Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. Basically through desperation for light (Truth) comes an attitude of surrender through which when they truly repent/pray (recognize) by imagining a higher dream in another dream about the dream itself, the awaken word from a higher Imagination creates the opening for a high by suggesting a letting go that then hits from the lower chakras to anahata and even crown chakra. Kinda like a placebo psychedelic ritual. Then this is why the say they felt Jesus love or God's love/mercy. Ofcourse they cant understand this correctly as the truth is totally opposite to the belief of it as they come back and cling to it. But, Its the first level since thats the only way they can refer to God (existence), as they recognize a higher power/Intelligence from their egoic prisión (ignorance). The same occurs when they fall unto the floor or seemed possed moving like crazy. They did a surrender (probable ego death). The moving body could genuinely be a spirit or the body reacting to releasing its negative karma. Blue has a special connection with turquoise. From spiritual ego to no ego. Thats the whole gap game of orange, green and yellow. At least innocence and faith can give some temporary relief, realizations and new perceptions.
  2. Good strong genes + strong mind/Imagination (Faith/Belief). Most people are deluded in this sense. The easiest way to know if someone really have siddhis is if they are realized. After knowing you are God (Source), that amount of trust (absence of doubt) should align the human body/mind enough to open itself to accept God and act as him (True-Self/Supreme-Being). "Because of this, the Jews tried all harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal to God. So Jesus replied," Truly, truly, I tell you, the Son can do anything unless He sees the Father doing it. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does. The Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does. And to your amazement, He will show Him even greater works than these... -John 5:18-20
  3. @meta_male Its alot more common and hard in third world countries. My parents are like big kids who try to dictate their way while being childish, immature and contradicting. These people mostly got kids accidentally and stayed together as a consequence. Also, a lack of love from childhood. What else can i say. Its a serious thing. My whole life misery is a consequence of them. The worst thing they have done as I can remember to break my intimate blind trust for them was forcing me to give them my phone so they could see everything they wanted or checking were I spent my money on my bank account. Not to mention their lies, mind games, hypocrisy (even as hardcore christians) and gossip. I also have some trust issues because of deep wounds that I need to heal. Im just waiting to move out next year. I only trust them as providers/protectors, but there is no intimate sharing anymore. Still, my love is so strong that I still forgive and love them, but its fcking annoying and it will fck your life from the inside out. If you have narcistic parents you gotta live on your own as fast as possible. They will manipulate everything they can from you and keep you a victim who attracts more victimhood shit. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClE8fXIy3hr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  4. @Zeroguy Lets wait and see what he will say. Im simply open to listening. At the same time, false prophets were warned. And he could become one unknowingly. Specially for the spirits in his house and his psychedelic spiritual path. Which is an exquisite combination to get tricked, influenced and possesed.
  5. @Mohammad Leo is one of my main improving guides and for many others too.
  6. Im more worried for the spirits hunting his house and him being in this delicate state
  7. @Mormegil More actualized/evolved individual experience. Nothing more.
  8. @Jehovah increases still, its part of.
  9. @Jehovah increases But the experience as an individual will be higher.
  10. @DrugsBunny Oh boy, if this is true watch for the door you are opening. These demons are more active than ever now. Some have visited me in my room to torment me. They are waiting the precise moment to fuck you up in some way as they watch you. I recommend you buy a cross and put it in your room. Clean the room with sage. Contact your Spirit guides or some angel and try to contact Jesus Spirit aswell. Ask for divine protection. Get to know an exorcist priest just in case you need to call. And learn over all how to protect yourself from them personally. It might seem dramatic to tell you this until some of them start to fuck with you. Watch out the place you do psychedelics. When you are that open and vulnerable, if they are around they can torment you. Go to a far place to do that 5 meo trip. And even if you are a realized being, demons can come. Not all demons are the same.
