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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. i would say it is possible but if you are looking for something really valuable the chance might be better to stick with one and really focus on it(from the perspective of so good they can't ignore you by cal newport)
  2. I don't mean to be rude by how usefull is the first letters? The book list doesn't cost that much if you don't have any money you could mention it to others maybe you are lucky to get it as a Christmas gift(or birthday gift)
  3. I would say as soon as possible(or as soon as your are aware of personal development) if you are very busy right now maybe you could have different periods where you do personal development or if possible you could maximize your time to personal development by chancing where you spend your time on by controling what you have control over (For example you might not be able to control how much you study but you should be able to control what you do in your free time)
  4. i have heard in some videos that leo did a series of projects in personal development (i am paraphrasing) would be awesome if he made a video on this the reason why i think it can help you to ace personal development is because some research shows that we aren't effective at multitasking but to get good results is by single-tasking(even quicker if you work intensely on it while single-tasking) and this is why I think a project is useful because it helps prepare the things you need to know in order to be successful(and also what you should spend time on in the period working on it and for how long) at what you chose to improve and it also improves the chance at getting the results you want instead of working a little on it here and there kind regards
  5. The richest person in the world is still a man (however it shouldn't matter what gender is the "richest") and there have been a lot of successfull people throughout history who was a man that made a lot of money one example is franz liszt who actually are known as the most skilled pianist to ever lived and he made a lot of money from hes music(and thats not from playing simple chord progressions) and almost everywhere he went the ladies wanted him (some even call him the first rock star and he is the reason the piano is in the position it is on the stage today and that just the tip of the ice berg of hes accomplishment) i am sorry but i think you are making it harder than it needs to be i am sure if you look hard enough if there is a bad thing about dating in one gender you should be able to find one equally as unfair for the other gender i would actually even say that life is equally difficult regardless of who you are however people are in diffrent places in their personal growth/development which is why some have it easier than others(maybe not equally difficult but definitely some level of difficulty) most people in general doesn't make that much money (in the millions+) it doesn't matter what gender you are
  6. it might help with the suffering part but it doesn't eliminate pain forever (still really useful)
  7. It's not my main goal my main goal is more to become really good at something but it would be fun to be able to earn that much money from something you like to do
  8. Would be really cool if he would make a video about this (also if he could explain what it really means to eat healthy what food should you chose that's healthier than others or if there is some healthy food that look familiar but the way it's produced is unhealthy) there are some things that are obvious but i think there is some things that might be less immediate obvious
  9. would be awesome if he would make a video on this in also most in any area if you want to make improvement/progress it always seems to be because it is emotionally difficult that stops one from doing it but that also stop one to make the improvement in those areas would be awesome if he made a video that could help one to do it even if its emotional difficult kind regards
  10. you could maybe tell him where you are now with your career and ask him what a good direction is to go in or/and figure out what steps he toke in his career
  11. but that doesn't make it realistic if it was it would appear as is it does in reality
  12. i doubt it as how i understand dreams they are a *recreation* of reality so its probably very limited(or sometimes unrealistic for example with lucid dreams) compared to the actual reality (an example could be in dreams when you look at your hands they are very blurry or something close to that and time doesn't work the same way it does in reality if you look at the clock and look at it again its a very diffrent time than before and i think the same effect should be similar if you try to read in a dream)
  13. does anybody have any tips on how to allow yourself to be vulnerable? (please no quick fix or external solution) if you wonder why it is because Leo talks about it in this video and I have been working on trying to become a *superconductor* the last few months here and there would mean a lot if you already have achieved to become a superconductor how did you convince yourself to successfully go through the whole process?
  14. How to deal with strong negativ emotions one simple rule to ace life the art of solving problems permently
  15. hi does anybody recomend any specific books that is about eudaemonic happiness that leo talks about in the link above?(i am aware of leos books list which is awesome) kind regards
  16. if you want to make animated movies a good place to start it to be an animator (2d or 3d) you should be able to find some good tutorial online on how to get started as an animator some good programs to start with: 2d: adobe flash (not free) 3d: blender (Free but have pretty much everything you need at least as a beginner) (you will probably need seperated books to learn how to animated in 3d these tutorials are mostly on how to use the program free blender tutorials: 2d animation books
  17. I recommend reading the road less traveled by scott m peck if you haven't already hope you can use it
  18. quote: "is their a certain amount of reading I should do daily?" maybe you could read one thing at a time and set a deadline then it might be easier work out how much you need to read in order to achieve the deadline for example if you have a book thats 300 pages long then you could read 10 pages a day (maybe a little more if you need days where you don't have to read) then you should be able to finish the whole book in one month quote: " A method to digest the material?" you could also find techniques that help you with reading, for example, some of those i wrote above other methods could be active learning, active recall, pratice testing, deliberate pratice, quiz and recall, spaced repetition, the feynman technique(or explain like i am five) etc. quote: "certain amount of books" maybe just the ones that you find most relevant at the moment maybe you could also use what you already know about the topics you want to know more about to decide which books you want to read first(it might help to decide which one is more relevant and which one isn't and also how much you need to read) alternative you could ask somebody who already are where you want to be and ask them what books they read to figure out how many you need to read
  19. maybe these videos could help I hope everything turns out well
  20. hi what do you think is the optimal(or ultimate) personal development lifestyle?(if there is one) for example, some of the things i have found my self could be in a career: be so good they can'y ignore you personal life: spend less time on distractions(or time waster) more on taking responsibility, taking action(design your life in a way so that it support taking action for example it helps spending less time on distractions and on too many things throughout the day), permanently fixing problems at the root cause, doing the emotional difficult thing, Truth, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, meditation, deep relaxation, exercise, digital minimalism what do you think is the ultimate personal development lifestyle?
  21. Whats the benefits of contemplating on something vs learning it from a book that explains it in deep details?
  22. @Nahm i am sorry but i still don't get what i did well(except if it was the points i had maybe?) glad it wasn't an insult?
  23. @Nahm is it an insult? I really don't get it
  24. @Nahm how? It doesn't make any sense why would the body have ears to be able to "detect" sounds if both just are an illusion why would they have evolved over time if its not real? Sorry but it doesn't make any sense from what I understand of evolution what are the knowledge(or proof) we have that ears and sound are an illusion?