Great video Leo, I liked it.... but.... ..........
you didn't mention the MOST IMPORTANT THING ON THE TOPIC OF THE ULTIMATE PARADOX that uncovers the secret of the universe.
You kinda grasped it but in this topic I will reveal the ACTUAL Strange loop that is the entire universe.
This Strange Loop is embedded in the entire universe, from the atoms to cells in your body, to the earth magnetic field, to the solar system, to the black hole at the center of the galaxy. Even extraterrestrials made crop circles in the crop fields to communicate to us this important knowledge. I think that will help you and a lot of people...
So yea, you are a strange loop, but what strange loop exactly?
The Torus field.
You are A Torus field.
You are A Torus field.
You are A Torus field.
I will not go into depth about it, I hope it's enough for me to give you this insight. I suggest and request that you make a video about it ASAP. I Will just post some introductory information for you to contemplate, check out and investigate further.
Watch the movie Thrive (youtube). @Leo Gura
Playlist below (click on the right side menu to check more videos, Dan Winter is the real deal):
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@DEV @Nahm @JustinS @Natasha@Dodo@Max_V@Shin@Thinh@phoenix666@Gabriel Antonio@nightrider1435@Nexeternity @WelcometoReality
@Shiva @Joseph Maynor @cirkussmile @Vitamine Water @Ilya @Leo Gura @pluto @Timotheus
Just sharing some food for thoughts
experience in the now moment
consciousness that is residing here/now
fusion of the experiencer and the experienced which results simply as experience
consciousness of the expansion and contraction of experience
realization of existence of experience that can be experienced
totality of the mind and body
DNA = light body
DNA turns inside out and you get a Soul
True Self
essence that transcends time and space
embodied realization that you are everything inside experience and outside experience
fusion of the dual and the non-dual
Consciousness carries the accepted truths of the mind.
quality of consciousness
= awareness of Self
= awareness of the mind (a timeline, thought story, distinctions, illusions...) and awareness of the body (feelings of the body, hearing, tasting, touching, seeing, smelling)
awareness of the content that makes up the totality that is experience
awareness of experience = awareness of consciousness
awareness of the dual or the non-dual experience (dual is not an experience)
Awareness of the personal mind
Awareness of the universal mind
awareness of relativity
Awareness of the layers(fields) of consciousness:
Continuing conscious
Subliminal conscious
Super conscious
Radial Conscious
@DEV When you don't have any thought at all, that is when the Being - True Self - Consciousness awakens and the ego goes to sleep.
You are being it right now, but when you are lost in the thought streams (beta brain waves), you lose the connection with (consciousness about) your True Self and consciousness goes to sleep and ego operates.
When you relax and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (by slowing the breathing down) consciousness awakens and the ego goes to sleep.
You can be aware and lose the connection/ consciousness of experience, because you are aware of the mind that is not present now, the mind abides in time, time is separated from experience that is now.