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Everything posted by Chew211

  1. You'll never know. There is no sexual relationship. There's only how much he fits into your fantasy and vice versa. And of course it will never be a perfect fit. Love is an empty master signifier. You're idea of love is won't be the same as anyone else, even if you explain to someone what it is and they agree. For example, some people don't consider commitment as being a necessary component of love. You, however, do. Language is both a means and a barrier to communication. You gotta just go with your intuition. If he seems needy, then that's all you need to deem him needy. As for commitment, I can't speak from experience here, but that's a decision you both make, and you trust the other person's loyalty... you will never KNOW, unless you learn AFTER THE FACT that he betrayed your trust. So to sum it up, you won't truly know, unless after he proves otherwise. You can't make it risk free.
  2. I liked the metaphor in your original post. It's frustrating to see guy's willfully not getting the point. There's a fetishism of sex. Guys think that by getting laid there's something inside them that is valuable. But it's like you said, if one approaches enough chicks, sex is easy. The advanced pick up guys I know DON'T equate getting laid as a metric of measuring one's value, because once one puts in the time, getting laid becomes one of the easiest things to do. The guys that think that getting laid a lot means that one is high value are the ones that have difficulty getting laid. I've been there myself. As for the guys I know in big cities that are able to get laid, a lot of them struggle with finding a "regular". It's like for the girl, it's no big deal, just another dick in her hole. Pick up is great. But without applying an insight similar to yours, it's just not that great of an ROI.
  3. Get hurt again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again gain and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. And then you'll realize that one particular person doesn't matter.
  4. @machinegun Lol, powerful aroma. There is no "natural", God appointed leader. To think that there is would mean your caught up in a fetishistic illusion. Leader is a position within a socio-symbolic network, and it's that position that necessitates you behave in a way that leader's behave. Sure, some people have a disposition to become the leader, but someone with the same position who doesn't occupy the leader's place in a socio-symbolic network would simply be an asshole. No one is born a leader. No one is genetically destined to become a leader. With animals, it comes down to genetics, because their social network isn't symbolic, i.e. mediated through language. Occupy the position of leader, and then you get the powerful aura, which is essentially other people projecting their fetishism onto you. You "lead naturally" when you get used to occupying the position. Dispel your fetish, and go lead something.
  5. It's pretty easy being the leader because most ppl don't want to be. Take the initiative when it comes to planning/inviting. I have a philosophy/economic discussion group that I started. They were my friend beforehand, but we became a real group after I gave it a vision and started planning study sessions and hang out stuff. Make the decisions. Most people don't want to make a decision. This can be as simple as where to eat. Everybody is "fine with anything", so no one makes a decision. Be the one that says "Yo, let's go here." That's about it. If you're gonna be a leader, you need a vision to unite people to do activities to meet that vision. That vision can be starting a business together, having the most bomb parties, anything. Having a vision for something greater and the assertiveness to bring it about will give you the gravitas to become a leader.
  6. Thanks for the quality response. As for Hypergamy, true, I don't disprove it perse. But I take it off the pedestal. To the Red Pill Hypergamy is the center of everything. Male and Female do have inherent "drives" if you will, and we can the female drive Hypergamy, but the way these drives are employed (sexual strategy), depends on the context, hence different norms in different time periods. As for posting it on TRP, I just might do that. I've never posted there before, just lurked.
  7. There's an even bigger picture you're not looking at. To put it succinctly: Economy <--->>> Culture <--->>> intersexual dynamics. With automation, AI, and more profits being able to be made via speculation that production, less people are needed. I cover this in my "Critique of the Rational Male and Red Pill Ideology." Essentially, the Red Pill is trying to address the symptom, and it's being less and less effective as time goes on for more people. Blackpill is a "solution". But not for you. The issue is that people are now decontextualized individuals that are incapable of cooperating to effect material change that's beneficial to them. They at right into the hand of big munmunz. The fact that the blackpill exists is telling as to who won the class war. Another issue is that most ppl are incapable of looking at the bug picture. Like even in your post, you're still stuck at the individual level, and your solutions are also stuck there. Here's a solution: find a way to get location independent income and move to a place where there's a lot of attractive women. The high supply makes them easier (supply and demand). ^ this solution is literally outside the box, and is also super challenging and can even be scary. Or, you can stick with Blackpill, in which case, you've lost, and are just stuck with coping.
