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Everything posted by puporing

  1. @Exystem I'm not telling "stories" like you keep suggesting. I literally tell you like the way it is in as simple language as possible. I think you're making it into some story due to not comprehending. Well you're the one still talking to me in an inflammatory way. I don't feel the need to reply further. I'm not trying to get something from you, but I am a messenger so I sometimes reply to people who seem to have an opening. You seem to be really unsure about whether to be open to new things or just looking for people identical to yourself. And also since you keep attacking me and calling me labels I do have to respond as well because you're now going off topic. Well it's not narcissistic if I'm just stating the truth because otherwise it would lead to more confusions to the conversation that you're not the only one potentially following. I wouldn't have to point it out so much if you didn't keep literally saying or implying I don't know what I'm talking about throughout this thread. You don't have to accept it though. I've literally had people who tell me to "drop dead" for pointing out I am more awake or from a higher perspective or have a fundamental disagreement. So you are really not the first to "not react well". The best I can hope for in that situation is to end the conversation. Someone who doesn't resonate doesn't automatically make them fake, that's quite the jump to conclusions. Following your logic I would have to conclude that almost all teachers in this world are "fake" because they don't resonate with me. I don't need to convince you in particular, I am just sharing with people who are already close to me. You clearly cannot comprehend the intelligence behind my choice of using this forum as a proper medium for my purpose. Like I said the gap is so large that what is of higher intelligence will look stupid to you. For your information your original "Jesus Christ" was killed, a similar being "John the Baptist" also killed. You really think that this mind is still wanting to perform miracles for the likes of you who also speak in murderous language? And whom it does perform to is not for some "public show".
  2. @Exystem You're not going to get it until you actually get to this place. It's pretty useless trying to explain it further at this time, you're actually pretty far away from me. It might be many more lifetimes before you reach here and probably lots of suffering as well. It's not "off" I just described it to you the way it is from here, your lack of openness or willingness to consider it is another issue. People who are all about "being happy" in this world are actually quite dissociated and cannot see truth of this world clearly. I think you're still operating under the assumption that the "heaven" I speak of is similar/close enough to "earth", but this isn't so. So if you generally like this place (earth plane), that says nothing about how you'll find it from the view of heaven. It's not strange at all due to the contrast in consciousness. This world is a degradation of your mind in comparison to your original state/Self. There's not really another way for me to put it. The higher state of consciousness you go the more obvious this becomes. And it should also be no surprise to you that your original Self is "outside" the general states of this universe so if you ever reach that there'll be hardly anyone here (who are not there) you can "relate with" anymore. So while I'm there, almost nobody here is, it's like you have a schizo mind. I know I am at the highest stage of awakening, and I know "who's here with me or not with me".It's pointless arguing about this though it's like trying to tell a nobel prize materialist scientist about awakening. FYI it's very common to get trapped at certain stages of awakening, most people in fact get trapped somewhere for many lifetimes it seems. Part of it is it's just not "their time", there's still some burning desire to experience this world (in the dream form) and someone like me isn't gonna be able to just "take that away". Most people when they incarnated here were still on the "original dream script/spell" to "be a human", and less obviously, to "be an ego". So it's like those beings who know they aren't a human/body, and didn't wanna be a human but came primarily as helpers/teachers are going to be extremely rare, due to fundamentally "Beings of Light" (though there's degrees to this as well) will find this place generally repulsive/undesirable. That or they literally get killed off.. That itself makes this challenging due to being in the extreme minority. If you seriously contemplate what I just said above, that there's going to be fundamentally way more "half awake" people (that aren't able to recognize someone like me) here because people like me will find it very hard to be here in the first place, that's how much of a "trap" this universe is. Coz anyone from outside this system who tries to "intervene" will prob not sound "reasonable" to the ones within the system, and will prob get "killed off" (whether literally or metaphorically through denial) quickly. It's like I am able to see you're playing with toys that have barbed wires on them but you can't see the barbed wires or the bleeding. So when I tell you there's barbed wires on your toys that you right now cherish, you're going to get very upset and try to deny me and say I'm lying to you. See how this doesn't really resolve itself if true? That's a more or less simplified description of what's happening. Having said all that, I don't sense that this thread is going somewhere productive anymore. Seems like your main purpose here is to deny what I'm saying.
  3. Thank you for your encouragement and doing your best to understand. It is partly because of Love (or the lack of here) you could say that this mind is suffering. So counterintuitively there's not much "happiness" in my current state other than I'm glad I've arrived what I consider "the end of the road" and understanding of everything, but this state is not a "happy state". Here you know full well that your/our mind (which was infinite glory, oneness/connectedness, love, goodness) is essentially "broken to pieces" and it's going to be a hell of a job to "get it back" to what it was" before.. So there's heaven on the one side and then there's more or less a "joyless place" (from this perspective) on the other side, and they really don't mix.. otherwise you'd already be where I am and it wouldn't be so hard to awaken to this. I mean yeah the fact that most people are attracted to and want this "horror show" is part of why is going to take forever to return. It is kind of like a halloween world you've built. Thank you I appreciate you trying to help me. The guy you referred seems like a nice guy but he doesn't seem close to me, I'll still check him out though.
  4. Because it doesn't work usually otherwise, I've tried many times. There isn't going to be much love there like you say. When there's love between people if you haven't noticed it's usually because they have common grounds. And I'm saying in this case the "dog" or whomever does not understand my essential nature, and so generally the result is they will go to people who are similar instead. If there's already someone/some people who understand "my essential nature" I wouldn't be spending so much effort trying to explain it. Most people actually avoid me tbh as they could prob sense something unusual about me and they prefer people who "buy into their delusions" (which, they prob think the same of me you see ).. And if they don't, it's usually not people I wanna be around too much either (eg people with mental disorders or potentially dangerous)..
  5. @Exystem Thank you I appreciate you trying to share your perspective. I have tried very hard. The thing is it's not something I can just "turn off" like you might think I can. Once I reached this current state I can't really "go back" if that makes any sense. And I think I never felt like I could fit in anywhere since growing up despite the "search". I could not find anyone similar to me and that's just to let you know it wasn't something I can just "turn off". I don't have a problem with the "material stuff", it's about people's consciousness here, because I am basically alone here. Like imagine one day you turned into a unicorn that nobody here can understand but not a kind of unicorn people can visually identify. And even arriving here I don't know if I really had much of a choice. I think I was already quite close to it when I incarnated here, so I kept searching teacher after teacher and exhausted them all. I struggled with chronic depression since my late teens and nothing in the end could really help me except reaching this place. I wish it wasn't the case that I became more or less a "loner". Anyway I don't like making it about "me", but I don't have many options. So from my state I'd rather find "like-minded" folks. I mean I already understand most of the "other perspectives". It's like say you have a phd in mathematics, and now you're talking to people from grade school to high school to post secondary about math, okay you might learn some "new perspective", but you already went through those before and you are mostly a teacher when you talk to these people about math, does that make more sense? To "heal or to teach" isn't from a self aggrandizing place, it is because we are all connected that compels me to. Your higher mind is suffering from the lack of consciousness in this world. And well there's only so much I can do.. generally it requires lots of patience. So if I know I am your true/original Self (and if that's what someone is interested in uncovering), and you don't remember it, what else am I to do but to try and tell you about this? No this state somehow is extremely narrow path, but ofc there have been "others" who've reached it, just very uncommon it seems. But most of Jesus' disciples apparently couldn't understand him the first round.. so I don't think I'll have a much better luck either. I'm just trying to point out that while one can't "force an awakening" on others, the same is true that one can't force someone to "go backwards".. So ofc I'm aware if people aren't receptive to me I would adjust accordingly. But there might be a few "unicorns" who have some opening..
  6. @Exystem I know what I sound like to most people so it's what it is. Nobody's going to understand me until they're actually close, which will be very rare (which I wish it wasn't the case). I don't need to convince you you said you were genuinely asking a question so I responded. That's Leo's perspective that you are now adopting. His perspective is much more appealing than mine to the masses. If you honestly feel like shit in the toilet makes you love this place then so be it, nothing I can do about that. "Being attracted to shit" is prob one of the top reasons most humans aren't even a bit awake. And being easy to agree to does not negate that I found higher awakening.
  7. Lmao, yes it's a hard one to swallow.. esp if you see their beingness as the same. You can try being "reducetarian" to start. There's an actual heaven that is your true being that's not "here" or same as here, though it still connects to here. Your true being is filled with Light, like a bright sun. That's all good too, those qualities apply to the heaven I'm referring to and increased there, and is a constant state.
  8. @trenton I'm in a similar boat regarding biological family. Building/finding your "new family" so to speak can take lots of time and patience. I don't do as well if there's literally no one "around"... There are people out there who don't need a lot of attention and just happy to have loose connections too. About "death" well.. if you and your loved ones are at similar levels of consciousness you'll probably end up in similar places again if that helps any (whether it's as spirit or human form or some other form).
  9. Nothing here. I can't truly have a debate with someone about "being Jesus" until someone actually reach heaven. Meanwhile people can think what they think of me.
  10. Try putting yourself in a state of openness to guidance, and you could literally try to "call for help". And just throw some "problem" you're having with that, and wait for a day or two see if any "solutions" comes back to you.
  11. @Something Funny hm.. I was pretty "adhd" too before awakening, just an fyi. Ok, just a suggestion as it helped me so far. It's really how I got through a lot of what you might call "tough times". Spirit (higher mind) gave me better answers than most humans could give (Which ironically as I'm typing this..but I'm hardly human at this point..).
  12. Are you on the brink of bankruptcy? Are you isolated and have no one to talk to/support? I know money can be a big one that brings you down.. Listen to "spirit" and usually they'll give you something (like an idea) that point you a better direction.
  13. It can't be forced. So long as someone finds this world attractive (as opposed to painful), they will not reach heaven I think, they are polar opposites. Even someone like me who did find it painful was tough to reach here, the ego dissolution process isn't easy and can feel "gut wrenching" at times. But there was enough Love from heaven that pulled me through. You could say this was the only place I could find my "equal" so it had to be the case I find it.
  14. @Miguel1 Thank you I appreciate that. Well it won't be true for you anymore coz if you reached where I am (one day) there'd now be 2 instead of 1, lol.
  15. Sure, I can explain based on what generally people value here: Intimate Relationships Tried that, due to gaps in consciousness I always end up being someone's "free therapist" or punching bag, getting tricked that they might have basic integrity. Cannot find anyone that understands Love. People generally want to "imprison you" or use you as some "thing" to show off, and put you into a box with a "specific role" in mind, look a certain way, talk a certain way, and if you deviate from that all hell gets loose (generally). And those who are already in "relationships" don't generally give a fk about everyone else that they might come across. It's like other people just don't exist anymore. Same is true with "family systems", if you're not part of someone's family you don't exist to them very much nor do they give a fk about you. Why do people even want babies? Do they even consider how painful that process is for the mother? And how it basically enslaves them? Usually no. They just take for granted someone with ovaries should have babies, like some kinda biological incubator. So imagine being boxed into this thing that most people think this is what you're good for and only what you're good for. Families I have no true families I can hardly avoid my biological parents, who are similar to the above, try to box me into something they want of me and most likely transphobic. Work So far I have not had a single job where someone in position of power doesn't try to manipulate, abuse, take advantage of me. If you're a biological woman most people in position of power will never promote you or give you your fair pay for your abilities. They will pay you the lowest of the low because they think you don't know better as a "woman". And when I tried to be self employed, I still run into bad people like certain customers who will trash your stuff on purpose, business "partners" like Airbnb trying to get out of paying you damages, other people that might be in the picture of your business constantly trying to screw you over and steal from you and you have very limited ways to fight back that don't require lots of money. Spirituality Have not met a single person of my equal yet, I am lucky just to not be kicked out of spiritual communities. What that means is basically you have no one to relate to in this world and that's not exactly an optimal situation. Have you found any Light yet? There's much Light to uncover which leads you back to Heaven.
  16. It's def possible because minds are connected. So when those relatives "decided to die" (it's a decision they may not be fully aware), that decision can get communicated to those close to them. Dreams can be a way for minds to communicate.
  17. There is and I'm already there. No because your ego mind keeps you coming back here because it's like a program/spell you put on yourself to do so when you left Heaven, it's very hard to get out of this because this "mind program" was set up in such a way so that you do not want to get out, that there seem to be something worth doing or having here besides awakening back to your original Self. Think of top 3 things you like about this place and those are most likely the stuff from the ego mind. Yes I know birth and death are illusory but you're still doing it regardless of it being illusory, you'd just be what I call "half awake". Whereas I don't plan to come back here after this life time, unless I have to to teach or heal again like this lifetime. Your original Self has little to no attraction to this universe other than to heal it. Also the Ego mind is always mirrored by other ego minds (like just about everyone here) so it's like a self-reinforcing mind. That's why it's like a trap. Because hardly anyone here got out of it, the one(s) who did are going to be in extreme minority and make no sense to most people. So that's what I consider incomplete awakening, where your Ego mind is still intact and you forgot all about such a thing as Heaven. I mean I wouldn't mind this place if it was actually like the Kingdom, but it really isn't and the opposite of it for the forseeable future. That said I still plan to stick around to teach for as long as I can/have the means to.
