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Everything posted by pluto

  1. Sleep when tired, wake when restored Ditch alarms, listen to the body.
  2. well.. this pretty much explains a lot From my personal experience I've never felt better, sharper, smarter, calmer and more energy, no more joint or bone or bodily pains after consuming mostly Plant-based. The Key is more whole foods and less processed junk. Dr Andreas Mortiz had some good videos on this subject as well. Pair with exercise, sunlight, hydration, fresh air and rest = Thrive!
  3. Notice when you are very drunk or sick and your body always ends up and aims for the floor? Its nature calls, Grounding ourselves is very important. Every time i sleep on the floor or something close to the floor like low traditional Japanese style bedding ect.. i restore very well and have more vivid/vibrant dreams. Here's a good video explains somethings about this.
  4. Its funny we live in a world where we need to take a substance or to take unique sometimes extreme life path/choices to get us back to our original state, to the child state, the infinite state. I've always said: The keys of the universe reside inside the childs mind. Notice how the child can watch the same thing over and over every day yet in pure amazement every time? Now what happens when you take Psychedelics or Meditate daily? see the connection?
  5. God is a word we use to fit infinity inside our brains
  6. The *Dirty Dozen* is what you need to buy Organic. (Usually the Favourites that people like are mostly GMO/Highly sprayed with pesticides/herbicides. The Clean 15 don't have to be organic.
  7. I thought this was pretty cool
  8. Get into a meditative state before sleep and command your body to lucid dream, keep focus for about 5 minutes purely on that. It also helps to wake up early morning hours and then tell yourself you will lucid dream then go back to sleep soon after. When you truly believe you are going to, you will. Meditation helps dissolve doubt.
  9. There is no truth, there is only perception.
  10. Its because humans have lost their way, their connection to the eternal self, to the earth, to the oneness. If we can reach a level of awareness to manipulate ourselves into blindness, that alone paints a powerful picture.
  11. Calculate your daily calorie intake and consume 250 - 500+ more calories than you usually would consume in a day. (This is key) For example your BMR if i am correct is around 1450, now to gain weight you will need to consume at least 1700 calories a day. Do your resistance exercises nice and slow, the squeeze technique is good. Focus more on getting your Amino Acids and less on getting enough Protein. This can help Workout about 5x a week, the more your body is pumped(if you will) the more what you consume goes to the muscles. Leave some days for rest. Positive Mindset
  12. It is most wise to follow your own body. As long as you are consuming whole and unprocessed food you should be fine
  13. One meal a day is a healthy lifestyle choice but Its probably not wise to consume the same things every day. You should try introduce different foods and be more creative so you get a more well rounded nutrient vitamin/mineral complex ratio so the body can function more optimally. This guy has some good information on one meal a day.
  14. This is one of the most challenging and destructive paths one can endure as i have been going through something similar for a very long time but if you master the self, everything else falls into place. Trust in life, trust in self. My love for her was unconditional, it awoken me beyond the stars, but for her on earth she still remained, and left me with infinite scars. The real challenge was letting go as it was the only way i could truly grow, Surrender I to all that is, and become one with eternal flow. Namaste
  15. Everything is 0 so everything else you do is a bonus. We are here to experience, when its all over the only important thing that will matter is if you lived as wholly and fully as you possibly could. Go with the flow, live through the heart and don't worry
  16. There is no such thing as the best Everything you do is already in a masterful play of creation itself. All is equal, all is one.
  17. Very nice report, reminded me a lot of my experiences although never tried 5-MeO only N,N. Its amazing like when Lucy becomes 100% ^^ There's no better feeling than complete understanding even just for 1 nanosecond is enough to fill your whole life with endless library of memories and moments of you as you created everything with nothing to begin with. Life is all about you and not at all about you
  18. There is no quicker path to Enlightenment, Enlightenment is the path. Divine flow is ever-playing.
  19. You simply cannot imagine non-existence, now what does that tell you?
  20. DMT finds you I think PsychedSubstance spoke well and fairly and i agree with him. Have a high enough dose of N,N-DMT and you'll eventually end up in the same place. There are thousands of trip-reports, articles and docs all over the web and especially on The DMT-Nexus that can provide full in-depth and well detailed examples from most experienced Psychonauts. but then again i think that ultimately you only experience what you are ready for
  21. As long as you are fully aware and in control of what you feed your subconscious you should be fine. Although i would look into (Flicker-Free and Low Blue-light Technology) Everything in moderation.
  22. Focus and Live the path of least Resistance and do what brings you most joy and happiness. Get Moving, Get Active, Become Alive, Connect with Nature and Be Free! You will get obstacles in your path but if you think of them as tests sent by the universe you won't react to them as dramatically and instead will overcome them with ease Also try do something new and different every day, getting out of your comfort zone one step at a time will lead to all sort of self realizations and activations(if you will). Comfort zone can be a wonderful place but nothing grows there. Hope this helps, Peace
  23. Haha yeah, out of the whole 5-MeO video that's the part that struck me the most as i came to the same realization after coming out of a DMT experience myself and vaporizing some Cannabis soon afterwards to reflect and help process the experience more efficiently.