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Posts posted by Pluck

  1. 5 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    Somebody just needs to shut this thread down, seriously...xD:S

    Why do you think that's necessary?


    3 hours ago, Hsinav said:

    Leo is God, so are you, the difference is that your not aware of it.

    Could you please clarify 1) how this is constructive and relevant to the post and 2) what you mean by "God"?

  2. 47 minutes ago, tsuki said:

    @Pluck Thank you for your warning.

    You are an interesting individual. I hope that the rest of your posts will be equally well thought-out and entertaining.
    I'm tempted to say one more thing, but please read it in the context of the whole post, not in separation:

    Aren't you a brave one, coming here to the devil's den and protecting us, little defenseless sheeps.
    Is that your ego, or is it egolessnses? Is there a difference?

    I'm not calling you little defenseless sheep.

    I am not trying to belittle you like Leo. 

    Is it ego(lessness) (if that's even a word) to disagree with something and then express that disagreement with passion? 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Kensho said:

    Pluck, it's simple. It has to do with Tier


    You just don't get it. 

    Towards the end of his video about stage turquoise he said to the viewers: 

    Evolve, expand, grow, otherwise soon you won't be able to follow this channel anymore. is becoming more and more a Tier 2 playground. 



    Oohhh I see, so I'm just stupid, that's all. 

    Did you read my post though?


    And would you listen to yourself?! 

    You don't even think for yourself! You're just parroting as far as I'm concerned!

    Your intuition has deteriorated, and you can't - or, at least, didn't - argue with your own words. Those are just Leo's words regurgitated. 100%. 

    If you have something constructive to say, point out precisely where you agree and/or disagree in my post and why. Don't just come here and tell me that I "just don't get it".. and that I should "Evolve, expand, grow" in order to understand. That's useless. That's absolutely preposterous. I've watched his videos on spiral dynamics, and frankly, I don't see how they're any different from all his other videos - except that he's now labeling stuff to distract you. These stages are just ego inflation, but the point of reaching enlightenment is to let go of and detach from such labels! You think you're making progress, but you're just completely distracted.  

  4. 4 hours ago, blazed said:

    This is true, anyone who watches Leo should be able to see through this already, he always plugs at the end of the videos with statements such as looking down on you saying "how much you lack and how much you need to learn still", and "to keep up with the videos" or that "you will get left behind", etc, etc.

    The plugs at the end are very obvious and anyone who can't see it is simply blind.

    But I still like Leo's videos they are good entertainment and educational, he's bullshit is better than most bullshit.

    And he's better than most people out there, content wise, so your rant against him isn’t' really justified.

    I just don't like his approach of how everyone needs to live the exact same life as him and learn everything he has learned and read all the books he has and replicate everything, for example an artist (or other time consuming careers) just isn’t going to have enough time to follow Leo fully.

    haha yeah I noticed that too, he's kind of saying everything is real and true lately/now, lots of bizarre stuff.

    Best way to follow Leo is not to fall into some of the traps, you should cherry pick what teachings will benefit you the most. I do NOT recommend to do EVERYTHING that Leo tells his audience.

    Exactly. You get it. It's not the things he talks about. I'm all for enlightenment, and I've had profound experiences beyond articulation myself. It's the way he lays out these things that makes me worry for some of those who are prone to manipulation. 

    The main message of this post is, to put it in Leo's words: might just be a red herring. After all, when you don't think you're distracted, that's when you're truly distracted. When you don't think you're addicted to his videos, hence comments like "Yesss 2,5 hours videos" (as if it's a drug, which I think it is to many - to whom I am writing this very post), that's when you're truly addicted.

    This red herring is kept interesting by laying out the content in a manner that promises a better future, but the case is, really, that all you can do is keep hoping that you might become 'enlightened' by meditating, which I'm sure most of his viewers don't do daily at all, by "researching" "deeper", and that, as you said, you have "so much more to learn", which, I think, there is some truth to, but they are words, and it's an abstract tone - meaning you don't reeeally know what he means when he talks... you just think it'll do you any good. My proposition is that it will not! Or, at least, it might not. 


