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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. I really want to understand this. But It's creating the image in my mind that consciousness is like a siamese twin (only with infinite experiences simultaneously) or something. "We" are having different experiences right now, so there seem to exist many experiences in this one self. But where and in what dimension can a multiplicity of experiences occur? Because if only HERE and NOW is existent without any dimensions, then that would rule out a diversity in experiences, wouldn't it? Are we like the two heads on the back of a siamese lizard? The two heads have different experiences but are still one on a certain lvl. @WaveInTheOcean
  2. Hello, since a few weeks I have this constant clicking in my ear. It's like when you are driving through a tunnel/walking up a mountain/flying with a plane type of pressure. I hope you know what I mean. I have this everyday for almost 24/7 now, except when sleeping. I know that this is probably not a problem that's best discussed in a forum, but rather should be investigated from a medical professional. But I have the suspicion that it could be a "symptom" of meditation/psychedelics or consciousness work in general. My google search resultet in a few cases that reportet the same thing, connected to consciousness work. Had any of you similar experiences? It's not that bad, but it's a little annoying and I worry that it doesn't go away.
  3. I had shifts in perspective lately, had some "mystical" experiences on Psychedelics and I'm becoming more and more mindful. All the typical things on this journey I guess. Sometimes I feel tingly sensations during meditation rising up or seldom sharp pain at certain areas like the chest. Will put my attention on this next time in meditation and investigate it. Thank you!
  4. Our society in this day and age is ridiculously fixated on sex. Part has to do with the fact that we are so identified with the body and bodily pleasures in general. The other reason is because a taboo has originated about something that feels so good. That makes it a goal for people even more and all kind s of perversions are created because we supress natural desires. Society is shaming sex or certain parts of the body but is simultaneously showing death and torture in television. I think It's a basic human desire. But the more we realize that we are not humans but the consciousness behind the human, the more we lose the desire for these bodily desires. (Just speculation though, I am not in that state)
  5. @Shane Roberts Do you have compulsive habits such as internet-browsing for example? Those can have a very negative impact on your concentration. They should be eradicated out of your life or reduced drastically. You should not limit meditation to the time for 30min-1h when you are sitting. You must learn to stay in this state the whole day. Try a visualization technique where you imagine mind-gear wheels that represent your concentration and inner world in general. Imagine them fast at the beginning and slow them down gradually, so they are in perfect balance with your being. Visualization techniques can be very powerful to transform the mind permanently.
  6. No, it's all good! Ultimately this is true. We can't transcend the ego's negativity with more negativity. But in my opinion it's also important to not only look at the ego in the macro level, but also on the personal level. In the end it all comes down to the personal level. If enough personal change is done, the world will change automatically. The world condition is just the collective projection of the current state of consciousness of humanity. And if there is not enough knowledge about the enormous capability of delusion and negativity in ones OWN consciousness, which is mostly not known or unconscious to most people, the negativity get's always projected to the outside world and this leads to no change on this earth. In the end this has to be done with kindness and acceptance; but we have to bring the attention to this issue somehow first @Bodhi123
  7. @Bodhi123 I don't gain anything out of it, I'm trying to understand it. What does the human race gain from having such a disastrous relationship with the world? the human race is fucking itself up for no reason.... You could also say that the world as it is right now is perfect and include the ego in this perspective. I would even agree with you. But nevertheless I think it is important to not completely forget the relativistic/dualistic aspects of the world and investigate in the cause for this (relative) badness/ignorance/evil we have today. For this we have to understand the mechanisms with which we are dealing here. We have to understand the "enemy" and how to overcome/transcend it. Look, I don't want to appear like an edgy nihilistic teenager when I'm saying such things. I'm sorry you have this impression. But to me, this is EXACTLY how the ego feels like when I'm observing myself and the world situation. It gets even more clear on higher states of consciousness; like on a psychedelic trip. The whole messy self deception and self sabotage thing gets revealed, only to then disappear and hide again in the unconscious when the trip ends.
  8. @PureExp But if I experience the mind of another being, wouldn't it become my mind in that moment? Same with telepathic exchange. I don't think we can really be sure that we got mind-exchange with another mind or just informations who arose out of nothing but only seemed to be another mind. But nevertheless I am with you here, I don't think that my mind is the only one, even if it's the only one I can experience.
  9. @PureExp That's what confuses me about the solipsism vs. non-duality thing. Both are ultimately about the truth that everything we can know for sure is our own experience. "I am"/awareness Is <- nothing more is knowable. I can never be ultimately sure that there are other minds, it's not in my experience. All that I have of other living creatures are behavior-patterns and spoken language which I interpret and project certain things onto because it's filtered through "my" mind. Yet non-dualists seem to reject solipsism, even ridicule it (*) - This led me to assume that there is some experience or realization to have that eradicates all doubts about this issue. If I only take my own experience without any concepts, other mind's are also just fantasys. I hear people make the analogy of ocean and waves. That consciousness is the ocean and our mind's are the waves in that ocean. This would add a space-like dimension to consciousness, but it is not appropriate if there is really only HERE and NOW without any dimension. (*)
  10. I actually liked to meditate when I was a bit sleepy so far. It felt like I could go in deeper, because the sleepines seemed to take on the job of "diving deeper" or letting go and I had to just sit and observe how the sleepines is steadily leading me in deep states. It's like observing the sleepines. The negative point of course is that sometimes dozing off can happen. And isn't it easier to enter deep meditational Delta brainwaves when sleepy? In deep sleep, where only nothingness or our true nature seems to be left, delta brainwaves have been recorded.
