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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. Just pick anything you find interesting and you feel like you are making an impact but it also important that it isn't something where you work with people you don't like and after you have chosen something then try to become extremely good at it a few suggestions: fiction author, non fiction author, animator, painter, coding, scientist, math i recommend reading so good they can't ignore you by cal newport
  2. might be relevant
  3. i am not really sure what you mean could you elaborate? i am sorry but its just really confusing
  4. Alternativ you could read a lot
  5. I am not sure if it would be so much different as most people throughout history haven't done personal development and still a lot of people to day doesn't do it or are even not aware of it so I don't really think they are that much related to eachother in terms of how many who does it i think leo also said something similar that we are still in the dark ages in becoming aware of our own psychology
  7. maybe it could help if you imaging the whole process a bit similar like it is explained in this video some study on retrievalpractice have also shown that if you do retriveval pratice it can help to degreasing anxiety(related to performing in front of people) hope it helps
  8. something else that life have thought me is that don't wait too long to take action even if its something emotional difficult its okay to take a break and acknowledge that you aren't ready to face it but problems don't go away they only do if you take the time to solve them so its important not to take breaks that to long i think when you face something like this its important to think about how you are going to solve it not to long after it happens otherwise you could waste a lot of time and it could create limits an other thing is that something i have found to be usefull is to have a lot of different perspectives on one thing when learning something that could be important for you so you have a better big picture understanding of it and a better chance that you have a correct answer as usually the first answer is low understanding
  9. i personal think it most likely become like it was before we where born (nothingness)
  10. It's probably a never ending journey but i think it's a positive thing as it mean you always can get better
  11. I just recall the information it's also very quick to do if i rember right cal newport did some research on how straigt a students learned and one of the best techniques he found was that they used active recall(an other was just that they would explain the information as if they where a teacher themselves) for rembering the information better it should also be a good way to not having the illusion of competence which is basically the illusion of that you think you know the martial but really don't if you haven't gotten the aha moment of an idea it's probably a good sign that you don't really know it to aviod the illusion of competence just recall the information without looking at any source material something else you could do could be over learning(and spaced repetition) its an extremely usefull technique if you want to rember it in long term
  12. Probably hire someone who knows how to invest money in the right things so they don't get wasted and probably a personal development coach as well and some stuff i always wanted and then give some money away to my family and friends and maybe donate some to spacex but still leave enough money so i can use that in investing in the right things so i don't lose the money forever
  13. i think maybe the best thing i can think of would be to set a side a lot of time(For example 6 months) where you only focus on improving this area every day and not spending time on much else and use all your will power when you try to improve something and maybe also use this techniqe
  14. Hi i thought this might be useful to some people and maybe save some time these video have definitely helped me a lot and took me some time to find them Kind regards
  15. Maybe this could help from experience when i tryed to form new habbits it was really difficult to keep track of them if i did more than one at the same time so maybe just focus at one at the time for 66 days (some research shows that's how long it take to form a habbit :))
  16. (i think it helps if you write your thougt process down) probably the best solutions i have found my self
  17. These might be useful
  18. Hi does anybody know about any mindset for doing serious self improvement and to help one to keep going even when it becomes emotional difficult? kind regards
  19. @OnceMore if you learn how to learn you should be able to get a super good career faster than most people for example if you do something called deep work (aka extreem intense concentration without distraction) (a book by cal newport) one of the people cal newport talks about in the book is what usually toke him a year he was able to do in a few weeks by concentrating extremly intensly without distractions and using rutins and rituals to minimize willpower(by just using 90 minuts a day in the morning) an other thing that i have found that really helps are if you are trying to understand something explain it as if you where to explain it to a five year old it really helps to give you a better understanding there is a lot of other really good learning techniques out there (example deliberate pratice and active recall) of course if the career doesn't require learning(or concentration) there might be something else (in this case maybe it could help to interview people who are already where you want to be to understand how they got there) alternative for a normal education there is also self education
  20. I think the best thing i know of would be to really exspand your awareness for example by reading a lot of books or for example by youtube videos really anything you can because that can really raise the chance of finding a solution to ones problems or helping one with motivation there are of course also a lot of other benefits
  21. If you are interested maybe read cal newports so good they can't ignore you he tells that a lot of people where confused about what their life purpose/passion should be and even had anexity over it (even top performers before they got at their level of expertise) but it was only untill they became really good(at the level of experts/top performers) that they where clear about what they wanted it to be that's also why I recommend to keep going with something you are already good at so it might take you less time to be at that level of expertise good luck
  22. Have you consider doing interviews with other people in your field? could be interesting
  23. Agree this would be really interesting
  24. Would it be okay if you could do something like this on scott pecks the road less traveled? would be awsome great video btw kind regards