  8. According to psychoanalysis incompleteness is par for the course as a human being. Subjectivity emerges from incompleteness and our drive to complete ourselves. In a way, we are already complete, just not aware of it. Complete in our incompleteness. Weather you're in a relationship or not, you'll still feel incomplete. Once you're complete, you're pretty much an object. (I know this perspective isn't seen on this forum a lot, but that's why I'm here xD) My advice is to go after your desires instead of doing some form of mental masturbation cope to "be fine as you are." I don't think we're here to just be. We aren't rocks or trees. We're here to act on the world, to create, to destroy, whatever the case may be, to move things.
  9. Yo I've been living in Japan for the last 3 years. Learn the language and the culture, and there's way less discrimination towards you. You will get different treatment for being a foreigner, but I see it as a plus. You don't have harsh expectations Japanese ppl hold each other too. Also, not all Japanese people are shy. You there are outgoing ppl here, just like everywhere else. Cheap to live in the countryside, more expensive in the city. It's not the most racist country on Earth. I'm not white for the record. I'm of Indian descent. Being from the US is somewhat of a plus though, but ultimately, most Japanese ppl haven't really met a foreigner, so you can shape their perspective (of you at least).
  10. Pull the trigger, deal with the consequences. Or just keep pondering over whether you should have done x or y. You build your intuition by DOING x and y, and dealing with what happens. It's not a pleasant experience most of the time
  11. Just gotta be physically capable of moving your hips in a thrusting motion.
  12. I just checked it out. From a glance, it seems like a less sophisticated version of the Red Pill, but catered towards women. It has the same flaws the Red Pill has, as I pointed out in my "Critique of the Rational Male and Red Pill Ideology" post. Mainly, not seeing the big picture as to why the dating market is as fucked as it is in the West.
  13. Gotta have some class. Saying something like that is just too intense, especially when there's no real relationship yet. I think a lot of people (men or women) would find it too intense even if they were in a relationship. Having flirty phone calls is supposed to be fun, don't need to make it so heavy all of a sudden. I think him calling you stupid/crazy is just a way for him lightening the mood and keeping it playful.
  14. Throwing shit tests at men won't reveal these qualities. In the beginning, both parties tend to put on their best face. It's only when a relationship is established that you can see whether they have those qualities or not. Try looking at the subtleties. Does he have close friends that he can trust 100%? A lot of men don't, and so they don't really know loyalty or friendship. As for truthfulness, does he give straight answers, or does he try to downplay certain things, deflects, acids giving a real answer? Here you can pay attention to his general structure of his sentences. Easygoing. You can just tell off of vibes on this one. Sensitive. This is a tough one, guys don't like to show their sensitivity outright, me included. Again, subtle details. Does it seem like he's anticipating your needs/feelings and is accomadating them somehow? This can be very under the radar, like you seem tired or something, and then he nonchalantly says something like "I'm gonna make myself some coffee, you want some?" Understanding. Just talk about stuff and see if he gets it. Sweetness is something I'd recommend not putting too much importance on. As a side effect it's nice, but on it's own it could be deceptive. Sweetness is pretty much how well he can play to your sentimentalities. You yourself have had bad experiences with guys doing this. I'm not a woman though, nor do I date men, but I do analyze people. As for shit tests-- if they're smart enough to know your shit testing them, then they won't take you seriously as a long term partner if you do it too much. Though generally some shit testing is expected
  15. We're pretty much in agreement. Most people, by default, just suck. No way around that. It does speak to men where there at, but most men don't move on, because they don't actually grow beyond a mental shift that isn't accompanied with useful action. Whether or not the Red Pill was just a stepping stone or not can only be determined after the fact. For sure. My argument was not that the Red Pill has no value, but rather it has less value than other more sophisticated models, and it gets a lot of things wrong. Granted, the more sophisticated models take a longer time to learn, higher intelligence, and more creativity to apply to one's personal situation. The Red Pill is scalable, which is why it's big.
