Principium Nexus

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Everything posted by Principium Nexus

  1. @Toby Well I only started last year to do it full time. In 2013 I bought some bitcoin too and sold too late, with maybe a loss of 40%. Back then I didnt know anything about trading, or even have an exist strategy. It was stupid and more of a gamble. Why do you want to know?
  2. @Toby Yes over 2000% last year. But to be clear, losing and gaining is part of the process. If you start you will lose mostly if you are not trading a bull market (upward). Trading a bear market is difficult and requires skill where to enter and exit, and this is where I made my most gains. Just sitting on some bags is not having skill. Anyone could do that hoping for it to rise and many people mistake their succes then for actual skill and get overly-confident, eventually losing more than they gained.
  3. You are still wandering in maya, the illusion of seperation or solidity of "things". Once you get it you will be awe-struck. It's all one endless flowing river of undiffertiated experience, you create things by seperating them from the whole, but this seperation is only in the mind. If you learn that the mind is a construct of relativistic things and labels and understand that everything you think of is only a concept and not the the the truth itself, then you can also see that all science is build upon loose ground. The only TRUTH you have is EXPERIENCE. So dont talk about knowing truth if you have never done it before.
  4. My #1 challenge is to fully comprehend as a man what a women needs. Being empatic and able to place you in their shoes will solve all problems. If you can think like them and show you that you can always provide what she needs then this is very attractive. As males we are born to be strong and independent, and learn to shield our emotions, often becomming foreign to them. This is also a problem because we get worse in reading subtle emotions of others. These subtle emotions is where it is ALL at for women. The subtleness and intimacy is what they want, if a male is being numb or shielding all his emotions it is hard to make a connection. If you learn how to feel, listen and place yourself in the opposite sex, all your relations will improve. Sex will improve, coherence, attraction and reliability. Work on it!
  5. How are you so sure to call this "the truth"? Psychedelics strip away all these presumed concepts, they leave you speechless, they show naked reality. To be more scientific, they 'disable' the thalamus, thus give you an unrestricted flow of information. Nothing is coordinated, everything comes fully in raw form without further editing. And yes you have to try psychedlics to understand what they do, their implications on altering conciousness are ungraspable, only experience can fully show what it means. Some short scientific explanation about neurotrasmitters is a complete joke!! Think about any experience you ever had, maybe falling in love or being in pure joy. You think something like this can be simplified just to some text or short explanation about neurons firing in the brain? Really, explain me how we come from firing some neurons which are build from billions of atoms, to this level of concious experience. How can all this dead material we are build from create these visual images, perception of sound, taste, touch. Experience is the most full truth you can ever get, science is a mere fragment and will never be able to explain reality as a whole.
  6. @njuufa ? That would be awsome, but I was more thinking of practical ideas haha
  7. @Joseph Maynor I mean why keep your amazing ideas to yourself when you are probably not going to do with it anyways? Maybe someday someone will read it and make it a reality.
  8. @dustylocks Getting a good headstart with knowing important techniques is great. Experience however can only be gained over time, the first two or three months you will be making many mistakes and it would be kind of gambling. When you advance you begin to understand the underlying patterns, mechanisms and reverse engineer the thinking of a buyer or seller. A good trader knows when to enter, where to enter and where to exit. Always have a plan, dont trade emotional just because you see price go up with 10's-100's% or you could be buying the top. It's wise to follow a few good traders too, learn how they see, maybe ride along to learn how to use an exchange. In the end 80% loses, 20% is profitable but only the 1% can really live of it. I can plan trades far into the future because I understand how the trend evolves. Start to trade with small amount, maybe $20-50 so you still feel like there is something to risk but not too much if you were to lose it. I have lost several thousands before but also regained it many times over. Now i'm getting towards consistent growth which is what we want after all. If you have really big gains but also big loses it doesnt say much, more of a gamble then. If you were to trade cryptocurrencies you could check out For proper trend analysis I would suggest to make a free account where you can get charts with more precision, tools and various indicators.
  9. @brovakhiin I'm a professional daytrader yeah, making living off it atm. Buy low sell high is what it is in short, but there goes a lot more research and technical analysis of trend in it Note: If you want to start trading, never trade with money you cannot afford to lose. Start small, learn proper trading techniques, risk management and most important learn to control your emotions!
  10. Enlightenment for me is detaching oneself from all ideas and concepts and experiencing reality from a non-dual perspective. When someone claims "he or she" is enlightened then they identify themselves with a certain thing which they are not. Their ego wants confirmation by saying these things but the non ego does not care. It just acts and is without further ado. When I see someone who really knows who he is and what hes doing then I still wouldn't call him enlightened because that term cannot ever be fully achieved. It's a constant journey and a path that ends with your physical death (as far as we know). A more proper term to use would be, one is fully awake, because this shows one is in the highest state of being, or fully present. Does anyone agree? Isn't enlightenment a path rather than a destination?
  11. I trade cryptocurrencies with massive returns .
  12. @John Iverson Yes if they make a heatmap of active neurons at a time you can see the activity wanders through the brain. If all neurons were active 100% of the time there is no time to rest and it wouldn't be effecient for survival.
  13. @John Iverson Only 20% of the brain is active at a time, otherwise you would consume way too much energy.
  14. @Nahm You want to introduce yourself into existential crisis? ? Try to comprehend infinity, you will find yourself over and over again.
  15. @Alexo45 I didn't mean to say that. What I meant is that each person has ups and downs and that you together should embrace this and support each other. If you have constant fights over stupid things then it's certainly not going to work out in that manner.
  16. @ZX_man That's correct. It however matters if you identifify with the emotion. You say "enlightenment is hard" so I assume you are bothered by something and want to point that out. So ask yourself, do you suffer in any way? If not, there's nothing to do, if yes, what is the origin of that clinging? Why does it matter so much to you?
  17. Trust and knowing that it's normal to have ups and downs.
  18. You are missing the point.. Enlightenment is the easiest thing one can do, be at peace and accept anything that arises. Overthinking and trying to comphrehend reality rationally is the opposite, and that why you are bothered with paradoxes, because you try to think to much.
  19. They are used to be more close/intimate to girls and that confidence is attractive.
  20. How about replacing it with the sentence, should one try fall in love? "To get a girlfriend" feels so materialistic, sounds like we are shopping around ?
  21. Pms