  5. 1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I think Leo actually believes what he says.  I get that sense.  Why would he waste his time putting out crap that he didn't believe in?  Yeah, I don't think he would.  I think he believes in what he's saying.  You may not agree with what he says, but that's a different issue.

    I think he believes in what he says, too, which is why, like I suggested, he would have to lie to put out the crap. 

  6. Just now, Joseph Maynor said:

    If Leo resonates with what he says, then that's not brainwashing.  

    I'm afraid you are mistaken here. It is human nature to lie, because that is expedient, and once you've lied, and you know you've done so, to get rid of the guilt, you create another lie to justify the first one. Lies breed more lies. When adversity hits you, as it inevitably will in life, because life is suffering, as the Buddhists know, your character won't be strong enough to deal with it. That's the problem with lying, well, human nature. 

    If Leo resonates with what he says, that doesn't mean it's true or a valid way of viewing life! Not to compare him to Hitler, but I'm sure he resonated with what he said when he urged "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten." 



    Brainwashing is when someone intentionally manipulates or deceives someone.  


    I'd invite you to entertain the possibility that it is indeed intentional, though. If not, it's a big lie. Both are equally detrimental to the viewers not strong enough to think critically. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Consept said:

    I think you should always take in information from a multitude of sources and put it together in your own way that makes sense to you. 

    I think so, too!



    So I think it's slightly unfair to say that he's just talking rubbish in terms of spirituality because he's not he's just saying it a way a different audience can understand it. You also contradict yourself by saying that he doesn't say anything new and then saying he speaks rubbish, if he's not saying anything new and repeating stuff then whatever he is repeating is rubbish by your reasoning. 

    Where exactly do I contradict myself, humm?



    I think if you want to criticize him I see an issue with maybe a spiritual ego that he has and the fact that he's obviously not enlightened yet, but again those things can help you relate to him, like I have those things as well probably. To me guys like Mooji and sadhguru have an air about that where you know they've transcended, so there's comparison, but there's definitely a place for Leo 

    What do you actually know about people, self-proclaimed "transcendants" or not? There's something fragile about the validity of such claims. 
    did criticize the issue of his ego in my post.


    4 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    It’s totally impersonal. 

    You are speaking your truth, based on your genetics and life conditioning. But it’s not The Truth. It’s just appearances and a desire to express oneself.

    And all these thoughts in my mind are also appearances with no more relevance than a dog bark.

    What's your point? I'm not taking anything personal, by the way. I'm enlightened, you know. 

    Also, you still haven't answered my question, nor have you even commented on my post. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    If Leo actually resonates with what he says, then he deserves to have a voice.  I don't mind.  He introduced me to Enlightenment and Life Purpose.  I was already pretty advanced in Conceptual Understanding when I discovered Actualized 4 years ago.  So, I like Leo.  I want him to be successful.

    Sure, he deserves to have a voice. People, however, don't deserve to have their brains washed. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    If you observe your beliefs without attachment you will realize they have no more relevance than a bird chirp.

    Ok, so you will just skip my post and tell me abstract things like "observing my beliefs without attachment" as if you and I know what that means. 

    You're saying that my post, objectively speaking, has no more relevance than a bird chirp?

    I have never been roasted so hard before.

    Thank you, but you're not constructive. Bye bye.

  11. 3 minutes ago, exhale said:

    (...) But just as I do not think that everything Leo (or anyone) says should be taken as truth without a critical ear, I am also critical of your opinions as well.

    (...) I am open to the idea that a rational, well-balanced individual, with a good handle on their emotional intelligence and maturity could benefit from these practices. Though, I know that there are many young people, and people with unstable mental conditions in the community, where these types of experiences can/may be addictive and harmful.  I think that Leo may project "where he is at" in his emotional intelligence and maturity on his listeners---and based on the forum contents, could be a very dangerous thing to do.

