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Everything posted by Sevi

  1. @Key Elements that's a really nice share! Thank you. @Shin yeah, me too! Actually I started to loose it from the get go but that was the moment of no return Naa.. c'mon. It's just counterintuitive evidence to our expectation.
  2. @Sri Ramana Maharshi no worries, don't be hard on yourself. Wisdom cannot happen without faults and falling into traps. Sometimes even your wrong-doings can cause greater improvements on others, you don't know. When you realize those faults, just understand your main need behind it and feed it as best as you can. It's all about it basically. Yeah, when someone becomes well-known by the society, that's kind of what happens; meaning there will be a 'caricaturization' so to speak of the real person, like a little summarization of their contribution. Not easy of course to carry it but the ones whose gonna understand them, will do so; the ones who cannot get it, will remain position no matter what.
  3. Okay guys @Shin @John Iverson I really can explain what you're gonna watch! It's a modern dance routine with a cajon performer. I teach flamenco and I play cajon A little bit too, okay.. this is how I came across with the vid, I want to clarify that I don't watch the talent vids at all, this one poped up while searching upbeat music w cajon. Okay?! Allons-y:
  4. @Rinne that's interesting, thank you for sharing. It's been now almost 6 months that I wake up without alarm clock. I used the alarm just 2 or 3 times in this period but even then I didn't need it to wake up. I have an accountable partner from the forum that we share our goals together; this sleep cycle and waking up without alarm clock was an important goal for me, but alone I hadn't been making progress about it, then now by the help this partnership I've been focusing on it much more easily so now it settled so well. It's a really long way to solve it, but observing what you do, what you want and need then organizing your habits accordingly is a really great way. An accountable partner is so helpful. For example today, now I'm late to sleep but because I set the habit nicely my body compensates such cases so well now. And I know how much flexibility/play room I have to keep the habit in the right place.
  5. In my opinion you had attracted this partner to your life because of the mindset you had been having. Since this is a very rare case scenario. If we look at how you form the situation: there is this bed, there is this girl and there is you as a pleaser. You are the responsible one to create enough sex and you are the responsible one to please and satisfy her. Where there is this society of two people; who have common interests and desires. While growing up if you see your mother or your female care taker unfulfilled, dissatisfied, unhappy so that had the strong desire to change that fact; to make her happy and satisfied etc., but then surely you were a small child and most expectedly while she was having her difficulties she inherently never took you seriously on that since you are the kid. So you were not the right match to the duty. But a male mind wires it as 'I am not enough to please her' because 'I am ... this or that ...' Our first relationship with the other gender magnifies itself to the whole other gender itself. Then, you might have been looking for something small that caused you to not to be able to satisfy and shift the situation for the better. In fact, the ability to enjoy life, the capacity of receiving pleasure is a very very personal skill.. you have nothing to do with other people's ability to do so. All you can do is explore yourself and your way of enjoying life at large and getting rid of the inner inhibitions for that. How much pleasure she's gonna give you? How is she gonna please you? How are you gonna receive and appreciate it? How open are you to be pleased and served? How are you gonna enjoy your own sexuality and your sexual life? How are you gonna clean out the barriers you have? How are you gonna convince yourself that you really are deserving it?
  6. That's so amazing and beautiful @Key Elements thank you very much❤
  7. AHHAHAHAAHAHAHH????❤ ❤ ?? "Love doesn't make the world go'round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile" Franklin P. Jones
  8. @Shin ❤ Even if we are apart I'll be always with you❤ I'm here for you❤?
  9. I didn't mark them to discomfort you, but, if that's the case for real, then: Can you give some specifics about it? Is someone targeting you obviously? Is it a situation that you feel vulnerable with no-protection? Is it an inner sensation that you see/picture yourself inferior, easy to get hurt by others? @Ibn Sina
