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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. @Salaam I don't see your disagreement as a degradation, but your constant labeling of other opinions as ignorant, and not on your level of development. Those are just blind assumption you make about people you don't even know, and you are doint it just because they have a different view. If you label Nothingness a paradigm, your "cognitive development" is also just that. You don't even know what the nothingness "paradigm" has to offer or how the actual nothingness feels, yet you are comparing it to your paradigm and saying that it is a higher developed one. What makes you think that the things I talk about are not things I experienced for myself? Again a blind assumption to validate your own viewpoint. That's the exact same thing that Leo for example is saying about Enlightenment too. See? Yours isn't the one and only true approach.
  2. @Salaam What makes you think that I have not faced my own ignorace? Is it because I am not agreeing with you? So everybody who is not agreeing with you hasn't faced their ignorance, is "arrogant", and is twisting things to make them feel better? You assume other opinions are merely "internalized beliefs" and they are triggered from your perspective. Have you considered that all this maybe is not the case? That you are projecting your own mentality onto others? Why the need to degrade other opinions? See, I could say the exact same thing to you. You haven't yet realized absolute nothingness and the background in which all of your cognitive dynamics are arising, and therefore I don't trust in the conclusions you have come to. All of what you have said plays in the relative realm of experience, you haven't yet touched that in which all this plays.
  3. I like Leo's style. He is shocking people out of their delusion, instead of just giving them new "feel good" concepts. Otherwise people wouldn't really listen and understand the message. The majority is so deeply entangled in the dream of their identity, that they won't even consider that it's just a fictional fabrication. This "no bullshit" method is needed to directly point to all the illusions and make people question their deep rooted beliefs.
  4. @Salaam You are calling people of who you don't even know how much experience they have "ignorant" "dunning kruger" "not on your level of cognitive development" "not able to make absolute conclusions". I don't know, maybe you are the one deeply invested and attached to your beliefs? I guess the Buddha and guys like R.Maharshi and Adyashanti are also not on your coginitive level?
  5. @Salaam So are you doing all this also in your deep sleep? Or are you arising out of nothing when you wake up in the morning? All bodily processes are again witnessed by the emptiness behind. You can call people ignorant or dunning kruger about this, but it doesn't make any difference. Of course you can develop your bodily awareness and connect the arising of thoughts with certain dynamics that take place, but all this stuff again takes place in "something" that is pure stillness. You can increase your awareness of events and connections/dynamics on the movie, but that doesn't change the movie screen.
  6. @LRyan Maybe change your psychologist? Doesn't seem like a good choice to stay with your current one. I don't know how hard it is to actually find a good Psychologist who is familiar with the deepest truths and spirituality though
  7. He just tells the truth that you can never be permanently happy within the realm of duality. Put yourself in his situation. He just tries to communicate this fact as clear as possible, and might even use exaggeration to shock people out of there delusional search for happiness in the dualistic world. Otherwise people would never belief this and pay attention, because we all are conditioned to hunt and search happiness in external situations. Why do you take everything he says so literal? In the end we have to find our own path and not blindly follow the path of someone else. You are blessed to know what your LP is. In reality you want the feeling that you projected onto your LP. If you wanted your LP more than anything else in the world, wouldn't you do it then? If you would be really passionate about the thing itself (like drawing or whatever) wouldn't you just do it? This is what Leo is trying to say imo. We have to make money anyway. Why not do it with something we enjoy? You can be fully content in the present moment and do things you love just for the sake of expression and creativity. But if you chase your LP because you projected certain feelings on it in the future, then this will not make you happy ultimately
  8. @Leo Gura Can you elaborate on this please? I struggle with the "field" or "ocean of consciousness" aspect a lot lately and still came to no final satisfactory answer. What seperates our two experiences if no dimensions of any kind exist? If consciousness would be like a infinite empty field, wouldn't this imply a space-like dimension? But the here and now happens in a non-localizable consciousness, like a dream. So does your here and now. What is "between" the two 'here and now's" if we exclude solipsism?
  9. @Salaam Why imaginative? It is the direct opposite. You are the one imagining various theoretical constructs and conditions. Where do thoughts arise in your actual experience? Out of what? But what is the "place" in which heat, bone, sinew, brain and every other thing can exist/arise? Can it be another thing? And in which does this thing then exist? Nothingness is the absolute ground for every-thing.
