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Everything posted by LaucherJunge

  2. Is there anything like a complete perspective other then the God perspective?
  3. Right a good life purpose would be either helping the victims or prevention. But of course a punishment which is taken seriously might prevent it to a small degree as well.
  4. That's the thing though, the left is going waay too far culturally and getting everyone distracted in nonsense, while the right is at least involved in any economic concerns what so ever and keeping an eye on the important stuff. Right wingers don't really give a damn about these culture wars, this is all a left organized riot, while there are much bigger fish to fry.
  5. @Forestluv What exactly do single decisions like pepper spraying someone have to do with Trump first of all, that is on the specific units or persons conscience. You should be glad that there is someone not letting the riots get completely out of control and again these are literally riots not peaceful protest, repeat it over and over again that these are peaceful protests doesn't change the fact that there are people who don't give a crap about what some of these peaceful protesters might be saying. You are simply trying to build a picture that fits your narrative and I'm not really seeing your usual nuanced view of things.
  6. I don't think it's that simple, it's just one of many areas of life you can get conscious of. I don't think people who don't get into contact with women all their life but do a lot of consciousness work are well developed in that matter but you could also argue that political views about sexuality and sexuality itself are two completely separate areas as well.
  7. @Forestluv Who ever goes into violent protest being pregnant is to blame for being so stupid to be honest.
  8. Not true at all what you are saying, she was even further ahead then Biden supposedly is now almost everywhere.
  9. Do you really think that they don't have better info then wo do? 25 out of 27 is not sound?
  10. @Dryas This one is about popular vote only, also the other one would have 25 out of 27 as opposed to 16 out of 18 and this not only for the popular vote. Also note it's 91% probability, which is very very telling.
  11. Same as with Hillary. What does that tell us? Fake News.
  12. @Robi Steel Way too many great people have been echo chambered off this forum, that's really sad. You had some great posts on here, much love to you. Sometimes you just need to accept things as they are, but yeah the forum is kinda losing it's appeal especially with these strong new policies and everything controversial getting locked. But there are many dimensions to this forum, just because this one is very limited doesn't mean that it doesn't have its use.
  13. Do I have to do everything for you now? Start using your own head and expanding your perspective.
  14. That's the thing, I don't claim otherwise lmao. Just understand what I'm saying and have been repeating to you over and over again and you might finally get that I'm not claiming otherwise.
  15. Is it seriously so hard to understand that I'm talking about the system of how prostitution works in Germany??? Do I have to mention yet again like in every single of my posts in this thread that human trafficking is a huge problem all over the world? How do you get to the conclusion that I don't know about that? It's become kinda rare that people actually trigger me but you really managed it, good work mate, that's some growth for me at least.
  16. One of the smart ones I see. Read and think before you reply please. Human trafficking is happening all over the world still obviously, never claimed otherwise, yet prostitution and everything related is as I said relatively speaking more developed in Germany then other countries and if you don't know that you should start informing yourself before you leave such cringy comments. Seems like you speak of yourself in your last sentence.
  17. Yes, it needs to be regulated to ridiculous degrees, but some women are really not as innocent as you might think. Here in Germany it's relatively speaking more developed then in most other countries I think and I've looked around on the web and stuff and there really are just student girls simply nymphs who don't even need that money but still do it so that they can buy themselves some expensive shit. Or there is this sugar daddy and sugar mom shit, where they look for some rich people to basically fund their expensive lifestyle. But I don't think that should be illegal at all, just a little more regulation would be good with a free market on that stuff like we got here and as for the more regular street hooker type of deals, the regulation should be as you say almost ridiculous and human trafficking should be taken way more seriously. But I don't really see the big problem with the local prostitution here in Germany currently if you look at sex tourism that's a whole other level that would need much more attention.
  18. Prostitution should be legal, human trafficking should not. There is way too much human trafficking going on, this is the real issue about prostitution and porn. Guess what big figure in politics is fighting human trafficking vehemently. Go on defending your system.
  19. @Consept Right, go on picking up isolated examples that serve your ideology. If you wanna go down that rabbit hole then go all the way, it's going to get pretty complicated at some point because you can go down there infinitely. Cause and effect are infinite. Focus on the present and fix the present by the underlying present cause, not by a historic fossile that you dig up which is absolutely irrelevant to todays standards. Maybe you should become a professor teaching history and live out this ideology that way, but please keep out of important decisions that impact the present world. You are the one living in the past, there is no way to go back to a golden era, but there are ways to bring the best aspects of that era as a solution for the current problems and you don't even need to go down an infinite rabbit hole for that. Let me ask you a question, when you are looking back at the past going down that rabbit hole why do you stop looking back at the point black people were enslaved for example? Because it serves your ideology.
