Indeed dance is one of the forms of expression of the divine feminine ? what do you mean by weird? ?
  6. And here the style of pictures I will be taking, I'm so excited!
  7. I know it sounds a little crazy, but I just got back from my vipassana retreat and was very intrigued with a woman recommending me leech therapy for my acne and sinus problems. Has anyone here tried it?
  8. Seems like you just need to put yourself out there and practice, you said you are feminine and this is awesome, the most attracting men for me are the ones who have their feminine side embodied, to increase your masculine side try to do things that require strength like working out, running or just doing something with your on hands like wood work etc, also being in the sun, the masculine energy is all about action and making things happen, connecting with your body will be a good way to tap into this energy.
  9. @herghly well, I don’t but I felt something when I listened to his voice while he was channeling, I just bough his first book, I’ll come back to give my opinion on it. Here is the Podcast, let me know what you think
  10. @Serotoninluv yes! I will write one for sure ?? @Ry4n we always think we can’t, but the days I decided to give up, the next meditation was always super deep and powerful, that means the closer you are from truth the more your ego will cry and want to give up, it’s gonna be hard but it’s not impossible, just take one day at a time, or even better, a seating at a time, the strong determination sitting is only in the last days so your mind will be calmer by then, it’s very rewarding, so life changing, you are gonna be fine! So happy for you and excited for us ?? The no ego trips are the best trips, you will realize that once you start packing your stuff, only comfy clothes not caring much about how you will appear, not bringing your “persona” with you, it’s a trip within ourselves, priceless and so valuable, good luck! ?
  11. I'm doing my second vipassana next week and would like to know if you guys have tried microdosing or any other substances (even nootropics) while doing the retreat, I already know they don't recommend use of anything (so I'm not looking for judgement) my first one I followed all their rules but I was thinking here if I could benefit more if I microdosed, since I'm already in the process of microdosing right now Appreciate all the comments
  12. @Serotoninluv @David Hammond I think one compliments the other, they are both tools, meditation is not easy, psychedelics are not easy, the worst thing would be doing nothing at all. I’ve had so much purging done through psychedelics, meditation has helped me a lot, they both together are miraculous but without psychedelic I think I wouldn’t be here today and would still live 4 more years as a victim. I was sexually abused and got a huge tattoo on the side of my body 6 months after, I didn’t know the tattoo was related to the abuse, until I took 3 tabs of LSD and cried for 3 hours nonstop in front of the mirror just shocked with the realization I tattooed my body just to make it my own again and the tattoo was like a label “belong to Laísa”, and I guess I would have this realization after some years, but that LSD trip was not just a realization, it was a whole process of purging, understanding, compassion with myself and with the person who abused me, it was not easy, it was not beautiful but man it was worth it. We are living in the best times, so many tools available, we are lucky ? Thank you very much for your opinion ?
  13. @Nahm authenticity Nahm. I’ve decided I’ll keep going with my microdose process, it’s been helping me tremendously, I’m sure there it won’t be different, it’s subtle but ive been having so much benefits. My first Vipassana was so life changing I imagine what microdose can do, super excited! Thank you very much for those of you who gave me your POV, really appreciate it ?
  14. I also would like to know what peoplethink about Paul Selig, two of my close friends recommend me his books and I listened to a Podcast with him and was having full body goosebumps all the time, haven't found any posts about it here.
  15. I actually would like to think that it's relaxing, it helps slow down (which is amazing cause I have anxiety and ADHD), but I need to be very honest with myself, I think weed just got me numb but after it wore off my reality was back there, and I would rather work with my reality sober, it's harder but it is what it is, like Leo always says, do what is emotionally harder. Yes, I understand it's good for creation, I'm also an artist and love to draw while on weed, but that's just a hobby it doesn't pay my bills, if you are a musician or work as an artist it might work for you.
  16. Oh that's so nice hearing everyone's opinion, thank you very much! I really didn't think about the collective consciousness, I will take into consideration, maybe I will do one day and see how it goes. @outlandish I'm doing around 10 or 15ug, it's very subtle cause I have a high tolerance, I actually don't feel anything at all, just more awareness and happiness overall
  17. The fact you are having to ask this here already answers your question. I love weed and I can only talk about my experience tho, so far CBD has helped me tremendously with pain, and smoking twice per month is good for insights, weed IMO is an amplifier, if you are feeling good you will feel awesome and if you are having a bad day you start questioning yourself if you could be using your time better, like you just asked, it also makes you kind of numb if you use it in a regular basis. I also have another theory that weeds shuts down my logical mind and I get very primitive when high, only want food, sex and sleep. It can be good to connect with people but overall for PD work is not really a good tool, microdosing and nootropics would be much better. Like any other tool it's how you use it that matters. Short answer, weed (thc itself) does not have healing properties it can be relaxing and everything but its not good for you body, cbd yes, but most of weed sold nowadays has almost none cbd in it. This is a good book if you are really interested.
