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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. But why not enjoy the advantages that it can offer? why throw the baby out with the bathwater? Adyashanti once said that he uses it to almost always get a parking lot for example
  2. @Telepresent You are probably right, I don't get what you are trying to tell me Thanks for your time though!
  3. @Telepresent But isn't the whole point of it that it's always "me" who is manifesting? The only difference is if I'm doing it consciously or unconsciously. what do you mean with "You are playing that the non-manifestation of your desire is factually wrong?"I never said that something is wrong or right, I was just wondering why certain things seem possible and other things not. There are many realizations to have. The realization of no-self doesn't immediately imply that any interest in worldy things is lost. It also doesn't mean that one is permanently in the state of no-self, only because one had one or more glimpses/awakenings/realizations
  4. @Telepresent I know that there is no me, but nevertheless desires arise in the field of empty awareness. I don't think that it must need my desires, I'm asking why some manifestations seem possible, while others seem impossible. What is the difference, assuming that both are correctly "performed"? I don't know if I'm misunderstanding you (probably), but Law of Attraction implicates that reality is manifesting according to your thoughts/state of being. I don't know how you then come to the conclusion that there are correct/incorrect desires. And what do you mean with objective reality? I think there is no such thing as objective reality. Sorry if I don't get it, just trying to understand!
  5. @Telepresent If not with my desires, with whom then? Isn't this what all the Law of Attraction business is about? So you are basically saying there is just manifestation that is independent of the desire of oneself. How is this different of saying that Law of Attraction doesn't exist and just random events happen?
  6. @The Universe all paradigms happen inside emptiness/nothingness/consciousness. The "thing" where the paradigms are playing on is therefore not itself a paradigm. there are many different movies, but the movie screen itself is unaffected by them, it allows them to exist.
  7. @0ne I have asked myself this question too. Why not just end this misery and start a new game? Or just dont exist at all? See, you are going to die anyway. Why kill the possibility that it gets better? You are "supposed" to do nothing at all. Your mind wants to cling on meaning and projections, and then you see that they are not real and conclude that this is a bad thing; it doesnt have to be. meaningless and meaningful is a duality. you can't just say "reality is meaningless", for meaningless implies meaning. this duality has to be transcended. Reality is neither meaningful nor meaningless, it just IS. In vedanta, they describe our true self (Brahman) as Sat-Chit-Ananda. Sat=being Chit=consciousness Ananda=bliss; joy So for god (you!) this question doesn't arise. why not exist? because why not enjoy infinte bliss and go on an adventure or dream a game of "suffering" from time to time? All will be good in the end anyway.
  8. @OBEler Yes, but you could tell them specific details on what they where doing. Or you tell them beforehand that you're going to visit them and make an experiment, preparing something specific that can then only be known if you really where present at a specific time.
  9. @Flare Never heard of him before Is he saying the same thing?
  10. @OBEler Within an out of body experience, are you able to "walk"/visit this "normal" reality/phenomenal plane, in that we are in ordinary state of consciousness? In other words, are you able to observe someone in this experience who is in another building for example, and then when you come back accurately tell what he was doing, so that he can confirm all of it?
  11. @ChimpBrain Thanks, I will watch it. But doesn't the universe love everything? I can't imagine that distinctions or judgements are made. "This I will grant you! This not!" doesn't it also love egoic wishes? If everything is love, egoic fantasys should also be love. Yes, this is congruent with what I have read about the Law of Attraction. However, im stuck at the "everything you desire" part. It should really be possible inside a field of infinite possibilities. A relationship is more of a "normal" wordly manifestation, but what if I desire that harry potter becomes president of the united states? Or What if I desire that I turn into a giant glass of water? Or that all animals turn into pokemon? This doesn't seem possible. Are you saying that it's not possible to heal such diseases with the power of the mind? Or that only enlightened beings can't heal this diseases with the power of the mind, because they don't have the desire to do this anymore? But then why do they let doctors make surgery on them.
  12. @Prabhaker If the Law of attraction would work if conscious and unconscios are in harmony, why did masters like Ramana Maharshi attracted diseases like cancer? If we create our own reality, why would masters create diseases for themselves? @Whywolf That's not how I understood the LoA. Your description sounds more like synchronicty. The way I understood Law of Attraction is that you basically create and "attract" the manifestations you intented to with your mind
  13. how embrace this fully without getting soaked back in because of homeostasis? or is homeostasis just another limiting belief?