    Saying all this.  Leo provides so much value and wisdom for his listeners, I am very hesitant to villainize him as you are doing.  My professional and personal life has done nothing but improve since I have been subscribing to his videos for the past few years.  I thank him for his service.  

    (...) I imagine that he would hope that all of his listeners would approach his teachings this way.





    Thank you for a constructive response. 

    I agree with you, exhale. Completely. 

    It is human nature to act expediently. It is comfortable, convenient and easy to shrug off the responsibility of thinking for yourself; it is easier to parrot Leo's words than being critical of them - that would require effort.

    You can tell by looking at most of the upvoted comments on Leo's videos. They usually go something like this: "It's 02:00 AM, but a new Leo video!" or "2,5 hours?! Yesss!". It smells of addiction. His videos are addictive. They require no effort whatsoever. 

    Yes, Leo does indeed provude much value and wisdom for his listeners, but the far majority of those listeners are prone to manipulation and the expediency provided in human nature. 

    It's the "It's just the tip of the iceberg" and "Keep meditating deeper"-thing that makes me worry for those poor people who NEED to think for themselves, who NEED to make an effort and NOT watch some guy rant about things he has no true knowledge about. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:


    @Pluck A lot of thought and emotion underlies that perspective. And the strength of attachment to the perspective is impressive. What would happen if you sat with each of those beliefs and simply observed them without attachment and let go of the beliefs for a a little while?


    What if I told you that I have done that plentily? And nothing happened! Yes, I did it correctly.

    You are insinuating that I would nolonger have this "impressive" perspective if I "observed" my "beliefs" for a little while. 

    Do you have anything constructive to add about anything regarding the post, or will you just skip it like that and tell me to sit and let go of my beliefs? 

  13. 2 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

    He said approximately a million times not to listen to him and to look for truth in your direct experience. That's basically the exact opposite of a cult leader. 

    Well, it's certainly one of the smartest move a cult leader could ever make! 

    There's a youtuber called "AtheneWins" (whose account has been reported multiple times, but his account is back, and he's slowly building everything back up again), who created this cryptocurrency, "PRPS" / "DUBi"-system, which asked for his viewers on his stream to donate money into the system so that if would make them rich (... somehow - I must confess that I don't know how those things work), anyway, he told all his viewers directly: "This is a scam!", and "Invest in DUBi and you'll be rich! It's a scam, guys, seriously!". 

    Is it a scam if he tells them before they give him their money? I think it's unethical, at least. 

    I think, too, that promoting nihilism that way is unethical. Does that make sense?

    It's a really smart move. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Artaemis said:

    Eh, he's improved my quality of life and my understanding of reality so I don't really care if he's a psychopathic ignorant asshole (aren't we all sometimes?). I take what helps me from his teachings and leave the rest. Its hard at first not become overly attached to your mentors, believing everything they say and thinking you are below them but after a while you just stop giving a fuck. He's only human, although very intelligent, he has flawed opinions and perspectives like the rest of us. 

    I agree with you 100%. The point is, precisely as you say, not to believe everything they say. Unfortunately, which is revealed in the comment section on his YouTube channel and some of the posts here, many simply parrot Leo, which is very unhealthy for their critical thinking skills. 

    Like I said above, I don't care, either, whether or not Leo is a psychopath. The point is simply that I believe he is taking advantage of weak people who need a hand. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, thehero said:

    i'm not sure

    I do know that people get convinced into cults and are in cults without knowing it 

    however, i look at leo for knowledge and information

    and it's all high quality stuff. some of the best out there

    look at leo's videos and ground them in direct experience, meaning don't blindly believe leo but develop real understanding 

    even if leo was a psychopath, he has high quality shit. concise, high-quality information. 

    enlightenment experiences can be discovered through direct experiences and you can produce insights and understanding through the theory

    I did an honest check and have concluded that you're wrong

    i think you're just not advanced enough 

    Thank you for your constructive repsonse.