  10. Oh! I've just seen this! You are welcome?? I mean.. of course! What else could be the reply in forum??
  11. @blazed yep. I was born and grew up in Turkey. Few years ago I moved to United states. My mother's side immigrated from Bulgaria to Turkey; my late maternal grandma's father escapes from Bulgaria on a ship and she was born in Turkey; My father's side immigrated from Romania. My late paternal grandma was born in Romania goes to Turkey when she was 7. Yeah.. Very off topic tho:) ahah.. howcome this topic makes you think about my origin.. is kind of Interesting:D
  12. Don Juan and the art of sexual energy, Merilyn Tunneshende: this is the Don Juan we know from Carlos Castaneda's books. Merilyn Tunneshende is Don Juan's energy mate, and she writes about her experiences and wisdom The girl's guide to bad girl sex, Barbara Keesling, PhD: I really recommend this book, it's about becoming a whole healthy grown up woman through embracing your sexuality; guides you to overcome all the social conditionings and friction to become fabulous and mind-blowing:) she makes you to write your "mission statement" to announce your bad intentions:) she is pretty amazing:)) What men really want in bed, Cynthia W. Gentry, Nima Badiey: in this book they cooperated with various men, to make it real and to the point Sexual intelligence, Dr. Sheree Conrad, Dr. Michael Milburn: this is also a very good book about pd basically The mating mind: how sexual choice shaped the evolution of human nature, Geoffrey Miller: this is a very nice book to understand human animal and our social behaviors Sex and punishment: four thousand years of judging desire: this is about the social cases in different cultures through history, not as interesting as its title but gives you a point of view of the social norms Ars Amatoria - the art of love- Ovidius.. 'how to undress her, in spite of her resistance stuff'.. in those centuries since they didn't have the internet or porn.. philosophers took their time to think about such details and write them down.
  13. Mad? Oh of course not.. on the contrary, this is such a fortunate case that those -who were in the seeking of 'the thing' but haven't really known yet what they are actually looking for-, have the opportunity to get a bit of a glimpse, this way. Of course the transference of the knowledge will be proportioned with the clarity and the accuracy of the related vehicle, but any candle can carry light in spite of its quality. Also, as if in the candle example, to receive light and the flame you need the medium of oil. Not that I'm looking down on the nature of oil but it's just what it is. Interestingly, to hook up such essences into regular minds, one of the most catchy and impacting ways is really humor; especially when you are engaging such concepts -which ironically look so far:) away from where their consciousnesses are.. In my opinion, it's not our place to write or talk too much about enlightenment or who is enlightened who is not, unless we are fully committed our lives to it as Leo Gura does; but nevertheless this example is a clear legit proof of Leo Gura has really received his enlightenment (of course, since that is always something alive thus continues to grow within itself eternally so that it won't be wrong to say that he is just barely starting his journey) yet, the consciousness itself is inherently conscious enough and when its vehicle is purified enough, has the ability to seep into the similar vibrations. To witness this happening is really amazing:)
  14. Well.. a very nice clear evidence to see why alpha males are so rare in the society. At least he makes a good pupil and a follower.. if only he could be at peace with it; well.. acceptance takes time too, hopefully he'll get there;) Very nicely stated @Shanmugam
  15. So beautifully said @Nahm , thank you??
  16. Yeah@Mighty Mouse spot on. Thanks.. it's simply this.. but this 'knowing it' is such a thing to deal with..
  17. Yes, that was a great video and a wake up call. But all what matters is how we gonna take the call, that's the part makes me really doubtful honestly; knowing we're deceiving ourselves is not enough unfortunately. That's a great answer@Mighty Mouse the other thing is we need to apply it to almost every part of our lives, then what will define the priority? * somehow I couldn't open last two comments and I'm really curious what everyone thinks..
  18. I've just realized today this thread and this new idea. I found it very mature of Leo Gura, deciding to do so. Yes, there might be some helpful impacts of thumbs up button; but really what's more corrupting the mind than caring the rankings&status in a society. I find this type of application liberating and really much more helpful to deconstruct the ego related desires. See, it's very interesting. I didn't get the chance to read all the ideas given here, but this is like a mini test to see how addicted we are to those dopamine release based social manipulations:) and how difficult it really is to actively change and do things where we are use to execute it in one format:)
  19. @Leo Gura If you'd like to consider New York area, I'd be happy to organize it. Closer states could come together this way on this side of the country. I don't know if most of the followers are also forum members too, but if you decide for certain and announce it in your vids/blog, I can do the follow through for this area. It could be nice to discuss the spiral dynamics and where our consciousness level and value system lie as a community; so that meeting together as community might have contributed to our era in some format. I agree with @Serotoninluv, addition to that, if we know the expenses of the travel and the accommodation time ahead, then we can calculate the admission fee, I believe the followers would agree on that, which would be fair to both parties.
  20. Interesting. I also watched the beginning of the vid where he responses to the case. I was considering to check his work, which I haven't yet. The content he offers involves very delicate complexity, without knowing his teachings and his environment closely, it would be so premature to judge.
  21. Happy new year!