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Everything posted by ADD

  1. It's hard to see how much progress you make with meditation, because by meditating you become aware even for the slightest feeling of unease you have during the day. Normally you would blame the situation for this feeling, now you have the ability to find it's real source, wich is your mind and surrender to the feeling. As soon as you become aware of it and surrender to it completely you find yourself in a place of deep calmness.
  2. That is completely normal. You will fall back to thinking mind all the time. Just notice it with compassion and love towards yourself. Enjoy the progress the new insights give you.
  3. Meditation can be scary, for me in the start it brought up all the shit i had just been putting aside in my life. Things i hadn't dealt with. Things in my life that weren't aligned with the deepest values i had inside me. I went to 8 months of deep depression and anxiety disorder as i first started meditation. My mind was so strong i couldn't keep meditating and got lost. It was absolute hell. I saw from direct experience how mind can create a living hell for you. Kinda gives you motivation for finding the inner peace within. Before the mental breakdown was also like many people here seem to be just chasing enlightenment like an lottery jackpot, unable to see the life is right here already no need to archieve anything. Just surrender to it. You can experience it right fucking now. The very painful phase in my life had the most valuable meaning for waking up my conciousness.
  4. You don't want to be waiting for it to end like it's some sacrifice you have to make. If 30 minutes feels too long do 10 minutes. Baby step it. I say forget about the time for now, it's just a side factor. The most important thing is to learn to enjoy just being and getting familiar with it. Soon you will enjoy it so much you look forward for your daily meditation and continue even after the alarm rings because it feels so good.
  5. When thoughts like that arise through out the day, i notice them with compassion. Then i soft my focus on my breath. If the thoughts rise again, as they will. I notice them with compassion and gently shift my focus back on my breath/body. I constantly remind myself of following my thoughts again during the day, but it's important to do it in a loving way. Don't fight against your thoughts, just let them be, and be aware of them. To me it's actually starting to be quite funny how silly thoughts my mind makes, that in unconcious mode i would take for granted.
  6. Sounds like spiritual ego to me, i've had it myself aswell. You can overcome it only by being honest with yourself and not letting your ego BS you. Ego is always seeking seperateness from others. When you are high on confidence your ego will diminish others and see them as less aware for example. Once you can be aware that your ego is making all this, it will quickly shape itself in to another form to grab your attention. Your mind is like a really good salesman, it knows wich buttons to press to get your attention. Meditate.
  7. Probably everyone who meditates seriously. I wouldn't recommend chasing after some tragic spiritual shift in the future. Just focus on how feeling your inner body affects you right now? Does it make you more calm? Does it bring negative feelings with it? I do it all the time during the day when i just remind myself of it. This will in the long run gradually give more "space" inside you. This means you get to be known with other dimensions of life, not just your mind. I havent used marihuana in meditation purposes so can't comment on that. But if you meditate regularly you will soon reach a stage where you feel your aliveness tingling everywhere in your body, and that feels amazingly good. No substances needed.
  8. Ground from my mind to reality. Even though i meditate every day, most of the time i'm still living in my mind. So by grounding myself i mean waking myself up to what is. I have to remind myself many times a day that i'm chasing my thoughts again.
  9. I don't think you should leave him because you take meditation more seriously than he does. He hasn't yet reached the point in his life to wake up to the meditation path as much as you have. Don't try to convince him to meditate or watch Leo's videos. The urge to meditate has to come from within. Don't try to change him. It will just cause more misery for both of you. Only thing you can change is your own attitude. Why does it bother you he doesn't watch Leo's videos? Could it be possible for you to accept the fact that he doesn't share as much interest on personal developement as you do? The key principle of meditation is accepting what is. You should be grateful he is practicing meditation. People who meditate are an fraction of the popularity. You can talk deep conversations without Leo's vids, be sure you don't make Leo in to a religion of yours. As you grow spiritually, your whole perception of world will change dramatically. You can't know yet if someday you find out you want family aswell. From my point of view, there's no real problem in your relationship. The problem lays in your mind. Try to meditate on it and see what happens. All our problems are in the end in our minds, not in the life in itself. What you said in the end makes a healthy relationship= you don't need eachother. My girlfriend doesn't even meditate but i'm not leaving her because of that. When she has PMS she projects her bad mood on me, i use that as my meditation practice. Staying present while she is completely unconcious. She will soon calm down as i give her my deepest compassion. True love is accepting another as he or she is, not trying to change him/her. You can only change yourself.
  10. It's even funnier if you can ground yourself to this realization while you are in social situation with other completely mind made figures.
  11. Hi! Was wondering if someone else has had this experience. I've had it 3 times, just suddenly everything feels so beautiful tears start to fall from your eyes? My previous experiences were year ago and just had my third experience while i was meditating and just focusing on the sound of silence. I don't even know why im writing this here, the experience is just something i can't understand.
  12. Yes i've had the laughter aswell, usually the laughter has come together with some deep realization. A realization that doesn't need logical explanation but it needs to be experienced. One year ago i had experience when i got amazingly good feeling while meditating eyes open and all the colors seemed much more alive and saturated suddenly, at the same time i had realization that none of my thoughts are actually true. I cried tears of joy and laughed for a moment. Afterwards when i tried to think about it, i just thought that i've probably gone insane.
  13. Lmfao i've just had this realization lately how amazing it is to be trapped in this body and sometimes i just move my bodyparts and look at them like how fucking amazing it is to be able to move my arms etc. It's actually quite ridiculous when you start to think about it. It's like the conciousness is a small mouse piloting this huge robot.
  14. Hi! I've had this severe anxiety since january this year, where im constantly worried that i have some chronic ilness that has no cure for it. It started with MS, and i was so sure i had it that i had panic attack and got lots of physical symptoms after it. This of course lead in to a viscious circle where the symptoms coming from stress reaction fed my fearful mind with more and more scary thoughts. Right now im dealing with eyefloaters and blaming that i have increased the number of them because of some descisions i've made earlier in my life. Someone wrote that fishoil causes eye floaters so now im convinced its because of that i've eaten sumplements like vitamin d and fishoil. I've been to doctors and they havent found anything. So all in all, what i've found is that the pattern goes like this: i want to find a chronic disease and blame myself for my previous choises in my life causing it to happen. This pattern seems to go on with everything relating to my anxiety. Blaming myself for something i've done/not done in the past. Ah felt so good to write this down. If you have similiar fears or guidance for me those will be deeply apprecited. Thank you