  10. @Salaam I followed that thread, but as Leo already said, you confuse the scientific idea of nothingness with "actual" nothingness. You take a symbolic, indirect approach to something that is beyond all this. Whatever causes your thoughts may previously had, they are all born in nothing. Where else?
  11. @Nahm I think the Ego doesn't like nothingness at all. It's rather afraid of it
  12. Ultimately thoughts arise from nothingness. As this whole universe arose from nothingness. If you want to connect thoughts to a kind of causality between energetical and bodily shifts or events, you have to point to the beginning of the causal "event". But every beginning point of the causality chain is arbitrary and can be retraced back to the big bang which arose from nothingness. (If we belief that this big bang theory is true). Ultimately every moment arises and disappears in nothingness
  13. I liked the description from the book "Conversations with God" I don't know if it's true though: Imagine a house with 5 rooms. There is only 1 space in the house with permeates all 5 rooms, but the space of every single room might have a different smell or feeling if you enter it. There is no real seperation, and the transition from room to room is undifferentiated. Equally, our souls are not really seperate, but might have developed certain unique tendencies which lead to specific manifestations and experiences.
  14. The "The United States Is Doomed" Thread recently inspired me to create this new masterpiece version of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  15. @I_Like_Thing What makes you so sure of this perspective about her?
  16. @Dodoster I see your point and agree to the window analogy. However, I think it can be a great catalysator for motivation towards positive habits like meditation or contemplation. Once you have this glimpse even for just a limited time, it can never really be unseen (especially if you take it for truths sake and not for enjoying a festival) But for me the even more important aspect of psychedelics is the permanent therapeutic healing power. You get access to the unconsciouss, whole web of beliefsystems and trapped emotions get revealed, energy gets released. Of course you have to process and analyze all this and one session is probably not enough.
  17. @Emerald Wilkins wow, thank you! When I first watched a video of her my first thoughts where "What a stereotype new-age fraud" But somehow the things she said resonated and now I already watched plenty videos of her which led to valuable insights. I mostly like her psychological/psychoanalysis oriented topics. Not so much this whole "twin souls"/"tarot cards" stuff. I think this is the reason so many don't like her; It's really easy to get the impression that she is just this very cliche new-age woo-woo teacher with energy vibrations and guardian angels and all this things. And then there are all this rumours of her being a cult leader. But it would be a mistake to dismiss her because of this first impression imo. Atleast for me it would have been a mistake. It is a sometimes weird combination of mysticism and down to earth groundedness (Her laughing too is weird sometimes ). I'm not sure about all her "supernatural" topics, I neither dismiss them or completely belief in them, I just don't know. But since I respect her credibility and knowledge in these psychological areas, I can definetely see how one can take these predictions seriously. (Also because you said that so far everything came true). But I remember watching of her talking about the future where she told that the future can be predicted in relation to the vibrational frequency of the present moment, so it can't be done 100%, because the vibration can always shift. I think this was mostly oriented towards the destiny of individual persons though, where there exists a greater variance in frequency. Don't know if this is true in global regards and the collective consciousness of mankind.
  18. @Emerald Wilkins I'm really curious which spiritual teacher you mean! I guess you don't want to tell the name to protect his/her reputation in case the prediction is wrong? (My suspicion is Teal Swan )
  19. @jjer94 nice report! How much ug did you take?
  20. As long as we see others as strangers, we can't really love them, because we fear the unknown other. When we truly realize that there are no others, we realize that everything is love and that we are the inexhaustible source of it. We have to know ourselves first before we concern with giving to others and love them. Before that realization happens, it will always be a game of "I hope he noticed my giving, so I receive in return" / "How much of this am I getting back?" / "I have to love them so they love me!" We shouldn't pretend to love others if we don't really feel it, only because some spiritual teacher said that this is the normal state, or that we must do it. The first priority is self-love. And when finally realized that everything is the self, giving without a secret agenda becomes natural
  21. We are basically faceless men. The present moment is a "more real" face than our imagined face that we never saw.
  22. @Principium Nexus Nothing wrong with this if we control our roles and don't let them control us. Still, every role is a limitation and distortion of the present moment.
  23. @Principium Nexus The Ego is the very thing preventing true love. It's love is born out of fear and lack. Since the Ego is an illusion and not real, why would we want to live in it permanently? This would mean we live a permanent lie. Once the myth is truly seen as a myth, living in it is no longer desirable. Yes, the delusion was there for a purpose: To realize the delusion and return to truth. Staying in a lie is neither good nor bad, just ignorant