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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @ajasatya nailed it, as usual. Only thing I would add is man, Barry, you are right on in my experience. The break up is painful, but the resolve is connection with your higher self. The happiness you were experiencing from her or him doesn't hold a candle to the connection with source one can get from consistent daily meditation. You are wise. You're bringing to yourself more unconditional love and it will only assist you in bringing a more satisfying significant other into your experience.
  2. Yes. Codependency looks lovely, but usually turns into blame.
  3. @jse I have had a very different experience. I looked up companies that were making the parts for tablets and cell phones. I chose 11 companies. I've average 17% return for years. Zero maintained even. And just a thought for you, add insurance. Get your P&C and L&H licenses, get an agreement from an independent insurance agent, or start your own. With your 500 clients, a 50% close rate which is conservative since you're just multilining existing clients, in a year you should be able to write 500 auto, 250 fire, and 200 life policies. (Average household 2 cars, 1 fire, 1 or 2 life). This would give you a residual / reoccurring revenue of about 150,000. And then you have referral opportunities from many product angles. Reinvest that capitol into rental houses / apartments. In a few years you won't have to work anymore.
  4. @quantum for sure! That's a big piece of it. It seems like most people have actually fooled themselves. Like, they believe in a bunch of things. They really believe. So weird.
  5. A lot of people are swept up in their long work week and poor eating habits. When they hear about healthy eating, being fit, meditation, etc, they feel bad about what they aren't doing for themselves. They make things into mountains instead of accepting where they are and moving forward one small change at a time. But it seems like eventually, a lot of people do begin to change. Why are breakthroughs so rare and why does it take so long for people to wake up? What is the best way to "wake someone up"?
  6. Imagine how competitive the world would be if everyone was as smart as you. Imagine how much harder you would have to work for anything. Also, without my own ignorance, I would not have the experience of realizations and epiphanies, etc. Ever enjoy a magic trick? Ignorance is a blessing in many ways.
  7. @ajasatya Thank you for your comment. You are very wise and your comment was very effective. What a gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  8. I had a breakthrough due to using it. When I was first introduced to it, I would say I put it slightly in the 'positive thinking" category. After using it for a while, it became clear it was in the science category. The thing is what it is. The only variable was my understanding it and letting go of the thinking that I already knew something about reality. More specifically, I was freed by it, so then I started learning like a sponge, biology, neurology, physics, quantum physics, philosophy, music, etc. Once I understood that knowledge collapses the wave, I learned. I was born a C student, and then reborn autodidactic. The more I learned, the more things were more easily understandable. It's like how when you 16 you want a car so bad, and when you get it, you're stoked and you experience a new sense of freedom. Then when you get your 5th vehicle, it's no big deal. Everything is like that. If there's something you want, be it an experience, or a purchase, anything....if you spend time learning about it and using your vision to perceive it positiviely to you, eventually it will not seem like such a big deal, and then you will have it. From about age 21-30 I learned and read all the major religions, because I was misinformed. The oneness I live now is based in rituals (daily excercise & meditation, healthy vegetarian eating, speaking with purpose, finding my higher thoughts, etc). I was indoctrinated by society to think there was a God who favored countrys,races, religions, etc, and was judging all of us. After learning religions, I saw that there were things that could'nt resolve amongst them. I also saw the dominominators they all shared. From age 30-35 I was learning quantum physics exclusively. After learning a lot about religion, it all made sense to me. So, I knew if I learned about reality (quantum mechanics) for a few years, that reality would make a lot more sense to me. So no instinct. All applied theory, but not really theory, just learning, being a student of reality. The "cake"- It can not be shared. This is hard to explain because I'm trying to share the thing that can't be shared, here's a decent attempt - I spent a few years learning psychology and quantum mechanics. Then I understood how I am the bridge between the everything in superposition that is not yet something, and the physical expression/sensation of a thought in my mind, and then the manifestation of that thought into something physical, be it through efforting or inspired action. Then it becomes more like the purchase of your 5th car, vs your 1st. It's not a big deal. Nowadays, I'll sit and vision how something is going to go before I started doing it. Always, everyday, always. It has been years now that I am living in inspired, visioned action. I have not efforted anything in a very long time. I run 5 miles and workout every morning, I do 100 mile bike rides sometimes, I look for opportunities to uplift people, always. Just not with effort. With inspired action. So