  18. @andyjohnsonman you can cut the tab but its not gonna be precise, the best way is to dilute one tab in distilled water or alcohol, this website is the best one, they teach you step by step.
  19. @Psychonaut That's interesting, I have the same feeling with Modafinil, only feel a pressure in my head, but I'm also having sinus problems so not sure how it affects the whole situation that's why I stopped taking, also tried armodafinil but just got a really bad headache. And thanks for sharing this I'm trying to find my sweet spot with lsd but I'm working with tabs, I've been cutting them in 8 or 10 parts but I can't know for sure how much I'm putting in my body, I think I will dissolve it in water. It helps me so much!! It's a wonderful tool Do you do the one day on and two days off? I'm trying to do more often, like every other day or sometimes stop for three days and take two in a row, I'm sure I will build a tolerance at some point in the future but I am getting more out of microdosing than I would from big doses. @Leo Gura Leo I remember you mentioned you were having sinus problems, do you have a recommendation of something that worked for you? @kieranperez I gave some to my sister and she is super excited about the results too, she also has ADHD, happy to hear that!
  20. @Alex bAlex I also don’t drink alcohol, I just say I don’t like it, people want you doing the same things that they are doing, if you are taking care of your health it shows them they should be doing the same, their egos get hurt, misery loves company. And sometimes I say it’s not good for my health, I’m practicing radical honesty and think if we don’t be authentic and expose ourselves we will be just joining the rest of the crowd who lives in denial. Here is a quote I like: to ask them to legalize pot is something like asking them to put butter on the handcuffs before they place them on you, something else is hurting you - that's why you need pot or whiskey, or whips and rubber suits, or screaming music turned so fucking loud you can't think, or madhouses or mechanical cunts or 162 baseball games in a season. or vietnam or israel or the fear of spiders. your love washing her yellow false teeth in the sink before you screw. Charles Bukowski, Tales of Ordinary Madness
  21. In the book How to Change Your Mind from Michale Polan he mentions another woman's work where she says kids are tripping till around 4 ~5yo, they see things differently, colors are more alive, etc. He talks about an experiment she did with adults and kids, and kids were able to solve the problems faster because their minds are more flexible/resilient, capable of seeing possibilities and alternative ways that a conditioned adult mind couldn't, what I love most about kids is that they are always in the now, and spending time with then you are kind of forced to be in the now too, I wouldn't underestimate the power of those little creatures, only they know what's going on in their minds.. Here is a piece of the Podcast Tim Ferris did last week with Michale Polan I also think, though, there’s the pure science piece, which is really interesting. I interviewed, in the book, Alison Gopnik, this psychologist who’s a colleague of mine at Berkeley, a child psychologist, and she has a fascinating — she studies the mind of a child, which she thinks is an altered state of consciousness. And she said, “If you ever want to experience an expanded consciousness, just have tea with a four-year-old.” And she really believes that kids are tripping all the time, up to about four or five. And in a very specific sense, that they take in information in this global way that we don’t. We have something she calls spotlight consciousness. Tim Ferriss: Or the reducing valve? Michael Pollan: Or the reducing, exactly, it’s the same metaphor. And it’s also ego-driven consciousness. It’s very pointed. We can block everything out. But kids have lantern consciousness. They’re taking in information from all different sides. That’s why you can’t keep them on task. But they’re doing something really important, which is exploring their environment and mastering it in a way that we, as adults, cannot at a certain point. It’s like learning a language after you’re 10. It just gets much harder. Michael Pollan: So she’s kind of got a very interesting model that you could use psychedelics to restore some of the qualities of children’s consciousness, the kind of creativity, the kind of problem-solving that kids actually do better. We talked about the mask experiment, predictive coding. Kids don’t have all those models in their head telling them what’s likely to work, or what’s likely is happening. So they’re taking in all that sensory information, and they’re more creative as a result. Well, could you put us back in that head? So there are pure science experiments that I know she would love to do that need to be funded, also. And I think there’s a real potential to learn important things about consciousness. Basically, one of the ways you learn about any complex system is disturb it, and we now have this amazing tool for disturbing everyday, normal consciousness, and studying the results. So I would love to see that happen, too. And that’s academic research. And I hope that there will be centers for psychedelic research at Johns Hopkins, perhaps at UCSF, where this work could be done, because I think the payoff could be tremendous.
  22. “People only get really interesting when they start to rattle the bars of their cages.” Alain de Botton “You ask me how I became a madman. It happened thus: One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen,--the seven masks I have fashioned an worn in seven lives,--I ran maskless through the crowded streets shouting, 'Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves.' Men and women laughed at me and some ran to their houses in fear of me. And when I reached the market place, a youth standing on a house-top cried, 'He is a madman.' I looked up to behold him; the sun kissed my own naked face for the first time. For the first time the sun kissed my own naked face and my soul was inflamed with love for the sun, and I wanted my masks no more. And as if in a trance I cried, 'Blessed, blessed are the thieves who stole my masks.' Thus I became a madman. And I have found both freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief.” by Khalil Gibran
  23. “If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion.” Aldous Huxley