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About paul2016

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  1. and, if you want more, you need a lot of time for these several courses... You need to start at the bottom of the page, with level 1, day 1...
  2. Here is a free online course about NMG...
  3. @Vercingetorix Yes, you are right! when a baby is born with cancer, mostly it is about mother's conflicts... The baby is taking all the mother's conflicts even from the period before of conception (9 month before conception) also the conflicts from the period of pregnancy and till the baby is 10 years old! Of course he can have own conflicts too, mostly separation from the mother... If you want to find more, you need to study Recall Healing which came out from New German Medicine...
  4. You can control genetics (bruce lipton - biology of transformation) and you can control cancer (new german medicine)... cancer is not killing people, the treatments and fear are! ... cancer and all other diseases appear when you don't accept things as they are and you make a conflict out of them. Cancer is your body's reaction caused by your negative emotions which appear in "bad" situations. You fight against life even if you should know from spirituality (Leo) to practice acceptance. "Your level of health is given by your level of consciousness" (Ghislaine Lanctot, author of "The Medical Maffia")
  5. This lady is Ghislaine Lanctot, she wrote the book "The Medical Maffia" which caused her to be kicked out of the system... I recommand warmly this video. It is very short and eye opening...
  6. press "CC" for english subtitle... if you want to understand your body really, this is a MUST!
  7. there is no out of control in our body nor in the whole universe, but a perfect harmony and love... it is hard to understand what i am telling you, after decades of "scientific medicine", after we were taught that everything in the body (and in the whole world) is a fight and chaos and enemies from outside... There is no enemy outside. Our only enemy is our mind... In fact, it is not our enemy... our mind, our ego are working subconsciously for us, making things happen in our body to fit our inside reality about the world, our beliefs, worries and expectations... our deseases are only reactions in our body occuring when we are not alligned whith what it is. We have profound emotions about anything "bad" happens in our lives and because we don't make free of these emotions, they will be stocked in our bodies in the form of deseases... for example, if something shitty happens and i cannot handle it emotionally and i don't speak the facts or my feelings out, i will 100% develop a colomn cancer, because our subconscious mind doesn't know if it is about a real shit or only a shitty thing, our mind doesn't make the difference between real, virtual, imaginary or symbolic ... that is how our bodies work... No need for any other cure, just resolv your problems, don't broom them under your carpet and your desease will have no sens to exist and it will go away... that is how miraculous cures happen to people finding they have only a couple of weeks living. They let their ego, beliefs, fears away, screw everybody and everything and start enjoy life really... and the miracle happens with this alligning with the life... Rase your consciousness, accept anything happens in your life as simple experiences and you will never be sick... proven 100% on myself... Leo, please let the people know all this... Nobody wants us to know these facts about ourselves... All external cures have no other sens but billions in their pockets... Regards, paul
  8. 6 years ago it was the moment of my awakening... I learnt at that moment about New German Medicine and about spirituality... I had at that moment 2 or 3 chronical diseases which i was supposed to have for all my life, and they have gone the very moment I become conscious of them... Thanks to New German Medicine! It is a new paradigme of medicine! At the very surface, it is about the fact that all our illnesses are the result of our conflicts in life, it is how our mind is dealing with our emotions... My short general definition for all illnesses is: All our illnesses are our body's subconscious reactions against things we don't agree in life! period! ... Of course, this is a fix science with real laws and you have to learn it for months as i did in order to understand it. If you try to find what is New German Medicine on wikipedia, you will be from the beginning on the wrong path. You know, the greatest part of modern medicine is about selling drugs, not about healing. Nobody can heal you but yourself because you created your desease not your doctor.... There is very much to talk about this subject and I wanted here only to bring into your attention this hidden science... You can learn more about it on Internet and I warmly recommend it... Cancer is not killing people but the cure, the fear and unresolving your shitty life situations! What i find interesting is that enlightened people like Eckhart Tolle and many others, they know that at the universal level there is peace and perfect harmony and order... How could it be different at the microlevel of cells? They talk about war and cancer which got crazy and attack the organism... Ha ha ha... Ridiculous! Anything happens in the body has a well determined role, there is no fight and war!!! How could be the life against life??? Regards, Paul
  9. her facelift has nothing to do with the baby... tell her nor to worry...