what about the recipe? We are all the recipe. It is very hard to give someone the cake or recipe because the farther I am down my path, the more unrealistic, ridiculous and silly what I have to offer is - to someone who is just beginning. So to really help someone else, I have to meet them where they are, which means I have to temporarily leave where I am. I can go back and forth easily now, but for a long time I couldn't. For a long time I went between seeming silly to someone else and or them bringing me down. It became very common for everyone I know to say to me things like you're just lucky, or we can't all be like you, etc. But whenever I would explain what I was doing, they would laugh and say that I'm so lucky, that I think I'm the cause of it. -Just a point of reference - I was born with nothing, in terms of money or opportunities. Summed methodology: That really is the big question. I am happy to answer, but it's that recipe barrier again. I'm going to use an extreme explanation to try to draw out the point as clearly as I can. The point in this reality is the experience. There is a failsafe, or safe guard to the process of experience. It is the one thing that one can not give to another. You can give someone kindness, love, affection, support, encouragement, etc, but you can't give them your experience. You can not collapse the wave for them. It's their wave in the same way it is your wave. One wave, 7 billion observers, so 7 billion collapses happening simultaneously to that one wave, which is everything all at once, and what we refer to as reality. The filter of the everything is the observer. The experiences of the observer are what collapse something specific from the everything. This is the literal explanation of the process of law of attraction. But, The Law of Attraction is just words. It is what it is regardless of what words we use to describe it. The key point is that the wave is collapsing in perfect continuum with one's experiences. So the name of the game is to choose your experiences. Here's the extreme example - person a doesn't excercise or meditate or eat healthy or do any of that "shit". The wave responds in kind, or in like fashion. So they get more of that in their next experience. Someone else does excercise, eat healthy & meditate every morning. This person feels great. So their wave collapse in kind. Their wave becomes experiences that feel great. So the way to get what you want, is to feel the way it will feel when you have it. To the person who does not do the rituals that make them feel great, this all sounds like new age bs, or cultish, or like I'm a fool who is giving money to the law of attraction people, because that is the wave they are collapsing. To me, it is accurate truth of the time space we are experiencing. So it's not something I'm doing, or thinking. It's something I learned, that once learned, seems simple and ordinary. But the experience of it, is extraordinary. And a note on Cat Stevens...he was an arbitrary pick. Any one thing is the One thing. So every writer, every poet, every musician IS the One thing and is addressing the One thing. Every love song is written by the One thing and is about the One thing. Cat was an easy reference because he transcended music and stardom when he realized this. Any reference is the same. Pantera and Rage Against the machine come to mind. Before understanding the nature of reality, they sound pretty pissed and ego driven. After learning the nature of reality, it becomes apparent they are singing about equality, a facet or depiction of the One thing. Another reference that I think is worth listening to is a song called Time to Pretend, by MGMT. I'll leave off here, and let you discover why I reference that song. Godspeed.
  9. The opposite of addiction is connection. Meditate early every morning. Get that connection with the universe going. No more allowing negative thoughts Lynnel. From here on out a thought that feels less than great is easily noticed by you and you simply replace it with a higher perspective thought. Hypothetical Example: (Current thought) I wanna eat that king size snickers but I know I shouldn't (A worse thought) If I eat it my teeth will eventually rot and I'm probably going to have diabetes in ten years so I really can't eat it. (A higher thought) You know what self, I'm gonna listen to that inner me. That conscience that's been there in me since day one. That Universe that is just so lovingly waiting within me just in case Lynnel decides to start listening to the inner higher self. Shit, I wanna eat something healthy. Something with life in it. Something that will be a step towards redefining what I mean from here on out when I say "me". I freakin love that me. I'm aligning with that me. That me is going places! That's the me in the multiverse that I'm stepping into, one step, one decision at a time. That me is a blissful pure positive eternal energy that is infinite and can not be reduced with physics or man's measurements. I'm talkin about me. ME. The me that is super position, that is everything and therefore knows everything and yet so lovingly, with pure compassion, allows me my free will to next thought. That's me now. Sugar is nothing. I, am the universe. Take notice of people in your life. Listen from now on. Rarely talk. Do things from unconditional love. Expect nothing from anyone. You will get everything you need from the connection with the universe. People in your life will be the icing on the cake. Don't believe me? Try it. Everyday. Forever. The opposite of addiction is connection! Also, Gabrielle was right across the board. Godspeed!