  16. Again, cope. If you want something, you find a way to get it. You want love/attention from women, but you aren't getting it, some strategies you tried didn't work, and so are resorting to some sort of spiritual spiritual practice as a means of cope. This isn't real spiritual growth. This is mainly just a narrative that fetishizing both men and women in order to give you (and by extension, us, apparently) a sense that our position is somehow profound. My intent isn't to attack or be offensive. I was like you even just 3 years ago. What you're doing won't move your forward and develop your character. It's pseudo-growth. And that lack of growth will bite you in the ass with time.
  17. The Rational Male, and Rollo Tomassi in general, isn't focused on strategies as much as presenting you with a model. The only real strategies he mentions are spinning plates, not putting yourself at the mercy of women by things like cohabitating and not using a condom, etc. (The Iron Rules Section). PUA has actual technique, but that and overall strategy also changes with the times. The amount of people that the "next best strategy" works for is decreasing.
  18. I got a long answer, so bear with me. As I established, the Red Pill's ideas of masculinity is wrong, nor does it teach mean to embrace their own values. Most men on the Red Pill follow the dumb rule of "think as you like, but behave like others"-- so effectively their still betas, and them no longer being a niceguy doesn't really mean anything, except what they post on forums. The most the Red Pill does is point out some facts, such as women have sex, being nice doesn't get you laid, etc. It's not wrong, it is indeed a step in the right direction, but like, that's it. The solution is real red pills. We live in a society. The society has a State as a super-structure, and an Economy as the Base. In between the State and the Base are ideological apparatuses such as schools, universities, workplaces, entertainment industries, etc. The Ideological Apparatuses exist to ensure that Reproduction of the Means of Production takes place. Pretty much we need a certain amount of people who will be a certain professions, we need a certain number of people with leadership qualities, and we need the vast majority of people to be obedient wage-slaves that won't threaten the "balance of power". This is WHY most people are "blue pilled". The niceguy characteristics is just one part of the overall character of the average worker needed in a post-industrial society. The economy needs the vast majority of men to be: complacent, interchangeable, really care about the opinions of those around them, have plenty of problems, have a tendency to solve those problems with some sort of consumption (entertainment, alcohol, games, e-books on amazon about confidence, etc), have as little close, true friends as possible, and recently, because the amount of human labor needed is decreasing, difficulty in reproduction. Just like how by design most people are wage slaves, it is by design that men are increasingly having trouble with getting laid/forming relationships/having good marriages/getting married at all. Having an excess of people is trouble. The reason why the early 20th century had a lot of revolutions was because of the surplus of people. 21st century rulers won't make that mistake. Women get affected negatively too... to pair the increasing number of men who can't get laid, we have an increasing number of women who can't find someone suitable to settle down with. Decreasing population. Again, because not as many people are needed for Capitalists to increase profits. Okay, so what's the solution? As I said earlier, real Red Pills. A real re-education. The reading list I posted at the end of the original post is a good starting place. An understanding of Psychoanalysis. This will make the gender dynamics part easy. Taking action and building surplus. Why is the Red Pill not a solution? It is one of the apparatuses I mentioned above that helps with the current "balance of power", meaning that regardless of "taking the red pill", number of men that can't have sexual relations is going to increase It is too focused on the individual, and doesn't want to actually challenge the status quo It just takes most guys from being nice guys (who can't get laid) to not-nice guys (who can't get laid) I didn't really mention "toxicity", misogyny, etc in the original post and here because those problems are surface level and insignificant compared to the deeper problems of the Red Pill.
  19. Did you tell him you wanted it to last longer? I think most guys, if they try, they can hold off from orgasming.
  20. Coral would be the Red of Tier 2. A person by the name M.A. Carano talked about it once. It was rather insightful.
  21. Read the first 2 chapters of David Harvey's Companion to Capital. You'll sort of see how the current money system came about, and then you'll see the issue with what you're proposing here.
  22. It's great being single-- if you're getting some didily as well ?
  23. It's clear you got your heart broken by someone who promised you information and didn't give it to you, and you're just projecting that onto me. Don't worry boyo, I got you. Just give daddy till the weekend, mkay?
  24. Right, so this is what I meant. It'd be a long, well though out post, but it'd be wasted on a person with a short attention span like you.
  25. Because it's long, boyo. I'd rather look lame than write a time consuming post going in depth about the issues with the Rational Male if you just wanted Leo's opinion, or if there wasn't much interest in it. @Valach I'll make a separate thread just cuz it's long. Maybe this weekend when I have time.