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Everything posted by wavydude

  1. I get how you feel but good thing is that non of it matters now, you get to choose what you do and learn and you don't need to identify with any of that. Food and cheap clothes is alot, many people don't get to have that.
  2. I say for most people spirituality is just another way to bullshit themselves if it was otherwise they ould be enlightened
  3. @Sven Ye, I get what you're saying. In the gym progress begins after you think this is your last rep. Be careful with this type of feeling tho becouse you might be so satysfied with the feeling that you actually forget to go beyond the barrier
  4. @Salvijus What kind of yoga you do ? Were you initiated or learned online ? How long before you noticed effects ? As for psychedelics I must agree. They are a drug and esencially do what every other drug on earth do. Like cocaine gives you short boost of energy that comes at cost, psychedelics give you boost of awarness which I imagine also comes at some cost.
  5. It kind of did to Osho, that guy had realy good deal with the source
  6. For everyone saying that enlightened person would not engage in such " low vibration activity ", how do you know ? I tought that enlightened ones live spontaniously and act as the situation presents itself. So if you know what enlightened preson would do even before them you guys must be enlightened AF
  7. Who is this "enlightenend person". I would imagine if someone is enlightened they still have their own character traits. So let's say if you attack Ekhart Tolle he might just run away and you if piss some enlightened kung fu master he will straight up fatality you.
  8. Enlightement for only $250 per sesion ? That's a bargain.
  9. Dreams are often your unfulfield desires so maybe there was some anger in you towards your family that you didn't express and meditation might make you more aware of that so you decided to kill them in hunger games Or maybe its nothing like that, it's just a dream and you don't need to pay much attention to it but it's usful to keep in mind that dreams tend to be unfulfield desires becouse it might bring you some clarity.
  10. @moon777light It means that woman is not fit for hard discipline practices that appeal to man, hence the tantra system (which this whole book is about) which is more about going with the flow and better for woman. At least that's how I understand that. What amazing female gurus u have in mind ?
  11. Where in the Bible they talk about tantra, auras and menstrual cycles? Gotta see that one
  12. smart guy, if I were you I would let him follow his intuition instead of forcing hours of videos on him
  13. Nothing to worry about, it's actaully very good and natural that you prefer real encounter to texting. My advise would be don't try to force it and artificialy hold the conversation if you have something you want to share like something that happend this day or else, go ahead and do it and when conversation naturally run out just go about your day like you would anyway.
  14. my dude, they teach that stuff in an elementary
  15. obviously he can but it's like hiring a fat guy as your personal trainer
  16. This video is basically two guys arguing how to define word "consciousness"
  17. Cons not so many hair owns only one t-shirt has cult-like following of thousands people who didn't even see him irl Pros nice facial hair pretty smart dude good introduction to woo woo hippie stuff no religious mumbo jumbo can make your girl squirt real quick
  18. @Viking Doesn't really matter. Just do some work and you will see that your life is getting better and you will be like "damn I want more of that good stuff" and bam you got yourself positive motivation. Don't try to think yourself into something that you don't really care about. You care about your life not being shitty. Do stuff that is guaranteed to get you better like good diet, exercise or whatever you think you should do and is proven to actually work. Just do that and don't care about other nonsense.
  19. or maybe if you are enlightened you don't tell yourself some bs stories about bouncing atoms and you don't care about it at all
  20. yup, it drains it straight out of your dick, better save your consciousness for some nice girl
  21. Maybe you need higher level of awareness to notice this stuff or maybe this guys are full of s**
  22. Based on that I can say that it was synthetic weed. Don't smoke that stuff it has many negative effect and can really fuck you up. If you want to smoke weed make sure it's legit.