  10. You're 22! Live it up! Rock that carbonated sugar love! Just don't be hard on yourself or beat up on yourself if your inner higher self, soon, starts sayin "David, honey, we gotta talk. Eat something with some nutrients. We can't keep this up forever. Even the Fonz did the shark thing." Just be cool. Don't say you have depression. Don't get on Paxil or whatever. Just start eating better, mediate and excercise. Just keep it 100 if that day ever comes. And if it doesn't, then you are a master of your internal dialogue and of your beliefs. Congrats! In which case, you would no longer have use for this website. Godspeed my brother. In the meantime, grab 3 boxes of thin mints and a 2 liter of coke and play COD till 5am. You're only young once. In Japan, the answer to depression is not medication. It is nutrition. And in the international race to be the fattest, highest health insurance premium payin, pig eatin, bacon suckin best - we are crushing Japan. They have a measly 3% obesity in their population. The U.S. is dominating the world in obesity like a never ending parade of those fat twins on the tiny motorcycles - at 60% obesity.
  11. Richard, my good man, allow this to be simple. I've been vegan for many years and it's easy and I get a physical every year. No issues ever. I run 5-10 miles every morning and workout 4 days a week. I feel like I'm half my age both body and mind. Here's the simple path - get yourself some Raw Meal vegan Protein mix With Greens off Amazon. Blender that sweet healthy powder of love with ice, peanut butter and a banana. Drink 3 or 4 a day. Simple. Done. Now, once you have that down and can let go of any thoughts about not getting enough this or that - add in berries if you like, veggies, etc. Whatever. That Raw Meal mix has everything you need.
  12. Know why when you observe the grand unified field electrons collapse from waves into particles? Know why when 10 people witness a crime or an accident, they have 10 different versions of what happened? Know why you remember your first kiss very differently than you experienced it at the time? Because this whole thing is your consciousness. The whole universe is you PetarKa. All of it and not a particle less. (Pun intended). Food is no exception. Why can someone eat red meat on the daily, smoke cigars, bang anything with two ears and still live to be 90 while someone else can maintain a healthy lifestyle and croak midlife? Look around you right now. See all that. It's consciousness. It's thought, within thought, within thought- carried on for infinity. No end. It is your thoughts about food that matter. Your beliefs matter. Your connection and alignment to your universe within matter. But, and here's the have to listen to it. If it says "PetarKa, bro, get us up at 4am and excercise and meditate", then you have to listen. If your inner self says "Petarka, my good man, don't eat that cheese burger. You know you'll be feelin slow tomorrow and for you bro, feelin slow just doesn't cut it anymore". You got to listen. You want more. You asked for more. The universe is always listening. It is always guiding you. It ALWAYS gives you what you are asking for. You just have to allow it in to your life. You got's ta listen to it! You think it's bad to slit a cow's neck, chop it up into pieces, roast it and chow it down? Then don't. Does it feel good to you to make a vegan protein shake and a salad and much out on strawberries? The rock it. But don't forget that there is no objective reality. We are each our reality. Your food questions are answered by the beliefs you hold in the food category. Let them go. Align. What unfolds over time will blow your mind. Keep rockin Petarka!
  13. One would not look for these answers unless you were in the perspective of a proposed question. In other words, you hold thoughts that you don't drink enough water, that there is too much electricity in your home and that perhaps the quality of your sleep in less that desirable. This is where you should look. Not for answers, but at why these 'questions' have arisen in you. The human brain and body is the best the universe has done. This is not small! You are the best the universe has done Wouter. The unfathomable infinite universe. The all knowing ever expanding universe bro! YOU are it's best! If you are thirsty, drink. Ignore the beverage companies when they make their advertisements look like articles written by nutritionists. They are not. They are ads. Kenyan's run 20 miles and thirst doesn't even cross their mind. Ignore the advertisements for products to reduce electrical activity in your home. There are humans on earth right now living perfectly happily - who have been hit multiple times by lightening!! And sleep!? You don't need sleep per say - you simply need temporary unconsciousness to let go of the momentum of your thoughts. Your body does not need sleep. Your brain does not need sleep. It is your mind that needs the sleep. So instead, realize this, meditate on it, and begin the path of letting go of your thoughts. Just let them go. Everyday, all day, just let go of your thoughts and soon, you will see, your sleep and electricity and hydration were never an issue. It was always your resistance to letting go of thoughts that don't benefit you.