    Hi I'm not a girl but I know Maca helps well for PMS and hormonal changes. For me it gives energy and also boost mood. Plus you get more chatty ? Heres a quote: " PMS, Menopause, and Women with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Maca Root is well known to help with hormone balance that often contributes to improving the symptoms of PMS and Menopause. In females with PCOS, maca is believed to help by controlling estrogen levels in the body. Estrogen levels that are either too high or too low can make it difficult for a women to ovulate and become pregnant. Therefore balancing the amount of estrogen that a women produces, and in turn the amount of related progesterone produced, is very important for increasing reproductive health, fertility, and decreasing symptoms related to PCOS- like irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, and more. (4)" I would advise to check out the capsules because most people find the taste gross.
  22. Collectively means starting with yourself, but what do you mean with revolution? You propose different lifestyle or how society function? I think we are already where we should be, everything is how it is because that was the most obvious way for it to happen. What I mean with this is that all we have is already suiting our environment and style of living, for us to see real changes we have to changes major influences like educational system, how we earn money, how we deal with energy/water and food. In my opinion people will become more spiritual if they are more at peace, now everyone seems in a rush. Many childeren have "ADHD" and are restless, clearly reveals that our system is failing, and that people get these symptoms as a result.
  23. @Sevi I see, really depends on the approach and situation I guess. We are all sexual beings after all ?
  24. @Sevi I think it turns off most if thats his only intention right?
  25. @egoless What exactly do you mean? Routines will be routines in any circumstance, but listening to our bodies and nature around us would help a great deal.