  11. @Gabith Weed will teach you how to stay high at will. Not the same high as under the substance, but you learn how by witnessing you get high. You can literally change your perception at any moment by tapping into any of your chakras. If you are living in lower chakras, you dont feel high. When you smoke, your awareness go to the upper 2 plus a boost, thats all. Learn to tune into the third eye and the crown even if you have ego or normally live in the lowers. You can literally take an elevator, im doing it as im writing. But it took me like a year to learn it. Search for milkshakes and weed teas. That way you wont get fucked up smoking. Only smoke in a specific ocassion. Forget about smoking, get a pen and hide it. Or a vaporizer. Effects can go negative because the weed will go deep and show you the dark hidden side. Its a substance after all, it wont be the same everytime as you build tolerance. People get addicted because of imaturity, ignorance of how to get high at will (naturally) or escapism (wanting to feel something different). If you are sane and conscious, it wont get you addicted. The most it could to is to get you psychologically addicted to the high itself, which tends to happen to those that dont know about meditation/spirituality. But ofcourse, stay moderate with it. After one year of doing it alot in order to understand it, I barely use it on occasions now. Specially to relax.
  12. It can work depending the country. For ex, a third country might let it pas easier because of its ignorance and lack of security. Germany could be a little riskier.
  13. You can play with weed, Its just the first trips that tend to go madly existential. Basically, baby mode. I realized allah/love and met Jesus with it. So it can be powerful. Its just a matter of time before leo comes with something new about it, lol. Weed was the most used plant in ancient times, specially biblical Israel. Milkshakes and weed teas are probably the best edibles I have tried for now. It will heal you from the inside out by slowly opening and expanding your ego knots. The amount of relaxation it can give you cant be compared with others. Since other psychedelics will make you relaxed but the cost is too much dissolution. Here you can have your cake and eat it too.
  14. @BipolarGrowth Min 5:15 To enter this dimension of yourself, you have to forget yourself. I dont even know how to explain it. It simply is. Am still practicing and exploring it. If I think, get in the mind, judge, doubt or affirm the ego, I loose that space. The only thing I can do from there is act and talk. Basically, through intuition, I enter by being a fully present innocent creepy silent baby who just witnesses in pure trust. But you have to experience it to understand it, since it has a different quality/feeling. Your perception, experience and state of awareness changes in a different way. You cant be triggered if you enter/return enough. A calling from heaven. Since thats exactly how it feels. Effortless floating body surfing in total peace. Kinda like a living dead. Its good for healing the body/mind since you give it space to realign itself. The shitty thing about mystical stuff is that you cant explain it properly since its illogical. Something to add is that one day I got so high with weed that I was about to separate my Spirit from my body. I literally felt a split coming but freaked out and stopped it. The only reason I can point it/explain it now is because I developed an extended intellect mind in the past. I bet many more people are there too without knowing what it is. This makes me understand a little more the spirits that have been visiting me and how could be the realm/Spirit World they exist in. Survival, (negative) programming and being overly full of ego are the barriers to it. Now it makes sense the importance of dying in peace. The more ghost like you are the moment of your bodily death, the freer your soul will be. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXdf43Md5h6cE?si=4G4gRuMDRTiBo1KjLT_HRg&utm_source=copy-link This music can help you enter slowly through silent trust.
  15. Through silent prayer i intuitively discovered how to tap into my Spirit. Its a total different dimension. I feel like a floating air body who can do stuff without procrastinating. Its so easy to act like this. Any one knows something else about this?
  16. @Julian gabriel Repent but dont judge yourself. Accept and welcome them as they are without acting nor believing them. Practice humility, bow down the ego to existence, let go and watch the thoughts as thoughts not you the "witness" perceiving these thoughts. You have closed yourself up. Open the heart and body. To change that narcicistic (egoic) attitude you need to recognize the negativity and falsehood of those thoughts. Again, the first step to change that is to repent from the old ways of the ego (Me/"I"). Thats what happens when the ego takes authority over your mind/life. Basically, a type of possesion. Through this weak state of falsehood, you can be easily influenced by spirits planting thoughts from another realm to keep you more trapped and engrossed in illusions. So they can enslave you in negativity and make you a daily feast of energy for them. The ego tricks you to think this exaltation of itself is good. While it might temporarily be in some context to survive. But, the negative side effects will manifest later in other areas.
  17. Lack of morality will backfire your ass. You think that just because morality is an illusion you will be good by evading it? Good luck.
  18. @BipolarGrowth Just surrender to love. Salvation=Love=God=Spirit/Imaginary Intelligence as the individual conciousness/being. Words fail me.
  19. Does the split between 3D and 5D means if not ou/detached by that date, you get locked in the 3D attachment illusion or what?