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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Words cast spells, that's why they call it spelling The English language for example, is very distorted from the more ancient languages and true tongues, if you will and a lot of is is black magic. Symbolism is even more powerful than words and modern languages but yes words definitely have shaped our reality and played quite a part in the collective consciousness we experience now. Then there's somethings like Awesome and Awful, these are basically backwards. Why not Full of Awe? and why is Awful a bad thing? You can go for days about how silly modern languages have become and make no logical sense but then there's occult agendas behind them so i guess it reveals itself eventually. Choose your words wisely.
  2. Its really simple, direct all energy inward rather than outward
  3. You are forgetting you are the ultimate psychedelic. You are creating all of this, without you the substance does not work and is illusory in itself. You are creating the illusion of substance to do something extraordinary with yourself that is aligned with your belief systems to make it appear as if you are experiencing the ultimate level because of the substance, but little do you know...
  4. It is common sense to apply critical thought but is it not quantum physics we are discussing. A simple fasting book as a guide is sufficient. I am a simple being, i live by simple laws of nature and everything flows because nature is my teacher not man. Complications are what causes all the weakness and unintelligence in modern human which lead to disasters. The body is not going to fail you, fasting is a big part of our evolution, its in our DNA, the overstimulated and undisciplined mind is what fails you. I understand what you are saying as well, not to confuse, but sometimes people also need the deep end instead of nibbles and teasing. Both have merit.
  5. More food will not solve body/brain issues. Less food and fasting will. Supplements can help while you are transitioning but eventually you will no longer need those either. Your body needs to fast to heal. Fasting is the purest and truest way to heal body/brain back to optimal levels. Fasting allows us to go deepest layers of our body and remove all those toxins, heavy metals, parasites, biofilms and the other stuff that prevents us from function at optimal levels. If you keep adding food, regardless of how healthy it is, you will never get to those deeper issues because the body will always be busy dealing with the food that is presented every day. Buy a good water fasting book and do it for 1 - 2 weeks, it will change your life. If water fasting is too much try fruit detox for 1 month then see how you feel. Fruit is the only food that can mimic fasting to some degree and aid in detoxification process of the body. Some people do intermittent fasting or OMAD(One meal a day) which works for many but if you are still having body/brain issues then its because you have toxins that are too deep to detox with food in our system. We need to allow the body to use its natural intelligence and do what it does best. Herbal Tea fasting is another option you can try
  6. Our thoughts do not matter. Your feelings matter.
  7. A little gem from 1993
  8. Don't go there, Stay here. Don't chase/seek, that is mind/illusion. Tomorrow never comes. Now is all there is. You are everywhere and everywhen. There is only Here and Now. Be Here, Be Now. Be Empty so you can Be Full. The Usefulness of the Cup is its Emptiness. To attain Knowledge, 'add' things everyday. To attain Wisdom, 'remove' things everyday. To be fully involved in life and all life's blessings is to be fully detached simultaneously. When you grasp this, you will see the truth and you will find I that resides beyond identity and form, the rawness, the nakedness, that's awaiting your arrival and celebration. Step into your infinite, my hand is there, in simplicity, in patience, in compassion, waiting for the dance of the eternal lover to take rise, for only when the truth within is fully realized, i am there to celebrate your arrival and return home in eternal love.
  9. A stick or a rock can be your mentor and teach you more than 10000 words of a master sage. You are not seeing the greater picture in which i speak and foresee. Nevertheless, your words hold merit from your standpoint but in an enlightened reality these concepts will naturally and simply dissolve into the either.
  10. Gurus will die out, as the collective consciousness fully awakens, truth will be known and lived directly for it becomes pointless to talk about it if everyone already knows. There is an old saying: Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know - Lao Tzu The Guru is only of use when we are in darkness, when we are embodied within light/truth/love there is no need of guru. In reality, you are your best guru, you and nature are the ultimate teacher.