  11. @PureExp Thank you for the explanation! What is the dimension then in which a variety of mind's can occur at the same time? Is consciousness like a giant field? There seems to be one universal mind, that split itself into a multiplicity of (seemingly?) limited minds. But there has to be some dimension in which there is a "space" for a multiplicity of individuated limitations.
  12. You compare a similarity in phrasing with something Leo wrote some time ago and conclude that everything I wrote are Leo's thoughts? Why don't you reply this to anyone who says Infinity=God; God=Love? It's not even Leo's thoughts, but christian mythology. If you study both non-duality and christianity it's kinda obvious to make this comparison. I already said something about this.
  13. @PureExp How would you distinguish non-duality from solipsism?
  14. @AstralProjection Alan Watts ones mentioned the idea of "Institutes for creative dying" Where your death is celebrated and you can choose the circumstances. You can pick Institute where it's done with Psychedelics, shamanic ceremonies, champaign partys or whatever. "Let's go out with a Bang!"
  15. But it seems that the monkey mind is also more quit, and certain (unconscious) blockades that prevent to go in deeper states seem to be more easy to break through. It's like the sleepines is cutting through resistances or something. Maybe I am confusing meditational states with something else?
  16. The fear of regretting my life choices or my life in general when I am older. Has anybody an idea on how to overcome this? So Regret it is
  17. @Mondsee Sit down and inquire about why you do have resistance against this process. Why do you hate it? Why do you procrastinate? Look deeply into the emotions and beliefs you hold about the process, until you reveal beliefs and emotions on why there is such a strong resistance. Do this for as long as it takes to get to the core. It shouldn't take to long normally. And also think about the feeling and the freedom of entangling thoughts you have once finished the process of application.
  18. You are saying the illusional state of consciousness that identifies with the body/mind is not causing the major problems on this earth? Sure, in the absolute sense you can say that things just happen. undifferentiated perceptions and thoughts enter and leave awareness. But that wouldn't get us anywhere. Yes, things just happen. But to communicate and adress certain areas of life we have to conceptualize them or try to combine observed patterns. Yes, thats ultimately true. But that's like saying "you are already enlightened, you have nothing to do" To know the ego it is important or atleast helpful to understand and know how it works, even if it's not real. Almost all of the content of is about mechanisms of the ego and "a bunch of survival programs". In the end you have to drop all of this, but up to a certain lvl I think it's helpful @Psychonaut But the ego is the complete onion. The true self is not the inner layers or the core of the onion, but no-onion Also, I wouldn't agree that the "rotten" aspects are on the outer layers. The outer layers like emotions/thoughts are only the "excesses" of the repressed traumas or deeply ingrained delusional beliefs. The ego is like an iceberg, most of it's operating is unconscious.
  19. I think you didn't fully understand what I was saying. Yes, the "me" who was describing the ego, WAS the ego. I know that. But we need a form of communication, right? And the term "Ego" is accepted and known in this community. I also could call me an entity. In absolute truth, no entity exists nowhere. However, "we" are emptiness. And in this emptiness, there -seemingly- lives an entity with own (to us unconscious) agendas. You could also say, a mythological apparent entity is arising in emptiness/consciousness. There is only nothingness, but in this nothingness, an "entity" has nested with which we identified ourselves. Again, once non-duality is realized, the duality of "good" and "evil" is just a dream. But in relative terms we would call killing jews/raping people/steal from others "evil". And it is the ego who does this. Both on the micro and the macro cosmos it's running amok. I also wrote we must love and accept the unconscious shadow parts that are already existent. This is the opposite of building a shadow-side.
  20. Yes, that's why the ego exists in the first place. It's a resistance against the present moment. It needs linear time to survive. But still I think it's important to look at all the shadows of the ego and accept them. Otherwise consciousness will almost always be pulled back into it's gravitational energy.
  21. the ego consists of things. It consists of repressed traumatic memories/emotions. a web of unconscious fragments, composed out of beliefs/assumptions/different personalities or roles. "Ego" is just a label to describe this mechanisms. The problem is, that it protects us also against love and truth. Look what the ego is doing in this world. Of course there is no such thing as good and evil in the absolute sense, but relatively speaking the ego causes more harm than good. Yes, it's various unconscious patterns, thats why it's split. It's not whole. That IS the ego. In wholeness, ego is not. Yes, I agree. But simultaneously the ego IS the obstacle that has to be transcended. I mean, that's probably the reason why we are all here. Enemy may be not the best label, but to me it certainly behaves like an entity that has nested in us. We could also say that there are mechanisms in us who together behave like an entity, but that's just semantics.
  22. Hey! I'm interested if any of you have "used" this principle and got undoubted results/synchronicities/messages? I don't just mean stuff like "1 month of visualization and affirmations and I felt more confident after this" But more "neutral" things, like attracting something to your life that is so special that it could almost only be the result of this technique. At the moment, I'm trying to attract certain exotic animals into my reality, so that I can be relatively sure they manifested because of my efforts. but so far none has appeared. If the principle is true though, things like this should be possible, and not just stuff like feeling more confident/more motivation etc. Those are more normal psychological principles. I wonder though, if this "law" is true, it should be possible to attract all kinds of stuff, ranging from living dinosaurs to freddie mercury on a flying dog. after all we are talking about a field of infinite possibilites. Why is nobody testing this principle first on those things; so one can be sure that it is working 100%? If you have made some of these unmistakeable manifestations, I would love to hear your storys!
  23. @Leo Gura Have you ever had any bad experiences with people recognizing you in real life? any angry egos chasing you?
  24. @Telepresent yes, we always cleared that out. It's not about what I want, but what I am. what I am being and sending out to the universe so to speak. wanting would represent a lack