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Posts posted by wavydude

  1. On 25.11.2019 at 8:49 PM, moon777light said:

    The more i read spiritual books, especially memoirs/autobiographies, the more i sense that all the people who *made it* in the spiritual world (attained realization, lived their life led by synchronocities and intuition) were people who as children had a magical life. As kids they already remember manifesting stuff, being psychic, having paramornmal abilities even siddhis and such.

    Watch some of the "Buddha at the gas pump" interviews and realize thats not the case at all.

  2. 13 hours ago, Schahin said:

    . I have seen castrated dogs here that still wanted to mate but couldn't though, its because they have no education about what happened to them that they don't care, it's still cruel though, not the business of the human of the dogs want to reproduce. 

    Its putting them on a leash taking ownership and castrating it that makes dogs in our countries fight with each other because they lost all their social dog to dog abilities. 

    I also feel like castrating dogs is cruel but the cruelty is a concept, you sympathise with the dog becouse you image how you would feel when u was castrated, the dog is unaware of that, it does not suffer it

    Making dogs domectic does not make them fight and loose social abilited it depends on how you rais it and if you allow it to socialize with other dogs.

    My dog would't run away from me even if it could, it's a mutual benefit relationship.

  3. 15 hours ago, Vaishnavi said:
    21 hours ago, wavydude said:

    but there are actions that reduce or increase human suffering and confusion

    and i'm assuming you base your morality upon this? seems legit and about as close as you can get to.. consciousness

    Yes, it's like I said you're an ugly worthless preson, it can't really hurt you becouse that's not true but people can be affected and it can cause unnecessary suffering... basically don't spread falsehood and attachment.

  4. Since you mention dogs, not long ago I saw a friend with his dog who was recently castrated, it was as happy as always and didn't care it can't make new dogs anymore. 
    Same with all the "bad" things u mentioned:

    5 hours ago, Schahin said:


    -war they don't do that they just fight when they feel like fighting and they seem to enjoy it

    -adultery dogs just fuck when they feel like fucking they don't feel sad about geting cheated on by a spouse

    -mass destruction of our precious nature and its inhabitants they don't care about that at all

    -spontaneous killings of insects because they "look ugly" naaah

    -homelessness and abandonment by society when dog is homless it just lives homless when it have an owner it lives with an owner

    -corruption nope


    How are dogs free from all these horrible things ? 
    It's becouse they don't know they are dogs and don't know what these things arexD

  5. 15 minutes ago, Koyaanisqatsi said:

     You will lose the story of 'you', the story of 'others', the story of 'things' and 'events', and see that what is happening is just 'this'.

    But what is happening is directly result of what happened in the past ( You can even argue that if you had enough data and powerful computer you could predict the whole thing).

    So if I make the choice(who is this I?) to do something other way it doesn't even matter because what's going to happen will happen anyway aaaaand I'm feeling trapped and powerless.. what's up with that.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    Fundamentally,  my question is, whether the current spirituality model is right or not.

    I am making the claim that on a large scale, this model cannot be sustained.

    So the answer should be, whether the current model should be changed or  not.

    What model ? There is no model. It's not like once a year enlightened people gather up and decicde what will be the spirituality model for the next year. They just do what they feel like and for alot of them that is teaching and for others it's just living life so you don't hear about them.

    9 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    Leo did not become enlightened by koans. He took the 5-Meo.

    If Leo's enlightened I'm the pope xD

  7. 31 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    What you have written is nothing profound or complex ,though your ego may think what  you have written is something revolutionary.. A 10 year old can come up with that. My question is asking something deeper which you apparently are not seeing. 

    You making it harder than it is, I just gave you answer to your question but looks like you're looking for something profound and complex not for the truth.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    LOL, you have not understood my question, but that was hilarious.

    I don't think you understood my answer.
    The enlightened people are like 0.001% of society if they decide to go public with their enlioghtement then obviously they become a teacher if we had like 50% of enlightened population we wouldn't need that much teachers and you would have them do whatever else is needed.

    Also there are people who decide to not share their realization maybe your bus driver is enlightened and you'll never know.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

    I am talking about someone like, a Stock Broker + Enlightened master.

    Why would enlightened master be a stock broker ? Imagine everyone in the word is suffering from the most deadly disease and no one has a cure and then you happen to find a cure, would you be like " I need to share this with my family, friends and the world" or would you be like " fuck this let's trade some stocks"

  10. Becouse they are enlightened, when you find answer to all human suffering you want to contribute by teaching that becouse there's literally nothing better you can do. Let's say you have degree in nuclear physics, would you decide to contribute to society by becoming a janitor ? No, you want to do the most impactful thing you can.


    Peter Ralston is an enlightened martial artist and in one of his videos he says that at first he was devoting more time to teaching martial arts and some to consciousness work and after time the balance naturally shifted.