  11. ME is an illusion. Find I The first thought you had coming into this world, remember it. That is who you are.
  12. There is only the one Self, unchanging, unmoving, uncreated, imperishable, timeless. It is ever-perfect and complete. It is without parts. It neither contemplates, reflects, aspires, renews nor upholds itself. It is not resting. It is not a state, nor is it in-between states. It is not the gap between thoughts. It is not a space between things. It does not hide, nor can it be hidden. It cannot be seen. It cannot be touched. There is nothing that can reach it or become it. Self-knowing, yet without knowledge. Self-realised, yet without mind. Beyond sin and beyond righteousness. Being beyond being and non-being. Unfathomable, unconquerable, ungraspable. Who but itself can know this? - Mooji
  13. Your missing the point, learn to see with the inner-eye not the outer ones.
  14. Knock knock! Who's there? Seeking! Seeking Who? Seeking Enlightenment.
  15. Don't focus on the distractions, they will be faded memories like all the other ones soon enough.
  16. When one fully activates DNA/Lightbody he/she no longer requires physical nourishment as source of energy and has evolved from animal to human consciousness. Whoever is still depending on physical nourishment is still shifting between, higher animal/lower human consciousness. Food is our greatest addiction, ultimately.
  17. You couldn't be further from the truth. You are using 3rd dimensional thinking to try to understand multi-dimensional nature. You are seeing 'physical reality' as the 'true nature' when physical reality is an illusion in itself. These people are far more tuned into the 'true nature' of reality thus why they can thrive without food and some even water, they have mastered the illusion(physicality - The Matrix ect..) to such a high degree they can thrive with much less. I have been living off 2 - 3 mangoes a day for last few weeks and i feel amazing and more alive than when i consume more physical things as a source of energy/nourishment. I have many days and situations where i have had no food or water available and i ground my feet on the earth and sun bath or meditate for 10 minutes and am recharged. You must activate the eye that sees, the eye that knows. The inner-awareness of who you are that "projects" this physical reality you 'think' is the only real and true nature. You are using the wrong eyes, the physical eyes and brain are simply a guidance system to navigate through physicality, they cannot see/think outside themselves so they cannot know they are in an illusion, they do not realize they are a dream and you are dreaming them. You think you are the mind and brain so you are using and embodying a very limited level of consciousness/awareness to navigate as you have accepted that level as being the true level and true nature. You are inside the box looking withing its walls while someone who is using the inner-awareness that is beyond mind/brain to 'see' reality is on a spaceship seeing your whole planet spin. Does the Ant know its crawling through a barn? I suggest to Fast, Detox, De-calficy and Activate to Awaken from sleep, from the illusion. Become Lucid and Dream Awake.
  18. Anyone can tap into the infinite, how one utilizes that energy however, is an entirely different story. The mind needs to be disciplined and still, the body grounded and rooted in the heart of creation.
  19. Depends on many things, where one lives, how high their spiritual development is and how well they understand the human body and laws of nature and also how rich the raw honey is in bee pollen for the most part. Labeled as “The World’s Only Perfect Food”, Bee Pollen contains all the essential nutrients to sustain life. Bee Pollen is very rich in B vitamins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and B 12 and contains Vitamin C, A and E. Bee Pollen contains up to 35% complete protein, as well as 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts, trace elements and several enzymes. Bee Pollen is a great source of minerals, including Magnesium, Calcium and Manganese. Bee Pollen in its raw state should be maintained “fresh frozen” until it is ready for consumption. Raw Local Honey should naturally be rich in bee pollen but at the end of the day, the more efficient and superconductive your body becomes to universal energy, the less physical nourishment you need to sustain life for you can learn to transmute matter into energy in new ways as you evolve. There are Yogi Masters out there who live off mineral rich spring water, mountain herbs and berries and live exceptionally long lives. The more in-tune you are with source energy, the less 'physical nourishment' you need. Living in the city is a completely different story because of all the UN-natural frequencies which are energetically and physically exhausting to the natural flow of creation so there is more need for food, sleep, rest, repair ect...