    Perhaps you should entertain the idea that you might be one of those people you mention. You just might be - or you might not.

    Oh, absolutely, I'm not against ALL of Leo's videos. As I specified in my essay, particularly his videos on spirituality unnerve me. Quite simply because they are predicated upon insubstantial ideas disguised as the opposite. Does that make sense? I think my elaboration on the post was plentiful regarding that. I don't want to repeat myself. The point is, though, that I do like his videos on, say, how to shop for healthy food, how to meditate, the do-nothing technique, and they have helped me. I just don't think nihilism or "absolute infinity" is productive. (Leo would say there's no point for productivity, but hey, reason is only valid as long as it doesn't make sense any longer in Leo philosophy - that's perfect if you want to brainwash people)

    Also, I don't care whether or not Leo is a psychopath (or an illusion that I created to point out his not so constructive response above), but I care about the people who are sucked into this pit where you can aaalways "go deeper and deeper", and everything you have experienced is aaalways "just the tip of the iceberg", so keep digging, and stay tuned for the next video where I repeat the same abstract ideas! If it doesn't make sense, that's great!

    Also, honestly, but do you even listen to what you're saying? "look at leo's videos and ground them in direct experience"? What does it mean to ground a video... in direct experience? What, do you mean listen to him talking in an unbiased manner? Why couldn't you just say "don't blindly believe leo" in the first place? I'm curious as to why you chose precisely that phrase.

    I'm not sure you read my post though. 

    How am I "just not advanced enough"? Would you by any chance like to elaborate so that I might be corrected should I happen to be wrong?

  16. 24 minutes ago, wpw said:

    try being more concise ...  

    I assure you the length is necessary.

    The average reading speed is about 200 WPM. There are about 1700 words.

    1700 words/200(words/minute) = 8,5 minutes 

    A concise version would probably save you two minutes...  



    An extremely concise version:

    Manipulation is a thing. manipulates his viewers, and he is unstoppable owing to the position he has acquired for himself, reflecting any opposition by using his, by the way, high intelligence. 


    ... Oh, the concise version didn't get the point across? I see...

    The length is necessary. 

  17. I'll keep the message brief and straight to the point. Hopefully. is NOT healthy for you.

    It is designed to disorient the viewers to keep them coming back rather than helping them.

    Here's why. - If you disagree with any of this, make sure to read and understand the entire post. I am open to discussion.


    Consider this list:

    1. At least one sentence in this list is false.

    2. I'm not the most handsome man in the universe.

    Suppose sentence 1 is false. This means that there are no false sentences in the above list. But note, sentence 1 is on the list, and is false by assumption. This contradicts our assumption, and hence our assumption must have been incorrect, and this means that sentence 1 is not false, i.e. it is true.

    So far we have shown that sentence 1 is true, and it says that there is at least one false sentence in the list. Since there is only one other sentence, i.e. sentence 2, and sentence 1 is true, we conclude that sentence 2 is false. Therefore, I am the most handsome man in the universe!



    What went wrong?

    What went wrong is that we tried to use English to arrive at matters of truth, but in using English, we can quite literally “prove” anything we want. Including outrageous things, like “I am God,” or “You don't exist,” or “I have infinite knowledge.” You can't use it to arrive at any sort of truth in a way that is not implicitly self-defeating. The language is not consistent.

    This brings us to Leo, who puts on a show of trying to do this very thing. And no wonder he arrives at the sorts of nonsense he claims. English is not a language to be used for investigating matters of truth, if indeed such a thing can be done at all. It is too easy to manipulate into seemingly logical programs that arrive at, you guessed it, absolute nonsense. 


    Upon watching his content on spirituality, and reading through the commentary, I am GREATLY unnerved by the lack of skepticism displayed by the arrogant anti-rationalist nihilists who have decided that they are “enlightened,” that they are deities and identified with whatever kind of notion they have attached to the label “Absolute Infinity,” and that they are above any sort of level-headed interpersonal conversation with people who have contrary viewpoints.

