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Posts posted by puporing

  1. 1 minute ago, Ishanga said:

    I'm talking on more fundamental terms, quantum level and below and such things, Akashic fields and such aspects of existence, nothing really to do with Human mind and such, as I agree, most Human minds are relatively simple and predicable, easily conditioned by the society around them, few have the grasp of the capabilities of the Human Mind in its fullest potential and that is just at Mind level, Human Beings can go far beyond Mind level...

    That's also not hard to understand if you keep awakening. It just seems so maybe right now. Your mind is capable of understanding everything in this universe and beyond this universe.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

    this sort of Grand Intelligence is so vast and complex we will never understand it, but it is within Us and can Experience a piece of it...

    Its actually not that hard to understand it, things are fairly robotic in this universe. Seemingly different lives are actually not that different and have predictable patterns.

    Once you understand the different kind of minds that exist here you can understand everything.

    Forms are mostly a distraction that make it "seem complex".

  3. On 2024-04-26 at 6:11 PM, Butters said:

    very selfish people who serve the collective and help millions of people through their business efforts, art, music, film or science. 

    You're prob not looking closely enough at that, and what is your definition of being helpful? Ok sure you can argue Jeff Bezos give you seemingly cheap products with basically free deliveries, but at what cost to their workers and their lives? And as well to potential small business owners?

    I'm not saying there aren't situations where it's like a "win win", but those aren't common is what I'm trying to say.

  4. 14 hours ago, bebotalk said:

    sociopaths and psychopaths exist, for instance, and that is often congenitally or biologically driven. 

    It's a spiritual problem (but I understand why people think it's biological, in the materialist paradigm, it's simply not an adequate explanation). 

    The Ego at its full swing literally wants to kill people like me with light and not go along with their deep corrupted mind.

    And it doesn't have to be literal murder though that could also be, but other ways like making it almost impossible for you to make money and survive in this world, socially isolate you, or psychologically abuse you so much that you either commit suicide or go insane, or all of the above.

    There is a "spiritual warfare" happening just almost nobody is picking this up.

  5. LOL yeah tell me about it, after just being literally told to "just drop dead" and getting hung up on for having a disagreement. 

    The amount of darkness and devilry I've directly faced in this world is disgusting, and yet I am still trapped by these sorts of people "in my life" and cannot truly find a way out of them. Because it's literally one after another to no end.

    Just when you think you found a good person nope turns out they're a fake. Rinse and repeat.

    If I run out of options one day I might try to get myself into a mental institution, at least people there are supervised or some shit.

  6. People with money (which is also equivalent with power) are generally very organized and basically collude with each other to keep the system in their favor, who can put on an act infront of cameras but really "stealing" from people. Your Jeff Bezos of the world are still worshipped by the masses. How likely are they to change when things have been going so well?? (Eg, that they both get away with exploitation and being exalted as some legitimate leader).

    Poor people have little resources to organize and are also bad at it often due to lack of communication and cooperation skills, and that by definition if you're "poor" you're literally in survival mode and have little time to spare to organize. They are also prone to anger as a result of these things which allows for some narcissist who knows how to manipulate this anger to their advantage. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, Chadders said:

    It’s just a feeling of being unsatisfied. What once satisfied me doesn’t now. I want more out of life

    interestingly today I have been speaking with a good friend of mine. He’s an artist and we have discussed starting a community interest company (CIC) - this is a UK social enterprise type thing no idea what US equivalent is. This CIC we want to impact the world and help alleviate the dysfunctions we both see. 

    I thanked the universe for this. It has opened me to this possibility alongside my company. 

    It’s this shit that connects and elevates. I’m highly ambitious I have to do things that are impactful and can change the world 

    Sounds nice, that kind of thing can be challenging without some initial capital/funding and/or partnership. Hopefully you have some connections to help you get started. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @Alex M  he should sue them for loss of revenue, etc.  

    On that point and bit of a tangent since we're talking about corporate greed. Uber should really be banned/made illegal for tricking people into working less than min wage (knowingly or unknowingly). Or some kind of disclaimer stating "You may be working under the min wage after expenses".

    It's odd to me almost no government seems to care about this rampant phenomenon of practically free labor.

    And it does matter these kinds of apps are allowed to exist because it does take away potential jobs that would pay more fairly to delivery drivers.

    Another case of clever devils flying under the radar of law enforcement (labor laws).. though really not that clever, anyone who has done some basic taxes knows how to calculate vehicle expenses divided by mileage, plus your vehicle's worth (divided by mileage). In some cases you're actually losing money. It's just that nobody wants to give a damn to shut them down. 

  9. The silver lining is that this was prob one of the best "bonding experiences" you could have for an online forum.

    I think I would "know" if something bad happened.. it didn't feel that way so I wasn't too alarmed overall.. but on the other hand if something bad did happen and your forum was down on top of that there're not many ways to get in touch with everyone again. So hopefully for the people (besides Leo) you like to reach out some point you've asked for a back up contact info, that would be my suggestion.. 

  10. Just ending your current life/body will not automatically get you to heaven. There's more work before that if that's what you want.

    So basically whatever your last shroom trip was, that might be roughly where you end up in terms of your state. It's very likely you'll just come back again to another life and do it all over again from a baby.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Snader said:

    With conscientiousness I refer to the personality trait presented in the Big Five Model.