  20. @-Tim- Absolutely. @Consept See when you start bringing up history you are the one making a blame game out of it. In what way exactly is it going to help to demonize the cops who just do their work and protect themselves against the obviously more violent people, what got them there is irrelevant and fixing that should be YOUR and OUR priority, I see more willingness by the right to fix that currently then the left honestly the left is just good at demonizing and cancelling nowadays. Speaking about left I mean cancel culture extremist left of course.
  21. @Consept The thing you don't see stuck in a binary paradigm is that there is a very wide range of people on this camp. But you think someone being in this camp thinks he is 100% right and their thoughts are all the same. There are different individuals with different views here and many of them have very good points, nobody has the absolute truth and that will never be that case, don't know why you would think that. Why is being 100% sure a prerequisite to consider this side to be right in a relative sense when it's impossible in the first place to know something a 100%. Where is your criticism of the other camp that really does think they have all the answers by name calling and preventing others from even arguing with them, I really don't see much of that from your side to be honest, you seem to be more tolerant of leftist extremists opposed to center to center right people.
  22. I can explain it to you coming from that other camp. First of all just because you think someone is racist or sexist or what ever does not mean that he/she is. But this is exactly one of the biggest problems, you are not able to have discussions anymore if you have the better arguments you are either racist or sexist or homophobe or what ever is the new trend of shutting down people and this is very scary to me. There literally are stage yellow people being canceled and their whole lives destroyed because some people just make up their minds about them being one of the above terms without really discussing this nuanced matter. And this is where people start waking up, when nobody is able to speak their ideas and their arguments are getting shut down without discussion that reminds an awful lot of fascism. No shit tons of people are going to fight that. You may want to fight for the relative freedom of oppressed minorities but we fight for the overall freedom which once is taken away, the freedom these minorities gain is going to be worthless. And be careful not to fall for Leo's notion of absolutist freedom he talks about in the libertarianism video, nobody has that in mind apart from anarchists maybe. Then again, if you really look into things like Trump without prejudice and you see the lies of the media that wakes you up to a new degree really. Media is propaganda. Sometimes a good cause being pushed which undoubtedly most right wingers will admit it being a good cause, but sometimes it's simply part of a bigger picture and used for a bad cause, a cause of oppression and control. From my view at least this is not about letting go of this progression towards these green ideas completely, it is about doing it with an open mind, doing it so that everyone is able to present his arguments, doing so without character assassination and cancellation, doing so without extremism. Extremism never ever has shown to be a good thing, there is always a better way. What we are opposing is the extremism, not so much the people who are going about this in a sane way. Let me tell it to you like this, if the majority of people and the effect of these movements wouldn't be extreme, if it would just be kinda between center and center left, I would totally be on board with these movements, but I simply see too much extremism and people going completely insane literally, that way I see that people are simply not ready for this. And I know that most of these extremist people are not even aware of what they are doing, I totally understand them, I understand the heart of these movements, but I simply can't watch these people being manipulated this way, you all are being tricked by powers probably still more powerful then Trump is, although if Trump is elected again that's going to hopefully change.
  23. @-Tim- I definitely understand your outrage and felt the same way in the past already but it won't really help anyone in the end. It's definitely quite an issue on here, but as long as Leo's views are as they im afraid it's not going to change. As for the banning it's usually quite modest on here, although in that individual case it seems quite harsh, although I have not seen all his posts, I've followed quite a few of the threads he commented at and he didn't seem to me like he even remotely deserves a ban and definitely wasn't treated fair. This is quite an echo chamber of left ideology indeed, but what can you do other then trying to make the best out of it. People on here are still far more developed then most other if not all other forums, I guess this is what green looks like... Lets wait for some more yellow in the future. @Unwiring I feel like you might be taking things out of context here, his comment was not to propagate white supremacy but to show that exactly all the cultures have their problems. But this point is even more so about being careful about the clashing of different cultures, it's not as simple as open all borders and all issues are solves as some people seem to think. This goes for both sides. When you automatically assume him to be wrong you are making the same mistake you are accusing him of.