    It is an absolutely perfect platform from which to dive into narcissistic nihilism and power seeking in a manner that garners widespread support amongst a unilaterally oriented ideological front of the same collectivist nihilistic philosophy.

    Such people will simply shop for answers until they find ones they already agree with, and Leo is selling them their wildest narcissistic fantasies.

    Leo Gura has claimed quite openly to be God himself! That is a psychotic opinion on the direction that agency would take in that kind of hypothetical thought-space. “I am God”?!

    First of all, what in the name of sanity are you talking about?

    Secondly, NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! If anything, those lines, “God is me, along with everything else”, is in likeness to the Hindu deity known as Brahman, who, under a dramatic metaphysical worldview, is the “actor playing all the parts.” His content is NOT novel in the slightest. He is just repackaging old spiritual beliefs in a way that is designed to inflate the ego he claims to have abandoned. The irony of it is intense — could it not be that seeking “enlightenment” is the ULTIMATE FORM OF EGOTISM!?


    Leo Gura’s philosophy is a dangerous one 

    In fact it can hardly be called a philosophy, it is more of a muddled mash of parasitic ideological nonsense designed to disorient its viewers. It is clear why those of you who have not studied mathematics, science, philosophy, or literature have been fooled by this charlatan, and as a remedy, I urge you to seek alternative viewpoints!

    Logical bureaucracy is NOT to arrive at truth or divinity, it is to AVOID BEING MANIPULATED by fork-tongued Devils. I urge you to read, for the sake of alternative perspective, the culminative excerpt from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged “This is John Galt” speech (not to say that I agree with everything said in that book), because throwing your bureaucratic logical faculties out the window leaves you wide open to playing into becoming a victim of psychopathic manipulation tactics.

    If you read up on such tactics, you will find them quite present in almost all of Leo’s content. His tactics are designed to disarm you and distract you with diversion tactics and gaslighting, misrepresentation of his opposition—it is NOT his place to represent his adversaries, that is THEIR place—claiming to speak for people besides just himself (in fact, he has claimed to be speaking on behalf of the ENTIRE SPECIES!! For which THIS VERY POST is clear irrefutable evidence AGAINST!!), literally identifying himself with YOU in order to establish the “I’m just like you” illusion, cherry-picking the palatable aspects of his nihilistic philosophy and omitting contrary viewpoints from the comments section in order to propagate his monetization of “personal development,” (which I believe now is nothing more than a guise for “malignant brainwashing” in order to further a self-indulgent, dangerous, radical, arrogant narcissistic agenda), avoiding accountability for his viewpoints.


    He claims to be without a paradigm! Insanity!

    He claims to have obtained mystical knowledge about the nature of reality through some kind of mystical state of consciousness, but he ALSO has admitted openly to using psychedelic drugs and is probably suffering from schizoaffective religious narcissistic delusions! (Which, I am ashamed to admit—but for the purposes of credibility, I feel inclined to divulge to you in your entirely warranted skepticism—I have personally experienced, I know what I am talking about!)

    That isn’t to say that he is CERTAINLY manipulating people in order to get their money and their minds, but it is definitely a big bright red flag to watch closely and carefully, and to abstain from any kind of agreement or unspoken contract with him—actions speak louder than words, and it really isn’t hard to see the incentives for a sociopath or narcissist to be lying about these kinds of things to hundreds of thousands of people.

    He is clearly an intelligent man, albeit grossly lacking in self-reflection. Psychopaths are already natural manipulators, and even if he isn't one in a clinical sense (which he very well may be), he has demonstrated the will and wherewithal to play abusive mind games with people who are not carefully grounded in abject ignorance and uncertainty, and if I had to guess, is well-practiced in methods of doing so. 