  14. @OBEler If the consciousness is really out of body, how does it find back to the body after the "trip"? how is the consciousness connected to the body? Is it not possible that those are just lucid dreams?
  15. Suicide is the desperate and paradoxical attempt to fully live, to release and free oneself of all suffering/hopelessness/despair/pain. In that sense it's the ultimate lie. And obviously because there is no such thing as death
  16. @Toby Thanks! I didn't know that we have such a big spiritual center in this region. at first glance it looks a little like a wellness center. But I saw that they even have a spiritual/psychological counseling for a very cheap price. They seem to have interesting programs, have you any experience with this center?
  17. @Peace and Love Your thread reminded me of this video. he kinda says the same thing
  18. @Elisabeth I agree that I have to finally integrate some healthy routines in my life again. Always have this unhealthy "all or nothing" mindset, so when I miss 1-2 days of exercising for example, I tend to drop it completely for a few weeks/months. And then the next cycle begins. It's good to hear from other people who have dealt with or are in "similar" situations We humans always tend to compare only with faster/richer/more successful and forget that there are many people in this world who are in the same state as us or have it much worse. The reframing is really the key I think. There always comes the feeling of lying to myself or sugarcoating this situation; that somehow I don't deserve to not feel bad about it. But I can't change it anyway, so it doesn't make sense to dwell in guilt. @Bodhi123 I think I know this on a theoretical level, but on the practical side I still feel powerless somehow, that I have no control whatsoever Thank you both for your answers!
  19. @Prabhaker Thanks! I always wonder though how things like "only 1 more life" or "enlightenment/liberation is the end of samsara" fit in with the fact of eternity? If there is only eternity, we should all have infinite cycles of rebirths and liberations "behind" us (or rather simultaneously in the NOW? since time does not exist) we exist NOW, after "eternal amount of time" has passed, why should something be different after another "amount" of time has passed? why should liberation be the end of birth forever, and not a new cycle begin "someday"? Also, reports from near death experiences tell that they maintained consciousness, and I don't think those where all people who lived a conscious life. How would you explain this? That they where not dead completely?
  20. I don't see a contradiction there. It's only the mind/ego who is terrified of this and portrays it as something bad, because it literally is the DEATH of it. Many have a romantic projection on the state of enlightenment and don't realize that it's really a complete annihilation of the self. So I think a master already transcended this stage of the mind's grasping
  21. @Prabhaker What do you think happens then when we die consciously? Are we just choosing the next movie to watch? And when we die unconsciously we get reborn according to our tendencies/karma?
  22. @Toby @jse @Flare Thank you all for your input! you really helped me to consider new options and expanded my way of thinking about this. I'm still not 100% sure what I will do, and what would really be the best move here, but you gave me valuable new ideas.
  23. @Toby Yes, Hagen. There are universities where it is possible to get accepted to the masters programm in clinical psychology even though Hagen's bachelor doesn't include it. Isn't the Heilpraktiker not really accepted here and has the reputation of a charlatan? I don't know anybody who goes to someone instead of a "real" doctor. But I never looked in to that topic, so I don't know. I also never investigated in the topic of welfare, it was never really an option for me, because I always thought that you can't get it when you are in education of any kind. Will they not send me to all sorts of seminars and this stuff that basically is completely useless? I don't know if there is time to explore a lot of things when they send me to the next best workplace
  24. you shouldn't compare enlightenment to worldly/bodily/temporary pleasures. I don't think enlightenment is a lifelong meth trip. It rather is an underlying deep peace and the recognizion of the celebration and the beauty that life itself is. a meth trip is something that comes and goes. orgasms are something that come and go. a muffin is something that comes and goes. but I think enlightenment and the peace stays and let you cherrish these things even more if you still want to do them.
  25. @Leo Gura damn! I think you really helped me overcoming some misconceptions I had here. what is the role of the brain then? is it just a tool of maya with no importance whatsoever, it doesn't even exist? just to make the game believable? "photons enter the eye and project an image on the visual cortex" (or something like that) is that all bullshit?