    I looked that up, I see, that was not what I was thinking of, that kind of word def trips me up at times (where it can get mixed up with conscience).

    24 minutes ago, Snader said:

    But low-ego people are not born that way, they also have had to work for decades to wash themselves of themselves in the process of life. Don't you think genetics are involved in that process?

    Well.. to me the concept of "genetics" is made up just like how birth and death is made up. I see beings in terms of kinds of mind and stages of awake-ness mostly.. which relates to ego.

    You can come into this world already quite ego-less (maybe you were just hanging out as an angel or some higher spirit/angel prior to coming here for example). That's as far as I can recall in terms of my "past life", I can't prove that to anyone though. And I also don't remember more of my past lives. 

    But you can def do a lot of spiritual work in a life time if you wanted.

    24 minutes ago, Snader said:

    I say he has good genetics in that regard. Yeah, there could be something like reincarnation deeper there beyond science and human comprehension, but from my human perspective, genetics make a very strong argument.

    There's usually more than 1 factors for that. I just mean that if you're already high conscious at a young age the kind of bullshit one has to go through usually to make lots of money (as the primary goal) just won't even interest you. So I'm saying a very awake person is more likely to be not that wealthy because that's not their goal, nor can they stomach taking a lot of money from others (such as some people do with what I consider to be "essential services").

  12. 2 hours ago, Snader said:

    high intelligence and conscientiousness

    What kind of jobs are you thinking about that would pay well for that?

    I can't think of many except maybe psychologist/therapy but they're not that high conscientious to me due to how much money they charge people (so it's a catch 22). If you're really high conscientious you couldn't even be a psychologist.

    It's kind of bizarre where you either end up in a low wage situation or something like hundreds of dollars an hour. That doesn't make any sense really.

    2 hours ago, Snader said:

    even the capability to not get hooked into materialist desires is somewhat genetic, while containing many other factors as well.

    To me it's generally tied to the ego, how much ego someone has, the more ego generally the more they only care about money/material pursuits often at the expense of everything else. The more ego is also more lack of consciousness. It's almost too predictable too like from a high view most people just seem like robots/zombies to me when they prioritize money over everything else. And I'm not talking about low/mid wage earners..

    2 hours ago, Snader said:

    What do you consider to be the determinants in one's capability to live ''normal life'' while also pursuing spiritual goals?

    It's very hard to be honest, there's no normal life if you go hardcore on it. If you go to the deep end you're kind of at the mercy of some of the few people around you. I mean yeah there's always low wage jobs you can do just to get by but that's really not a good use of your time if you can avoid that. Determinants.. I say it's the evolution of your "soul"/mind over many lifetimes, and sometimes who you might come across on your path can play a big role if you were receptive.


    2 hours ago, Snader said:

    then he definitely was doing business and hardcore spiritual work at the same time. But what I don't know thou is how developed and conscious he really was back then.

    I don't know, I just mean Leo had a different kind of income set up than most people, he's not trading hours for a wage or working for a boss/firm, it sounds like he worked a bunch in early years along with actualized and then now actualized pretty much pays his bills on autopilot. This is very unusual not something most people even most creatives can just pull off. That's just my observation.

  13. 5 hours ago, Snader said:

    @puporing Exactly. Although, some people can play with those two spheres better than others. It’s really much up to genetics and your level of development which is also higly dependent on your genetics. It’s super rare to be able to do 5-MeO one day and do pickup (or even have a mondaying conversarion with a co-worker at work) the next day.

    I hate giving so much weight to genetics, as I’ve seen Leo explaning almost every human difference that way and also because I’ve personally used to emphasize more social factors as determinants of human capability. But man, the gene lottory really seems to get an upper hand there.  

    I don't think it's genetics.. There's just bound to be at least periods where you have almost no interest with the outside world (except the rare souls you might find). And a period of, well shit literally I cannot find anybody here that can understand me. And maybe eventually arrive at some occupation/paid work that can tie your spiritual progress together.

    I mean you don't know how Leo really lived his life, he prob also had periods where not much "money making work" was done if you know what I mean. I mean he already set himself up with actualized so seems like to me most of the later stuff was done after he had already gotten the financials taken care of.

    And all the other well known spiritual teachers getting paid with their job as spiritual teachers, are not that awake to me. Meaning again the point being if you want to go to the deep end with this it's almost impossible to make a living out of that. It's also a numbers thing, there's just not many people who are looking for that or would pay for it. The more mainstream spiritual you are the more likely you are to get paid for it. The more awake you are the more likely you're a "volunteer".

  14. 6 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    It will eventually burst out unless you can consciously express it. But society is not made for the expression of such individuals.

    idk which area you're talking about which could very well be true..

    I guess I'm referring to places where freedom of expression in other creative and non destructive ways are abundant but people still choosing criminality.

    When I say "criminality" I mean people who seem to enjoy the sufferings of others and getting a high out of it, with no remorse empathy whatsoever.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    From the perspective of a 170 IQ person, society feels like a cage that meant to stifle the genius out of them.

    This is why they are prone to drug abuse or lash out at society as serial killers.

    Sort of like how hamas lashes out at Israel.

    I understand that point. However that's still a conscious choice someone makes, esp if they're at that kind of "IQ" level. Somehow, ethics and being good just didn't matter nearly as much as gaining at the great expense of others ("criminality").

    And most of these kind of criminals I was trying to refer to are not the "poor or desperate" kind.