    Grounding yourself in ignorance is not an easy task. It is hard to accept. It takes work and exploration. I know it's painful. But it's also FAR better than the alternative, infinitely safer, and more honest to embrace not knowing rather than ignoring your ignorance. To ignore your ignorance is to partake in the grandest delusion of all.

    Leo is rapidly developing into a “cult leader” character. I would not be surprised at all if he suffered from narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists lack contrast from attention on themselves, and so they conflate themselves with others. But in truth, they do not understand what an “other” is. They have not given it the due attention, instead they are habitually absorbed into themselves. It is analogous to the fact that a child has no understanding of what it is to be a child. A child has no contrast between childhood and adulthood in their experience. But an adult has lost his childhood, and as such is in a position to comprehend the contrast. The people who believe they are above manipulation are those who are most likely to be manipulated. He promotes isolation alongside a grotesque brand of childish self-absorption, and attempts to put paranoid strain on the social support networks that people belong to, which is precisely what cult leaders do!

    (see here for reference): 



    The arrogance, immaturity, and self-indulgence of that channel disgusts me quite strongly. I would tread carefully and in full recognition of what kind of a scheme his channel is. Does it not disgust you (low-key)? Do you think about it? I think Leo is a very sad man, unfortunately. I think he knows what immense guilt awaits him should he confess and make it clear to himself the lies he has imposed unto himself and his viewers for many many years. So it's easier for him to keep lying and manipulating ("...Ohh you just need to meditate a little deeper" ... "...Ahh, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Just become reality, y' know" (He could always say that now, couldn't he? And the question is: Will you really fall for THAT?..)) 

    You can take away some positives (I know I did - I started meditating, which has helped me), but only if you know how to tease them away from the rest of his false malicious nonsense, for example, the flappery about witches and deities and “enlightenment” and “becoming infinite” and "just becoming reality". To me, it seems he has either gone off the deep-end with psychedelic drugs and is suffering from a schizoaffective episode, or else he is simply manipulating people with a show to gain power and influence over their minds.

    Keep in mind, even WITHOUT these pointers, there is an estimated 10–15% chance that whoever you are engaging with is a sub-clinical psychopath, and that statistic only rises the higher up the power ladder you go, because psychopaths typically crave power and stimulation, and are very effective and far from hesitant in seeking it out. Be careful, stay vigilant. The reason for logical bureaucracy is NOT epistemological, it is sociological—it rests on the foundations of humane compromise and mutual interpersonal respect. It is fundamental to the functioning of a healthy individual and a healthy society, and I sure as Hell don’t want to live in Oceania!


    Sauron the Deceiver began his quest for power-hungry domination by presenting gifts to Middle Earth.


    Leo has no clothes

  18. Why do you want those arguments? So you can argue with your friends about it?


    I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

    I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

    This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

    Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case, I can assure you...) - not trying to provoke. 

    Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult.

  19. I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

    I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

    This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

    Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case, I can assure you...) - not trying to provoke. 

    Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult.

  20. I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

    I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

    This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

    Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

    Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult!

  21. This is SPOT on as you'd expect from Peterson (Unlike every single video by Leo. :)).

    I recommend reading his book, 12 Rules For Life, and no other self help book.

    I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

    This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

    Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case). 


    Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult!

  22. That kind of life must be near impossible for those who have grown up in modern society. It didn't exactly force me to think about something important. Rather, it reminds me of how happiness is an individual thing, and that this thing is highly impacted by your childhood.  

    Some people value family, other people value having a soulmate; some people value planning every next step, other people value living an improvised, spontaneous life; some people devote their lives to history and politics, other few people even devote their lives to sheep. 

    For me, it's either harmony & rhythm or studing long-term development in human beings. I'm sure that happens to be so, because I was introduced to Michael Jackson when I was about 3 years old. The development part is probably owing to the radical changes I've been through.

    Anyways - My point is that James Rebank grew up to have his values set like this somehow, right - I haven't read the book though. 


    Thanks for sharing!