  18. Okay, I asked that because it sounded like you already made up your mind about this before the question. But if you're actually asking.. Not waking up is the trap since you can't fully understand/know what you're actually doing here without seeing things from the highest view possible. There is a higher order reality we call "Kingdom of Heaven" where you came from (and could also return to as opposed to endless incarnations here). And I'm saying you can't fully understand what you've made (this universe) before getting yourself back there.
  19. That's one way to get back to God.. the feeling of "something is missing" and "hamster wheel".
  20. Is that a rhetorical question?
  21. I don't know what to say.. coz you know I'd prob get called a "devil" too for claiming to be Second Coming of Jesus, for one; or approaching them with another channeled text that's not the bible (which I have tried once or twice with no success of course). In any case I would just let them be. Some of them have what I think the "right reasons" to not just trust anyone that comes along as there are much "misinformation" out there. Until someone wakes up enough (to whatever level) they are just not going to get it. The only thing you can do is demonstrate by example rather than debating them (if they aren't even close). Also keep in mind the possibility that they could be right on some things while you're actually not right on some things, or also in a similar position of not having found everything there is to find yet.
  22. I'm sorry to hear this and it sounds like you're also pretty isolated. There hasn't been a "magic solution" other than some protection from spirit, eg I am aware how developed or undeveloped someone is with brief interactions generally. And that generally means there's basically almost no one around who is operating on an equal-ish field. If you can find even 1 person who sort of gets it I think you should keep them in your life some way. Getting the survival side handled much as you can will help too, eg I don't know your line of work but the work you do attract different kinds of people and some better than other lines of work. (Finding "equals"). Not to shit on low wage jobs but it generally doesn't attract the most developed crowd for instance.. certain blue collar jobs are also brutal and very stage red/blue.
  23. Thank you this was healing to read.. I'm dealing with a very bad one right now who is extremely smart and good at acting when they have to. Basically a "demon". Since I am extremely connected with spirit it didn't take much to alert me what was going on, but other people don't have this ability to sniff out how a criminal operates quickly. To actually prove things might require police assistance which isn't available until one gets something from a judge. Literally exploiting the system's loopholes due to lack of affordability of lawyers for this particular situation. It's a "gang" preying on poor and under-educated, mentally challenged people and absentee landlords. Absolutely disgusting to watch and I've gotten physically sick a few of times already dealing with this person (the internal thief that made it possible). It's a very bad spirit when you're dealing with someone that's absolutely committed to their actions with zero signs of remorse. The underlying attitude of "whatchu gonna do about it?" They really do exist.
  24. I can help you wake up and return to heaven, but almost nobody seem to want that even for free. People want dream stuff and so they keep coming back here for more dream stuff. I can't help much with that other than if someone is having an emergency, as I struggle with this currently. But at least for me once I reached a certain level this world isn't very attractive even from what you call a "selfish perspective". I am attracted to like beings but there's hardly any here right now. The only attraction for me is to try to heal it while I'm still here. Coz I'm still gonna be witnessing all the bad shit going on with or without a body.
  25. Time and Space were both created at the same moment, they're as much a construction of your mind as everything else here. The Big Bang was the moment you decided to "leave" Heaven and God behind to be something else and somewhere else that which created a different kind of mind I call the "Ego-mind". As you tried to leave it generated certain "negative feelings" and diminishing of the Love you came from, which ultimately led to how this universe runs. You then split yourself into all these forms and forgot all about where you came from in the process. It was created in such a way that was quite convincing that it's "real". So now you really think you're a body, and so everytime you "die" you are compelled to come back here due to thinking this place is real and you're a body. Everything was created by thought though not actually carefully designed, so atoms and things are just a byproduct of a thought of this dream world. You made all forms and the dream scripts partly to distract yourself (a convincing dream) so that you don't have to think about where you actually came from. And although you tried to leave there are marks of heaven/God/spirit here due to your origin. And it's really like a "movie" you're in, and it's also from the view of "eternity and timelessness" a "movie of the past". This requires serious ego dissolution to awaken to..