  14. Hi hundreth! Somewhere back in your upbringing someone did you wrong. They led you to believe your emotions are the experience resulting between you and another person. Lay the following patchwork on yourself and all will be fine - You. Are. The. Universe. We all accept this fact to different degrees, and this is what enlightenment is all about. I don't know where you're at on accepting that fact, but I do know this - your emotions are the dissonance between how you (the brain/past experiences you) see something, and how the source of all things / the universe within you - see's something. Emotion is an experience. You could not even feel negative emotion if the source within you wasn't seeing things positively. Again, emotion is the experience of these two perspectives. Your emotion is you giudance system. It has always been there, letting you know what your higher self/source energy/God/ the universe thinks. If you want true enlightenment - the kind where you have such clarity that events in your life such as these are carefree, then you must allow and listen to that source energy within you. If you want to eat a large pizza and a bucket of wings at midnight, instead, listen to the source within that is telling you "bro, this is a very bad idea". If your higher self has been telling you to get up at 4am and meditate and excercise, then listen to it and do it. The more you listen, the stronger your positive emotion becomes, and after days, weeks, etc - momentum builds. Alignment happens. Feeling amazing becomes your default. I'm talking about aligning with the all knowing super position grand unified field of everywhere and everything. This alignment could take you a week or a month or a life time or never. It is only up to you and to what degree you listen to it. But, do listen to it my friend. It will bring you such clarity, so much beauty in the ordinary, so much inspiration, so much ease - that others will say to you - "Hundy, how are you doing all that you do, and it doesn't even look like you are breaking a sweat?!" And you will know, alignment is the answer, and you will know that you are the universe. And then, of course, you will tell others, when you see them working so hard, that alignment with the universe is the key. And they will laugh at you like you are pitching Scientology. But you won't care because you will love them unconditionally. You will love everything unconditionally, because, once again for the cheap seats, bruh - You. Are. The . Universe.
  15. Hi Pauline! I would like to take a swing at this one.:) There is a faulty premise in you statement - "Since it's becoming a bigger part of my life that I can't share with them". Let that go sister. Enlightenment is MORE you. It is less of the personality you and more of the you that is aware it is everything. An enlightened you holds the perspective of love when others sense lack. An enlightened you holds the perspective of abundance when others sense shortage. See that you are your family and they are you. See that everything is one. You don't need to explain a single thing to anyone, ever. Continue to pursue your enlightenment. It is the only worthwhile endeavor. As you progress, your family will like what they see, like what they hear. You will love them more and more as time passes. Just keep on your path. If ever you feel less that great, you have found yourself yet another wonderful opportunity to allow yourself to see as the universe sees, because you are the universe, and the universe IS love. Dissonance - or any bad feeling, is the result of you holding a perspective on something - while your inner self (the universe) is holding a pure positive perspective of bliss. See it the universe's way. This is what is meant by "letting go". You are letting go of your "me" or "seperate" perspective, and simply allowing yourself to see as the universe within you is seeing. Also, this may help when it comes to your perspective on your family - there is no "lower level of consciousness". Does a deer have a lower level of consciousness? Of course not. The deer IS consciousness. The deer does not have a cerebral cortex to add it's opinion to it's perspective. It simply is the universe. It just is. Rock on Pauline!
  16. "I love Lamp...?" - Ron Burgundy. Now that we got that out of the way - You are asking about unconscious release, which could only be sleeping or death. Perhaps you meant subconscious? Not sure. However, conscious release is all the rage these days...give this a try, it of course won't work for every one, but it works very For you. If you know what is going on in your life that your undesirable emotions are coming from, then focus on that - if you don't know, then just focus on the unwanted emotion itself. Now close you eyes and imagine making an extremely dense metal ball with your hands, about chest high. Take all that undesired emotion and pack it into that metal ball. Just keep packing it and making it more and more dense. Feel it with you hands. Feel how unbelievably heavy it is. Smell the metal and bad emotion. Feel the weight of it growing as your arms are flexing just to hold it. Now, place the ball on a track in front of you and push it with all your might. Really PUSH it! Put your back into it! Now hear it as it rolls away from you on the track......20 feet away...VERY LOUD...100 feet away...getting quieter.....miles away....can't even hear that noise anymore. This is one of those silly things that works because you think it works. Since everything is just consciousness, it works none the less, very effectively. It works because of the emotional / physical relationship principle of as above, so below. It is like how if you smile for a couple minutes, you begin to feel happy, and of course, when you are happy, you smile. Emotions and your physical body have this relationship. Ease and disease is another notable example. Hope this is helpful Lamp.
  17. Everybody know how it feels to talk to people like that. Nobody wants to feel that way. Take the time spent saying those things on sites like this, and spent it meditating. Just experience it for yourself, then you will know. Then you will say things from a connected perspective, and trust me, you will feel much better.
  18. Elzhi, You could be happier and feel better. That's really the overall point here. Give meditation a try. Stick with it. There is something in you that lead you to Leo's site and motivated you to make comments. Be honest with yourself about that. It's ok man. Only in hindsight will you see who you were when you wrote such things, and you will be pleased to know the difference that has occurred within yourself.