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Everything posted by Natasha

  1. @Holdup An interesting study on attractiveness levels in a couple
  2. @DizIzMikey Chlorella is awesome for heavy metal detox. I take 1 table spoon of chlorella powder in my morning green smoothies daily. 2-3 drops of Oil of Oregano in a 8-10 oz drink daily for a few days will get rid of parasites. Also, probiotics are supposed to help eliminate parasites.
  3. @Vinsanity From Leo's video library
  4. It's not shallow to keep your standards high. Build yourself up first, then you can attract same kind. Gyms, yoga classes, health-food stores, fresh farmers markets are all good places to meet someone who takes care of her body and mind. Once you meet a girl you like, you can introduce her to self-actualization, meditation practices, let her listen to Leo's vids, etc. If she responses positively, that's a very good sign. Using online dating to find this gem of a girl is a waste of time, unless it's a Conscious Singles type of site. Don't settle.
  5. Just wanted to share this beautiful piece. Hugs
  6. That's impressive! Thank you for having typed it up.
  7. This is a very good discussion, thanks for sharing.
  8. I agree, hours of meditation are not necessary to see the truth/ reality as it is. It's a sudden realization, a shift in perspective. It's when the subjective is no more. Pointing out to this ego-less paradigm is what I find invaluable in Leo's teaching. And before him in Tolle's teachings. So you could say it's a process, a path. And it stops when you become/ embody what you've been seeking.
  9. I love Clarity Life Coaching Other suggestions: Freedom Life Coaching Here and Now Life Coaching Empower Life Coaching
  10. @SmartFixer_OceanJjb ((Hugs)) This week's Leo's video is really dense, I have to watch it again to get everything he's trying to deliver. 'Deficiency' paradigm vs 'Being' paradigm. Problems arise when we adopt deficiency mindset. Do a self-inquiry and ask yourself what do I need to be happy and whole? If you're completely honest with yourself, the answer would be - nothing. Just being is all we need and all we are, period. Everything is just being, is it not? Look around, everything.. even our thoughts. As Leo said, we are no different from everything around us, made up of the same substance. It's just is and it's all one free flowing energy, no separation. Everything and nothing. It's so simple and right in front of our nose, we tend to miss it. This is truth, this is enlightenment.
  11. "Why is there so much mystery around the truth? When someone is sleeping and you ask them, 'Are you sleeping?', and they say 'yes', that means 'no'. So certain questions when they're not answered, is the right answer" Loved the talk and the humor Thanks for sharing!
  12. @Galyna Yes Was born and raised in Odessa, Ukraine and moved to the U.S. when was 24. Can speak both Russian (my first language) and Ukrainian fluently too.
  13. @Galyna Your name is very common in Russia/ Ukraine. Are your roots from that part of the world?
  14. Loved this talk and Eckhart's sense of humor Thank you for sharing!
  15. I do that too, and after everything gradually settles down, life goes on - you got to eat, make a living, go in the nature (I live by the ocean, so I often go there), interact with some people, etc. These are the kind of 'needs' I was talking about, not the addictive neurotic stuff Honestly, if I had a getaway from it all somewhere in he woods or mountains, I would do it. Even as a child, I preferred quietness and being alone. Less distraction has always been better for me. I just recently downsized, cleaned up my diet, don't have a cell phone, had my U-Verse cable turned off, got rid of some furniture and books that were just sitting around and taking space.. I'm making emptiness, both inward and outward, my friend. It's been really empowering to me.
  16. This is interesting: "Wilber's concern is to affirm the ego, and transcend the ego, and preserve the ego while ceasing to identify with it and be limited to its worldview". Sort of echoes with what
  17. The split that Ant mentioned. Our mind would still have to manage the split between the reality and the dream. Unless one lives in a permanent state of enlightenment, which no one does. Wouldn't that create cognitive dissonance every second of living in this dual reality? The 3 solutions to resolve this conflict/ tension (according to Leon Festinger): 1) reduce the importance of the dissonant beliefs; 2) add more consonant beliefs that outweigh the dissonant beliefs; or 3) change the dissonant beliefs so that they are no longer inconsistent. Would Ken Wilber's integral spirituality fall into the first solution (like transcending ego vs ego death, etc)
  18. Cognitive dissonance - conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously. Was wondering how this could be resolved once realized the truth of no-self. On one hand, knowing 'I' don't exist (non-duality), and on the other, dealing with this very 'real' body-mind construct (duality). Could this split in perception be the reason for so much pain and suffering.
  19. @Holdup Look for a girl who shares your interest in personal growth/ self-actualization. She can be sweet and all that, but if she is not serious about that one aspect of life, eventually you two will find yourselves on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Which usually turns an otherwise ok relationship into a miserable one. Ask some of the coupled men on this forum with unconscious partners, they'll tell you.
  20. Here' another good quote, "Death is the end of the illusion that there was someone" - Tony Parsons
  21. @Elton Watch Leo's recent vid on self-acceptance: