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About fanta

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  1. Yeah. when you learn about science in academia they always say it's about probabilities. But the way that it is used in society and understood by people in general is that scientific evidence is truth. Science if models of subjective phenomenology. I think that you can sort the different sciences into "tiers" of accuracy of the models. The more concepts you lay over each other, the more the data will be distorted. The more factors involved the harder it is to draw a conclusion. Classical physics for example will be easy to replicate because what you measure will often be constant. There are som outliers like quantum mechanics, but the mathematics and physics of sending a rocketship to the moon will mostly be the same. These sciences are mechanical. And it has only one layer. In medicine, you have "objective" parameters you measure in the body. On top of this you have the persons unique biology, enoviremental factors and genetics. This are two layers of distortion. In psychology you could have the persons genetics, enoviremental factors, culture etc. The more correlating factors, the more distortions. Regarding the replication crisis, I think that this is a big red flag. But when I discuss this with scientists it's just being brushed off like nothing. The way I see it is that a lot of science is actually relativism. And a lot of value disappears and insight disappears when you compress information. The reason to argue (but which is also low vibration), is that when you discuss something that isn't scientifically proven you just meet a wall of scientist or science fanatics saying "is it proven?", "could it be placebo?", "I don't believe that if its not based upon science" and it get brushed off like it is nothing. I think this is kind of sad...
  2. How to argue against science? I am a bit frustrated that scientists have so much authority in our society, when they are pretty clueless about what is going on. I think narcissism in academia is holding society back. Science could be so much better than what it is today. I saw Leos video on science, but at the same time I would like to be able to to argue against science with very concrete and specific examples that layman and scientists have a hard time arguing against. Does anybody have some arguments against science? These are some of my points: A lucid dream is as physical as reality. The phenomenological quality of the sensory modalities are the same, and are sometimes even better (for example brighter colors). A dream is just as physical as normal waking state. But the physical laws are not the same. It is for example possible to swim in space In a black hole, all of our models and scientific understanding breaks down. This shows that science have limits Science dosent work after we are dead. Again, limited Science is based upon fundamental assumptions that haven´t been tested empirically. For example cause and effect. If there is a cause and an effect, there must be a cause for our universe and that cause needs to have a cause which will regress into infinity. Language is based on the fundamental assumption that there is a sender and a receiver. Logic and rationale are human qualities which is placed upon reality. Reality isn’t logical nor rational. All science is based upon logic.
  3. Talked to my doctor today. She has previously specialized in drug abuse. She told me that she was skeptical that I could have hurt my serotonin system over this one incident. She said that the body could handle a lot of drugs, but there could be some serotonergic disturbance for a little time. I am starting to feel a lot better also. Lesson of the story, always test the drugs you are taking.
  4. I have heard that some people who have taken SSRI´s are not able to trip on psychedelics. Is that true?
  5. Bought them on a dark net market. Reviews looked good..
  6. I dont know. But it is the shittiest feeling that some other person is responsible for causing me harm over profit. But at the same time, it was stupid of me not testing blotters. Have never had any problem with psychedelics before. Have done psychedelics for over 10 years.
  7. But you are sure it is not possible that it destroys serotonin receptors? Isn't it neurotoxic? But if serotonin receptors are destroyed, will they come back?
  8. I had them under my tongue. I have read a lot of 25i-NBOMe trip reports, and what I experienced was very similar. I have taken LSD hundreds of times. I am 100% certain this was not LSD. What I have read online is that since it is a very strong agonist (95%), it could destroy serotonin receptor sites. Could these receptors rebuild if I stay away from drugs?
  9. Long story short. Though I took some LSD. It was bitter, but tought it was the blotter ink. I felt pretty fast that this wasn't LSD. On the comedown it felt like somebody had put gasoline and other dissolving chemicals into my brain. It felt like mye nervous system was getting fried. It was a terrible feeling. Could I have done permanent damage to myself? Could it be that my sensory nerves are getting less sensitive?
  10. So I had this terrible headache from a meditation session about 8 years ago (you could read about it in my older posts). I have been doing a lot of stuff to get better. Holotropic and LSD therapy have helped me a lot. When I have used those methods, I have started shaking a lot in my pelvis. I though the problem with the headache was that the energy was stuck in the head, but the case has been that my lower energy centers have shut down. I think I might have disassociated from my genitals and lower chakras, so the energy have no place to go resulting in headache. I was wondering if somebody knew any techniques I could use to open up the lower chakras so the energy could flow through the body easier? I am open for everything
  11. Before I write, I just want to preface that I am sorry if I am not allowed to ask for help for a school paper. I am studying in university to become a psychologist and we are about to write a paper in social psychology class. I have always been into spirituality and I have been really interested in spiral dynamics since I first was introduced to the concept from Leo. The paper will be termed "Why do we get cultural clash from multiculturalism?" The main theory will be spiral dynamics where I will talk about it´s background, empirical method and theory, and tie it to under-categories of social thinking, social influence, social relations and group processes. What I think is really relevant for the paper is to explain what purpose the different levels of development serves for our species. Why do we go through the different levels? Why is it adaptive for human as a species and in an evolutionary standpoint? What is it´s function? Is there any source about this that would work in a empirical written paper? I would appreciate relevant topics I could discuss in the paper that is tied to social psychology.
  12. It kind of feels like the problem is in my eyes. The first time I experienced the pressure I felt a pressure in my eyes. It was like the lens in my eyes fell out of order or something. It is hard to describe. Does anyone know about this issue?
  13. The pressure is there 24/7. I have been to a doctor and taken several tests, but apparently there is nothing wrong with me. When I stop meditating for some weeks the pressure slowly disappears so I am pretty sure it is linked to meditaton. I know that you get used to the way meditation affects your life. To me it is just that meditation stopped working like it used to one year ago. I struggle to sit 20-25 minutes a day. Before, I could sit for over an hour a day easily. Before I had no trouble doing school work. Today I barely do what is obligatory. It feels like I am walking backwards.
  14. What kind of psychological reasons could it be? I am trying to accept it and I have gone 2-3 months thinking positively about it, but it still is/was there. I know that life have its ups and downs but with the pressure comes a kind of thought spin. It is like I cant observe my thoughts. It wasnt that I was happy all the time before, just that I could observe my negative and positive emotions. I did not fight the reality before, but now I am.
  15. I know that it changes and I am watching it. But it has never stopped once the past year..